Lucius Apuleius 'Africanus' - The Golden Asse
John Bjarne Grover
The article continues from this article on Heimskringla.
The book by Apuleius contains the famous story of Amor & Psyche, and one has the general impression that it has been a well known book through a couple of millenia. Apuleius was allegedly born in Africa in AD 124 and died around 180. My version of the story is that the book - about the man who was so unfortunate as to be transformed into a donkey - seems to have been written in England in 1673-75 for installing on behalf of the anglican church the political concept of transubstantiation. This would have been before they launched the project on Heimskringla and Pope in 1688, and it came later to be the basis for the (apparently british?) project of the state of Norway since 1814 and later possibly the basis for John F.Kennedy.
Support for this idea could be found in 'Golda Meir' as a name representing these historic facts, for telling that Kennedy is about Kannada/Kennedy of Auschwitz = A/E = 2/5 and hence 'Golden Asse' = 'golda nessa' = 'Golda Meir', which also means that the Auschwitz background of the 'olde nazi' means that Kennedy in 1963 was 'a pulkeius'. Golda Meir was an important part of israeli politics since the late 1940's and came to be PM after the Kennedy 'assassination'.
It is said that La Fontaine was occupied with the work - and one can guess that this interest could have been either in the form of a posthumous work of La Fontaine, or that he simply leaked the story in some way or other (I have not studied this part of the story). It seems that 'La Festa del Redentore' and 'Laffen taler til folket' are relevant political concepts.
Lucius Apuleius 'Africanus' = look, I use a pule-ius of rich anus' - which could tell of british spiritualism.
The 'translation' available on the internet is the one from allegedly 1566 by William Adlington. It would have been antedated if written in 1673. My guess is that Adlington could constitute the matrix of Williamses around Pope ('William Matrixtone') - cp. also 'madlington' as the 'badminton' etc. 'Adlington' has a certain affinity with 'Harry'. This would have been for launching the political theme of the transubstantiation.
Would 'Adlington William' be the origin of Ibsen's title "A doll's house"?
'The Golden Asse' is also called 'Metamorphoses' which could be the 'metamorphinus' of Gröver/'Mengele's career (his assistant chief doctor was 'Gard Nykvist'). If so, the 'william' plus the 'ad-ling-ton' could be about the GAS-PAS-GAS in the sense of the theory of Gröver/'Mengele' eliciting with fellatio my first ejaculation in the late sixties - as is a hypothesis with some explanatory force. Such a scenario could perhaps even be spotted in the deep hebrew of the Tabor/Kremser 5-600 year old district in Vienna (could be leaving me as the snake in the paradise - could be even confused with a 'cleft tongue' of the licker) - on the other side of the river relative to Seitenstettengasse which could have been the target of the 'intrigue' in terms of the Rabin assassination.
The assumption of authorship for the book in 1673 is based on a comparison with my 'POLAKK English Bloggi' = PEB. The peculiar aspect of the parallelism of the work with mine is in the role of the introductory material written by Mr.Adlington himself - before the 'ancient text' starts. This introductory material would have been authentically his in any case, whether Apuleius existed or not, and could have been used as pretext for political use of the book. There is a dedication and brief biography etc. Counting from the beginning of the text proper (by 'Apuleius') and to the end of the book means where it starts as follows:
How Apuleius riding in Thessaly, fortuned to fall into company with two strangers, that reasoned together of the mighty power of Witches.
From here to the end of the book follows 78798 words / 366 = 215.295 words per sonnet:
As I fortuned to take my voyage into Thessaly...
