Suggestion to hungarian authorities
- on ambiguities of law and of procedures for readings of the metres -

John Bjarne Grover

I have two (or even three) suggestions, possibly interrelated:

1) In the hungarian law for fences there is an ambiguity in the wording 'az �tr�l n�zve' ('seen from the street') which better or at least less ambiguously could be phrased 'az �tr�l n�zend�' ('seeing from the street') - since the latter form is explicit in the sense of left and right of the fence when you stand looking on it from the street, while the former is ambiguous as to what or who is seen: Either the fence is looked upon from the street by somebody who stands in the street and considers left or right, or the fence itself (that is, the one who stands by it and can be seen from the street) makes judgements on the matter. 'Looking' means that the left and right is decided upon in the street and then it is unambiguous. I have been puzzled by this phenomenon since my doctorate dissertation was rejected by Jens-Erik Fenstad (plus Jens Erland Braarwig and Anders Holmberg) in 1998. In the early seventies I had a clarinet teacher called Magne Nes�en who played professionally in the king's royal orchestra in Oslo - probably next to the king's royal guard (I guess that there could have been a fence inbetween). The first suggestion is that the word 'n�zve' be replaced with 'n�zend�' in the law text - to make it less ambiguous.

2) The new gas or at least network provider in Szolnok is 'Nemzeti K�zm�vek' (who seems to have taken over the billing of the gas from Tig�z and refuses to accept the Tig�z readers but relies on own readers once a year, as the customer care leader Balogh Andr�s wrote to me in an email reply) has informed me that if the user does not let the gas metre reader in for inspection at least once a year, it is considered breach of contract - which probably means that the gas supply can come to be terminated unless the reader is given access to the metre. I suppose this applies to the gas provided by Tigaz, not in general. If the first annual reading is unsuccessful, the 'network provider' (not 'clarinet professional') initiates a second reading 'within 60 days' - and a new letter is sent to the user when the 'network provider' has the time for it. The problem is that the appointments are 'ambiguous' - for gas this year it was 2018.03.02-03.08 - one full week lasting from the second to the eighth of march. This means that if you sit down by the cseng� ('doorbell', not 'double') in the morning 2 march and it rings before noon, you have been lucky and the rest of the week is free to do whatever you want, but if you are out for a moment and the doorbell rang just then, you can have to spend the rest of the week in vain. (The gas reader may leave a note with mention of new date, but the electricity and water readers seemingly do not). The water reading spans 2 full weeks and the electricity one day plus/minus 3 days - which probably also means one full week. I spent the full day 12.3.18 at the cseng� waiting for the el reader - to no avail. I dont know why the reader did not ring the bell. If the gas or el is turned off because one did not open the door for the reader, it is a sensitive thing. Clearly this old system is ripe for revision: Now not only computers but also internet have been invented and it is easy to make an interactive web page which optimizes the logicistics for the needs of both readers and users - so that it should be easy to narrow the span down to max 1 or 2 hours waiting on one single day - and when the time is over by the end of the interval, if the reader has not yet shown up, you are free of obligations and can leave the cseng� without fearing that the el or gas is turned off. (The web page can return a time point and an SMS or email to contact if you yourself could not reach the appointment after all). The old system must be a terrible burden on the national economy - since people often have to take time off from work to wait for the metre reader, and to spend one week's holiday waiting for the gas reader is not good. Neither is it modern to assume that at least one of the household always is home - nowadays children are at school and both parents work, and many people are single. The time appointment of one full day or one full week is of course to tell the nation that your work isnt much worth.

The party which can promise waiting time reduced to one or two hours max per metre is certain to expect good increase in votes in the upcoming election: That is to tell that your work is something worth after all.

The second suggestion is that a law could require such time appointments for metre readings to be of e.g. max 2 hours interval - that tells of how the administration evaluates the work that the people are doing.

I suppose such metres nowadays can be equipped with radio-transmission and thereby make reading superfluous normally - but even if it is about just an occasional control check, the waiting time of more than 2 hours is a burden to the national economy. In particular if your fence falls under an ambiguous paragraph.

