The norwegian constitution paragraph 9

John Bjarne Grover

There is the theoretical rumour that Norway was established in 1814 in order to create a 'safe haven' for Adolf Hitler in 1945. That is perhaps not probable, but there is a possible reason for the rumour: That seems to be in paragraph ('chap') 9, the oath which the king swears when he is sworn into his kinghood:

"I promise and swear that I will govern the kingdom of Norway in accordance with its constitution and laws, to the extent that God the omnipotent and omniscient helps me".

Norwegian wording: "...saasandt hjælpe mig Gud...". Which could mean that if the Lord, for some reason or other, one day does not feel for helping the king, he can give a good damn ('des gants blancs' - in Celan's 5 september 1960 letter to his wife from Stockholm - 'prøvde å få sett det') in the laws (not jaws!) and the constitution - untill the Lord once again feels for helping him.

The 1814 constitution was explicitly antisemitic and jews had no access to the kingdom. That meant that God's chosen people had no access, and when this oath is based on the element of 'being among God's chosen people' if the king should respect the constitution and the laws, it followed that he had no chance to do just that.

The antisemitic paragraph was lifted in 1852 when the Klipra connection was created on Sunnmöre, and that lifted also the paradoxical character of the king's oath. But although he was then no longer obliged to be full time illoyal, he would still have to be it part time, to the extent that the Lord felt like.

It is only a few years since the state church was terminated in Norway and the country is no longer officially a christian country. Then (2006) this paragraph 9 was also considered - but the committee who considered it voted for keeping up the old formulation.

It is of course possible that this story of the 'sworn-in' is the virtually all and everything in the country - and that the Klipra connection is in fact just this little detail. Since it is the king promising the parliament a coup d'etat every now and then, it is in fact not impossible that this is a variant of the basis for the 20th century war against the mystic archetypes as well.

It is obvious that the this little clause in paragraph 9 could be deleted from the norwegian constitution.

Or is it state secret #1 that the country was established in 1814 for just the reasons of this little detail?

'De ga blanke fan' ('they gave a good damn') with subtracted 'des gants blanc' leaves 'kefan' which looks similar to 'the jaw' in swedish. There are also associations to 'stefarn' = 'the stepfather'. The question is whether these complexes are contained in MLR oct 1978 title #6 (the mid title): "Sacred and profane in L'Éducation Sentimentale'. By D.A.Williams". The question is whether this complex is contained in the name of 'Mark David Chapman' relative to the norwegian constitution and Celan's letter. That could in principle be about 'liberty from the fidelity law' in e.g. matters concerning human relations, the Octogon etc.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 14 april 2013