
John Bjarne Grover


It happened in Odda where the family lived from early 1960 or late 1959 untill mid 1962 - it was at the same time as the 'vava' story: From the children's room I had seen from the windows the house of a woman living across the creek running on the lower side of the house, I had seen her go in and out of the house. One day my elder sister Vibeke Grøver and I were on an expedition across the creek, to the other side, when we were invited in to this woman. I have told earlier about how she in the entrance room helped me off with the wellingtons and the shame when it turned out that one of my socks was red and the other blue (or was it green). While she was pulling, I was leaning against her body and felt a moment of confidence to this woman on the other side of the creek. Could be she 'meant' Nelly Sachs - could be this was the chance I had - in light of the pessimism which otherwise could arise due to the 'vava' story - the abusive relation to me which the international 'services' of Kennedy etc (if that were the story) seemed to build. She served wellbuttered sandwiches - there was more butter on the sandwiches than I was used to.

Could be this story somehow leaked out, or was told in a report or by surveillance (I dont know what sort of surveillance existed in those days), could it even be she lived there to follow what was going on with me, but the brief event may have been recalled to my mind when in the summer 1975 I was in Paris along with Knut Stene Johansen and we saw a film called 'Exhibition', which I think was presented as erotic genre and seemed to be the hot stuff that summer. I think the film was rather innocent, though, and what I now remember from it is that they were talking theories or ideas about sexual liberation, an interview from a kitchen scene I think it was, and some people were wriggling sandwiched on the floor.

The theory here is that the film was based on some report from that visit to the woman in Odda in the early 1960's - and that this is the reason why I remember only these scenes which seem to tell of that. It could have been 'porn' from that point of view: The film was from the summer 1975 - that I know with certainty - and Mao died in 1976.

Mao had the famous swim in the river in the mid 1960's and published his 'little red' probably thereafter. Could be he had a little blue one as well but I dont know if that were published. The swim is attested on film which I saw once on I think norwegian TV and Mao turned around and swam on his back so that his male 'breasts' were exposed briefly. A mythos version suggests that he died when he mistook a rebuilt agent for his wife and she had a 'sock' in her vagina. He had invited Nixon to China - could be to get the details of the plans.

I could see her house and herself from the window in the children's room, and if I lifted my eyes a little further I could see the iron factory ('Jernverket'). The dairy shop was up left, not to be seen.

It was 20 years after the Paris film that I had gone from Oslo to Bergen in the summer 1995 and was waiting for starting my research fellow (PhD) project with office in Allegaten 34. As I arrived in Bergen, I lived for some weeks in the summer at Fantoft student town while searching for a housing in Bergen and often went around the nearby lake at Fantoft. It was probably on one of these, coming back along the lakeside, that I passed two conversing people, one man and another person and probably a dog, when the man said the word 'bikkjen' ('bicen' - prepalatal fricative) which means 'the dog'. For an Oslo ear this word sounds very sensational since it is a proof that there exist only two grammatical genders in Bergen dialect - masculine and neuter - and if there had been a chance to use the feminine gender - which exists in probably all other norwegian dialects except for this narrow region called 'central Bergen' - it would have been 'bikkja'.

I cannot really decipher the connection from the scene today, and it is very likely that these were just two ordinary people and not 'informants' leaking something to me in the passing, but somehow the idea of 'X-i-bikkjen' = 'X in the dog' took shape in my mind, and at home I made a drawing of a big 'J' with an 'x' inside the upstem - for the idea of an 'x' in the 'dog' as a concept for 'exhibition'. If there had been a cue to me in the passing to this idea, it could have been contained in the formula 'SODU Exhibition' = 'DID-YOU-SEE Exhibition', with a reference to that film 20 years earlier. Could have been on the day 20 years, of course, for all I know. 'SODU Exhibition' correlates also with the odd phenomenon of only masculine and neuter genders.

