Comment on Windows

John Bjarne Grover

I need a security code program from the bank for being able to buy on the internet but this is not in Microsoft Store and therefore I need to get out of the S-mode which the Windows 10 Home (later upgraded to 11) was delivered with. But I and my work seem possibly to be a little too much implemented or into 'present' somehow in Windows design to make it possible for me to have a Microsoft account without getting problems and therefore I try to find a method for switching the S-mode off without such an account.

I found two methods from the internet for switching out of S-mode without internet - after having turned the internet connection off - these are described in this video and on this page:

SHIFT+restart → advanced setup
Open UEFI Firmware and in the BIOS switch SECURE BOOT to 'disabled'.

SHIFT+restart → advanced setup
Open commandline prompt (C:)
Type: "regedit" + enter
from FILE click 'local hive' (german 'Struktur öffnen')
in the 'search in' field: local disc C: (I found only Windows C:)
select SYSTEM then 'open'
type 'Offline' in the small window (box) coming up, then OK
SkuPolicyRequired REG_DWORD
for VALUE=1 change to VALUE=0 + OK
backtrack the hierarchies CI-CONFIG-SYSTEM32-WINDOWS
back to 'local hive' ('Struktur öffnen')
where under FILE click on 'unload hive' (or 'Struktur entfernen')
then exit ('Beenden') the Registry Editor
and close the commandline prompt window
and restart machine

None of these functioned on my machine - it is still the same old Store coming up, refusing to install Firefox without registering an account, and I therefore put the old values back again.

Could be it was necessary to disable (turning to 'OFF') a 'device encryption' = german 'Geräteverschlüsselung' first but I could not find this on my machine.

It is possible that the whole construction with S-mode is made only for forcing you to open a Microsoft account in order to get the machine out of S-mode (for thereby being able to use Firefox browser or an internet payment program from the bank). As soon as you have a Microsoft account, there could be many pieces of terror around the world that could enhance a little the financial upperhand of Microsoft by way of your registration if you are just a little abused by them - and, as one sees, no sooner has one bought a computer in the shop one is already a little abused by them if there is such an S-mode. It could be a system which makes Microsoft gain from terror while retaining a white lamb image. Can you delete a Microsoft account? Probably not. The information tells that you can delete it on your own machine - but I have not seen any promises about deletion at Microsoft.

Could be this is the reason why the video instruction on Youtube for switching out of S-modus contains such a syllable which normally would have made me switch out of the instruction web page as well. The other instruction page contains some bikini advertisement and a typing error - which likewise could indicate something like that. I hope the methods I have tried do not lead to FAT file crash only.

Clearly there exists a method for getting out of S-mode - that is to install a Windows from hard media (a CD, a USB stick or something like that). I have as much as 5 or even 6 such installation programs with valid licences bought in the shop - and I have in addition a lot of old machines with preinstalled Windows. I have three XP, one 8.1 and one 10 licences on hard media (could be an old 95 as well plus an italian USB stick and maybe a 98 as well). Now for the very interesting question which I cannot see that Microsoft has not answered with crystal clarity:

If I have one Windows 10 on a USB stick for installation on computers, and I have three machines which all were delivered with older versions, say, one XP, one 7 and one 10 - can I use this single Windows licence (on my single USB) for installing Windows 10 on all three of them? If I should use all three machines (say, on the internet), would that lead to me being registered automatically as a violator of the licence contained in the program on the USB stick - potentially causing problems for my life rather than persecution by police?

If I in principle am allowed to use this one and the same installation program on all three machines, then of course I use this hard medium program for reinstalling Windows on my new computer and the S-modus problem is solved. Then I can still use the machine without opening a potentially terror-enhancing Microsoft account.

I have guessed that the plan is that every private person on the earth shall use one big common supercomputer and have all their files and everything stored there - only a monitor and keyboard and mouse and online connection is what you need - plus money to pay for the use. That is well and fine and a good computer is it certainly - but it really should be free of charge and be paid by the state members of UN or something like that - but if this also should mean that personal private computers will come to be forbidden or unusable, then of course there are other interests involved.

The CLOUD system under Microsoft could have - I guess e.g. since the most frequent functions (copy, paste) in Explorer of Windows 11 seem to require two mouseclick actions - to be potentially borrowed (if they were not first) from my TEQ #1584 (written in june 2006, self-published in 2008):

64 וסיפא רבנן


With that value,
science with no microphone, no news, no whatsoever.

This is found also under volume 3 page 819 (published in 2013) and under the parallelism with Midori's record of Bach IV.

The Edge browser seems to launch the whole document (here 61 MB) for each lookup and seems not suited for my needs. I need a Firefox browser.

I hope it is not that VALUE=0 which I tried for switching S-mode out. If there should be terror which indexes aspects of my authorship, the whole construction would probably be favourable for Microsoft (if this 'Cloud' is about my poem) and unfavorable for me - probably in particular if I have an account at Microsoft - which hence could be the same for everybody who is 'abused' by this account trick and who watches TV news now and then.

(If I am mythologically associated with 'purke' = 'she-pig', say, a 'Judensau' or something like that due to a part of my occipital lobe having been removed in probably the earliest days of my life (the skull is intact) and somebody could even have masturbated a spurt on my newborn cortex, then everybody have sympathies with this she-pig and her potential threats and even use of terror - qua 'beast of terror' - when the owner comes to lift another of her piglets out of the pigsty for dinner. Therefore a bank who identifies with my indexes and surveillance data from my life and work - cp. also internet cookies and things like that - and which is 'concerned with' terror when the interest rates are lifted from the 'pigsty' could harvest public sympathy and support. And then it is possible that the more money they earn from such a mixmax, the less firm could my health come to be. Therefore a loan in such a bank - which greatly would enhance the dependency relation - is not the right thing for me, and neither could a Microsoft account be).

But why should the account be Microsoft? Couldnt it be some general store for all programs - or even only a safe portal presented by public authorities? All the things you need for your private computer - principly gratis and as guaranteed as can be free of viruses and without any copyright problems. And without any account or login need - that only personalizes the contents.

A couple of weeks ago I removed the chat app from the taskbar at the bottom of the Window - but it soon appeared that it - surprise - had been deinstalled completely. I dont think I had done that? A dörti trikk?

I credited this web page for the HTML conversions and the next time I used the page it seemed to have gone dysfunctional on norwegian characters - at least I had not noticed that before. It seems now to be in order again.

The fact remains that it seems difficult to install the needed programs on my computer without opening an account in Microsoft, and that should not be right.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 19 december 2023