14 march 2024
John Bjarne Grover
'Der Dornenstrauch' is a work on the diachrony of language - and the theory is that this is empirically verifiable by the errors - as deviations from the linguistic norm - that are found on all levels. The following discusses the example DDS III:29: 'Wenn beide zwei sind nur wie eins' which contains the following stanza:
Jetzt ziehn sie in die Ukraine ein
als gehen wir zu Messen.
Wir hoffen dass das Heiligtum
sich haltet weil wir essen.
The odd grammatical form 'haltet' is a little hard to get in shape. The form is second-person plural present, second-person plural subjunctive I or
plural imperative, neither of which goes well with the singular 'das Heiligtum'. 'Das Heiligtum sich hielt' would be normative german, but it sounds strange to me in this context.
The word 'haltet' is in line 12 of 16 - that is 0,75 through - or 13 of 17 = 0,76 if the title line is included in the count. Hence for finding the correlates in vedic and hebrew one counts to 0,75 or 0,76 of the words in the relevant verse.
By vol.4 page 907 it is seen that DDS III:29 is poem #389 which is counted in the mirror as poem #40 - and hence it is aligned with the chinese Kangxi radical #40. On page 949 is found the corresponding correlations with Moses and Rigveda:
Relativ enum. III:29 |
Absolut enum. 389 |
Moses 1-16-8 |
Rigveda 1-33-6 |
Rigveda 'Hunde' 1-30-3 |
Rigveda 'Grenze' 1-25-8 |
Rigveda 'Baum' 1-23-10 |
Rigveda 'ROP' 1-20-8 |
Moses 1-16-8 = Genesis 16-8 with 15 words out of which 0.76 = word 12 = שָׂרַ֣י = by Jastrow's dictionary
= Sarah, soak, steep, untie, dissolve, loosen, disengage.
2. Rigveda
Rigveda 1-33-6 - for finding 'Aufrecht' (for the word count) look up 'Toggle content' and tick the box for 'Aufrecht' - hence you can find under 'Text Versions & Translations':
áyuyutsann anavadyásya sénām áyātayanta kṣitáyo návagvāḥ
vr̥ṣāyúdho ná vádhrayo níraṣṭāḥ pravádbhir índrāc citáyanta āyan
= 14 words out of which 0,76 = word 10,64 = word 11 = 'pravádbhir'
See the 'Morphological Glossing' which under (d) gives for 'pravádbhir' the form 'pravát' which is analyzed further down under 'Dictionaries' - click box 'pravat' under 'Entries (Graßmann)':
pravát,f. [von prá, vgl. udvát, nivát, parāvát, arvāvát], ursprünglich das nach vorn geneigte, vorn übergeneigte, ähnlich dem lat. pronus und griech. πρηνής daher (1) schräger Abhang, Bergabhang, Halde, mit den Gegensätzen udvát (Höhe), nivát (Tiefe) [566,4]; (2) abhängiger Hügel, Berg, Höhe, besonders auf die Wolkenberge und Himmelshöhen bezogen; (3) abwärts führender Weg, daher bildlich: schneller Fortgang; (4) concret: der abwärtsgehende; (5) Instr. s. und pl., abwärts, herab auf abschüssiger Bahn bei Verben der Bewegung.
= das nach vorn geneigte, vorn übergeneigte
Correspondingly for the other forms:
Rigveda 1-30-3
ná, Verneinungswort, und zwar theils in strengem Sinne verneinend „nicht”, theils nur die eigentliche Bedeutung verneinend „wie, gleichwie, gleichsam”, selten in Fragen
= Verneinungswort = NEGATION word
Rigveda 1-25-8
i) vid (for 0,75), erkennen [vgl. 1. vid], ursprünglich "geistig finden, d. h. erkennen, begreifen", daher im Perfekt "erkannt, begriffen haben = kennen, wissen".
ii) yá (for 0,76) pr., welcher, wer als Relativ.
= 1) erkennen, 2) relative pronoun
Rigveda 1-23-10
denn; ja
Rigveda 1-20-8
devá,a., m. (1) a., himmlisch; insbesondere wird das für die Götter bestimmte Opfer oder Gebet als ein himmlisches bezeichnet, ebenso der von den Göttern stammende Menschengeist (mánas); (2) m., Gott, als der Himmlische. Hierher sind auch alle die Fälle gestellt, wo Gegenstände als göttlich verehrte Wesen dargestellt werden und der Begriff an den adjectivischen heranstreift; (3) m. p., víçve devâs, bald alle Götter bezeichnend, bald eine besondere Götterklasse, die neben andern Göttern oder Götterklassen genannt werden.