My eventual PhD dissertation (1997) was in 5 parts, the 3rd of which was a discussion of an 'exhibition' of sculpture called 'BRUDD', a discussion based on my discovery of some quite sensational similarities with Rilke's fourth Duino elegy. I dont know if this 'Exhibition' was the reason why my dissertation was not accepted - the official reason was packed in some rather weightless comments.

I got the office in Allegaten 34 at the start of the autumn semester in 1995 and had a work computer installed. I myself made a little program which would record every new start (boot) of the computer and update a number - the hidden program counted starts and with it I could control if anybody had started it while I was out and I called it an 'oppstartskontroll'. It happened already the second day or something like that that somebody had been into the office and 'burglared' the machine.

If I remember right, the scene was from the summer 1995 which would have been before I moved into the office in Allegaten 34 - that is before the address which seems to be used to encode the destruction of Syria upside down. (If the scene had been in 1996, it is not likely that it was the lake at Fantoft - then it must have been some other lake which I cannot place on the map today so it is likely to have been in the summer 1995).

Current government in China is president Xi Jinping, which is a name which can call forth associations to the 'exhibition' complex, and prime minister is Li Keqiang, which is a name which could associate with ideas of 'lik ho Chang' = 'resembles that woman Chang', the chance/changs across the creek.

The upside-down reading relates Allegaten 34 to the beginning of the third part of the verse RV 1-19-7. If you turn the entire verse back again and not only the third part, the beginning is not Allegaten 34 but rather the address to my house in Szolnok.

My poetry book 'Stillhetens åndedrag'

I wrote 'Der Dornenstrauch' from the end of 2009 to it was completed in four parts in 2015 - part 3 is a work of 64 poems reduced from 78 poems - which could have contributed to the formation of a 'lapis philosophorum' at the end of the writing of the work, in september-october 2014. It is quite interesting whether the reduction of the poems from 78 to 64 relates to the form of the stone.

On 11 january 2016 I had started writing a new poetry book called 'Stillhetens åndedrag' on the same format - I wanted to see if the results from DDS part 3 could be repeated in another language. Indeed that turned out to be the case - although this time the stone looked different. The book was 64 poems even this time, reduced from an original 105.

Already very few days after I started writing the new book, could be only 5-6 days or even less after I had started it in Szolnok in Hungary, there was a burglary in this house after I had gone back to Vienna - a window had been broken up and a double hotplate and a single handle for a gas convector lid (the hot lid or 'plate' that can be lifted for adjusting the heat, about the size of the electric hotplate) had been stolen - the value of these was 8999 forints for the double hotplate and if I guess that the humble plastic or bakelit handle for lifting the hot convector lid was 135 forints, it is probably a good guess. The burglary has not been cleared out - but it was a puzzling fact that the insurance company Allianz had drawn 9134 forints less from my bank account than they should from the biannual fee - and that they seem to have done probably on the day of the burglary or very close to it (th burglary could in principle have been after the insurance fee was drawn from my account, but I dont think it could have been a matter of more than a few days). There has been no answer to the mystery. I dont know why Allianz had drawn 9134 forints less.

I add the puzzling phenomenon that the radiator in my bathroom in Zinckgasse in Vienna had gone out of control as far as heat was concerned - it accepted the levels of either totally off or totally on (max temp) so it had to be repaired - the control handle was not under my control as far as resulting heat was concerned. I think this repair was before the burglary but I am not very certain about that. Two plumbers came and replaced the whole radiator, not only the heat regulator or 'handle'. It is not likely that the old radiator is back again after some travel of mine, but the heat control (not 'upstarts-control') has been a little difficult again. Any 'correlation' or 'computable difference and similarity' between the addresses of Vienna and Szolnok could in principle have gone into a 'political project' on Rigveda 1-19-7, for example. I do not think that I am split-brain, but that is not really any interesting question.

