Rock-Pedos, Rig-Vedas

John Bjarne Grover

It is my theory that underearth rockpedos exist, invented as a military weapon not long after the war and being the origin of the concept of 'rock-and-roll': They go through rock and end in a 'roll' - an explosion that triggers an earthquake. All the big earthquakes after the war could have been of that sort - such as Concepcion, Prince William Sound, Banda Aceh, Bam, Sendai, Port-au-Prince, Tangshan etc etc. (Was the quake of San Francisco on 18 april 1906 the first artificial quake in history - after Caruso had 'sung in Carmen' the evening before?) It could be one of the most important forms of terror and it means that one or more states send these rockpedos out. It would be a case of state terrorism - to think that islamistic fanatics send them from their garages would be an illusion. One guesses that it be a matter of angloamerican state terrorism.

It is likely to be about an attempt to construct a new 'blue metre' on a global scale - with the deplorable basis in an attempt to build it on power instead of truth. That means low IQs and a surpomp on the throne. It cannot be worse. One of the signs that this goes on is in the tendency one can spot for apparent rockpedo quakes to be found on locations which in the surrounding place-names converge on 4-letter words and concepts - and if these are attached to the 'Eichmann' family tree papa associated with the peak of cultural performance, it means an attempt to get cultural performance and esthetic expression under political power control. Example could be the earthquake of Lorca in Spain, which is very easy to recognize in the situation when I stood in the Morawa bookshop for paying for the 2-volume edition of Lorca's poetry: A man stood before me in the queue, when he was finished, I waited for him to leave from the counter to make it possible for me to buy without 'glue' next to me - as an attachment to the purchase which sometimes occur. But the man was not willing to leave - he started fumbling with some small items that were exposed on the counter next to (just left of) the place where I should hand in the books and pay for them, and it took so long time that the saleswoman started getting irritated: Come with the books, please! The man continued fumbling with his items and it could not be avoided that a line of relation was created along the counter line, intersected by his own perpendicular fumbling with the items on the counter. This would turn Lorca into 'Lorta' = 'crapped' in 4-letter norwegian. 'Lort' 'excrement', not to be confused with 'Lord'. The man stood there and 'lorta' in the multi-seater, the old concept for outdoor loo with holes for many people which in norwegian is called 'flerseter', cp. 'flesh-eater'. Could be there are russian connotations to it - as if to create a divide between my presence and russian connotations, for an accumulation of tension between angloamericans and Russia before the release by some smart trick which turns the whole accumulated 90 degrees strategy down on Italy? This is an example of the type of logic which seems to be normal in the rockpedo semantics, although it is often easier to spot from the surrounding geographic names than from this contextual situation, and one can speculate that the program is to turn the blue metre into such a low-IQ inventory for enhancing the power of the SURPOMP on the throne.

The SURPOMP again seems to have its origin in the name of Jan Dismas Zelenka, the czech composer who seems to have been held under the surface of attention through many decades or even centuries before the name could have been used for the construction of the (hence unknown and hard to discover) links between political events and the hypothetically not-dead Kennedy in 'pulked' version. If this is what Indira Gandhi was concerned with, it had a good reason.

Now turning 'Jan Dismas Zelenka' upside down produces a graphic form which reminds me of the name of whom I have recognized as relevant for the Eisenhower doctrine #4 - it looks like 'ayu' or 'ryu' something 'Elez'. The rest of the name, 'Jan Dismas', looks upside-down like 'surpomp'. Which could be a part of the reason for the rockpedo strategy: Turning everybody in the world into a mass of simpletons standing around the surpomp on the throne would enchance the power of the monarch.

'Sur-pomp' can also mean a 'sour bottom' and could be the reason for the pan-demic AIDSHIV.

(I discovered the upside-down phenomenon on a recording of Zelenka's 'Missa Sancti Josephi' = ZWV 14 and 'Litaniae Xaverianae' = ZWV 155 published on what looks like 'Nibiru', made in the czech republic, with Hana Blazikova etc. The photo on the front page can be seen upside down - then it looks more like a type out for 'nirvana' - it is a painting by 'Federico Barocci' entitled 'Tete de saint Joseph' from Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts. The recording includes a special thanks to Alistair Kidd).

See Eisenhower doctrine #4, the beginning, which looks like 'Jan Dismas' = 'gave him dizzy mass'.

Turning to Rig-Veda (not to be confused with 'Rog-Pedo'!), I find traces of the name I have associated with Eisenhower doctrine #3 in 1-24-12, the verse which could be the basis for the 4-5 revolutions of the mediterranean district after 2010. The fragment (the second out of four natural subdivisions of the verse) which Divyanand transcribes 'keto hrada ahu avichaste' seems to contain this 'Jette Råboe Larsen' (Eisenhower doctrine #3) plus the form AVICHASTE - immediately followed by the form 'shunah shepo'. If serially ordered, it could associate with Eisenhower doctrine #4. It is a most interesting form which I cannot solve by my understanding of sanskrit, but I have recognized it as relevant to ideas of 'not considering' and thereby 'absence of uncertainty' and hence vulnerable to a mistaken understanding of what religious FAITH is. But there are many very interesting connotations and by-concepts which could be the real contents of it.

