Chapter 16: Hitler and the archetypes

John Bjarne Grover

This article is chapter 16 in 'Poetic semiosis'. It was a problem because I did not feel for having this sort of political discussion in my semiotic book, but I found that it was impossible to get entirely around it since the talmudic fragments which seem to have been used for launching Hitler in the 1920-30's are so important for my work, and it is important to avoid misunderstandings and false propaganda. It is of course essential that Hitler tried to cork the spirituality contained in these fragment - and my work tries to re-open it again. It is a theory of mine (I do not have any other sources than my own studies) that these hebrew fragments were used for making Hitler in the 1920-30's, but, as the reader can verify, it looks sensible. It is the apparently prominent role of the concept of 'sodomite salt' in apparent political intrigue which could indicate that. This chapter 16 is extraordinary in 'Poetic semiosis' - a book which otherwise shuns political discussion and concentrates totally on the semiotics. The chapter contains otherwise much of the same material as is found elsewhere on this homepage - but I bring the chapter as it is in the book.

The mystic archetypes of TEQ book 5 and Anna have a long history and can be recognized in the Rig-Veda, probably the world's oldest literary document. It was translated by Hermann Grassmann and published in the 1870's. Grassmann's translation is still marked by the ideas of those days and interprets the mystic phenomena in terms of Wolkenwagens and similar phenomena. That is western tradition, could be marked by a general orientation towards an 'outer' interpretation of 'inner' phenomena. For understanding the tradition of 'western' traditions, one could consult e.g. Geldner's or Griffith's or even Grassmann's translations, for a source of the 'inner' and probably more authentic understanding there is the translation by Soami Divyanand ('Vedamrit') which explains the translation in detail and provides an excellent view to the mystic archetypes which often come to be hidden under the clanging bronze of the more 'western' translations. It seems that the 'western' traditions of translation could be affiliated with the no less bronze-clanging Hitler in an attempt to battle the understanding of the deeper poetic mysteries. Having read Divyanand's translation, the other translations look like the purest clanging nonsense. The guess is that international political power wants to keep the authentic Rig-Veda as a source of political power and tries to keep it off from public attention as well as possible - after it successfully was warred down by Adolf Hitler.

The history of Grassmann is a little special and can be an ingredient in the story that led up to Hitler: It was in 1844 that Grassmann published his 'Ausdehnungslehre', a theory of high-dimensional numbers and spaces that perhaps could have given rise to a new poetic logic of those days. It seems that an international intrigue rather immediately was whipped up in order to coup this achievement. I am not acquainted with the details in the story of William Hamilton from Dublin and the quaternion (four-dimensional) numbers which he seems to have discovered in 1843, but it is not impossible that intrigue could have been an element in the story on some level or other. It is known that Hamilton received his theory in 'a flash of genius' at a bridgehead in Dublin, and that another William Hamilton, a scottish philosopher with special interests in metaphysics, some years later was involved in a priority dispute with Augustus de Morgan who had asked him to send some of his ideas to him. The fact is that history never came to realize the possibilities contained in the high-dimensional numbers of Grassmann but came to develop a binary-valued symbolic logic on basis of the theories of Augustus de Morgan and George Boole instead. This led to the modern digital computer. If another computer could have been developed, with e.g. continuous voltmetering and high-dimensional numbers, I don't know, but it seems that intrigue against Grassmann could have been a part of the history and its splitting off from the promising prospects of those days. It is today probably not possible to overestimate the tragic loss which the world's culture suffered with this intrigue on the defining logic, and it can be argued that the revolutions of 1848 and Robert Schumann's famous fit of madness (he jumped from a bridge and hit the water - not the bridgehead) could have been expressions of this story. The 1848 revolutions in Europe could have been a desperate expression of the people that they did not want this binary-logical development which led up to the holocaust and the world wars. Did George Boole exist or was he an invention of the administative intrigue? He died in Ballintemple in Cork - and his biography looks a little like that. 'George Bush' could be a name telling of political aspects in the story.

However that was, Grassmann was disappointed by the silence that met his theory and he turned to comparative linguistics instead, discovered Grassmann's law and wrote a Rig-Veda dictionary while he also translated the Rig-Veda. Could be he hoped to be able to construct a new form of logic wherein the words used in logical derivation were represented in a high-dimensional space of etymological origins and developmental history of words.

The british strategy seems to have continued on basis of this largescaled hijack of Grassmann's work and the attempts to reduce knowledge to binary categories that easily attach to the flat paper. The historic background would have been in 'british empiricism', as it is called, which starts with John Locke who could have been constructed or made for the job of being the Swift-Pope lock (see chapter 9 under 'Heimskringla') for a british turnaround of the nose-trunk archetype (chapter 2) in a weird 'homo' variant of 'J on lock' which clearly could have been constructed for administration to get a hold on the mysticism and not the other way round. Locke seems to have been largely unknown untill his first work emerged after the birth of Pope and the 'glorious revolution'. This would later have been followed up with an administrative hold on the man-on-wagon type in terms of 'David Hume' - wherein the rope that united the man on the wagon with the boy in front is considered a case of 'humour', thereby imposing a paradoxical connection on the two. The 'dogs paradox' is easily recognized in 'George Berkeley'. The question therefore emerges to what extent these could have been constructed by british administration for getting the archetypes under administrative control. It seems that the job of Hitler would have been to carry this hijack of the archetypes through on a global scale. He could have been an agent for England from this point of view. His job would have been to emphasize the 'homo' and 'humourous' versions of the mystic archetypes and step them under foot as thoroughly as was possible. When he made the Volkswagen, that was probably for imitating the Wolkenwagen of the translation of e.g. Grassmann, and Hermann Göring as chief of Hitler's air forces was perhaps meant to be a variant of Hermann Grassmann. Hitler claimed to serve a quasi-aryan philosophy - hence his swastika as symbol - which probably meant the origins in the Rig-Veda, and the job of Hitler, if he was an agent for England, would have been precisely to leave the impression all over the world that the classic archetypes - in contrast to the british version of them - would have been more or less identically the same as Hitler's nazism - and nobody wants that. Hitler in war against England would have been the classic archetypes at war with the british ridicule of them. Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels could have served to represent a Ganesha sort of nose-trunk archetype (including a 'clubfoot', though). Hitler's government made as much noise and turbulence as was possible all over the world, and everybody were happy when the war was over and all the 'archetypes' had silenced, and when somebody tries to take them up again today, people turn away in disgust and do not want more of that 'nazism'. This could have been Hitler's job for England and a part of the british attempt to get the mystic archetypes under administrative control. And successful he seems to have been - today the world is almost as flat as a flatscreen TV - and many would perhaps claim that indeed it must have been Hitler who won the war.

I have found a piece of evidence for this role of Hitler which I found quite convincing. That is from the Talmud Erubin fragments which I myself have used - without being aware of this phenomenon in advance. The natural 'coincidence' therein is that if precisely these parts of the Talmud can be given new life and vitality, it can serve to help the world through the pale numbness it still suffers after Hitler - and indeed I found traces of just these fragments in Hitler's work. It is about fragments 172-181 in TEQ 16. It can be argued that the four folio pages which I have used - Erubin folios 14-15-16-17 untill the end of the chapter - contain just the four basic archetypes. These are 'Gemara' discussions based on 'Mishna' quotes on the following themes with corresponding archetypes:

1. The crossbeam over the door = Man on wagon
2. The doorposts, including living being = Nose-trunk
3. Karavan camp regulations = Dogs paradox
4. Warcamp regulations = Recursion

Here it must be noticed that other considerations could consider the order of nose-trunk and dogs paradox swapped, not the least for obtaining the natural order 4-3-2-1 from man-on-wagon to recursion, and one could think of political activities serving to swap orders as related to this complex. The recursive one calls itself thus:

a) Collection of wood = dogs paradox
b) Washing of hands = recursion
c) Demaj/tithe = man on wagon
d) Erub = nose-trunk

When this is the basic understructure of books 13-16 as well as the novel, it follows that the 4 mystic archetypes are of quite fundamental importance for understanding the whole work. If so, then the fragments TEQ 16:171-182 will be found in just the recursive type which thereby contain in itself all the four types - and the recursion containing the recursion is found in the part called 'War camp' (in my enumeration, see chapter 15, the fragments 128-206). A part of this is about how to behave if one finds a dead soldier on the road - should one bury him or leave him there? This discussion in Talmud Erubin tells of moving the corpse to the left or right hand side of the road and bury him there, with options of ploughed or sown or fallow field, is in the last part of chapter 1, in my enumeration of fragments in chapter 15 it is 16:150-171 which means just before fragment 16:172 and seems to be a possible secret key to the dedication of Hitler's book 'Mein Kampf' which he wrote in Landsberg am Lech prison 1924. Here is his introduction to the book with my comments added in italics to the list of names:

"Am 9. November 1923, 12 Uhr 30 Minuten nachmittags, fielen vor der Feldherrnhalle sowie im Hofe des ehemaligen Kriegsministeriums zu München folgende Männer im treuen Glauben an die Wiederauferstehung ihres Volkes.