The first poem I wrote - on 11 january 2016, a few days before the burglary - was called '#solens pike' = '#the sun's girl'. I think it was in the election in the summer 2016 that Virginia Raggi sailed up (for 'M5S' = 'Movimento Cinque Stelle') as new surprise mayor of Rome - her name strongly invokes associations to that title of my first poem. It was in the same summer as there was a coup attempt in Turkey, if I remember right. The coup attempt luckily did not succeed - as seen from the viewpoint of the possible coup attempts against my own book.

The name 'Movimento Cinque Stelle' = 'M5S' suggests the 'cinque' = '5' resembling the devanagari letter 'R(a)' - the graphic form of the '5' being vaguely similar to the graphic form of the 'R(a)', even if '2' is perhaps even more similar:

as part of the initial 'S' of 'samudra' (or 'samudram' - source of Rigveda quotes and devanagari script is www.sanskritweb.net/rigveda/rvfinder.pdf) moved 5 places rightwards - that leaves the form 'arnakham' instead of 'arnavam' or 'Arnie, come!' ("I'll be back"?). It is very disgusting if this is supposed to mean 'Märzstrasse Arnie come' (cp. the police car crash?) in the sense of attempts to turn me 'homo' - with interests in the 'mussolini'. If that is the socalled 'Movimento Cinque Stelle', they should not be in the parliament. One guesses that it could be an old 'service' idea?

When 'samudra[m]' turns into 'Mamu Udca', 'März Utca', 'Märzstrasse', there could also be that 'zoophoria' factor - could be even for a 'SODU Exhibition'?

I do not have the dictionaries available for finding out what 'arnakham' or 'arnikham' could mean instead of 'arnavam' or 'arnivam', but it seems that there could be present some ideas of small openings in a Soma strainer - see the article on the book of Delitzsch - the ideas of 'idranu' and 'Roerick'.

The name of Raggi applies to the first poem in the book - that is from the time before the burglary in Szolnok (first part of RV 1-19-7), like the scene with the dog at the lake applies to the summer before Allegaten 34 (third part of RV 1-19-7). Hence one could see a certain 'chinese motor' behind the election of 2016 - could be even more the election of 2018.

I mention also 'Klipras solstråle' = 'the sunray of Klipra', an epithet attached to Ragna Grøver in her childhood in Klipra in Ålesund, according to herself. My poem '#solens pike' = '#the sun's girl' does not apply to her.

'Klibrø[d]' is a certain sort of norwegian bread of 'Vollkornbrot' type - which could call forth associations to 'Clinton' in the name - the 'Kli-brød'. See the article with mention of the 'Vollkornbrot' - including the devanagari 'A' with the sunrays. This issue applies of course potentially also to italian emotions on christianity and the status of the bread in the holy communion. The 'fascies' of Mussolini probably served to collect the 'underearth pane-ic' when it came up above the earth. The panic could be: Are the mysteries of the eucharist explained and reduced to mere Wissenschaft?

The sign '#' of my poem '#solens pike' has been all over the world since then. I do not remember if it were widespread before I wrote my book - but it seemed that its use increased massively for at least some time thereafter. People seemingly put it in front of nearly anything - but in my book it has a very precise function which has nothing to do with that sort of use of it.

It was probably few days after my new book was completed in 2016 (the last poem was written on 20 september 2016 and the reorganization of the manuscript into the finished book some 3-4-5 days later) that Shimon Perez died, and after him Fidel Castro and finally his son 'Fidelito' Castro - possibly along a time scheme (see towards the end of this file) that could serve to down the possibilities for my new book. It seems that this is what I have called a 'fidelito' program possibly against my person and which seems to have been in the form of a certain unwanted imposition of male presence - as if the feminine gender should not exist or for the idea of SODU - which of course is not the right thing. For example, I had used a restaurant in Budapest several times - there were only females serving the food there - when one day a person who resembled Fidelito Castro (as it seemed to me) stood at the counter taking in the money, and then I left rather than going in. I often used the U-Bahn station Stephansplatz in Vienna - there is only one escalator down and for a while there used to stand a 'fidelito' there on top of it when I arrived - so that I could not get down the escalator without being rather 'close to him'. I had to stop using the station due to this apparent 'stalking' (it was hard to believe in the coincidence theory) and it is quite a walk to the alternative station.