This segmentation forms a precise parallelism with my PEB starting from #123 (with 215.295 = 215.3 words per sonnet) around the circle to end on #122 in the last part of the book. However, what happens with the preceding material - the introductory material with the dedication etc, if it be not included in this computation? This seems to be the key to quite a lot of history. There are 1752 words from the beginning of the 'Dedication' to 'that reasoned together of the mighty power of Witches' before #123, which means that there are 1752 / 215.295 = 8.1377 'virtual sonnets' in parallel with the introductory material. Counting 8 sonnets = 8 * 215.295 = 1722.4 words backwards from #123 leaves the following 29 words as leftovers before the first of these 8 sonnets:
Dedication To the Right Honourable and Mighty Lord, THOMAS EARLE OF SUSSEX, Viscount Fitzwalter, Lord of Egremont and of Burnell, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter
where one can read as follows:
Dedication To the Right Honourable and Mighty Lord = to the right Lord, not the 'wrong'
THOMAS EARLE OF SUSSEX = 'hvor David kjöpte ölet' (wellknown norwegian expression)
Viscount Fitzwalter = Kennedy Fitzgerald (sharing John with the following?)
Lord of Egremont and of Burnell = John of Egg-röver and of Bjarnell
Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter = knegget Adolf Hitler = rape of jews
me as 'the diaspora jew' = the left-orientated (Lord) etc
rape of Jews = holocaust, Kampen = Oslo terror in summer CAMP
Hence 'Camp David' derived from (or referring to) the members of the Scriblerus Club? - whom one thereby can suspect could have been constructed for this particular purpose of conforming to the introductory lines of this text - or the text has been constucted for the future members of the club:
Thomas Parnell = Thomas Burnell
John Arbuthnot = Lord of Egremont
Gay (John) = earle of Sussex
Jonathan Swift = Vis count Fitzwalter
'Ronk Röver' could have been derived from this 'wrong lord' in opposition to the 'right lord'. If the name of 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy' is derived from the same material, one can observe the affinity with another three historic names:
Judas = the most anti-catholic person ever, cp. JFK as a catholic
Quisling = the 'malta importante' in Norway ('a pulkeius')?
Brutus = possible plans on Rome, Italy, a member of NATO, initiated with the Vietnam war
Counting 8 sonnets back from PEB #123 takes these introductory 29 words to the end of PEB #114 = 29 words out of 215 = 0.13488 x 14 lines = 1.888 lines at the end of sonnet PEB #114, which are
[no] danger of reflex = look-ius
and inappropriateness of sex. = a-pule-ius
which tells of high relevance of this 'introductory material' relative to the very general theory of authorship in my book.
This means that the 8 sonnets which are contained in the introductory material (relative to my theory of universals in form of authorship) probably can be seen to be the background of the later construction of the Octogon project on me. This 'overlap' could be about the concept of 'circumcision' and hence the holocaust.
'Lucius Apuleius' in this sense of it could also be the reason for plans of secret surveillance of private homes - such as ideas related to more recent 'Kennedy' strategies of 'Die Mauer' etc.
It is likely that Apuleius 'The golden asse' is written over the grid of the 2-5, 25-19 and 33-46 of the 'keys to heaven'. There are 3 x 8 x 2 = 48 elements in these 3 x 2 verses, and there are 48 chapters in Adlington's version. It seems that these run smoothly from the beginning to the end in parallel with the Apuleius text. For example, THE SEVENTH CHAPTER in Apuleius = 'How Apuleius going to buy fish, met with his companion Pythias' which can be correlated with the 2/5 group #4 = 'eleemosunas pollas', where the fish could be a pollack. The last element in the keys to heaven is the 48th which is 'Petros' which corresponds to THE FORTY-EIGHTH CHAPTER = 'How the parents and friends of Apuleius heard news that he was alive and in health' = 'How the petros and petros... rose from bed'. It seems that each chapter in Apuleius could correspond to an element in these 3 groups of 2/5, 26/19 and 33/46.
'Amor & Psyche' is then the story about 'eleemosunas pollas' = the L must be visible on LAS = Psyche peeping on Amor.
Could it be an 'Antschel Pessach Paul' in 2/5 part 4 second half?
Conjecture: The secret which Nelly Sachs never told could be contained in 33/46 part 4 in terms of 'mantas hemei' = 'menat shamai' = 'appointment in heaven'. 'Shamai' is (according to Jastrow, I think it is) used about 'amora', 'menat' about 'annona' - hence 'Amor & Psyche'. Which means that she could have been taken by her parents to meet a married man when she was 16. Or, as an alternative, that she had been mutilated in her infancy and therefore could not marry but could of course have an appointment for heaven. I notice also the name of 'Michael Noonan' - who rejected my book before the Oklahoma bombing - as possibly relevant to this complex.