Alfarth, Felix, Kaufmann, geb. 5. Juli 1901 = allfarvei = on a common road
Bauriedl, Andreas, Hutmacher, geb. 4. Mai 1879 = bauerns/farmers and land-areas
Casella, Theodor, Bankbeamter, geb. 8. Aug. 1900 = the odour of the corpse
Ehrlich, Wilhelm, Bankbeamter, geb. 19. Aug. 1894 = an honest person
Faust, Martin, Bankbeamter, geb. 27. Januar 1901 = touches the body to see if it is dead
Hechenberger, Ant, Schlosser, geb. 28. Sept. 1902 = and looks for a place in the roadside:
Körner, Oskar, Kaufmann, geb. 4. Januar 1875 = there is a corn field
Kuhn, Karl, Oberkellner, geb. 26. Juli 1897 = and there is a hay field
Laforce, Karl, stud. ing., geb. 28. Oktober 1904 = and over there a fallow field = 'Brachfeld'
Neubauer, Kurt, Diener, geb. 27. März 1899 = here is a peasant's field, looks ideal
Pape, Claus von, Kaufmann, geb. 16. Aug. 1904 = has he buriers/inheritors who can bury him?
Pfordten, Theodor von der, Rat am obersten Landesgericht, geb. 14. Mai 1873 = dig hole for dead
Rickmers, Joh., Rittmeister a.D., geb. 7. Mai 1881 = and put him in the hole
Scheubner-Richter, Max Erwin von, Dr. ing., geb. 9. Januar 1884 = and then shuffle earth over it
Stransky, Lorenz, Ritter von, Ingenieur, geb. 14. März 1899 = better read a verse from the bible
Wolf, Wilhelm, Kaufmann, geb. 19. Oktober 1898 = and uncover the head in respect for the dead

Sogenannte nationale Behörden verweigerten den toten Helden ein gemeinsames Grab.

So widme ich ihnen zur gemeinsamen Erinnerung den ersten Band dieses Werkes, als dessen Blutzeugen sie den Anhängern unserer Bewegung dauernd voranleuchten mögen.

Landsberg a.L., Festungshaftanstalt, 16. Oktober 1924

Adolf Hitler"

This means that the introductory dedication in Hitler's book could have taken it up to fragment 171 - and the rest of his book could then naturally encompass fragments 172-181 - on the obligation of washing hands in a war camp. A close study of these fragments is convincing:

There seems to be one good (ordinary) and one bad (for nazism) reading of these fragments, and the bad reading is read backwards (from 181 to 172), as for socalled 'backwards causation' in politics (see also chapters 14-15). This seems to have been a major part of the strategy for getting Hitler elected. I will try and exemplify this as follows. Read the good readings forwards and the bad readings from 181 to 172:

172 - exemption from 'bathing' = washing hands
173 - This is, said Abaye, taught only about the first washing (before the meal)
174 - yes, the watering/washing of the next/second is an obligation
175 - said Rabbi Hija bar Ashi
176 - in another view, what says the washing obligation?
177 - in another view, the 'sodomite' salt (= salt from Sodom) can be touching the cavity of the eye
178 - Abaye says that a small grain of it can be found in a KOR
179 - Says rabbi Aha, a human being among the rabbis, to rabbi Ashi
180 - What is the measuring of salt?
181 - Said Ashi: This is not of examination ('partitive')

The BAD READING reads backwards and seeks a 'bad meaning' of the hebrew (cp. the apparent semantics of 'Heimskringla'), which is when one can arrive at the following chain of reasoning - on a young prostitute who wants the money first and whose assistant steps out from behind the curtain to shoot the 'business' in the head when the investment is well up and going or even in the moment of ejaculation:

181 - Said (pointing to the opening): This is no sunday school
180 - But why then 'measure' the salty mariner?
179 - Says the bunny girl: Aha, so you're a man of assets, you prefer it backwards etc
178 - join the surroundings, drink of the long jar-like cavity of the early fig
177 - empty the briny sodomite's riches (from his wallet), closing the cavity of the eye = principle of 'pay first', touching his 'apple'
176 - turning one's face, freeing whatever from what is left in the storage box
175 - said superior midwife, pulling out the 'thermometer' (the pointed metallic gear)
174 - mourn (that) the fluids (are left) in the other storage
173 - join the embrace/surrounding, point of no return, the club's fluids first
172 - she softens the poultice, he finishes - then they blow up the 'friend' - the HANDLE is the man from the cupboard who shoots the 'friend' = 'customer' in the head in the moment of ejaculation, or, rather, the man comes not from the cupboard but from behind the curtain.

It is of course possible that the strategy in the 1920-1930's was to let England play the GOOD READING role and Hitler the BAD READING. That could even be the reason for his name 'a doll fitler' - in the sense of a young prostitute in this role. The strategy could have been to invite investors to come up with the money and invest in german businesses untill the 'businessman' was deflated efficiently with the collapse on Wall Street in 1929. This 'de-flation' (financially it was an in-flation) of the man on top of the prostitute would have been about a 'de-flat-ion' meaning the man-on-wagon relative to the 'nose-trunk' archetype under him. That would have turned Hitler into a Christ or Krishna coming in a Wolkenwagen to rescue mankind - by the mystic archetype contained in the recursive part - and the germans voted for this Saviour from heaven.

Whether the british strategy is the same in this century, I don't know, but it could be noteworthy that the PM at the turn of the millenium was called Tony Blair. For a strategy on 'dogs paradox', I notice fragment 177 with its characteristic and apparently essential words 2-4 which backwards can read phonologically 'sheety muda shelm-sh', which could be recognized as Hitler's death camp 'Chelmno nad Nerem', while the forwards translation could go 'sheety fine wealth', which is nearly the same phonologically. This clearly could be the Dead Sea Scrolls, if those are not authentic, and it would rest on precisely the role of John Locke vs. the traditional variant of the nose-trunk archetype. It is fully possible that the rest of Hitler's death camp program served to install such 'archetypal' ideas. For example, Treblinka could have been intended as the man-on-wagon with 'trouble-in-car' destined to be cut down ('Down in Street') rather than rising up on the curbstone, Belcez could have been the nose-trunk, suggesting that the mystic light of the world emitted from the nose-trunk should have been gas jetted out from the behind, and Sobibor could have been dogs paradox with its deep existential sadness, the tears filling the hole in the ground, replaced with the pederast's grunt as he penetrates the child's body opening. As such, these would have been the three parametres of 'nazi' politics - genocide, cannibalism and pederasty, with deplorable 'religious' misinterpretations. It is perhaps possible to construct ideas that these misinterpretations are the contents of the anglican break with the Vatican. Nobody wants that sort of hitlerite madness - which tells that Hitler could have been an agent for England in their attempt to get the archetypes under administrative control. 'Auschwitz' could mean simply that the archetypes step out in contrast to the flatscreen world of british empiricism, or the initial ground-scanning movements of the nose-trunk - or that 'bits and bytes' would take over for the 'archetypes'? See 'keys to heaven' at the end of the chapter with the 'bit-reversal'.

Hence, what happened around 1848 was that a jewish revolution was about to take shape but it was couped by the british intrigue which launched the symbolic binary-valued logic in its place. That is to impose a level of administratively convenient 'arbitrarity' onto the deep roots of thinking in cultural history, and such 'arbitrarization' makes it easy going compared with the semiotics contained in the hebrew alphabet (chapter 1 and 8). Then one could put together a digital computer and claim that a new era had dawned where we could just leave all that old judaism behind and forget about the nose-trunk and man-on-wagon and all that. That would have been the role of Hitler and his Wolkenwagen and it would explain why top international administration could have been united in this story - in an attempt to get that inefficient old mysticism out for a tabula rasa of a new information technology. In this program, the building bricks are 'bigger symbol sizes'. The computer constructed in this way is a trivial simpleton machine which makes sense out of scrabble by the semiotics telling that 'meaning' is glued to the 'form' by a sort of 'semiotic glue'. And what is below this new socalled 'arbitrarity' would be a yawning gap of primordial chaos which new administration could hope to get under control by its necessary affinity to the surface forms, thereby hoping to be able to administer divine grace to those who support your program and doom to the opponents. That is of course an old and trivial mistake which is explained very simply by the fact that the old world cannot be left behind any more than childhood can and therefore if the old world is suppressed and stepped under foot by hitlerite administration, it necessarily rises again as long as there is life left in the computer people - untill we finally are back in 1848.

The Klipra connection and its historic background

For understanding the role of the three main mystic archetypes, I refer also to the three marble statues in Tiepolo's painting "Il trionfo di Flora" which seem to be representing just these three archetypes in a telling way.

I can tell this story about the family wherein I grew up, and add before I start that my evidence for claiming a reality behind the scandals is very meagre - it is basically rooted in a strong explanatory force in some redundancies which have a vague support in some phenomena, although not enough for me to make claims beyond the illustrative effect the story can have. The following is therefore not written in order to throw doubt on the integrity of anybody, but in order to make it possible for the reader to understand some aspects of the history as far as the fate of the mystic archetypes is concerned.