Or if I walk in Venice it is a very vulnerable situation if there stands a stalker on a narrow bridge and one cannot get across it without having to relate to the stalker. It is on background of this story that it can appear like a 'service' stalker even if I have not seen the person before. Stalking is extremely stressful for the victim. I fancy that it could be about 'services' who have theories or 'adjust parametres' or who simply put up a mirror image of what the poet wrote yesterday - in the wellhidden handwritten notebook.

'Ski-mån peres' could be about the norwegian who has to put his skis on two legs for going out in the winter landscape, or the skier who has to fall. 'Fidel Castro' could then be about the norwegian with the octogon, ah, that norwegian - or, rather, 'Fidel' is sort of the opposite - the other one. 'Fidelito' could then add ideas for the concept of 'drinking and whoring' (or opposite) in that 'Leopold Zechner' Schule for 'nabo skoern er' in Zinckgasse in Vienna. But if this rather be about the opposite of Norway, then it could be about Italy.

It is fully possible that the international secret intelligence services are working with constructing fascism in Italy once again and that the Movimento Cinque Stelle (M5S) is a part of this.

For the idea that the initial curl of 'samudram') is moved 5 or whatever places rightwards, there is another 'transform' - which perhaps could be more relevant to the car crash which took place in Berlin in 2004: The graphic form of SAMUDRAM in devanagari can be reshaped into SAPSARAM (cp. the olympics of Sapporo etc) by a few minor changes: The first M, which is a square-edged form, must be rounded off to a P, and the U curl underneath must be turned into an S in such a way that the DR comes out as SR: Indeed the two pairs A/O and S/Sh can be seen to be the essentials of the matrix or cross setting articulatory features off from acoustic features - but in the similarity of M and P it is about graphic features, if not the movable velum. Clearly the VELUM could be taken to be a variant of the HYMEN - and the relation between SAMUDRAM and SAPSARAM is quite obvious - some may perhaps say necessary. (These phonological matters are present also in my poetry book 'Stillhetens åndedrag' and the dissertation vol.5 'A waist of time'). The hungarian who told this SAPSARAM to me - for telling how the communists took his wineyard - did it with an illustrating movement of the hand resembling a collection of 'fascies'.

Of course there is the alarming question why my books are not yet published. Is it international secret intelligence services, could be under american flag, who had planned a sapsaram on my work and therefore are not willing to let me through? That could have been an old plan which could have been for the case of me planned to be an alcoholic who had 50 good poems to publish - and about whom the archives were full of surveillance data since childhood. But alcohol is not my style and my work is not of that type of 50 trembling poems - they are all too important progress for knowledge and should be available to everybody and not only for the secret services who could have wanted to use it for modelling government etc. My post may perhaps not function properly and telephone was not possible after 1988 and 2000. It may be that my public interface is still very controlled. I cannot even know if the present web page has a real presence on the web. Even the statistics to this website does not seem to function - I look up my website from an internet cafe but the website statistics remains on zero visitors nevertheless, even the next day, or it suddenly goes irrationally up on, say, 58 visitors who are gone again some time later - which means that I am not credited even for this work. It can be a very urgent problem that I am not credited for my writing. Top politics may appear as my friends but it is very possible that they are friends of the 'Kennedy imprint' of me - that 'service-engineered' formation in the cultural cloud, the 'being' in the media - and that is not the same if my person comes around. It is high time to put SAPSARAM plans aside. I have not stopped working - which means that I hope for a positive result in the end.