Gröver/'Mengele' couple could be contained in the story of 25/19 - cp. the date of death of Gröver/'Mengele'.
I notice also a possible reflex of jokes 2) and 1) in 33/46 group 2, which correspond to chapters 35 and 36 in Apuleius. Could be about the same phenomenon as Pope's Lock.
The britons of today seem to live 500 years ago and find their spiritual rooting in this gap, which makes them feel that they live in a transcendent reality and have no need for transubstantiation, such as happened to the unfortunate Apuleius. However, since this leads to a somewhat strange logic for understanding the historic reality, England seems to have established Norway ('Nowhere') as a dumping place for this strange logic, thereby making it possible to keep up a normal surface while the 500 years ago is going on in Norway, busy as they are with understanding and interpreting Heimskringla and other old norse stories as the foundations of the national culture.
The european continent relates, though, to England by the 500 years gap in my PEB which is what makes the britons feel 'right' (not 'wrong') when or if they fabricate their historic documents like this Apuleius and Heimskringla etc - since there is a very deep truth therein (as far as form of authorship is conerned, as tells my PEB) and it certainly is the rescue for mankind and the future of the globe to understand this gap in the right way. That could be the reason for Henry VIII's anglicanism and the centuries thereafter of offset from the present reality. The britons may feel that the authoring of Apuleius is 'right' and that the world gives its sanction to the swindle when they accept the story as being from about 173 AD - because this form of authorship is something which the world MUST come to an understanding of - it is urgently important to understand it for developing the new poetic technology and logic. However, this is clearly a lot of struggle by trial-and-error for understanding it right, and the britons will perhaps not give up their terror-and-swindle program before the world has understood what it was.
It means my PEB. Which should be published. It could be the book which the britons have waited for through more than 500 years.
The tragic story of England since Henry VIII and his 'right Lord' instead of the 'wrong' is therefore a quest for the semiotic truth which the world MUST come to an understanding of, and therefore they reject the catholic faith in transubstantiation which has as little to do with this anglicanist semiotics as has Pope's work with the intrigue-lock.
If Apuleius were written in 1673 and the first sagas of Heimskringla in 1688, there is the interesting question whether the sagas allegedly written on Iceland were constructed for ridiculing the Israeli culture - with norwegian concepts against hebrew. An example could be the grotesque name 'Bjorn Eiterkveisa in Skaun' from Olav Trygvasons saga. The name means a disgusting yellow-ochre-fluid-flowing pimple on the brim of the anus, about the most undelicate appearance for a name one can think of - approximately where 'kringla' can be recognized. A study of the hebrew to the same phonologies reveals a related context: AITheR = one with a disabled right hand, a left-handed person, KVISaH = washing, lye-water, and it seems that BJöRN could mean appr 'on the corner' even in hebrew, in some contexts. BIRaNIT = castle, palace, court-woman - hence Eiterkveisa's big mansion in the forest - and his inhospitality, which could be about this court-woman making it difficult for him to receive unexpected guests. In the saga, they had even changed to ordinary clothes to look upapparant: "For the sake of concealment they were clad in mean clothing. There dwelt here a bonde called Bjorn Eiterkveisa, who was very rich, but very inhospitable. He drove them away; and therefore, towards dark, they went to another domain close by that was called Vidar". BIDEt in hebrew seems to be about 'fiction', 'lies'. If the complex converges on the idea of somebody masturbating with the left instead of with the right hand, it could perhaps be recognized in the opening lines of the dedication of Adlington. Another grotesque name is 'Halkel Huk, son of Jon Smiorbalte'. ('Smör' = 'butter'). The 'haalke' = 'hard ice on the road/field', while 'hal-kel[er]' = 'half-basement' and 'huk' = 'squat', hence 'squatting with the basement door half open', thereby possibly allowing for a low 'look' at the 