The story, in this version, with the english hijack program of the best parts of continental culture started not with Grassmann in the 1840's. It is likely that one can trace it at least back to Henry VIII and his break with the Vatican after the death of Rafael who had painted the frescos in Villa della Farnesina on basis of the story of Amor & Psyche in Apuleius' "The golden asse". A closer study of this book, allegedly from the early centuries after Christ, tells that it could be a construction on basis of the 'freemason' permutational principles which could be called 'the keys to heaven' (see end of the chapter), a permutational matrix over the 48 verses of Acts 10 in the Bible which follow the same flowgraph as in the Fast Fourier Transform which was discovered by Sande-Tukey and Cooley-Tukey in the sixties (see my 'Time and the sonnet'). It is doubtful that these permutational secrets (of how this relates time to frequency in a way relevant to human perception) was known that early and I would doubt that Acts 10 was constructed on basis of it (although that could be the political intrigue - to claim that the new testament was created by a small clan of political activists who have kept the world power up to the present day). Rather, it is likely that it went the other way round and that the permutational procedure was discovered on basis of Acts 10 in medieval times and that this could have contributed to the rise of freemasonry - and the book of 'Apuleius' could of course have been written that late. Whether or not Rafael took faith in the story of Amor & Psyche from this book is perhaps not essential, but it remains a fact that it was this story which was the basis for his frescos which he painted not long before he died all too early and Henry VIII broke with the Vatican. It is a guess that both Rafael and Leonardo could have been murdered by british secret service in 1519-1520 for the same state break with the Vatican when Henry VIII founded the anglican church. This could have been a part of the background for Napoleon Bonaparte - his name in the sense of 'Apuleius On-a-part-of' - on a part of the Bible, of course. His name (and even stature? - he is said to have suffered from a 'Napoleon complex') does in fact seem to suggest this story from the time of Rafael. Napoleon's name went into history and can hardly be erased. But to believe that he let himself be defeated at Waterloo for telling that Henry VIII made the cuneiform script and burnt the clay tablets and dug them down in the middle east - on basis of the same permutations on Acts 10 - is perhaps to take it a little far. However, there are reasons to launch the hypothesis that the cuneiform script with its VIII's could have been made by british administration and dug down in the middle east for being found centuries later - for the specific and very devilish purpose of claiming that the alphabetic technology - the basis for the anglican and protestant churches - was but a simple step in a potentially endless series of information technologies. Even worse, the linguistic ideas of those days could even have given rise to theories akin to what Grassmann could have been out for, as for computing the logic directly on the original source of the historic language, and hence a cuneiform intrigue of the worst kind, constructed for leading mankind astray, could have felt Grassmann as a competitor and a threat against the plans for the cuneiform intrigue and that could have spurred a british intrigue response to Grassmann around the mid 1840's. According to some sumeriology I read, the sumerian empire lasted untill 1945 (BC!) when it collapsed. Today the theory goes that cuneiform existed from about 4000 BC untill 0 BC and that the last tablets of cuneiform were written around 70 AD, while the alphabet was invented by either jews (or was it 'phoeneticians'?) around 2000 BC and hence can be expected to go out of use around 2000 AD. The very devilish aspect of such an intrigue - if cuneiform is a product of british administration - is that it makes people prone to accept the strategy of forgetting the deep semiotic basis for the alphabetic technology and accept the new paperflat logic of the digital computer invented in 1945. Hitler's program of german 'Blut & Boden' could have been a part of an attempt to ridicule the alphabetic semiotics. It was this paperflat computer logic which was founded by de Morgan and Boole around 1850 - possibly as a part of the intrigue on Grassmann. It suggests that people have to accept History: If cuneiform had to go out of use, then the alphabet must go out of use as well. That is of course a terrible lie if cuneiform was invented by britons as a code for the VIII of king Henry.

It seems that the interests of british administration could have been part of the background of the deaths of Rafael and Leonardo. A brief look at the biography of Caravaggio tells that it resembles embarassing british jokes - they had played 'rounders' when Caravaggio beat a man dead, a 'notary public' had been stepped on his feet and Caravaggio was later 'notified' in public etc - suggesting that even this great artist could have been murdered in early age for the same administrative interests as e.g. Rafael - and his memory apparently littered with bad lies. In short, it seems that Italy had a great culture of great art and this was attacked by the interests of british administration who wanted to convert it all into power - and that could be the reason why the mafia arose in Italy, in order to protect the vulnerable bodies and to keep up as 'power-space' that culture-space which had been attacked from abroad. England even seem to have made up the stories of the old norse vikings of 'Heimskringla' - while the historic fact could be that it was England who were the 'vikings' who made their 'strandhoggs' in Italy and elsewhere and left the attacked places wounded and hardly recovering. Such 'strandhoggs' could have taken place around Europe. Was even Mozart murdered for such reasons - and a local 'SALT-ieri' blamed for it, as a british responsibility claim? But then it is high time to tell the story as it is. Such endless attacks on the mystic archetypes and poetic understanding of the world should not be met with blunt naivity but should be presented as the news they are - otherwise there is only yet another round of german nazism and italian fascism and so forth coming up. I think the world should publish the list of victims of the british intrigue.

The intrigue from the 1840's included just these aspects. It is of course possible that the few documents written before 1850 by a 'John Grover' (cp. 'John Locke' and 'Treblinka') in British Library are later fabrications, but it is also possible that the name was made for the intrigue around 1843-44. The John Grover document of 1823 is very similar to the document of 1843 by another John Grover - and a 'concordance' or parallel reading between the two is very possible. However that was, whether these documents are later fabrications or not, it seems that the waterway from England to Norway as the border between the two countries was established around the time of Grassmann. It was after Napoleon that Norway broke out of the union with Denmark and declared itself independent with an explicitly antisemitic constitution of 17 may 1814, after which the state immediately went into a union with Sweden instead (lasting untill 1905) and hence the border between these two countries came to represent the border to England, probably meaning that the new state of Norway was constructed by and in union with a sort of England (cp. the later 'british' role of Hitler). It is said that the motto for the constitution-making in 1814 was "loyal and united untill Dovre falls" - and Dovre is the mountainous region on the border between Norway and Sweden. It could have meant the white cliffs of Dover (in danish called 'klinten'). When Rawlinson deciphered sumerian cuneiform in the 1840's, that could have been part of the intrigue which led to computer logic, and the antisemitism of the norwegian constitution lasted untill 1852 when the paragraph was lifted - and a person called 'Ole Devold' opened a tricotage factory in the sunnmørian district called Langevåg (means 'the long wave' - to England, for example) outside Ålesund. His tricotage factory produced underpants, red stocking caps and blue-shirts - which could be telling of the three mystic archetypes in 'british' version (wherein the protruding hood or bonnet of the nose-trunk is conceived as underpants). That could be just the 'Ole Devold' of the 'sumerian' cuneiform project. At the same time, in the 1840's, there was the norwegian language pioneer called Ivar Aasen, whose name arguably is similar to 'Rawlinson', who made the first description of the sunnmørian language - the dialect on Sunnmøre, the region of Langevåg and Ålesund. Aasen later made similar descriptions of other rural dialects and collected them in a new Landsmaal which gave rise to modern Nynorsk which was supposed to form the basis for a written norwegian language - which so far had been danish while the people spoke norwegian dialects.

One naturally speculates that both Ole Devold and Ivar Aasen could have been agents from England, in extension from the 'projects' of the coup of Grassmann and Rawlinson's decipherment of 'sumerian'. This Ole Devold (the tricotage factory probably still exists) is allegedly a forefather of the family I grew up in - that is also the source of my knowledge of him. There are some reasons to assume that his grand-[grand?]-daughter Laura Helene Devold (born in the beginning of the 20th century, in 1904 or 1905) could have been involved in the death of Lenin, together with Vidkun Quisling. The 'evidence' or rather indications of this can be found in the british state-run periodical 'Modern Language Review' - founded around the time of the birth of precisely the same Laura Devold - immediately before Lenin's death. When Lenin was subjected to an attempt outside the Michelson factories a few months after the beginning of the revolution, that was (as is my guess) probably for telling that the revolution could not go since it was not a world revolution, and the name of his attempted assassin, Fanny Jefimovitsch Kaplan, could have meant just this 'Modern Language Reivew'. See also the fragment 176 from Talmud Erubin above which could be read perhaps something like 'my fanny, my bureau, my macaroni hiber'. This does not mean that Lenin was an agent for England - on the contrary, it rather means that he tried to tell the whole story of the 20th century and the 'Klipra connection' and why the revolution could not go. In the court he argued that Kaplan should be treated with care since she was a decent political activist who believed in her activism and she was imprisoned for some time but soon released by the bolsheviks.

Laura Devold inherited a lot of money from the factory and (probably in the twenties) married Bjarne Eidsvig and the two moved into the house Fjellgata 72 in the district called 'Klipra' (means 'cliffs-off', as for Dovre/Dover and the motto of 1814) in Ålesund. It is this address which seems to have been the indexation contained in the shot in Sarajevo in 1914 - and indeed the first world war seems to have had mainly this function of installing the socalled 'Klipra connection' - the british representation in Norway on the other side of the waterway - into the world's historic consciousness. For example, the Eidsvigs bought 'Visthouse' in 'Vistdal' - which could have been the name of the battle of 'Verdun' - and later 'Auschwitz'. It is my theory that the Klipra connection was installed into world consciousness by way of WWI and that all the major battles and events in the world war installed an aspect of this connection to Sunnmøre. The Eidsvigs got their first child Ragna, who is my official mother, in 1929, and the stockmarket soon collapsed on Wall Street. Bjarne Eidsvig had two brothers, Aron and Bernt Eidsvig. I have been told that they were six brothers but never met more than these three. I don't remember Aron well enough to be able to make any claims as far as the idea is concerned that he could have been a postwar version of Adolf Hitler living in Klipra in Ålesund in Norway under the protection of NATO - but notice the aftermath of the death of revolution hero Mao and the accusations against 'the gang of four'. Whether my official father was the same person as Josef Mengele, I don't know, and even less can I say about ideas that he took the place of pope Paul VI and could have been pope for some time. Could be it was the plan to take the place of the pope but it failed on the doorstep? I do recall or believe that I recall the official father, officially called John Grøver born John Jensen on 27 october 1916 (see MLR), going behind a shed on the ferry station Vikebukt in the late sixties and returning in a somewhat new form, and there could be traces of this in the wellknown photo of Mengele in uniform, looking down on something which he holds in his hands, but these are vague data without much implications for the question of authenticity. Nor can I guarantee that he was replaced.

