
John Bjarne Grover

NOTICE This article contains some photos of socalled 'recursive matter' that probably has taken shape in accordance with the perceptual properties of the human psyche and thereby perhaps also could come to affect perception or its functionality temporarily. In case this should happen, it is likely to go down again in the course of a few days if you do not consider the photos too intently again.

I discussed the socalled 'Easter Island' piece of 'transcendental matter' and its potential role for political mythology. The interesting phenomenon is in the way that this piece 1) seems to materialize out of a poetic eternity and 2) how one can assume that it is basically 'the same' form every time it occurs, like two rainbows tend to be quite similar. As such, it has an archetypal value. I published on the internet the photo of a puzzling piece of what looked like a 'stigma format' that I one day found inside my shoe, about the place where a normal christian foot stigma would have been found, or a little closer to the heel. I believed that it was a selling gag from the factory and threw the shoe away when it was worn out - and later understood that I should not have done that. Some time after that I found the following very similar piece in my home, and indeed I had reasons to believe that it had not been put there by somebody else - here the two pieces together plus a detail of the hole of the second of them:

The story about Moses goes that he first got the stone tablets from God, then he smashed them on the ground when he saw the dance around the golden calf and therefore he had to go up on the mountain to get new ones. It can be assumed that these probably contained about the same 10 commandments as the first had done.

A highly interesting piece of 'transcendental matter' which I found some time after that again is the following, which I likewise believe is of such an archetypal form - and I found it on a place after I had scrutinized this place for such occurrences (and found first a 'breadcrust' or 'broken bread' form - see photo at the end of the article - before I found the following) and the locked door could not have been opened in the mean time, which means that there are reasons to feel a little convinced that it had come out of the 'poetic eternity', unless I had overlooked something that had fallen out of some other source.

It is what can be called the 'wigwam' piece. On the front side it shows a bundle of apparently twisted reeds that make up for a wigwam form, on the back side one sees a complex scene of one person on the top and 'the same' person below, but below he is dressed in a sort of hat which also can be seen to be the nose of a Janus head - like the wife of the character in the Easter Island piece. Both the lower and the upper persons look leftwards.

It is easy to find reflexes of it in political and other mythology. I mention two notable examples: 1) The photo of a lapp 'gamme' = housing in Krarup Nielsen's book - the lapps had otherwise tents which were quite similar to indian wigwams. The relevant reference could be to Gröver/'Mengele' who in fact used to sign with a signature which looked like 'Wigwam' in the sixties. 2) The concept of 'Fiskefösker' seems be this 'Wigewamer' - and John Jensen's father worked as 'fiskeforsker' or 'fiskefusker' for the state - he sorted fish on the harbour in Ålesund. There seems to be an abundance of these 'wigwams' around in the political mythology.

My interpretation of the archetypal piece is that it interprets the relation of light to sound - and lends priority to the acoustic basis of reality on a jewish format: It is an archetypal recursive form which self-explains how sound or acoustics is primary and vision or light is secondary and a derivative of sound. It goes via a mid level of 'delay' which is recognized as 'causation' - and in my view this is likely to be the essence of the universal constant of 2 seconds in acoustics. Political theory which is not so catholic but rather 'secret service' minded probably tries to swap the priority order of these - a sort of 'me X i Co' (where Kennedy was on my birthday in the early sixties, if I remember right) - for 'making history' by assigning priority to light.

There exists also a biblical saying that 'the hairs are counted on your head' which in norwegian comes out as 'hårene er telt på deres hode' which also can mean 'the hairs are a tent on your head' - hence the wig-wam. One can speculate also on connotations to this 'tent' in the idea of 'the hairs are bending' as a part of ideas of the Kennedy assassination by 'the biers are hending' - here the hairs or reeds of the wigwam seen from outside are slanting and not standing right up. If this should mean that Kennedy authority is equipped also with additional biblical authority, I don't know.

There are two main characters on the piece - and they seem to be two versions of the same man: It is the one above looking leftwards and the lower one with a naive or 'innocent' look, as being prodded on his shoulder by a divine authority - these share the puzzling trait of having a sort of 'cameleon' eyes - and one can guess that the current state chief of England could be in some name-relation to this phenomenon. (In addition, if politics tries to accumulate power by a divide-and-conquer on the relation between light and acoustics, it could be called 'the breakdown of the bicameral mind' by a book title by Julian Jaynes from 1976). A closer study of the details of the lower man's eyes shows that he has in fact double eyes - one normal eye which looks very innocent and forwards and another just above it which looks like a surveillance camera. These two could make for a sort of 'blear-eyed' condition. Underneath, there are even another two 'eyes' in his maxilla or cheekbone - which could be the 'bollekinna' of a program on the great 'Wall of China'.