The old forests are gone, the wild animals are gone. It may be the reason for the pale and passive state of human religion. The universities are getting more and more uninteresting - the same old mill seems to be presented to the newcomers today as 50 years ago while interesting news are stamped secret and reserved for the power-sick minds of the secret intelligences who hope to conquer the world and the minds of the humans with their power intrigues - so that it is just to press a button and democracy votes for anything because people have not got the facts. I searched for 'copyright registration' on the internet - and pages for 'public transportation' came up ('their most pressing and urgent political problem'?) - but inside the secrecy-stamped circles there is probably something more relevant to be found. The children are whining. Secrecy is stupidity and biased development of the society. I hope the international secret intelligences have not planned to fork in my work while dumping me in the ditch by a SAPSARAM and stamping the whole work and history secret and reserved for those with 'access' given out from the power circles to those who are loyal to their intrigues.

Is it that 'Movimento Cinque Stelle' means NOT SAPSARAM but on the other hand perhaps 'Mussolini' - and the sympathetic italians vote for NOT SAPSARAM? But if that leads to new fascism, dont blame me!

The 'vava' wonderchild

It must be understood that the whole story since about 1960-62 (which also was the time of the event with the 'Changs' in the house across the creek) could be about a talented wonderchild of 'vava' type who was badly abused and that created a giant 'Kennedy' cloud which had its rationale in the fact that my work should have been well received and turned into cultural development - but it was (as could have been the story) constantly 'blown up' by surveillance and the 'services' constantly keep the blownup cloud under surveillance and abuse and turn it into a bigger and bigger 'Kennedy' cloud which thereby looks as if it has the 'historic support' which the 'wonderchild' should have had - the US involvement in the Vietnam war was perhaps the worst part of it. Then the only reason for the whole foggy history is not that Kennedy must have been right after all - it could in fact rather have been because the historic support to the planned work - that work which History had planned for the child to do - was abused by administration and that makes the mistake and confusion much worse than it looks on the surface. My 'POLAKK English Bloggi' could be an indication of that, not to speak of 'The Endmorgan Quartet'. These are the sorts of work which History could have planned via the 'wonderchild' - and which Administration couped by surveillance and therefore it looked or 'felt' as if this politics was 'right'. Clearly such abuse could have been a way for the world to control that the progress of the work did not fall out with east or west bias - but then there should be no reason to continue the abuse!

I wrote some poems after I had gone to Italy in july 2018 - now just a few days ago. I never watch TV but was sitting at a TV screen in a restaurant and they sent from football world championship - broadcasted all over the world - when suddenly there came an advertisement in an intermission which seemed to have been made from two lines in a poem I wrote 2-3 days earlier - and which so far existed only in my handwritten notes. If that really be the case, that it was based on those lines of my handwritten poetry notes, it tells of the urgent need there is for a solution to this problem - it is very raw abuse if they spy on the poet's writing and broadcast a 'service' rewrite of it all over the world. How many millions must be paid for repairing that damage? It was a coincidence that I saw that ad on TV. If this is how international secret intelligence services try to constuct new nazism in Germany and new fascism in Italy, it is very urgent to have such abuse stopped.

It cannot be stopped? Of course it can! It is just to impose sufficiently heavy fines and payment of reparation money to me as the victim of the abuse - and when these sums are going high enough, the abuse stops. The barrier seems to be that one of admitting publically that I am the source who is abused. That is, simply, to admit that my person has anything to do with that 'ubiquitous' presence in the media - and if that be admitted, then one should believe that a 'sapsaram' would be much more difficult.

I am not a good hater, but if there is anything I hate in this world, it is those 'services' who tap my work and take my place and tell the world that they are my friends and representatives and that I only do what they do - even that I so to speak have it from them.

I am not a homo, not a 'doggie', not a Satan etc etc.

