24 august 2023

John Bjarne Grover

By this comparison of Emily Dickinson's work along with my TEQ, I pondered which poem Dickinson could have written at the time of the apparition of Knock in Ireland on 21 August 1879. If Johnson's enumeration were strictly chronological and the poems written at regular intervals, it would seemingly have been around her poem #1469. And what is the mirror poem to this? Since she has 1775 poems in total it would be poem (1776-1469) = her poem #307. The correlate to this in my TEQ is poem #307.

However. it seems that my computation was a little quick - and it may be that #1472 is more to the point. But, then again, it is not so certain that she wrote at very exactly regular intervals.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 24 august 2023