If I should sum up briefly what I think could be the role assigned to me in the political mythos theatre, it could look like this: I seem to have been designed as the 'dirty beast in the revelation' as genetic son of the jewish poets Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan but growing up in this non-jewish family, and tape recordings from my childhood room could have been sufficient for modelling an underearth 'rope' (see the 'dogs paradox', see chapter 2, relative to the 'sodomite salt' of Talmud Erubins) along the eastern swastika arm from Turkey around the Black Sea to France of horror striking on personal indexes which are selected by way of such surveillance data. This can create the illusion that it is the 'dirty beast in the revelation' who strikes with horror against people along this eastern branch, and when the swastika on Europe, with its origo in Paris, has been installed into european politics since at least Napoleon, it could be that a pulling together of the white cliffs of DOVER in England and the white cliffs of DOVRE in Norway by way of certain specific aspects of british administration will be enough for turning the swastika 90 degrees and hence move the underearth feeling of horror from the eastern to the southern arm of the swastika - making it run as a mighty irrational impulse - an underearth rope of rig-vedaen or jewish-mystic dogs paradox - from Sicily to Venice and causing a new wave of fascism to arise in Italy - and a corresponding nazism in Germany. One can guess that this is how they made it 100 years ago as well. If e.g. Brigate Rosse worked on behalf of 'british intelligence', it could have been for forcing the italians to accept the idea that my 'authorship', so to speak, is the essence of evil and terror (such as their own) of the 'dirty beast', constituting a threat against the future and stability of Italy. Baader/Meinhof could have had a similar function in Germany - cp. the relation of Ingeborg Bachmann to Paul Celan. These Young Rebels could of course have worked for what seemed like my interests - but with terror, which is not in my interest. For example, I was to a party in the night 5-6 may 1978 when an old woman - the mother of conservative MP Georg Apenes - was murdered with a knife in the house next door - it was certainly not I who did it, but if the plan was to credit the 'dirty beast' mythologically, the response from Brigate Rosse could have been the murder of Aldo Moro (cp. 'the old mother') who was found three days later. This was also about the time when Russia invaded Afghanistan, and one can speculate that Adolf Hitler had been sexually abused by his mother Klara Pölzl in his youth. The swastika turn 90 degrees could then serve the purpose of creating the impression that it is jewish genetics which is the evil of the 'dirty beast' and which constitutes a threat against european culture and peace.

It is a part of this story that it all the time runs outside my person: The purpose of that could be not only to keep the rope hidden and underearth, but also to hijack the political power in the construction. I have fancied that fertile sperm could have been forced out of me in young age as early as 3 years, in 1960, and that this could have been the background of the arrest of Adolf Eichmann: He was arrested exactly, probably on the hour, 10 years before Nelly Sachs (who probably is my genetic mother) died, and when the arrest was announced for Knesset, almost in the very same hour the world's biggest earthquake went off in Concepcion in Chile: This could have been an underearth bomb triggered for the idea of 'conception' from the material stored in 'Chile', the freezer. The political construction would then have been to make generations of daughters with me as the father of each new generation, and with eggs stolen from the newborn infant females by biopsy for making short generations (cp. also my name). Then the percentage of genes resembling mine in the daughters would increase for each new generation, and after 5 generations the genetics of the new daughter would be statistically close to mine. The politics is then found in the phenomenon of the 'keys to heaven', see end of this chapter, whereby it is shown that the permutational matrix which is called the 'sonnet algorithm' takes 5 column permutations to return to its beginning form. That means that column 5 = column 1, and the concept of 'fifth columnists' probably has its origin in this phenomenon. It means that the daughter of the 5th generation, who has nearly the same genetics as me, is 'the same' as the 1st generation who could be the Ur-mother whose genetics is totally different from mine. This means that the 5th generation is administratively the same as the 1st generation but genetically totally different, and this is what allows for a political hijack of the genetic factor in the construction. It means that if it is my genetics which is credited for the 'dirty beast' effect in the eastern and turned-around southern branches of the swastika, and hence for the irrational panic which could spread in Italy whipping up new fascist movements, the political effect of this could be hijacked by the construction of the family trees. The trick would then be to have a certain political authority on the lives of the daughters.

I have fancied that a part of the construction would be that the daughters would tend to be people who receive some public attention, thereby containing a 'democratic' power potential, while my person is kept on a low level. It would be a part of the construction that my physical appearance would have been edited in the course of my growth in childhood and youth in order to make it difficult to recognize family relationships. If Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan are my genetic parents, none of these have marked cheekbones or a withdrawn chin such as I (and Albert of Saxony!) have, but these traits are probably easy to engineer by administrative and chemical methods. It could be that some of the children also will have been somewhat edited, also for making recognition difficult. (Today it is probably possible to engineer almost any look in growing children by way of computerized analyses of X-rays etc).

I would suppose that all permutations of the 'keys to heaven' could have been represented in family trees. For the bit-reversal, it can be noticed that if one makes a daughter of me and the 5th generation, she will be younger chronologically but 'older' administratively compared with a daughter made from me and the 2nd generation if she is considered the daughter also of the 1st generation (by the 'sameness'). This could affect e.g. inheritance matters - and genetic aspects of the elder of the two daughters in terms of inheritance could be politically hijacked by way of the younger of these by a bit-reversal strategy which also will serve to reinforce the idea of 'the same' and the administrative hijack.

In short, as far as my person is concerned, there could be a lot of political power engineered from my political mythos role - but it would look like 'nothing' and the plan could have been to keep me totally undiscovered and uncredited for my work like that underearth rope of 'dogs paradox'. This could have been a part of the reason for the general rejection so far of my work and the reduction of my career to the level of disability pensioner (which, though, has been an income for my poetic work). I have also guessed that my role is associated with the character 'Joktan' of Genesis 10:26-29 where his 13 children are listed - could be some names could be spotted there. If the J is turned wrong way, it could come out as Loktan = 'smelled him' - this could perhaps also be a part of the construction, that jewish genetics is supposed to be 'smelly'.

It has taken me some time to discover the construction by my own work - but if I should come around with these ideas, why could I expect to be taken seriously - if the sum of all of it is zero?

There are a few indications which are something worth. My official father was called John Grøver officially born John Jensen on 27 October 1916 - he changed his name from Jensen to Grøver in 1946 - and the official mother born Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig was born on 12 May 1929. (Financial analysts of 1929 tell that they started feeling the ground of the stockmarket giving in as early as may and some of them started pulling out of stocks already then - before the total collapse on Wall Street which could have served to install the backwards reading of the Talmud Erubin fragments). The birthdays of these official parents of mine can be verified under the entry 'John Grøver' in the directory 'Norges Læger' or 'Norges Leger' ('Norway's doctors') which exists in many norwegian libraries (see internet and doctor home book shelves. There one can also find the official CV of John Grøver - for example, the similarity of his career with the chemical formula of morphine is a little interesting. The destruction by an explosion in the rear of the US destroyer Cole in Aden on 12 October 2000 and the sinking by an explosion in the nose of the russian submarine Kursk at Murmansk 12 August 2000 relate to these two birthdays of the custody parents with 30666 days (for Cole 12.10.2000) and the mirror image to the first 1858 Madonna in Lourdes (for Kursk 12.08.2000) around the birth of the custody mother. That makes for the concept of 'the dirty beast in the revelation' which could be the term which administration has intended on my probably jewish genetics. Swapping Murmansk with Aden makes Oslo swap with Jerusalem - cp. the Oslo Accord of the 1990's.