'haalke'. One naturally speculates if it could have been Smiorbalte himself who had sent the 'haalke', quite simply in terms of his look - which is when it is getting metaphysical. This grotesque name seems to have a reflex in the corresponding hebrew forms: HLHL = to penetrate into cavities, perforate, hollow, loosely filled, HUQ = to round, hollow, circle, engraving, HIQ = lap, bosom, cavity, bottom, HUK = to rub, scratch, hawk, laugh, while 'hLK' = to walk, tax, traveller, HLQ = to be smooth, viscous, blank, lot, field, to honour. In short, there is a very close affinity between the norwegian and hebrew in these forms, and if the reader is teased by the ridiculous norwegian associations, these are prone to attach to the hebrew as well, by the close phonological and semantic affinity. This interpretation seems to be present in the 'old norse saga' text as well - it is from Sigurd Crusader saga: "Halkel Huk, a son of Jon Smiorbalte, who was lenderman in More, made a voyage in the West sea, all the way to the South Hebudes. A man came to him out of Ireland called Gillikrist, and gave himself out for a son of King Magnus Barefoot. His mother came with him, and said his other name was Harald. Halkel received the man, brought him to Norway with him, and went immediately to King Sigurd with Harald and his mother" etc. 'Lende' = loin, 'möre' = word used for ripened meat, ready for consumption. 'Gillikrist' could be the carrier of that mystic metaphysics of Smiorbalte and his look. It seems that the story follows the grotesques of the names. A third example, from Harald Grafeld saga: "There was a man in Svithjod at that time called Toste, one of the most powerful and clever in the land among those who had no high name or dignity; and he was a great warrior, who had been often in battle, and was therefore called Skoglar-Toste". 'To-oste' (or 'taa-oste') means 'toe-reeked' and finds a hebrew correlate in ThOS = to glisten, fly swiftly, ThOSh = to besmear, soil, pollute, even ThOShQI = trough, bucket, bathing chair and TSS = to bubble, boil, while ShKK = 'sink into' and GLA ('heap') in plural GLIA or GLI means 'excrements', hence 'Skoglar-Toste' could mean something like 'interlaced-in-excrements-toe-reeking'. 'Sko-gla' is norwegian for 'shoe-glad'. 'Skog-lar' = 'lets it off in the forest'. 'Jord' = 'earth', 'soil'.
Could be a closer study of the sagas could reveal this as a general principle of construction of the saga texts.
This means that if people laugh at the grotesque old norse name in Heimskringla, they laugh at or at least push away the hebrew language and thereby culture - which could be the purpose with this Iceland-Israel (and Ireland) which relate also in the european swastika around Paris. The vikings went BERSERK while hebrew BZQ = thunderbolt, to break, crush, scatter. To go BESöK in modern norwegian = to go for a visit (Besuch). Could be the whole Kringla and other grotesque sagas are constructed for making people laugh at the israelis - and for making the swastika turn. This was a loop that was gradually tightened throughout the project on Pope up to Keats, Shelley and Byron - and then Norway was opened in 1814 as an explicitly anti-semitic state. This lasted unto 1852 when the Ole Devold factory was opened - and that led to the Klipra connection and the world wars and holocaust. The function of Norway in 1814 and the period of nationalism in the 19th century for building a national identity on basis of Kringla and other sagas would then have been for making the norwegians BELIEVE in these sagas, to take faith in the authenticity of the sagas as the foundations of their culture a long time ago. When Norway via the Klipra connection was lifted to the function of a lens through which the rest of the world could understand the world, installed via WWI and WWII, it means that this ridicule of the hebrew culture was magnified to gigantic proportions. This clearly is the same as the british war against judaism and poetry.
A detailed study of the old norse saga literature should be carried out if this tendency (Halkel Huk, Bjorn Eiterkveisa) obtains for more examples. The conclusion is likely to be that this was the reason for the holocaust - that the world had accepted these british stories - not Hitler's hatred against jews. It could mean that Hitler worked on behalf of british anglicanism. The origins in Apuleius/Adlington would have been the story of the transubstantiation.