My poetry book 'POLAKK English Bloggi'

In 2011 I went to the chinese embassy in Vienna and gave them a copy of my book 'POLAKK English Bloggi' with the hope that they could find a chinese publisher for it. The book is written somewhat in the style of ski jumping: 7-8-9-10 poems written in succession in the course of one day, then not a single line for a number of days while accumulating for a new round - like walking the long stairs up to the top of the ski jump again. The book is still not published but they changed to a new government in China - with Xi Jinping as president.

It could mean that the 'chance' in terms of a chinese girl ('die Schanze' is german for the ski jump hill, or that over which the jumper goes out - and 'Wolfsschanze' was Hitler's headquarter) is taken over by the political power - that they, like the typical 'services', take my place relative to that old Odda story. Or, rather, that they take the place of the 'chance', changes her gender, so to speak, into 'neuter'? (The secretary at the institute when I came to get an office in 1995 was called 'Vibeke Njøten'). And then a 'stalking at Stephansplatz', imitating this 'ski jumping' on top of the escalator takes my place.

If 'masculine' and 'neuter' are the two genders, then the 'feminine' is a sort of 'vide-ring'? It seems that the current chinese leadership could encode the two concepts of 'Wolfsschanze' and 'Liquidierung', essential for the leadership of Adolf Hitler - but it must be noticed that this also could be essentials for the two first steps in a 1-2-3-...-8 series of potential child abuses against me. It is therefore possible that the chinese government is able to 'control' these potentially worst parametres of my life - but it must perhaps be observed also that if one should say that 'the chinese are his only real friends', then they could also thereby mean that 'only Adolf Hitler is a real friend of his'.

But of course it can be much worse - that my person subjected to 1-2-3 (I have not got this verified, it is a theory only) - later for residing in Vienna and Szolnok, with 'interpretation' in swastika-indian Rigveda - could have been the reason why Hitler called his headquarter Wolfsschanze. Probably not, but it is not impossible. And this could be the theme of the chinese leadership - whose names per se, though, do not mean 'terror' - but that they keep the european situation on an arm's length.

It is very possible that the PEB I brought to the embassy can be drafted as the goal of all world history in the recent centuries - the egocentric poet naturally sees it as the goal of all History - but it is a neutral fact that it can revolutionize all fields of science and the heavy 'control' there has been on the writing of it could have been for ascertaining that it did not come out with 'bias' east or west. No cheating, World History said to the poet, and it could not have been made except by a poet - a computer could not have made it. It is based on the long walk of 11 years up the mount of mystic-poetic enlightenment - and the idea of the heavens opening up with a thunder for reaching the scrolls of PEB down to me can perhaps not be considered only humourous. The PEB is of course my lonely poetic work - but it can be said that each line in the poems of PEB corresponds to one poetic function in TEQ and hence is based on the preceding 11 years of my mystic climbing - therefore the PEB can also be seen to possess a certain element of 'revelation' (even if that basically is the character of TEQ). But that means that when I stepped into the embassy for giving them the book, the 'thunderstruck' employee (was it a cultural attache?) who received the gift from the hand of Johmbjarna and who heard the Trump-ets sound could have believed that it was a revelation from heaven. My book is, though, not yet even published while the book of Xi Jinping 'The governance of China' has sold in millions and gone its triumphant tour around the world - as described in repeated articles in People's Daily. 'Støvern hans o[g] kinna' = 'his wellington and the cheeks' - like that situation in the entrance room to the woman in Odda. 'Skovern' = working shoes, protection shoes - Stene Johansen's father was selling working clothes. My own official father (!) once pointed to his cheek - which could mean that my cheek is a proof that the official father is the genetic father - I dont know if that is a valid proof. Sandalphon is an angel who could have a role to play in Gogol's story of Shponka. For the concept of the international 'Belt-and-Road' program of the chinese government, I notice that chinese for 'green fly' can mean 'rat' in the sense of a 'travel article' (travel gear) - like an artificial 'vagina' for the suitcase (a 'handy' utensil - not the origin of the 'Kennedy' role?) - there exists an old chinese song (in the ancient Book of Songs - it is song #219) called 'Green fly' which seems to suggest just something like that for the etymological origins of the chinese 'fly'. A sort of 'mussolini'? Or the 'little red sock'? Hence 'belt/pelt-and-rat' could be seen as that same Shponka swatter.

