25 september 2017
John Bjarne Grover
It happened in Berlin in the spring 2004 that I went from Rhinstrasse down Landsberger Allee on lefthand side of the street and a car waiting to drive out from the righthand side jumped out in the trafficked road in the moment when I had arrived to the place - and the outjumping car crashed into another car driving in good speed in the same direction as I walked. The two cars stood there jumping absurdly up and down and turned slowly a little in the clockwise direction - but none of them rolled around. This happened probably not in the intersection to Ferdinand-Schulze-Strasse but a little further down the street - possibly not as far as Arendsweg, though - if drive-out is possible at all before that - there could be a possibly nameless small driveout there, if I remember right. ('Er De Onans hylse'? etc etc). I think I heard some quasi-metallic quasi-'peristaltic' slowmotion sounds in the evening before the german election (23-24 sep).
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 25 september 2017