Two jokes

John Bjarne Grover

It was my official cousin Erik Eidsvig who told two jokes at a dinner (I think it was the same dinner for both jokes) at Vågstranda in the late sixties:

1) Two men walked on a beach and saw a third man sunbathing naked, and one of them suddenly started running with the other following. When the other, having got his breath back, asked him why he had started running, he said: "But didn't you see how short his fuse was?"

2) There was the grocer who had to fire his errand boy because the customers did not want cyclamate.

Erik Eidsvig is son of Bjørn Eidsvig. I think he later educated to machine engineer.

I suppose my official sisters Vibeke Gröver (later married Aukrust) and Tone Helene Gröver were present at the table and that the jokes were not about them - although perhaps the names could have been a little susceptible to it. Could it have been about the 'brother'?

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 2 May 2011