16 december 2023

John Bjarne Grover

TEQ #704 is mentioned with its mirror poem
TEQ #1016 in this file on Mathias Grünewald.

Parallel text to TEQ #704 is Acts 12:7 which reads: "And look, an angel of God stood there, and light shone in the cell - touching the side of Peter he awakened him, saying: 'Stand up in a hurry' - and the chains fell off his hands".

Parallel text to TEQ #1016 is Genesis 16:9 which reads: "And the messenger angel of IHWH said to her: Turn around to your husband and answer lowness (of) both hands".

The wall in the tomb of Tutankhamon (source in this article).

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 16 december 2023