Furthermore, my 11th birthday - I was born (officially) on 29 June 1957 with the name John Bjarne Grøver - was in the exact mid point in the period of the norwegian government of Per Borten which lasted from 12 October 1965 to 17 March 1971. Borten took over after a 20 year nearly unbroken government of Einar Gerhardsen 1945-65, and the beginning and end of Borten's period seem additionally to have indexed my probable genetic parents Celan and Sachs who died on Hitler's birthday (Celan disappeared on 20 april 1970) and my official mother's birthday (12 may 1970). There was the Ingeborg Lygren (cp. Ingeborg Bachmann) case in Moscow which correlated with Borten's takeover in 1965, and there was the 'glipp' = leak of classified information which could have correlated with Sachs for his resignation in 1971 - cp. the letter which Sachs could have got from Celan in Paris in 1960 with possibly high-secrecy information about me and the whole story - and which could have been stolen from her on her return to Stockholm if she hid it instead of burning it = the leak of classified information, making it necessary for Celan to come up to Stockholm with a copy of it. (There is the sensible theory that it was a copy of Celan who arrived in Stockholm while Celan himself tried to get in contact with me in Odda). It could have been the political strategy to dump the blame for their 1970 deaths on me - conceived of as a 'dirty beast in the revelation' - and hence I was subjected to cruel school dentistry in the autumn 1970 after we moved to a new town with a new school called Trosvik ('treason', 'eidsvig', cp. 'the-reason') where the dentist Aulie drilled up nearly all my teeth and put in tram lines on both sides in the upper and lower jaw (= 'trikk-o-tage'?). The new british PM was then called Edward Heath: It could mean that it was the heat, the puberty, the very genetics, which was THE REASON, as seems to be the key to the formula of british PMs since the war. The reason for the holes in the teeth - or for the deaths of the parents? - was my puberty genetics, it could mean. A further aspect of this story could have been in relation to the names of two czechs, the composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (contemporary of Bach) and the poet Frantisek Halas (who seems to have died on my official father's official birthday in 1949): The combination of these make for a Fronleichnam ('Corpus Christi') relative to my name. It could be that Zelenka is assigned a mythos role because of the name since 1972 of Sri Lanka (relating to India such as Ireland to England - with Ireland as the egg yolk, northern Ireland the white and England as the coconut), and there could be much intrigue on this 'John Bjarne Skinka', cp the former name 'Ceylon'. 'Halas' could have been the reason for the Kennedy assassination in 'Dallas', cp. hebrew H/D.

I notice that if Per Borten started in 1965 with the Ingeborg Lygren case and if this meant Ingeborg Bachmann, that could mean Baader/Meinhof. And when the reason for Borten's resignation in 1971 was what he repeatedly called a 'glipp' (I vividly recall this wording of his), that could be for the 'bridge at the Russia' in a Black Sea loop and a corresponding bridge at Sicily and the english channel. This lends some weight to this indexation of me and my 11th birthday - via the 'abortion' of the parents.

It must be added that when Per Borten resigned in 1971, it was Trygve Bratteli who took over and who said (on 'Gjövik' = 'Bay-wick') that he would resign if the referendum on EU membership in 1972 came out negative, which it did. When Bratteli resigned, it was a Fratelli to Borten for a 'foldover' (cp. the norwegian 'boldovers' Nansen, Amundsen and Heyerdahl) of Norway to Italy on the european swastika with centre in Paris. 'Var Fjorten' = 'Was Fourteen', which I was not, but my 'Concepcion' - the world's biggest earthquake in 1960 when the arrest of Eichmann was announced - was fourteen. The purpose with this story could have been the plans on using my life or authorship for modelling a 'horror rope' from the Black Sea to France.

Are Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan my real parents? It was in 2004 that I found the published correspondence between the two and then I also found all my important early childhood memories contained in the poems which Sachs sent to Celan. My first memory is from the corridor in Brinken 2 on Kampen in Oslo in probably early 1958: I crawl or rather am on all four on the floor (I had not yet learnt to walk) and look down into the floor, then lift my head and look into the end of the corridor and finally I lift the head further up and look into the circular lampshade in the ceiling, where the memory fades. This memory is contained in the first poem Sachs sent to Celan on 10 march 1958 - and I guess that it the rooting of the memory. It is of course possible that administration has used these lines of poetry when indexing me, or that the custody parents have imitated them, but the memories are nevertheless of such a quality that I doubt that some indexing could do it. In 1993 I went back to the same corridor in Oslo and had it verified that the memory was indeed from the real world and that it had to be from before April 1958 when we moved to Hammerfest: The corridor was in fact exactly as I remembered it, except for a fire hose that had come up on the wall. The second memory is probably from that far north of Hammerfest: I recall walking outside in darkness between two adults, it was probably the custody parents who were holding my hands on either side, and my slow walking would probably have caused some jump-lift assistance, when suddenly a person seems to appear in the air in front of me - and the memory is that I could not find out if this other person was myself or somebody else. This ambiguity has always puzzled me and I have wondered why I remembered it. The memory got its explanation when I found in the second poem Sachs sent to Celan - on 11 september 1958. These early memories have always been vividly present - and found their explanation in 2004 when I found the book with their correspondence. At that time of 2004 I had not even articulated clearly the theory that these were my parents. Further memories from later in childhood confirm the same rooting. There is also the story from 1960 when Sachs and Celan met in Zürich and Paris - and I met a fantasy friend whom I called 'Gori'. I do not remember who made the name (cp. 'Al Gore'), but the two fragments I remember - we were playing in a cardboard box and I inspected the mirror to see if there could be any substance in the claims made by Gori of living behind that mirror - can be recognized in the letter of 5 september 1960 which Celan sent to his wife Gisele Lestrange in Paris from Stockholm when he officially visited Sachs. The letter contains, in the context of Nelly Sachs' mention of white gloves, an underscored 'preuve de fausetté' which in my own norwegian 'prøvde å få sett det' means 'I tried get a glimpse of it', such as e.g. a child. Whether this really was a message to me as a 'gisele lestrange' that he had tried to contact me or if it is a later emendation or interpretation, I do not know. Celan met Martin Buber after his return to Paris - Buber's letters around this time could be suggestive of some such attempt of Celan to meet me in Odda. Celan's 'Meridian' speech would have been written partly after this trip to Scandinavia.

But clearly the parenthood of Sachs and Celan to me would have been of a very high secrecy classification, and Celan would, if he had it from informed sources, probably have got it from french or israeli administration. It is possible that the secret codename of theirs for me could have been that 'golden light over the water' which they refer to a few times in their correspondence. There is also the poem "Nah, im Aortenbogen" in Celan's 'Fadensonnen' where there is the form 'Ziw, jenes Licht' which could be my name. I add my 'rathunt memory' from Odda - I was age 3 and grabbed a broom in the entrance room and with a friend of mine went to the back side of the house for hunting rats: A big and friendly rat peeped out between the stones in the foundation, I swung the broom and hit it on the paw and it started bleeding and looked at me with sad eyes before it withdrew under the house again. We went back and a terrible conscience attacked me thereafter: Why did I do this to the friendly rat? This memory, which always has been a strong memory from Odda, could be partly related to the last parts of Celan's 'Meridian' speech, partly to Nelly Sachs' poem "Fortgehen ohne Rückschau" from her Glühende Rätsel III from about that time.

Since there is little factual evidence in favour of this version of the story, although what is perhaps suffices for giving substance to the idea, similar ideas about abuse of my person generally lack substance but can be postulated on a general basis. The school dentistry is certain, though, and I inspected my teeth which were white and healthy. I add the theory - for which there could be some evidence in news from the same times - of a 1-2-3 mistreatment from early childhood. This is a theory for which I have no proof but mention it for the specific reason of its explanatory force for the Kennedy assassination: Step 1 could have been an opening of my skull in my first address Sandveien 4 in Molde a few days after birth - an event which would have been pretold by the murder of Aung San in Burma 10 years earlier (and wherein the 'San[d]'-blaster could have been co-referential with the one who sandblasted the Dead Sea Scrolls if those are british swindle). This seems to be an old ritual in barbaric societies - to lift off the soft 'helmet' of a new born child and masturbate sperm on the cortex before closing it again. The helmet probably soon grows tight and it is perhaps not as seldom as one could think. Could be one can swap helmets (and hence hair) among infants. Modern obligatory baby checks should prevent it, though. The idea can be made that jewish circumcision is a ritual which means that the child is born into a society wherein such infant skull opening does not take place. (The ancient barbarism is in christian culture seemingly replaced with baptism). I must also add that I have not had this theory of possible baby skull opening verified anywhere, but one can arrive at it by own speculation, and it could be that the human organism is constructed in this way not only for making the birth less dangerous but also for giving the child the chance to understand that a 'second coming' - with opening of the skull - does not take place under normal circumstances. I fancy that people who have suffered such mistreatment in early childhood will suffer from paying tax, since the effect of tax paying will not be a social reward in terms of life progress but on the contrary can lead to a second expulsion from the social environments. I myself paid tax to Norway through more than 20 years before I had to flee the country. Now the theory which has taken shape in my head is that if one assumes that the masturbator who was spurting his semen on my open cortex was the political aspirant John F.Kennedy, soon thereafter running for presidency, one can understand the Kennedy assassination as a 'reversal' of the roles - with the shot on his cortex. There were several newspieces from the time up to my birth on 29 june 1957 - including Hermann Buhl's falldown from Chogolisa (like a clot of sperm down the cortical hillside), the new belgian NATO chief and other stories. Perhaps one can make the idea gain credibility by looking up old news.