The israelis could have been about 5000 years ago. Apuleius was stipulated to having been written around 173 AD, while 1673 seems a better guess - which is 1500 years later. It could be that the whole english program is centered on the quest for understanding the 'transcendence' in these time intervals of 500 and 1000 years - which I have discovered in my PEB. They could negate themselves by terror and other means and are thereby jolted over 'on the other side'. Then they establish Norway as a virtual dependency for being that 500 year old reality and thereby jolt themselves back to the present day. This can then be called 'transcendence' or 'transubstantiation' and is a method for such which could have been discovered by Henry VIII. The britons spread this 'transcendent reality' all over the world via the Klipra connection and remain in the present day as the only nation in contact with reality. That is 'british supremacy' - another grave error.
What is important to understand is that the britons are right in the sense that these cycles of 1000 and 500 years do exist and are a factual reality, even a spiritual reality of high relevance to traditional religious philosophy, and what is secondarily important to understand is that the britons are wrong in the way they seem to relate to it with the political supremacy parametres of pederasty, cannibalism and genocide. It should be a matter of a new poetic logic and not of grotesque political parametres.
It is when these aspects are understood that the world can come to the beginning of a new era of poetic logic wherein terror and warfare is no longer necessary.
My conclusion is that Apuleius probably was written in english in 1673-75 and forms the basis for the literary swindle project on transubstantiation which has formed the basis for the development of the Klipra connection with world wars and the problem of terror. Apuleius 'The golden asse' seems to be based on the 48 elements of category-switch in 'keys to heaven', from which one can conclude that the 'keys to heaven' probably is the core of old freemasonry. One can guess that Heimskringla and similar literary works were constructed on basis of hebrew concepts and that the grotesque stories which arose therefrom in old norse language were supposed to give the basis for the norwegian and icelandic national identity in the sense that the nordic people had to BELIEVE in it - and that the official reason for re-establishing the norwegian kingdom after some centuries in darkness was to be found in its glorious medieval past attested in the 'Kringla'. Coupled with the antisemitic norwegian constitution of 1814, this made for a powerful motor in the later holocaust. The result is a very unpleasant anti-spiritual and anti-poetic global world based on hatred and ridiculing as the fundamental principles - cp. the phenomenon of 'norwegian semantics', here with a hypothetical rooting in a hostile syllabic parallelism with hebrew, apparently based on flesh and bones and body fluids and openings and things like that, could be even leading over to the modern phenomenon of 'international secret service' - and time is overripe for a very thorough critique of the whole story. One can guess that the british logic was very simple: Catholicism was based on judaism and hence the anglicans tried to take the catholics by taking the jews. It seems that the history of anti-semitism since Henry VIII is easy to understand and most people of the world would certainly not accept this intrigue against the hebrew language and culture, and against poetry in general, as soon as they get the historic facts. In particular Norway and Iceland should give up the faith in the historic authenticity of the sagas if it can be proven that they are fraud from the 17th-18th century. Then the first norwegian king in 1905 was Haakon I, not Haakon VII.
Many chiefs of state would have known this story. Why haven't they told it? It is not enough that the power-strugglers know it - the people who are not in the power struggle must know it as well, since most of them are in the truth-before-science orientation and that is where the facts properly belong. Is it that the chiefs of state did not know it with certainty? One would guess that they could perhaps have verified the un-authenticity of the old norse documents by checking the hebrew against the norwegian in names, but it can be admitted that uncertainty could have been a factor. However, when Stalin took his name, if it were based on VI-stalen, it strongly suggests that he knew the story but did not tell it. Well, that is almost to be on the british side - to choose power-before-truth.
I am waiting for a decent publisher to be interested in publishing my PEB.