I may be in a little special situation - since I have probably solved the most fundamental problem in hungarian administration (such as the reason for the once iron curtain) and I hope the hungarians do not hate me for that. The gas provider used to be Tigaz and it seems that it still is they who provide the gas but a new firm called 'Nemzeti K�zm�vek' seems to have superimposed themselves upon Tigaz and serve as 'network providers' who take care of the billing. I have speculated if it be a matter of mafia swindle - there is a new autowash firm built next to 'Praktiker' - cp. 'sprakk tiger' = 'burst the tiger'. The concept could even be my own rejected doctorate of 1998 - 'Jens Erland Braarwig' = 'gjenser lamper �rvisst' = 're-inspects/sees lamps annually' = the metre readers or their customers - while the name could also possibly refer to the Oslo terror on Ut�ya, by Breivik who once served in the king's royal guard, in particular when the theme of 'Nemzeti K�zm�vek' is that if the reading of the metre was unsuccessful, 'the network provider initiates a new reading within 60 days'. Of course it is easy to be unsuccessful if there is no specific time point but only a week's interval - and if the gas supply is switched off after 2 failed attempts, then there is not much hope for my gas. Hopefully it means not 'asphyxiation', such as Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton allegedly died from. Could be the people are supposed to sit there waiting under the cseng� for one full week - for the annual reader to enter in 'Oslo' style. This could of course also be 'election campaigning' now before the parliamentary election.

My doctorate disseation of 1997 was rejected in a letter from the committee (Fenstad, Braarwig, Holmberg) in a letter signed Oslo/Troms� 27 July 1998 - it was followed by the twin bombing of the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi on 7 august 1998 and the bombing of Omagh on 15 august 1998 - together these 'rejecting' bombings combine to the form 'rejected on a political basis' which could have been the contents of the appeal I was writing just then, if I had been more 'politically' minded.

'Anne Skundberg' (cp. 'Anders Holmberg') was the name of the young woman with whom I had my first sexual contact at age around 15. I cannot know whether she was still a virgin or not, though - it was about the 'touch method' (fingertip) only. I wrote my first things on a typewriter ('skrivemaskin') of type 'Erika' owned by my official father. It is of course not impossible that the current situation - given the ambiguity of the hungarian fence law - could have been planned already then. If so, it could have been the peculiar phenomenon of the hungarian language and its - from an anglophonic viewpoint - interests in the phenomenon of 'hymen' which could have been a historic background - also for Adolf Hitler. It is this which I now seems to have solved - and there should be no reason to continue any such political intrigue.

The 2018 metre readings for Sziget Utca, Szolnok

The gas reading is pre-announced to fall within a time span of one full week - this time it is announced from 'Nemzeti K�zm�vek', same time as announced last year from 'F�g�z':

(It is probably not about an interval from february to august). To let in the gas reader, I went there from Vienna to Szolnok on 1 march to find the time point in my postbox but there was no time point for me there and the water was frozen and I went back to Vienna the same day and wrote to '' to get the exact time point. Customer care leader Andr�s Balogh answered on late 7 march that the law requires of them to answer within 15 days but he had no time point or contact phone or email to offer for finding the time for reading the metre. I could have hurried back from Vienna to Szolnok early next day to arrive around noon but it is doubtful whether I could have found a reader. Balogh added that the 'network provider' initiates a new reading within 60 days (probably in the same style) - and if the user does not allow their readers to inspect the metres it is considered breach of contract of the gas supply. When I later went back there were two notes from the reader (Rim�czin� Benedek Erika) who had been there on 2 march and announced reading on 5 march when she returned and re-announced new attempt to read for 7 march. It may have been after this third unsucessful attempt that Balogh answered my email. Now they plan to send me a new letter or drop it in the mailbox - but since I am not there I cannot know when the letter arrives within 60 days - and they refused to give me a more specific time point. Balogh emphasized that Nemzeti K�zm�vek has its own readers and that the 'control readings' done regularly by Tigaz could not be used by them. The notes left by Rim�czin� Benedek Erika are from 'Tig�z-dso', though - which Balogh writes could not be used by them, so it is very possible that there has been another reader from 'Nemzeti K�zm�vek' also trying to read the metre in this period 2-8 march without succeeding - and without leaving such notes in the postbox as Tig�z seem to do. It could be a coincidence that these readings happened to be at the same time. (Conversely, it is of course possible that the doctorate dissertation was accepted in 1998 but that letters were replaced and swapped etc - in which case it could have been about an ambiguity of 'legg-i-slation' - 'put in the breiv-vik'). I went there to talk with the reader organizers at Th�k�ly Ut in Szolnok and found one office with two desks - one representative of Tigaz at the one desk and one of Nemzeti K�zm�vek at the other - and the Tigaz representative was nervous and had not the time and referred me to the other, the 'network provider', who could not help me more than with those 60 days. She called the reader who had been there but the answer was only that new reading would be 'initiated within 60 days'.