These eyes look like balls - and could be the origin of the two red balls on the front page of Fuchs' book (click here for the cover of the book) and the ideas of potato balls (cp. 'Paul Marshall balls') and things like that.

The lower man is a variant of the Easter Island piece - only that his 'wife' looks like a regretting clerical of some sort - with a strangely long or perhaps rather dripping nose, could be he has caught a cold or is regretting something.

This could be the background of the strange and sudden change in reported nose length of pope Paul VI when it was rumoured that Gröver/'Mengele' had taken his place in the mid seventies - and Gröver/'Mengele' himself occurred with a strangely twisted nose. The man is looking over a low wall or division of some sort - towards an apparently naked woman who stands on the other side.

The question is what she is doing - it seems that a person wíth his back to the viewer is inserting something into her mouth. Is it a long erection (cannot be that long - or it depends on the angle) or is it a biscuit in the holy communion? But her mouth isn't that big - could be the biscuit really is under her chin. This is probably the essential question for the political intrigue. It is possible that the names of the octogon come close to this situation in various senses - and one can count something like 8 planks or 'reed bundles' in the fence. My guess is that this could have been the basis for an octogon.

The 'british' interpretation is likely to be that it is the pope who is sitting there as the man's 'wife' or 'back' of the Janus head.

There are two classic norwegian sayings which could have been employed for lending emphasis to this piece: 1) 'Som klippet ut i papp' = 'like scissored out in cardboard' (vs 'som klippe-tut i papp' which could be in reference to the theme of circumcision) for telling that something is extremely clear-cut in expression and 2) 'som snytt ut av nesen' = 'like blown out of the nose' - telling of a child's extreme similarity with one or both of the parents.

What is the upper man doing? A common mistake is probably that he is urinating on the wall - or masturbates on the cortex of a newborn infant - for example, when it could have been the case that Gröver/'Mengele' was replaced with a copy while we waited for the ferry at Vikebukt ferry station in the late sixites, he said with a strange smile, while the family was seated and waiting in the car - "e må pisse" = "I have to piss" and went out and behind a shed and came back again some minutes later - and then he was not totally the same, but his wife apparently did not notice any difference. I probably cannot guarantee that it was another person but he had a changed look. He otherwise never used that word - could be it was reserved for this particular occasion. But this is apparently a misunderstanding - I would say that the man rather could be trying to solve Grassmann's or Poncelet's mathematical riddles - or something like that (is it a sort of 'oarlocks' = 'tollepinner' he looks at or rather over?) - as he is measuring the relations and distances over the wall like the lower man is watching the scene of the 'communion'.

Clearly if the piece is of an archetypal character, it is not 'about' anything else than its own self-explanatory function in a way which makes it possible to understand the human organismic conditioning of its own sense-complex reality and how the human psyche conditions its perception of its own world. This would also be the reason for a more or less 'political' use and abuse of it - in an attempt to take over religious authority.

The political intrigue probably tries to lend independent value and priority to this visual archetypal form and to define the acoustic reality as secondary to it. Hence 'fiskefösker' could be a variant of the two persons on this 'wigewamer' and have precisely this piece of transcendental matter as his very essential Hitler program. It is likely that it is the world of 'international secret service/mafia' who have this sort of esoteric passion as their driving force and 'meaning of life' - as a means for earthen power, that could be. My view is that it most certainly is an interesting field of study which, though, should not be left in the shadows of secret intrigue but must be recognized as a serious study on the border of reality - not the least in an attempt to construct an information technology for information transfer faster than light without this being constrained and functioning by political control.

In my 'Poetic semiosis' (in vol.3 of the 3-volume edition of 2013), the piece probably interprets the two parts of the socalled 'isomorphic function' - the relation between the acoustic model of my PhD dissertation and the semiotic model of my 'Poetic semiosis' - for which the political strategy of 'divide-and-conquer' is to keep the two halves apart and under political control. The isomorphic function tries to mend the gap between light and sound which can be traced in the metaphysical model contained in this piece of transcendental matter.