= divine
Sum: What leans (steeply?) forwards - not exactly recognized as divine
Or: What leans (steeply?) forwards - not recognized because it is divine?
3. Chinese Kangxi radical #40 = 宀
1) a type of deep house with walls on all four sides, a roof, a main hall, and back rooms
2) a kind of flower
3) Kangxi radical #40 宀 ("roof")
The odd grammatical form 'haltet' can be made quasi normative if one assumes an understood 'wir hoffen dass ihr euch haltet' in the sense of 'wir hoffen dass das Heiligtum sich haltet' if 'you (plur.)' is supposed to constitute one 'Heiligtum'.
'The people of Israel' that could be - as God's chosen people - or, say, their Holy Land
Hence the Ukraine conflict - with chinese top lid of the 'house' - imposed onto Israel-Palestine?
Als gehen wir zu [dem] Messen (= sing) = as we go to the measureing (of e.g. land distances, values etc)
Als gehen wir zu [den] Messen (= plur) = as we go to the (church) masses
What leans forwards - not exactly recognized as divine = allusions to 'dirty beast' by early infant opening of the cranium with scissoring of the occipital lobe plus masturbation on the other cortical hemisphere? That is to remove a little and add a little other - a 'new yorker'? The old dirty trick could be just there - in the forwards-leaning identity sought between the masturbator and the infant. And then nazi philosophy would assign essential 'top lid' meaning to the circumcized foreskin.
The question is whether this poem with this 'diachronic form' could have been used as a basis for a plan behind the attack of Hamas on 7 october 2023 on Israel: 'Sarah' emitting sexual arousal (with 5000 missiles) onto Israel who answered with 'ejaculating into Gaza' - and hence Israel would be conceived as 'dirty beast' by way of the ukrainian conflict and maybe the story of me from 1957. Such gigantic scales on a single little word in my book could find its counterpart in the earthquakes of Turkey and Syria.
'Sarah' need not be only a jewish name, of course - but if the hebrew word is 'untie', 'loosen', 'soak', 'steep' it could be taken to be in allusion to the idea of detaching the puberty penis of a 'dirty beast' boy for moving it over onto the female who could use it for raping 'Israel' from behind - if this should be a concept of 'zweite Reich' in preparation of a 'dritte Reich'.
'Steep' etymology 1 = steeply rising upwards (as for Rigveda)
'Steep' etymology 2 = to soak, as for שָׂרַ֣י (as for Moses)
'Steeple' = tower or church spire (as for the chinese radical?) compare the Notre Dame spire that took on fire on 15 april 2019 - which was 6 days before the final round in the Ukrainian presidential election when Zelensky won with 0,7322 of the votes - close to the 0,75. If one counts 'haltet' as 12,5 lines out of 17, the ratio is 0,7353. Finetuning the decimals for 'haltet' to e.g. 12 + 10/22 (10 alphabetic letters out of a total of 22 on line 12-13) divided with 17 = 0,7336 means that one can probably gets it as close to the election result as one wants.
I have never heard a word about all this. It is now 2024. Of course it is because the poem has literary qualities that this could develop - it is not because I have been mobbed throughout my life - not the least with this sort of abuse of my work. This could be also the reason for the war in Ukraine.
Trump was impeached for having asked about details (decimals?) in the ukrainian election - like Clinton for 'oral sex' - after he had been for a state visit to Norway.
The essential question could then be the cover to my book - see the story of the magic images. I had rubbed the magic matter off an 'ex nihilo' black spot on the white enamel in the bottom of the bathtub - I stood leaning over the bathtub looking down into the white enamel when I saw some 3-4-5 such black circular spots take shape 'ex nihilo'. One of these seemed to take shape into a spider who ran up the bathtub wall inside a waterdrop, the other I rubbed off with an artist's tool and smeared over a microscope glass - that gave the cover photo photographed through the microscope - and there was at least a third such black spot if not two more. A grand canyon started opening up under the one I rubbed on - for which reason I had to stop and luckily it closed again. A 'nazi' understanding of this could be that the smear on the glass plate is equivalent to excrements on a homo condom rubbed off from the black circular 'anus'. However, there were 3-4-5 such black spots - which means that they are better recognized as comparable to christian stigmas holding secrets about the redundancies of the human semiotic constitution - that which the divine Jesus experienced when he was squeezed into a human reality format. There were 3 nails, 4 nail-holes in the body and 5 stigmas. Of course this is a much more interesting understanding of the cover photo - in particular in comparison with Rilke - a tragic misunderstanding is to recognize Rilke's Duino elegies as 'excrements' - or 'garbage', for example. I would believe that the black circular spots could be of the same type as on Tiepolo's "Education of the virgin" (source file) - see the two black spots on the floor - under the foot of her teacher - and the 'spider' could be climbing up the wall. The virgin asks her teacher what these black spots on the white paper means, and the teacher seems to hold her finger like an artist's palette knife to explain the most fundamental semiotic aspects of the semantics.
