The fundamental theorem briefly stated

John Bjarne Grover

Most briefly, the fundamental theorem of linguistics is this:

Two and only two items can be the same across different realities.

This needs a little explanation, though:

The two different realities are mainly thought of as different metaphysical realities, and it is the human spirit that conceives two such things as the same. In their factual disparate existences they are different but the human spirit is redundant and limited and takes them to be the same - and the way which that identification goes is a particular property of the constitution of the human spirit. (Had this been different, then the things identified as the same would have been different as well - and hence the resulting historic reality as well). In the reduction of the two different things to one, matter is created while the original surplus difference is turned into linguistic value - a semantics which attaches to the referential object of matter created in the reduction. In this way language is the tool for the limited human spirit to retain contact with the lost metaphysical paradise and thereby navigates through the cosmic reality reasonably well. When the cultural development nevertheless comes out biased, this leads to a lot of words and in the worst case wars or diseases for destroying what had been built and returning history to the original point of departure.

Why cannot three things be the same? Because then it is no longer a matter of identity but of classification, concept formation etc. But christianity has something called 'the trinity' - that three things can be 'the same'. That goes probably further than a linguistic theorem with only two things.

It follows that it is a little difficult to define by words the principle with great paperflat exactitude - since words arise from this biased formation. This is why there are several undefined parametres in the theorem. If a bicycle in one metaphysical reality shall be conceived as identically the same thing as a stone in another metaphysical reality (the two items uniting to one in the formation of matter), then the human constitution has to be quite special and biased (they are 'sinners'), otherwise it would have spotted the difference - but the difference does not disappear thereby but attaches to the created matter in the form of its meaning. (A closer study of the theorem tells that logical order, that is, syntactic structure, is 'the same' as semantic assignment - hence the fundamental theorem should suffice for an entire linguistic theory). It is this biased spiritual property which gives the particular shape to human history - and it is believed that e.g. birds have different realities: The standard proof tells that it is shown scientifically that a gull can fly 10.000 km without resting or eating and hence must get its energies from other realities. Therefore humans believe that angels have wings - since angels come from other or higher metaphysical realities.

Hence a semantics attaches to the body of matter, but the human body is itself a body and a soul attaches to it - like a sort of 'semantics'.

Does this soul dissolve with the body? Or do that happen only in the spiritual conception of others? This could be a problem that attaches to the difference between catholicism and protestantism: Catholicism has a marian cult - and a monasterial tradition which 'rescues souls'. Could be that is Wittgenstein's ladder (TLP 7.0) - that the soul follows the spirit up the mystic quest towards heaven - while a protestant conception could see the soul as being left down there, dissolving with the body after death. Of course all christianity rescues souls and believe in the resurrection of the flesh - but there could be details of difference there nevertheless - in the formation of matter 'ex nihilo'. (Could be Hitler was a successful smuggle of jewish-catholic Wittgenstein disguised as political offers to protestant Germany who needed the mystic impetus after the lutheran throw-out, and now they try to do the same with my 'Dornenstrauch'?)

Could be this 'fundamental theorem of linguistics' as defined by me is the same as the reason for the belief that 'metaphysics' exists.

Wittgenstein, L: "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus", 1918. Suhrkamp Werkausgabe Band 1, 2016.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 9 april 2021