Test of the relevance of my book for the text of Apuleius
I try the five sonnets mentioned in the article on poetic logic, and observe that there is the precision not only in terms of sonnet vs Apuleius fragment but even in line-by-line if each Apuleius fragment is divided into 14 successive lines paralleling the 14 lines in my sonnets. This suggests that the story probably is very closely tied up to the matter of a universal form of authorship. I here display the fragments in 14 lines:
Word count 78798 words / 366 = 215.295 words per sonnet starts on #123: "As I fortuned to take my voyage into Thessaly..."
© John Bjarne Grover
132-123 = 9 * 215.295 words = 1937.6 words to beginning of 132
The sonnet from my PEB:
It was a mythological role
in the public sphere, a
girl in a jacket of gold
high-jacking to Commonlehre.
It was soon after Halloween.
The town was under the high dome
minus eight hundred and eighteen
die andrechs anbetrieben kom.
I'm willow on the strand
which I try to reach
when I stand.
Engel der Staub,
cliff on the beach,
braeche den Raub.
The corresponding fragment from 'Apuleius':
as are but trifles and chips of her occupation, but I pray you give eare, and I will
declare of more greater matters, which shee hath done openly and before the
face of all men. THE FOURTH CHAPTER How Meroe the Witch turned divers
persons into miserable beasts. In faith Aristomenus to tell you the truth, this
woman had a certaine Lover, whom by the utterance of one only word she
turned into a Bever, because he loved another woman beside her: and the reason
why she transformed him into such a beast is, for that it is his nature, when hee
perceiveth the hunters and hounds to draw after him, to bite off his members,
and lay them in the way, that the hounds may be at a stop when they find them,
and to the intent it might so happen unto him (for that he fancied another
woman) she turned him into that kind of shape. Semblably she changed one of
her neighbours, being an old man and one that sold wine, into a Frog, in that he
was one of her occupation, and therefore she bare him a grudge, and now the
poore miser swimming in one of his pipes of wine, and well nigh drowned in the
dregs, doth cry
#49 = 123-49 = 74 * 215.295 words = 15931.8 words counted from the end = beginning of #49:
The sonnet from my PEB:
A bulky barge, a ferry
glides in mystery out
the harbour basin, very
red, black, white and stout.
This the movement dodgic
that sympathize the fall.
I says: Here's the logic.
He's the marine call.
Hidden at the corner
there's a stainless ring:
Library Zhikorsky Mourner.
I write on poetic Mecca.
I will write something
for the bridges of Giudecca.
The corresponding fragment from 'Apuleius':
of his friend, he said, that hee saw not the Gardener a great while, neither knew where
he was: the souldiers said contrary, whereby to know the verity of the matter, the
Magistrates commanded their Seargants and ministers to search every corner of the
house, but when they could find neither Gardener nor Asse, there was a great
contention betweene the souldiers and our Host, for they sayd we were within the
house: and he said no, but I that was very curious to know the matter, when I heard so
great a noyse, put my head out of the window to learne what the stirre and tumult did
signifie. It fortuned that one of the souldiers perceived my shadow, whereupon he
began to cry, saying: that hee had certainly seene me; then they were all glad and came
up into the chamber, and pulled me downe like a prisoner. When they had found mee,
they doubted nothing of the Gardener, but seeking about more narrowly, at length they
found him couched in a chest. And so they brought out the poore gardener to the
Justices, who was committed immediately to prison, but they could never forbeare
laughing from the time they found me by my shadow, wherefore is risen a common
Proverbe: 'The shadow of
#100 = 123-100 = 23 * 215.295 words = 4951.8 words from end = beginning of #100:
The sonnet from my PEB:
The letter reads: " I'm ending
this music from these ancient lyres.
With love from one of thy standing
longstanding true admirors".
And as I reach my hand out for
this bottle of indistinct script
with label washed, there's on this shore
another bottle next to it!
These bottles form a girdlefield
on nickle where we're stretching out
to race over this hurdlefield.
The fluid has been re-installed
by measures far beyond our doubt
of lockings. Or it's preinstalled.