When this semi-farcical comparison is lifted over onto the hills of Rome, though, it is not impossible that it can have a dramatic motor effect on new political movements related to socalled 'socialism' in various variants - in Europe - if the people should come to be cheated into believing falsely in a new spiritual revolution - or, rather, despair due to accumulating fear that the christian communion should turn out to be 'mere Wissenschaft' and that was all.

I notice also the structural relevance of the Eisenhower Doctrine relative to the Oslo Report. The socalled 'Oslo terror' could be seen to index the address of the house in Szolnok - or even Rigveda 1-19-7?

A few years ago, people used to go to the bakers shop to buy bread and knew the woman who stood behind the counter. Today there is little left of this - there is suddenly a man behind the counter - and one can guess that this is for the concept of 'only masculine and neuter', and no feminines. That means a program of male chauvinism. The people should protest against this bad development - it is probably only for making new Hitler and Mussolini. Are there any jobs left for women at all? I tried to find the statistics for how many percent of the unemployeds were men and how many women but there were no data on that - so it was left to me to guess that 99% of the unemployeds were women and 1% men.

The problem of History being misinterpreted as 'revelation' trying to usurp the classic revelation of Christ is of course easily abused if one should want to push me into a role of being recognized as 'Satan' - and that could even be abused for an underearth pane-ic turning overearth for collection in Italy. It may have been said that China since Mao 'believe in History' - I dont know if is right or if that could have had any role to play for the conception of the 'revelation' with PEB in the embassy in Vienna.

Why isnt my book published? That's the question.

I would support a new election in Italy.

Nazism and fascism can be stopped by the law - the swatter

The grandiose mystery is why nobody has said a word to me about all this - if it has a basis in reality.

Could be most of those who could have said something would have had the feeling that it is only this sort of message they could have told: "John, it is just to give up, this is too big now, it is too late to turn history..."

It shouldnt be that message. It should rather be something like this: "John, the police has investigated some abuse of your things and you can contact the lawyer firm Soandso and they will help you get the millions you are entitled to".

The lawyer firm, tells this fantasy, established a work group of 20 people who worked day and night for four months and then the claims against 20.000 abusers could be raised and driven in by tough means. The firm was guaranteed to be paid by the state for the work but it paid itself overwhelmingly well anyhow and was in fact quite lucrative for the firm - on a 50-50 basis with me.

The 20.000 were only the biggest fishes, film producers, political parties, publishers, advertisement bureaus and things like that (it was later told that the firm managed to wring 40 billion dollars out of NASA), and the work continued for another 20 years with winding in the smaller fishes - nearly 40 million people and firms all over the world were investigated.

To leave it to little me to stop the destruction of Syria or the chinese one and a half billion people on their way towards the precipice (why isnt the book published?) - if that is anything to stop - is not right. What can I do? I cannot watch TV because that puts me in such a bad mood, but I could go to the police and say "ah, eh, I have this feeling, if you know what I mean, that somebody else has been using my ideas - that they take the ideas from me somehow and abuse them. But I have no proof - it is only a feeling..."

Of course is this story has a basis in reality, it is not I who should stop it - and it is high time to realize that it cannot be considered serious politics, however high the secrecy classification can be.

Clearly many states could be very interested in contributing to the work of that group of lawyers - for the simple reason that it can prevent a crash of the economy (a la Wall Street 1929) and get the reality up and going again. It is the Kennedy cloud that must down.

The Journal of Nonsense Research was closed after having paid a substantial amount of reparation money - and the classic Journal of Scientific Research came up on its feet again as in former times.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 10 july 2018