As for what is 'put in the brev-vik', I notice that 'absolute and relative' enumeration is the key to the solution of the logical puzzles of the 20th century.

Could be the Tig�z reader will claim that everything was in accordance with regulations - but it must be observed that the time preappointment of 2-8 march gives no indication that the first attempt will be on 2 march. Could be it means that the time appointment will be dropped in the home mailbox - through the slit in the fence - on 2 march 2018. This note apparently left by the reader on 2 march does seem to indicate the time 7-9 �ra:

Electricity reading ('e-on') is time preappointed to 12 march plus/minus 3 days - as it is printed in the e-bill I got months in advance:

I went back on 11 march to spend the night and wait for the reader early next day but there was no reader arriving in the course of the day so I gave it up and returned to Vienna the next day. It is all too tiring to sit stand by at the doorbell (cseng�, not 'double') for one full day. There was no message left from the e-reader.

For both gas and electricity I provided self-readings by personal presence in their offices - which probably will do since they themselves won't come out with a more precise time point in advance.

Water is read within a period of 14 days, but it may be that the user can make own readings:

I have tried to contact the water office (next to the Polgarmesteri Hivatal where the water tax is paid) for an appointment of reading but they refuse to be more specific than these 14 days - however, it may be that they find self-reading good enough. Since I have not yet got the water installed but use a tap in the garden, I have to wait for the annual 'Grundbelastungs-Geb�hr' based on water use - it is an 'existence fee' which must be paid within a short time interval after it has been dropped in the postbox. One is a burden to the ground and the burden (and hence the bill) is measured in the kilos of water used.

Now, after these two unsuccessful trips to Szolnok, could be also on the background of my unsuccessful attempt to achieve the doctorate degree in 1997, I am very tired and my eczemas are in full bloom and I understand that I probably will have to give up the 'hungarian project' and find another country. The hungarian OTP bank which I use for paying the bills do not send me account printouts and I have to travel to Hungary to find out how much is on the account. They say I can use interactive internet for administering the account - and the next password is sent via SMS, I think it was - but isnt it really the metre time points which should be obtained by interactive internet connection rather than the bank?

I have a suggestion to the bank for a service in the cashpoints (or at the bank counter) - a button offering a paper slip printed out with a series of 20-30 passwords for internet use. That should also be safer than the SMS (at least for me) and could make internet banking possible.

If the message is that the new politics is vans driving around for collecting people to terror - they are waiting nervously but have to open when the doobell rings - it could be an attempt to set the 'Black Sea Loop' going. (There was a petrol station going on fire near G�nserndorf in Austria near the hungarian border not long ago). If so, it may be that my rejected doctorate of 1997 is used - via ambiguity of hungarian law and reading of it.

The VANn = water is 'read' last and prompts the water use tax for my case - I can then, as the last after gas and el and water - go around and wait for the existence fee bill to arrive. 'Bil' = 'car'.

Car-wash is a business which seem to flourish in Szolnok for the time being. The first typewriter I used was of 'Erika' type - it fell down and got a small damage in the carriage.

In Vienna, metre readings are announced - either by letter or by posters hung up very visibly on doors and walls - some 3 weeks in advance and is done on a certain date within the time span of 2 hours, which means that people get the chance to be off work for not the whole day or week.