Step 1 would have been in Sandveien 4, Molde, my then address. Step 2 (although this is pure speculation) could have been a rape in then address Brinken 2, Kampen, Oslo, and I have fancied it could have been a postwar Adolf Hitler who did it. If the name of Margareth Hilda Thatcher means a 3-2-1 on my early person, then the mid name is interesting indeed. Step 3 could then have been in Hammerfest in northern Norway and would have consisted in chemical torture by an injection with 'Mengele chemicals' in the blood. The idea is that this, if it did take place, would have been on 20 january 1959 which was in the middle of Eisenhower's 'period'. The Eisenhower doctrine was published in early january 1957, seemingly (if I have computed right) 1223 hours, days, weeks, months from the birth of king Albert of Sachsen (cp. 'Ancel-Sachs, the 'anglo-saxons'). It seems that the doctrine, which contains 8-9 parts, in these encode the names of the same number of females with whom I had to enter into intimate relations in spite of their status of being bound in marriage or friendship with other males, and hence I came to represent a threat against the basic social institution of our society. This 'sexual abuse' of my person had a prelude in 1975 with a series of hospitalizations, diseases including a throat abscess with outright torture when I was taken by the official father to unsuccesful attempts to open it in a private basement in Oslo by a 'specialist', then later an operation with removal of my tonsilles, narcosis with intravenal fluids etc: In sum, if I added all the elements, it would probably come close to something resembling step 3 from Hammerfest - and this suggestive idea, which probably would resemble a corporeal albeit unconscious memory from my childhood, would be suggestive of the possible alternative unless I was collaborative on the 'octogon'. However, since I was not informed about this special story and believed that I was a most ordinary normal person, and since I had no conscious memory of such abuse apart from the school dentistry, I could not later believe that the stories of the 'octogon' were caused by anything else than my own lax morals. This was a real humiliation of my personal self-esteem and sexual integrity, at least untill I came across the assumed evidence in the Eisenhower doctrine and found the names of the females encoded in the 'undertext'. Although general evidence is lacking, I have guessed that this form of abuse in various forms could have followed me throughout my life, normally one step ahead of what I could master or overview. For the time being, I have guessed that illegal secret surveillance is the form of abuse (it really would be a variant of step 1 mentioned above, the opening of the newborn's skull) which is hard for me to protect myself against, and I have noticed some cases of reflexes of my writings in earthquakes reported on internet sources. These need not be large - it may be that the abuse is of the natural disposition of humans to believe that divinity speaks through nature in this way, and hence a reflex of my writings with smaller quakes created by 'rockpedos' going through rock leading to explosions ('rock-and-roll') on placenames indexing certain aspects of my work for the purpose of creating the idea of the 'dirty beast in the revelation' could be a frequent phenomenon: These quakes convert my authorship into disasters - possibly intended for later politics on Italy. I mention some catastrophes which could be indicative of this idea: I sent in late 2002 the handwritten manuscruípts to my TEQ books 11-12 to copyright registration in Washington, Library of congress, where they were registered on 26 december 2002. On 26 december 2003 there was the disastrous earthquake in Bam in Iran, and on 26 december 2004 - exactly one year minus one hour later - there was the disaster of Banda Aceh, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives. The genocide of Rwanda - same number of deaths as in Treblinka which indexes my name - seemed to have been released by a book submission of mine to a publisher. And so forth.

I must add that the Kennedy assassination, which of course could have been theatre for continueing the career of the president under a new identity after the 'expulsion', seems somewhat related to the series of murders of Gandhis in India. Kennedy was shot after the US involvement in Vietnam - in a 180 degrees 'foldover' around the globe relative to Norway and Klipra - was started. One can add the 'cognitive' function of Iraq under Saddam Hussein with his two Gulf wars which seemed to encode the number '23' (by a 'foldover' of the months in the 10 year interval) which is associated with the structure of two sonnet algorithms from the 'keys to heaven' hinged at their turning points: That makes for two sonnets in a 180 degree relation over a '23'. This number 23 is apparently the 'calendarial telescope' (cp. 1223) for the birth of my younger official sister Tone Grøver on 23 february 1961 (I also have an elder official sister). I do not - in spite of the Gulf wars and the Chechnya conflict - believe that she changed gender and was turned into Tony Blair, but the name-relation could have been 'leaked' via e.g. the name of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy. In 1980 I got involved with some instruction in a theatre play called 'Bricks Play'. There is a jungle of theoretical intrigues which could be discussed in this framework. However that be, after Vietnam as step 1 and the Gulf wars as step 2, there could be the third foldover of Norway down on Italy as a step 3 - if the angloamericans and NATO have planned a repeat of the 20th century. It can be that England by its territory has conceived of themselves as 'the dogs of Europe' since the time of Napoleon.

It was when I read Divyanand's translation of Rig-Veda that I became aware of his teacher Sant Kirpal Singh who died on 21 august 1974. Indira Gandhi died 10 years and 2 months later, murdered by two 'Singh-Sikh' (= 2 months, 'sinnsyk' is norwegian for 'mentally ill') security guards, which makes for 122,3 months = 1223 of the calendarial telescope of the publication date of the Eisenhower doctrine relative to the birth of Albert of Saxony. This number again could be contained in the death in 1980 of her son Sanjay Gandhi at the beginning of the series of attempts and murders on John Lennon, Ronald Reagan and the pope, in intervals 3-2-1 * 56 days when the Holy Hijacker of 2 may 1981 is included in the computations for correlating the last interval. If 'J-on-len-on' combined with 'runner erection' means a rape of an infant (including perhaps Hitler's 'gladius conversion'), and the pope means a 'Hammerfest', there is a 1-2-2-3 in the series between Kirpal Singh and Indira Gandhi. When finally her son Rajiv Gandhi died on 21 may 1991 by a bomb hidden inside a bouquet of flowers given to him, it suggests the four main mystic archetypes stepped under foot by Adolf Hitler. (I notice also Indira 'Nelly Sachs' with sons 'Sandvei' and 'Scandinavian'). It seems that the name 'Christian Oftedal' of the norwegian Nobel peace prize committee (the 1948 letter of recommendation for the prize he wrote just before Gandhi's death could have some reflex in the relevant issue of 'Modern Language Review') could have been the basis for a british responsibility claim on the death of Mahatma Gandhi, in which case the 'ophthal-mology' of the 'christian' could suggest that the terrorist strategy on the Gandhi family was to leave the stamp of perception of such archetypes as 'insanity'. There was a psychiatric hospital called Oppdøl near my childhood town Molde ('mology'), and I recall the saying 'hole in the fence of Oppdøl' as a folk expression for 'madness'. The family spent an easter in a house at this mental hospital in the sixties while the official father did some work there. I add that Aung San's wife was Khin Kyi (cp. 'Brinken' with step 2) and his daughter Aung San Suu Kyi has a name resembling 'Sykehus', my official address in Hammerfest - for understanding this 1-2-3 of western administration in various forms.

It is enough to add the relation of student and teacher in this story to understand how the murders of the Gandhis could have been made as a part of the attack on the world's spirituality - in particular India's with its Rig-Veda - and with the mystic archetypes in the case of Rajiv Gandhi. Singh could perhaps vaguely resemble a person I once knew who told a story about a 'smergel' paper used for polishing the tip of the penis on a bronze statue.

Divyanand's translation of Rig-Veda mentions the 'sound-current' of the (inner/outer) acoustic reality on 1-24-12/13. Cp. Gen.10:26.

If my life is suppressed by such a long series of abuses, what should have been the purpose? Is it as trivial as that - that the rope of the dogs paradox is 'stepped under foot'?

Since 1945 the british concept has spread to most of the world and today one could perhaps say that whenever poetry and mysticism and religious devotion is suppressed, the phenomenon of political power gains strength. Could be this is the story of the empire of 'sea pirates', the british 'vikings' with the 1000 'reasons' on their helmets. It is probably possible that the vikings never existed and that the world of icelandic and norwegian 'sagas' (means 'sawings') had been fabricated in England a la 'Heimskringla' (see chapter 9), Iceland as a counterpoint to Israel and Norway to Italy, for providing England with horned-helmet 'reasons' for striking back against jews and italians on the pretext that jews or italians had 'sawed' their wives, and every time a giant in the spiritual world, be it Rafael or Caravaggio or Mozart or whatever, has been murdered, the national power of England would have gained strength. And a human is only a weak body, be it Rafael or Caravaggio, which means that the only chance Italy had to protect themselves against the 'vikings' from England was to develop a mafia, and thereby unconstitutional power would develop, eventually ideal for 'viking' intrigue from abroad. It is fully possible that the world of the 'sagas' is protected from serious scientific scrutiny because they constitute historic and literary foundations and national pride in Iceland and Norway - for example, the 'historic evidence' in Heimskringla could have been the very 'reason' why Norway was established in 1814 (with the white cliffs of Dovre on the border to Sweden) and 1905. It is a great pity if national pride in the nordic regions is what keeps this global problem going. The self-evidently constructed character of the saga world constituted by norwegian-hebrew linguistic correlates of a ridiculing kind was not enough proof that they were falsified and therefore one could not discard the historic evidence only for such reasons - and a british administrator 'confessing' the fabrications could be even less safe evidence. And every C-14 machine contains potentially radio gear. But now my PEB could perhaps solve these problems if it comes to be considered a safe way of dating of such old literary documents (chapter 9).