This 'stigma' piece I found on the inner sole of my shoe, and this very similar piece I found at the foot end of my bed - I take it that both of them were 'ex nihilo' and notice their relevance for the title to the poem DDS III:29 = "Wenn beide zwei sind nur wie eins". Is it 'wooden' stigma, that one of them? Well, I think it is perhaps the multiple-layered reality, like laminated, sort of - which seems to be a phenomenon of 'threads' constituting a reality format. That means not 'wooden' in the sense of being in the behind of a human. The other was in the sole of the shoe - at the foot end of the body - not like being 'excrements' from an anus 'shoe'. I found these two pieces in I think the spring 2014 when I was about to write DDS part III. It is obvious that they mean 'stigma'.
My book could contribute to lift the reader from that 'excrement hell' - which I think I have read somewhere being a systematic concept ascribed to Swedenborg - to a more elevated christian or mystic understanding. Clearly if there is a nazi 'downdrift' in a society it could try and offer resistance to this - maybe because some would feel that it is always 'safer' to expect the worst in order to avoid disappointments. The fire in Notre Dame could have served to prove the 'downdrift' of the spire.
One of the two stigma pieces looks like 'teak'. If this stigma pair should have been the background of TIK TOK, then it is wellknown stuff, of course - and could add weight to the idea of a link to the attack on Israel. TikTok seems to have been launched in september 2016 - and my Moses/Rigveda table for diachronic analyses was included in the 2015 edition of my book - which means that the present analysis of Ukraine and 'haltet' was in principle available in 2015. The chinese form 'Douyin' = 抖音 means 'vibrating sound' or 'trembling news' - cp. the 2023 earthquakes of Turkey/Syria. There have been allegations in the air that TikTok is for and/or about young women - and hence if the current swedish government is notable by its 'trembling grounds' in the spoon of the names, the vague presence in a background of Swedenborg could be something. The trembling news of Douyin would be in China while the stigmata of TikTok would be in the west, if I have understood the business structure right - which could mean that if the stigmas of my book serve to lift the attention from excrements to higher spiritual values and awareness of the limitations in the human semiotic constitution, then a general cultural uplift could perhaps be in the scope of interests. It could mean that chinese intentions could be to assist the west up on new spiritual crutches - while a 'downdrift' response from the west could be seen in e.g. the earthquakes of Turkey/Syria (in order to avoid e.g. disappointment?) - if, that is, such earthquakes can be made artificially.
The apparent western 'homo wave' has been on for a while and could have lent such a shade of excrements to the understanding. There has also been a flooding of males in traditional female food-selling positions in at least Austria - typically at the cashier counter in shops. It is possible that this could have been motivated with an initial wish to challenge me on basis of my poetry ('Der Dornenstrauch') written in Vienna 2009-2015 on basis of an 'outer poetic articulation' reflected from the 'inner poetic articulation' of 'The Endmorgan Quartet' - in which case ideas of 'gender equality' (when men take the work from the females) would count as 'pretext' only. Then the question is whether 'PRE-TEXT' also would count as the genital itself - and then men have normally more 'pretext' in the 'new forker' than females have. Females have perhaps 'more pre-text' than men - but not in the 'forker'. The present example - if it could have been used for exploitation of my poem by the attack on Israel - would then lend emphasis to this 'leaning forwards' - and then jewish circumcision would come to be the counterpart to the opening to the head of Ukraine. The chinese radical #40 adds a roof to this open 'Ukraine'. This concept cluster could be packed into nazi philosophies.
Is it NATO that is running such a puppet theatre?
The apparent exploitation of the poet Holm could be included in the 'homo' or 'holmo' package (for example for reading 'excrements' instead of 'magic stigma signification'). Of course it is the literary qualities which is the reason for the apparent abuse - not the name or anything like that. It is very important that his 'Attljod' be published. If the market for this dialect is too small in Norway, why not publish it on the internet?
© John Bjarne Grover
Chinese foreign ministry press conference of yesterday
On the web 14 march 2024
Last updated 15 march 2024