The corresponding fragment from 'Apuleius':
to the temple before them were officers and beadles, preparing roome for the goddess
to passe. Then came the great company of men and women, which had taken divine
orders, whose garments glistered all the streets over. The women had their haire
annointed and their heads covered with linnen: but the men had their crownes shaven,
which were the terrene stars of the goddesse, holding in their hand instruments of
brasse, silver and gold, which rendered a pleasant sound. The principall Priests which
were apparelled with white surplesses hanging downe to the ground, bare the relikes of
the puissant goddesse. One carried in his hand a light, not unlike to those which we
used in our houses, saving that in the middle thereof appeared a bole which rendred a
more bright flame. The second attired hike the other bare in his hand an Altar, which
the goddesse her selfe named the succor of nations. The third held a tree of palme with
leaves of gold, and the verge of Mercurie. The fourth shewed out a token of equitie by
his left hand, which was deformed in every place, signifiing thereby more equitie then
by the right hand. The same Priest carried a round vessell of gold, in forme of a cap.
The fifth bare a van
#200 = 200-123 = 77 * 215.295 words = 16577.7 words from beginning = beginning of #200:
The sonnet from my PEB:
The sun is bright.
Three young men sit
in dazzling light
by table-fit.
One at the end,
two at the side.
Three are these men
that here abide.
One of them has
a tartan shirt.
He shades his eyes.
With tangled legs
and stares that hurt
at me - they're eggs.
The corresponding fragment from 'Apuleius':
the thing wherfore you weepe, to any reproach and ignominy, but put away all care
and sorrow out of your minde. For this day, which we celebrate once a yeare in honour
of the god Risus, is alwaies renowned with some solemne novel, and the god doth
continually accompany with the inventor therof, and wil not suffer that he should be
sorrowfull, but pleasantly beare a joyfull face. And verily all the City for the grace that
is in you, intend to reward you with great honours, and to make you a Patron. And
further that your statue or image may be set up for a perpetuall remembrance. To
whome I answered, As for such benefits as I have received of the famous City of
Thessaly, I yeeld and render the most entire thanks, but as touching the setting up of
any statues or images, I would wish that they should bee reserved for myne Auntients,
and such as are more worthy than I. And when I had spoken these words somewhat
gravely, and shewed my selfe more merry than I was before, the Judges and
magistrates departed, and I reverently tooke my leave of them, and bid them farewell.
And behold, by and by there came one running unto me in haste, and sayd, Sir,
#300 = 300-123 = 177 * 215.295 words = 38107.2 words from beginning = beginning of #300:
The sonnet from my PEB:
I see her far away:
A woman in a brown-
red coat, if so I may
describe her overgown.
It is this distant view
I recognize as mine:
Cylindrical and new,
and spherical and fine.
Well that is what it is.
What is it more than mine,
if I may emphasize?
It is what's known to us
untill the african
tells it with a blush.
The corresponding fragment from 'Apuleius':
then declare thy message unto her, and when thou hast received such beauty as she
giveth, in thy returne appease the rage of the dogge with thy other sop, and give thy
other halfe penny to covetous Charon, and come the same way againe into the world as
thou wentest: but above all things have a regard that thou looke not in the boxe, neither
be not too curious about the treasure of the divine beauty. In this manner tire tower
spake unto Psyches, and advertised her what she should do: and immediately she tooke
two halfe pence, two sops, and all things necessary, and went to the mountaine
Tenarus to go towards hell. After that Psyches had passed by the lame Asse, paid her
halfe pennie for passage, neglected the old man in the river, denyed to helpe the
woman spinning, and filled the ravenous month of the dogge with a sop, shee came to
the chamber of Proserpina. There Psyches would not sit in any royall seate, nor eate
any delicate meates, but kneeled at the feete of Proserpina, onely contented with
course bread, declared her message, and after she had received a mysticall secret in a
boxe, she departed, and stopped the mouth of the dogge with the other sop, and paied
I published this on the internet on 10 sep 2011, but had worked a few days with writing it. On 9 sep 2011, egyptian protesters attacked the israeli embassy in Cairo. I don't know if this could have been an action staged for running off with the news value in the present article.
On the web 10 sep 2011