There is the journal 'Modern Language Review' which, if I have got it right, is run by british governmental money: It was started in 1905 (the year of full norwegian independence) and seems to have indexed in its 'undertext' of titles and texts the births and deaths of major intellectuals as well as other cases of terror. Rilke, Picasso, Wittgenstein, Camus, Lipatti, Halas, Sachs, Celan - take almost any prominent intellectual of the 20th century and look up the issue of MLR (the full register of titles since it was started in 1905 should be on the internet under, humanities) immediately before the death of the person - and it is quite often that one finds the name encoded in the undertext if it was a person of some cultural importance. I choose by coincidence a book from the bookshelf - it is Dylan Thomas and I look up MLR october 1953 which is the last issue before his death age 39 in St.Vincent Hospital, New York City, on a reading tour in USA on 9 november 1953 - and find that title #2 in that issue is "The place of the 'Quest of the Holy Grail' in the 'Morte Darthur'" (by P.E.Tucker). Is that supposed to be a coincidence? That is hard to believe when the apparent series of indexations is as impressive as it is. Some instances are of course coincidences, and one would naturally guess that not all intellectuals could have their death pre-scheduled there. I looked up Mircea Eliade, the romanian religion theorist who died at Bernard Mitchell Hospital in Chicago on 22 april 1986, but it seemed that even this attempt to find a prominent intellectual whose death was not pretold in MLR failed, considering the first title "Providential justice and english comedy 1660-1700: A review of the external evidence" (by Derek Hughes). It seems that all the main death camps of the nazis were 'indexed' (undertext style) in MLR before the building of them was started, some (Auschwitz) apparently even before the order to make them was given by Himmler. For Treblinka, Schwarz (1996) tells that the area for the camp was determined in the autumn 1941 - see MLR July 1941. Belzec was built from 1 November 1941 to February 1942 and seems to be a possible reading of the titles in MLR January 1941. For Sobibor, the construction started in March 1942 and this death camp seems to be a possible reading of the titles in MLR April 1941. It is therefore possible that the apparent 'undertext indexing' of these camps in MLR could have coincided with the administrative orders to construct them. Himmler seems to have given the order to build Auschwitz on 27 april 1940 - see MLR January 1940 for possible undertextual indexation of this camp. When Lenin let himself be shot at by Fanny Jefimovitch Kaplan, that was perhaps for telling about this phenomenon - as a part of the reason why the revolution could not go since it could not come to be a world revolution as long as the Klipra connection continued to exist. There is the idea that NATO was established for preventing Norway from being annexed by the Soviet Union, something which otherwise could have solved an enormous lot of political problems globally.

For the question of a mythological function of the Kennedy assassination on background of the fact that there are two major holes in the baby skull which in principle can allow for penetration of sperm onto the cortex (without opening the 'helmet') and hence allow for some folk-mythological administrative-logical association of human sperm with a bullet from a gun - and even for a confusion of the child with the alleged assassin in Dallas whose name even was Mr.Lee Harvey Oswald, as for my 1-3-2 first addresses. I refer to the titles of the articles and the 8 miscellaneous notes of Modern Language Review july 1957, two days after my birth. In 1957, the pope was #260 Papa Pius XII. Paul VI was #262, like the car number T-262 on my official father's beetle in 1960. This 'wagoner' was my official father, cp. Ibsen's dramas of the 1890's.

It seems that a theory could exist which conceives of the modern digital computer as a giant snow cannon for ensuring white christmas with a 'sound-current' of Bing Crosby as the 'reason' for the Gandhi murders. 'Canonize Kennedy' could have been the theme, thereby possibly relating to me via the Kennedy 'canonization' in 1963. If a mythological role is assigned to me relative to the biblical Joktan, that could be for linking me to the role of the pope. Which could be about the interests of an anglican-church state since Henry VIII.

The Klipra connection - that seems to be this 200 year old cliff-to-cliff connection between England and Norway (or at least it is cliff-to-cliff between Norway and Sweden on Dovre) for turning the swastika around and for gaining political power by a war on intellectuals and spiritual values such as the mystic archetypes. People want their childhood and archetypes back after they have been hijacked by administration - cp. the 'archetypal' marble sculptures on Tiepolo's painting 'Il trionfo di Flora'. See also the comment in the end of the introduction to chapter 17 on the mystic transubstantiation by the unification of the two archetypes (man-on-wagon, nose-trunk) which could be the cliff-to-cliff secret of the Klipra connection. If the theory is right that the italian mafia arose in the wake of british attacks on italian intellectuals since about 1500, one can speculate that the modern phenomenon of international non-constitutional power in administration after Hitler is a result of the same war on a global scale. This 'viking' empire has been extending its powers probably since about the renaissance or at least since the mid 19th century - could be mainly by a war against the mystic archetypes. Does this mean that the mystic archetypes are going out of use with the new time? The answer is probably not there, even if administrative power may suggest that this is the answer - in my view it is rather that administration tries to wriggle the archetypes out of the hands of the individuals for gaining control with them, and for turning them into a tool for government of the masses, could be for the age-old dream of getting total control with the world. That is a very unfortunate development. It means that the people are deprived of their dearest archetypes, like their own childhood, and this could have been the reason for the revolutions of 1848. For example, the school massacre in december 2012 in Sandy Hook school in Connecticut in USA took place when the book "L'Allegria" ('Die Heiterkeit') by Giuseppe Ungaretti which I had ordered through a bookshop should have arrived - and while I was still writing this book. See chapter 7 on Tiepolo's "L'educazione della vergine". I would not be much surprised if I were to learn that the 'revolutions' in Kyrgyztan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria 2010-2011 were a NATO-controlled attempt to gain authority over my authorship generally or some part of it - could be on background of the tax return of 2011 for my norwegian state pension that since january 2010 was taxed with 15%. (In the late summer or early autumn 2010 I was attacked by a strong cough and a whistling in my bronchies that reminded me of a cigarette paper vibrating deep down there - there exists a type RIZLA+ cp. the programming language C++. The interesting part of the story is that such tax problems due to early helmet-lifting seem to attack one year in advance of the tax return or declaration - cp. also my bodily response to the Betancourt story one year before the declaration in Paris - which could pertain to a role of the archetype man-on-wagon catching up with himself in front - see the next chapter). It is important to understand that Hitler won the war in 1945, so to speak, and that ideas about 'installing poetry in administration' can be a war against the poetry in the sense of moving the poetic understanding of the world from the individuals to the administration. That is like moving childhood from the people to the government - in order for power to exploit and suppress the people's capacity to understand the world right.

My view is that it is wise to be without any preconceptions about british administration and its representatives. There seems to be a theory that the centuries-old myth of Robin Hood tells about a historic revelation of Satan in Nottingham. If the introduction to chapter 17 should invoke ideas that the political 'project' could be right because they try to construct a 'transubstantiation technology' for getting into contact with remote intelligences and they gain support thereby, then it is important to understand that it probably is not about technology any more than Hitler tried to launch talmudic judaism: It is probably only about stepping on other people's values. And hence that political 'project' is rather about an attempt to prevent any breakthrough in communication and information technology. My guess is that if WWII claimed 50 million lives, there could be plans for much more this century (via agents, of course). It is said that all the earliest cases of AIDSHIV (means 'Eidsvig'?) could be traced to a test vaccination against hepatitis-B in Greenwich Village in New York in november 1978. Hitler's signature sometimes looked like '8ell4', resembling the signature 'Nelly X'. Gallo & Essex are central names in the history of AIDSHIV research. It is of course possible that the british project is to credit Hitler with Nelly Sachs' authorship and to claim that she was an agent for Hitler, which would be ridiculous. Could be the AIDSHIV project was to construct a western 'missile shield' against the east, resembling the three arrows/bows on Rafael's 'Triumph of Galatea'. But then why did they murder Rafael if the only result was that the angloamericans now are struggling with getting up to where Italy was 500 years ago? See chapter 17 on my function 11 which could take on 3 different 'angles', as in Rafael's painting, and this clearly could be the background of a construction of the epidemic, but AIDSHIV is warfare against such poetic logic, not for it - just like a murder of Rafael once was. Sending 100 million people to the 'other side' for turning the look of them into bodily substance: It is probably that sort of sick ideas. Like Hitler's mass graves with bulldozers probably had 'philosophical' reasons.

It is possible to see world history since at least 1850 as a polarization of the blue metre in the west against the red metre in the east - which could have been for making the new information technology. The apparent dismantling of communism means that the new level is reached and that the world can return to a global pre-construction equilibrium. Then it is important to understand that the blue metre does not sanction terror and that poetic logic must be returned to the individuals and not be retained in administration for purposes of suppression. The new technology must be allowed to function without the constructor's fingers bending and twisting its toothed wheels in the working. It is a very serious misunderstanding to believe that the blue metre is a sort of anti-red metre - such as the time it takes to die from terror vs. the time it takes to live in harmony.

This story I have told on basis of my own speculations, and I have never been told a word about this story nor have I had access to classified information. There is, as the reader can easily verify, not much empirical substance - although it is not totally empty - in support of the idea that I personally am attached to the story via some mythological role assigned to me, but the reader can of course understand the story independently of this question anyhow. I must, though, allow myself the observation that Kursk-and-Cole and the norwegian PMs of 1965-72 do constitute some evidence which could be assigned some weight. But then the question remains: Why should it be so important that I be kept totally ignorant about it?

'Democracy' should not be a mythos machine for unconstitutional power: Rather, in addition to the three state powers it should include a fourth and independent power with the task of dismantling uncontitutional power generation and with the authority to downgrade secrets of administration. Many or most politicians will certainly not have this - since it could take their unconstitutional power away - but a referendum could do it. The 'no nukes' logo has normally three corners, it seems. Why is it called 'Index on censorship'? Or 'Amnesty International'? (I saw an old woman dressed in a fur with a no nukes button). It is the new surveillance technology which makes this fourth democratic power absolutely necessary since an enormous lot of unconstitutional power can be accumulated by secret surveillance of mythos-burdened individuals, and then a fourth state power should serve to deflate any power based on a mythos-value assigned to individuals. It is important that the poetry be returned to the people and be not reserved as a tool of power for administration.