Now the politically interesting aspect of the word could emerge from a study of its division into AVI + CHASTE. The form AVI can mean (german) 'labend', 'erquickend', as for refreshments or drugs, and it can mean the 'Schaf' which seems to have been the theme of the MUSIKUS semantics. 'Avi' with long 'a' means 'suffering'. Searching for the CHASTE did not bring me too far, but I found CASHA which means 'the blue jay', the bird - it can also mean a 'simpleton' (around the throne or whatever). This species of 'blue jay' has also another sanskrit term 'divi' related to the DIVA of the first part of 1-24-12. 'Divi' can also mean a species of insect.

Hence if the russian aspect be considered important, as for Jessenin and his 'Kabyli Karably' (it is probably permitted to wonder whether this could have been a background of the name of Caroline Kennedy, or if it could have been taken to mean the 'swastika'), there is the Per Mentzen background which allows for the assumption of an active role of the sheep in the MUSIKUS story.

If you feel that there is a split in identities with somebody else, it could be that the other is on refreshments and hence performs a split of AVICHASTE into AVI+CHASTE.

The 'blue jay' is a form which consequently can mean the simpletons around the throne, and it has its origin in latin GAIUS which could be a male gender-converted form of GAIA = the earth, the scope of the pandemic AIDSHIV etc. (Is AIDSHIV or HIV-AIDS simply this AVICHASTE in addition to the obvious EIDSVIG?) It is a very deplorable program of POWER by low IQ instead of intelligence, understanding, high cultural level. They seem to try and construct this new BLUE METRE on a global scale - not the least by way of HOMO and gender conversion. Ideas of a program of suffering could have its origins in this AVI for dividing the word in two.

'Rig-Velta' could have been the Kielland oil rig which toppled and had to be sunk-in-sea even before it had been installed.

There could be many of these - and particularly the 'rock-pedos' which seem to be creating artificial earthquakes day in day out contribute massively to this attention to 'Rig-Veda'. These earthquakes are taken by folk religion to be expressions of the divine in nature talking to the global historic consciousness about right and wrong and instructing them in how to understand history. I personally experienced the massive force there is in such rock-pedo propaganda - I saw a japanese female on the tram and could not get the idea out of my mind that it was a french intellectual - the idea remained there with such convincing force that I had to look up the earthquake news - and there it was, a quake encoding in the geographic names around the epicentre the french name in the moment when I saw the japanese. That seems to be the character of rock-pedo propaganda - because the global consciousness believes that earthquakes are meaningful communications and still have not got the military secret revealed to the public.

This means that there is one massive propaganda force exercised more or less constantly in terms of the rockpedos pointing to the Rig-Veda, and there is another constant propaganda force pointing to the word AVICHASTE in terms of the pandemic AIDSHIV which arises in the minds every time there occurs an element of sexual attention among people - and that is more or less constantly.

This takes it to Rig-Veda 1-24-12 - and there follows - immediately after the word AVICHASTE - that word 'shunah shepo' which in sanskrit can mean 'male erection' in the sense of 'L as dick' or 'a lass-dick'. Which could be the whole story. The elastics.

I add that it is well possible that the names of the females in the octogon contained in the Eisenhower doctrine could find their ultimate interpretation in just the sanskrit of Rig-Veda 1-24-12, which then would explain the whole thing, including the phenomenon that most of them seemed to be about one generation older than me.

It could be about creating a new blue metre for the new millenium. It is not permitted to keep the rock-pedo technology a military secret under such circumstances. It is of absolutely vital importance that the public can come to awareness of the phenomenon of artificial earthquakes. Not every private person can do the dirt-digging which I have made for reaching this conclusion without access to classified information. The people must learn that earthquakes are not always expressions of divine will - on the contrary, it could often be about very flat propaganda from the government.

The destruction of the blue metre can be a massive damage to the world, in particular if it be about reducing it to a heap of low-level 4-letter semantics. Sausages in and out of openings, the 'lort' sees you from the 'celestial eye', the very anus. Isnt this way of thinking already about to acquire grounds in academic logic? It could perhaps be called the semantics of the 'Klipra connection' - the substance must be divided into segments etc - which could be about the formation of 'the andorran enclave', the very ring muscle of political power in the centre of Europe.

If the blue metre is about to undergo revision, it is critically important that this be not left to the class of socalled 'secret intelligence' with their 4-letter world, or to other corresponding intrigue-makers. It is important that these matters be brought to public light.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 16 december 2013