23 november 2023

John Bjarne Grover

Here is a better resolution photo of the artwork in the tomb at the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun (source in this article).

If I am assigned the role of Tutankhamon in the historic intrigue, it is interesting to observe the potential role of Tom Eric Vraalsen who was norwegian ambassador to US, UN, UK. He served as minister of international development (and nordic cooperation) in the government of Syse 1989-1990 after I had worked for the MUSIKUS program at the university of Oslo in 1987-89. 'Tom Rear-vricsen Wall' would have been his mythos name then - for the Tomb Wall of Tutankhamon (could be even as a 'rear-wrigglsen' in Syse's government). I recall the photo of him which they used on norwegian TV in the 1980's: He was often shown on TV with sunglasses. 'Tom E. Vraalsen' could also have been taken to mean 'tommestokken' - the folding rule which looks like an apparently flexible measure for centimetres in the hand of one of the central characters on the Wall. I counted the first ten of them and multiplied for the distance - then there are 34 strokes from its beginning to the hand that covers it. (The day after: A better resolution image suggests that the ratio from left to right resembles 'π' and from right to left closer to 'e', but the available data are perhaps not good enough).

TEQ #833

See also the sign over the head of the third character from the left.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 23 november 2023
Last updated 24 november 2023