My PhD was rejected in 1998 and 'Bill' Clinton was on an official visit to Norway in 1999 and I was hospitalized by force in psychiatric hospital a few weeks later, on 22 november 1999 - an anniversary day for the Kennedy assassination. The forced hospitalization was 'initiated' by houseletter Erik Berstad and seems to have been signed by the official mother Ragna Gr�ver (with whom I had had no contact except for one tekephone for the last 11 years). It was Erik Brown who wrote the letter telling that even my obligatory lecture in the theory of science had been rejected by the committee wherein he was a member. In the house where I lived there was a washingmachine available for the tenants - and somebody had forgotten a plastic bag with sheets on an occasion. When I came there the next time, a week or so later, it was still there - and I made the houseletter Erik Berstad aware of it. "It is ours" he responded - and it seems that this message of mine about the apparently leftbehind plastic bag with sheets was taken as indication of 'suspicion' and formed the background of the forced hospitalization.

It happened once that I had booked a room in a hotel in Gy�r (a sort of 'other side' to Szolnok around Budapest) - I was told in advance that I would get room #5 - but when I came it was room #4 - and at 3 o'clock night I heard an apparently preappointed meeting between a man and woman in the street outside the window and they came up the stairs. The voice of the woman told that she grew nervous and had perhaps not expected an hotel as cheap as that. The voices were heard dimly through the wall for a short time and then it silenced - after which a strong feeling of heat suddenly occurred around my anus. The same mix of pre-registered hotel rooms had taken place in another hotel in Gy�r - a place I had been to many times and often got a certain room and was scheduled for this once when I arrived and was told that the previous tenant had wanted to extend his presence with yet another day so I got another room. This is like what happened when I should start a 2 months research project at the 'Centre for culture and technology' in Oslo and when I arrived for starting in the beginning of november 1992 I was told that Niels Ole Finnemann, who had been a guest scholar there for some time, wanted to extend his presence with yet another week or so and I had to wait for the office space to get free. My research project at the centre had been 'initiated' by Henrik Sinding-Larsen. He suffered from a disease in his back and was chained to the bed - but seems to have recovered later.

I refer also to the terror that has been in Ghouta - the suburb to Damascus - in recent weeks. 'G� ut da' = 'go out, then' - such as when the doorbell chimes.

I published this little piece on the internet in the night of the italian election some time ago. I wrote it on the background of the incident in the bus and had in fact no other background info for it. The Edelgreisslerei of 'Opocensky & Opocensky' has a spiral stairway as their logo - and in the window they advertise with 'Dry aged beef'. I think my official father - the proper owner of the Erika typewriter - used to sleep on 'Rohypnol'. If that is the background of the Rohingya crisis, I notice that there is a nearby parallel street to Sziget Utca called Rozgonyi Utca. In a christmas around the mid 1980's I met a woman called Piroska in P�cs in Hungary - we spent some hours together and she kindly showed me around in town - and even offered a christmas caramel which she picked from her home while I waited outside in the street. It happened once when I came up the 'spiral' stairs in the home of the Gr�vers that the official father stood there on top of the stairs with a strangely twisted face - I believed that he had swallowed Rohypnols but had not been quick enough to bed - but it was a mystery how one can manage to get the face mask as twisted as that.

Added on 21 march 2018:

Excerpts from Balogh's letter: "The annual gas meter reading is carried out by the local distribution network operator � Tig�z-DSO F�ldg�zeloszt� Kft. [...] For the above reasons, we can register the annual gas meter reading forwarded by the network operator. [...] Please note that Tig�z-DSO F�ldg�zeloszt� Kft. initiates control readings quarterly; however, the meter readings registered during these readings are not forwarded to our company and they do not form the basis of billing". If ambiguities are to be avoided, one would have to know whether the annual gas meter reading is one of the 'quarterly' control readings. I recall the Gr�vers in Molde in the 1960's were friends of an 'Otterlei' who was an author. There exists an Anne Marie Myrstad Otterlei - who may be the same person as the author of the book 'Blomsten og ruinene' (1968) by Anne Marie M. Otterlei - as far as I remember this was the title of the book written by the 'Otterlei' acquaintance of the Gr�vers. (Cp. also the 'the lobster' among the 'ex nihilo samples' of mine). Balogh emphasizes that access to the metres must be provided by the customer, otherwise it can be considered a breach of contract and the gas supply could be turned off. Hence the story is the KEYS. In the Orderud Paust case, there was a story with "an attempt to ignite a propane gas tank at the stairwell of their [the Pausts'] apartment in Skillebekk, Oslo. He discovered the 5-kilo tank with an open vent, outside his door which was doused in gasoline". Whether this counts as a 'canister' = 'kanne' (or 'd�se' - cp. Jim Morrison, another of the famous rock star deaths around 1970, along with Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix - Morrison was member of 'The Doors', cp. 'the d�s[e]') of relevance for such mythos elements, I don't know. This means that if the ambiguities of the metre readings are supposed to form the basis for a terror network a la Black Sea Loop, it is not impossible that just the concept of 'quarterly' is planned to be of much value - and then the mythos role of e.g. Morrison could be a part of it. An 'Orison' is a prayer to 'God', which in hungarian is 'Isten'.

22 march 2018: I do not believe that the US foreign secretary is behind this explosion. After the burglary in Szolnok in early 2016, I showed the police a bottle of green olive oil that had 'coagulated' in the cold air.

The truth must be pronounced, not injected.

I was later notified by Andras Balogh that if the annual reading was unsuccessful, they could stipulate on basis of average use which also can be adjusted by self-reading - so there should be a sensible solution to be found.

Added on 8 october 2018:

Excerpt from the file The Burgenland riddle is solved:

It may be that Norway suffered the sacrifice of two foreign ministers in the governments of Gro Brundtland for the purpose of making the house address invoke the smell of excrements (a smell of 'møkk') - via the intersecting street Daniel Berzsanyi Utca which seems to have the death of FM Knut Frydenlund in the one end (Ifjuság Utca - Frydenlund died on the toilet ring in a toilet cabinet during an official dinner) and Johan Jørgen Holst (who was shot by an intruder in his bedroom, if I got it right) in the other (Szántó Körút).

In the intersection Berzsányi Utca / Szántó Körút there used to be two small adobe houses - these were brutally bulldozered down and a new car wash facility erected in their place. Several other car wash facilities have spurted up in recent months and it seems to be a new trait of the town.

Above I discussed certain problems with the metre readings - gas, water, electricity. Why aren't there automated metres that send the metre reading automatically, by radio/tele communication?

If Knut Frydenlund died in the toilet cabinet from a shot from behind, that is, if somebody 'bæsjani hodet' cp. 'Berzsányi Utca', if it were automated then it would not be necessary to postulate that 'If ju sag ut sa' was the reason for the death of the politician: If he were shot manually in the back of the head, there could not have been a man standing behind him in the toilet cabinet - that could have happened only if they had sawed out a little window in the back wall - that is, 'Ifjuság Utca' = 'Youth street'. Utøya was the summer camp for Young Labour in Norway since Hitler took the power in 1933 - and the location for the Oslo terror.

It is natural to speculate whether the combined effect of all this is the Caravaggio-Balestra parametre of international politics. See towards the end of the article Author's will for rights under public domain - around 'car-a-vaggio-ba-lest-r-a'.

'Berzsányi Utca' qua 'bæsjani utsa' means not really 'excreted (on) him in the head' but more 'excreted (on) him in the mouth' (where it is 'out-said') - which then could be a question of 'auto-mated' if car washes are the issue. 'Man-hjul-i' = 'man-wheel-in'.

Clearly automated metre readings would make a better society with less big stray dogs in the streets running around for getting it up again after all the days under the doorbell. The current system can make it necessary to spend days and even weeks waiting for the reader to ring the doorbell - and then one cannot be away even 5 minutes without risking to lose the big moment. One could speculate that this would be for making Balestra ('asked did you read it' - the metre) a big name.

� John Bjarne Grover
On the web 14 march 2018
Last updated 8 october 2018