It is possible that international more or less top level administration try to organize a new round of nazism and fascism and dump the blame for this on me as a 'dirty beast'. I emphasize that I do not participate in anything such and do what I can to prevent abuse of my person and work for such purposes and I have never given any sort of permission to anything such. If the reason why I have not been informed about such stories is that people in my surroundings were supposed to undergo changes and resurface on the political stage and it was essential that I would not recognize them, while at the same time their careers could have been associated clandestinely with my person, then it is high time with a thorough dishwash of all that dirt.

The keys to heaven

This is derived from the structure of Acts chapter 10 which contains 48 verses. It seems that these can be conceived as 3 * 16 with the 16 being the '5th column' in a permutational scheme which in effect constitutes the Fast Fourier Transform. It goes along the below permutational scheme, where each column permutes the previous in the same manner. One further column generated by the same principle will return to the time series in the first column. Hence this permutation principle creates 5 columns out of 16 lines, and 4 columns of 8 lines. Notice the characteristic 'turn' in line 11, just like in the following. In a traditional sonnet, the last two lines are mute and the 'turn' is after the 11th line. As I have outlined in my "Time and the sonnet"; the 'terza rima' of 'Divina Commedia' is based on a closely related permutation algorithm. And so are the ballade and the sestina and other forms developed in the high middle ages. Now this sonnet structure imitates an FFT flowgraph (the weighting factors not considered), the only difference being that the FFT takes a bitreversal permutation in the fifth column where the sonnet returns to the first column. The bit-reversal is the following, based on the numbers written in binary notation (1 = 0000, 2 = 0001, 3 = 0010 etc) and then the binary code is reversed such that 1 remains 1, but 2 turns into 1000 = 9, while 3 turns into 0100 = 5 etc. Here are the three permutations, from left to right: 1) Sonnet, 2) bit-reversal, 3) unzipping:


The interesting relation between these three modes of permutation is now found in the fifth column: The unzipping permutation is then 16-1-15-2... in the fifth column etc while the sonnet permutation comes out as a plain 1-2-3-4... in the fifth. The bit-reversal 1-9-5-13... takes the place of the sonnet's 5th = 1st and is therefore factually also a 5th column.

Now one can list the three 5th-columns the one after the other for the series 3 * 16 = 48 verses of Acts chapter 10. A close reading of the verses suggests that one first lists the 16 verses qua the fifth column in the sonnet algorithm = verses 1-16. Next, the 16 elements in the bit-reversal fifth column, for verses 17-32, scrambled according to this permutation, and finally chapter 10 verses 33-48 map onto the fifth column when scrambled according to the unzipping mode. Finally one groups them together 3 and 3, in 16 groups, according to this principle. That gives the following grouping - which probably can be recognized as a form of universal in narrative structure (source is 'King James version') - with my comments suggesting a 'general trend' in the group:

1. There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,
17. Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate,
48. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
= entrance to community

2. A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway.
25. And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.
33. Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.
= goodness

3. He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.
21. Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?
47. Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
= divine apparition

4. And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.
29. Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me?
34. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
= donation

5. And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:
19. While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
46. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,
= commutation in global community

6. He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.
27. And as he talked with him, he went in, and found many that were come together.
35. But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
= arbitrarity (in/out aspect)

7. And when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually;
23. Then called he them in, and lodged them. And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him.
45. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
= bit-reversal

8. And when he had declared all these things unto them, he sent them to Joppa.
31. And said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.
36. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)
= free will as prerequisite for nature poetry

9. On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:
18. And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
44. While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.
= nesting = nominal type = +N-V

10. And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,
26. But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.
37. That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;
= context = verbal type = -N+V

11. And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:
22. And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee.
43. To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
= self-embedding, witness report, messenger = adjectival type = +N+V

12. Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
30. And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing,
38. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
= prepositional type = -N-V

13. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
20. Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
42. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
= negation, paradox, binary values

14. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.
28. And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.
39. And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:
= gender

15. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
24. And the morrow after they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius waited for them, and he had called together his kinsmen and near friends.
41. Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.
= relegation of authority/control

16. This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven.
32. Send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon, whose surname is Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea side: who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee.
40. Him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly;
= three triadic semiotic spaces

This means that the 16 groups of threes conspire on what can be recognized as the following pattern, here annotated with some concepts from stoic philosophy from about the time of the writing of Acts:

Information transfer = LOGOS
  1 17 48 entrance to community = the DOOR
  2 25 33 goodness = parameter 1
  3 21 47 apparition (divine) = BODY
  4 29 34 donation = HOUSE (= oikonomia)

The main parametres in a model of oikonomia = PHONE
  5 19 46 commutation/information transfer in global/universal space
  6 27 35 arbitrarity (IN/OUT as aspect) = parameter 3
  7 23 45 bit-reversal = parameter 2
  8 31 36 free will for nature poetry; information is real value = parameter 4

The four grammar/language types = LEXIS
  9 18 44 nesting = nominal type = +N-V
10 26 37 context = verbal type = -N+V
11 22 43 witness report = adjectival type = +N+V
12 30 38 prepositional type = -N-V

Triadic butterfly sign, the working of the machine = LEKTON
13 20 42 negation, paradox, binary values = lekton = HOUSE
14 28 39 gender = BODY
15 24 41 relegation of authority/control to universal muse = ORAL
16 32 40 three triadic semiotic spaces = three basic parameters giving the fourth = COGNITIVE

It can be observed that groups 2 and 5 conveniently swap - which is an old and well established phenomenon.

This means that there is a peculiarly strong regularity in the distribution of the verses in Acts 10, and there has probably been much speculation on why. My dating with the PEB suggests that Acts was written in 67-68 AD - and I would guess that it is an inspired text also on the formal properties of revelation and that this is the whole reason for this structure.


My conclusion to the history is that England since the formation of the monarchic anglican state church has considered the jewish foundations in the old testament as equivalent with the mystic archetypes, and the permutational world of the keys to heaven as the essence of the visionary aspects of the new testament. They searched for the archetypes in jewish literature and found them densely represented in the Talmud Erubin, including the recursive format which they microscoped and found the recursive part of the recursive part - the most compressed format - in the 10 or so small fragments quoted above. Hitler was launched in the twenties on basis of this and by way of the collapse on Wall Street untill his takeover in 1933, after which they through 12 years ran a terrible parody on a 'jewish revolution' in the form of these archetypes, and when England finally could beat down the germans, everybody were happy and did not want to have it again. The postwar era has been almost all and only these permutational 'keys to heaven', including Chomskyan grammar and the new computer. The plan is likely to be that the archetypes are stepped thoroughly under foot all over the world - untill only Downing Street 10 (= Acts 10?) possesses the keys to the ancient treasures. And since people cannot do without childhood and mysteries, they have to accept the small bits and pieces which can be portioned out from the high priests of administration - and thereby they could have planned to control the world. This is a part of the reason why one can assume that Hitler was an agent for England. Adoll = man-on-wagon, archetype 1, and Fitler = nose-trunk, archetype 3. Launching was dogs paradox with underearth rope. And now they could be planning another round: That must be avoided. The east was red and the west was blue - and could be Russia closed down the Soviet Union in the hope that the west would turn more red. The construction of the ROPE as a chain of horror from east to west - untill the english channel - is of course another attempt to make the mystic archetypes look as bad as possible. If this rope in addition is constituted by terror on persons or places with indexes which are selected in accordance with my life or authorship, that is, a chain of indexes representing my unique person by way of a chain of my personal choices, that is, my volition, then the plan could be to claim that the terror is due to my volition - and when, in addition, this rope in the mystic archetype of the dogs paradox seems to represent the genetics (the rope to the 'Stammbaum'), then the plan could be to dump the blame for the terror on jewish genetics, and, furthermore, to make claims that this is under administrative control. The rope also seems to represent the lightbeams that brings light to the soul, hence the ophthal- of the Mahatma Gandhi murder. Mystic archetypes, jewish volition, jewish culture etc. But then of course it is important to keep in mind that it is not my volition but the volition of the administrators and secret surveyors which is to be blamed for history going astray.

The conclusion to the story seems to be that a giant intrigue has been emerging from the time of Henry VIII which makes two claims: 1) That cuneiform is true and leads with historic necessity to the conclusion that the alphabetic semiotics must go out of use and be replaced with a new information technology, and 2) that the mystic archetypes are historically false in the sense of being invented by british administration (who thereby have the 'rights' to them). Clearly these two claims are closely interrelated and it is likely that the solution is to swap their truth value. If, therefore, public administration knows in its secret archives that cuneiform is a british invention, it is urgently important that this secret be not kept locked down any longer but can be published in all details. The solution is to understand the mystic reality beyond the archetypes. See Divyanand's 'Vedamrit'.

The next chapter (= chapter 17 in 'Poetic semiosis', the enumeration of function 11 in more than 2500 lines) can also be read as a proof that the mystic archetypes are authentic and are not an invention by british administration.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 8 march 2013