A great day for the christian creed

John Bjarne Grover

6 february 2024 - when I published the article 'Paulo Veronese's 'sunflower matrix'' - is probably a great day for the christian creed. The article considers Veronese's 'Crucifixion' (source). This article is also listed under my page 'Articles on egyptological matters'.

The article shows that the christian cross is the same as the 'The sunflower matrix' in the form of the theme of 'fishing and fowling' in ancient egyptian tomb art - such as this illustration from the tomb of Senbi in Meir - for more examples see the beginning of the article 'Some formal aspects of the sunflower matrix'. The two spear-penetrated fish are the feet of Christ with the single nail through them, the one hand of Senbi holds three small birds - telling of the 'wing'-form of the crucified - and his other hand takes down a hieroglyph from the wall which means the transform of Moses' rod to a viper and back again. Veronese's 'hippopotamus' (source) can be recognized also at the foot of the egyptian matrix.

Clearly this is a semiotic phenomenon which means that the ancient egyptians were human beings just like us - with the same semiotic constitution.

However, the apparent identity of the two forms - the christian cross and the egyptian tomb art - is likely to have been the core of a civilizational panic since the beginning of protestantism - on basis of the idea that 'there exists a beast of the revelation residing inside the christian creed' and this fear took the form of the panic that 'we must prevent that this secret leaks out, otherwise there is nothing left of the unique supremacy of the christian creed - which in the worst case could come to reduce to a piece of heathen sorcery'. To prevent that this panic took form and settled, anti-semitism was developed since it was the jews that were credited with having exported the egyptian cultural background as a basis for the christian creed.

This is likely to have been the core of Hitler's nazi holocaust against the jews as well: On the one hand he articulated the need for exterminating the jews before the 'terrible secret' leaked out, on the other hand it thereby took the shape of racism in general for emphasizing that the ancient egyptians were not like us - they were of a minor semiotic quality and therefore an acknowledged identity of cross and 'fishing and fowling' would threaten the supremacy of the white race.

With my discovery published on 6 february 2024, it is likely that there is no need for Hitler any longer - and that can come to lead to great changes in the political landscape.

But it also means that the Hitler sympathizers in many political camps could come to try and prevent the breakthrough of this discovery of mine - which is much more than only the similarity of the egyptian 'fishing and fowling' with the christian cross - and that they will try and canvas the situation as the opposite - that my discovery entails a threat to the christian creed (say, as articulated by me assigned a mythological role of a 'dirty beast in the revelation') by reducing it to a mere heathen mythos scheme of old egyptian kind. It is therefore likely that there will be organized 'coup attempts' against my discovery - for turning it the other way - like there could have been for my discovery of a method for constructing medications against virus infections such as influenza (covid) and other pandemic diseases.

If Norway has been assigned a special role in the political history as a 'missing link' between Hitler and England, it is possible that this could have been precisely on basis of this 'hidden secret' against which history since early protestantism may have tried to construct a fortification. Norway was established in 1814 for being an anti-semitic state, with an expliticly antisemitic constitution (jews did not have access to the new kingdom), and probably also for being the northern arm on the swastika of the european map with Italy as the southern arm - Hitler's later logo. My discovery probably means that this historic basis will fall out of the original 'rationale' for the state, and it could also be that they thereby could feel my discovery as a 'threat' to the historic need for the state. That should not be necessary - and racism or ideas of supremacy should not be necessary. The Nord Stream sabotage of september 2023 could, though, be indicative of such interests? (A comment). Could be NATO in general should take a closer look at what this discovery could mean for their original constitutional rationale. Does NATO hide a terrible secret in the depths of their historic rationale - say, that their constitutional justification is found in the need for getting Hitler through 'on the other side' - including the installation of the mythological apparatus needed for that?

There can be interests out for preventing that my identity leaks out in contexts of my intellectual works - that would be just the hitlerish attempts to keep up the public fear that a terrible secret hides in the historic depths of christianity - the secret that Christ and the dirty beast are one and the same - the panic that the Good Shepherd of Christ should come to reveal himself as a terrible crocodile - including a 'rescue attempt' by conceiving of Hitler as a new Christ. That could be about the beasts hidden in Veronese's artwork. There is no reason for keeping my identity secret in the context of the ideas of my authorship, though.

But once the cat is out of the sack it is probable that there is no longer any need for a new Hitler, neither in Germany nor in England or elsewhere.


Articles on egyptological matters

Blackman, A.M.: "The rock tombs of Meir", part I. London 1914.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 21 february 2024