A guess about the political plans could be that the 'Edward Forster' or whatever could be the hidden name of the new service-'Hitler' could launch the visual contents of this piece as his program for a renewed 'judaism' and 'spiritualism' (like Hitler pretended to be inspired by old indian and aryan philosophy - hence his swastika) - and then let the rest of the world war down the madman and his 'visual spiritualism' for a final and complete 'divide-and-conquer' based power. For example, the 5 revolutions of 2011 converged on 'Aleppo' in Syria as the last stronghold of the 'rebels' - which could mean converging on 'Anustria' as the origo of the new 'spiritual' movement of a new 'Hitler' spreading his gospel in 'liberal' parties over the continent ('liblabs' for the 'fiskeföskers'). 'Anustria' would then be the explanation to the socalled 'pope' as the 'wife' of the lower man in the piece - hence the myth of the pope as 'homo' if his real identity was Josef Mengele in the seventies. The strategy for a 'Forster' or whatever the name would then be to invite the rest of the world to join forces in battling this 'homo' and regain decency and a healthy outlook on reality. The first Hitler battled (or stamped under foot) the classic archetypes of man-on-wagon and all those, the new and planned Hitler could have his attention on this transcendental sort of archetypal form of matter. The two Hitlers would then be a sort of upper and lower version of the same man, with the pope as the alter ego of the lower one - as could be the british or anglican or even protestant strategy. That clearly is quite far off from any sensible understanding of the reality.

In particular Austria and Vienna should be very concerned about avoiding this future - considering not the least the tempting and final 'corking' of the history which could settle the divide-and-conquer strategy by way of a giant bomb on the city for making that 'anus hole' which could define the ring muscle of an andorran enclave system. Please notice that it is not I who am the threat or the problem - but it clearly can be easy to make intrigues on basis of the false idea that 'Edward Forster' is the 'same' name as 'John Bjarne Grover' and that proves the danger. There is even another such name-equation which can apply - considering the rewrite of my name as 'Job Warri G-röver' for the phenomenon of the 'Ferriswheel' of London. I have heard the expression 'Steigen Sie nicht mehr ein' in the U-Bahn of Vienna on the loudspeakers just before the doors close - the rewrite formula 'S=ODD' (I think there is a new US film called 'Odd Thomas' coming up) can take it to an understanding of how my name could have been intended as a substructure for the whole thing - and even could serve to mixmax roles with the US president, probably a favourite theme of british interests since at least 1968. Clearly angloamerican interests could be out for making problems for me in Vienna while austrian interests should see it the other way round and the question is then how much agency and power pressure a la the Moscow bombs 1999 there is.

(The other saying in the U-Bahn of Vienna is with a slightly more intimate voice: It says "Achtung! Zwischen Bahnsteig und U-Bahn-Tür ist ein Spalt" - as if there should be a mystic Spalt between the Bahnstein and the Ouverture in the opera - cp. the idea of an attractive opening between the Schinken and the Ovary).

For example, the bomb in the intersection Kashinskoye/Varshavskoye Shosse in Moscow 1999 could mean simply the intersection Felberstrasse/Beingasse in Vienna - the house where Hitler once lived. 'Felber' could furthermore mean 'fjell-berg' - the mountainous region. If this should serve to lift the interest range over onto Marmorveien in Fredrikstad, there is the close distance to the complex which could have been a part of the last period of Indira Gandhi's life ('Blomstertorget' etc). That could mean that the plan even could be to let my authorship be redirected to constitute a part of the driving force of the 'new spiritualism' of a new Hitler - and I certainly would protest strongly against anything such.

If there are parts of the austrian society being concerned with installing the 'Kennedy factor', it must be noticed that although this could make it appear that the business could be running more smoothly thereby, at least for some time, it would nevertheless be for contructing a microstate 'Anustria' as a 'powerful' state. That obtains also for those who agree to abuse of surveillance data. No sensible person can support that - but the strategy seems to be based on a swapping of indexes - such as taking me for 'Hitler' because my name seems to mean that 'Forster' who could be the planned real identity hiding behind of a new Hitler - and is probably angloamerican. But then the problem is not me! I am only a victim of abuse which is trying to make out of me a hidden link between a Forster and a Hitler.

This is also the reason why my work is not published: The political 'services' want to contruct a new Hitler instead!

There seems to exist a myth that Josef Mengele after or at the end of the war travelled to Ålesund and ate John Jensen before he changed name to John Gröver. An alternative version of this is that he ate his own 'gensen' like some 'a-marry-can-press-i-dent' - and that his change of identity was not much more dramatic than that. However that be, when foot-and-mouth ('foot-in-mouth') broke out in England in 1968, it was on his official birthday 27 october, which could mean just this 'gensen' day - and this could be the real basis for the 'moon landing' ('munn' = 'mouth') in 1969 - that it tells that the 'mouth landing' of Gröver/'Mengele' in 1946 was a hoax only - it was not Mengele eating Jensen for acquiring his identity but rather Jensen or Mengele eating his own 'gensen'. This hoax could have been the same hoax as Mengele being pope Paul VI for a part of his period - at least the one in Labråten had a twisted nose. It would serve to lend innocence to the intrigue-makers - if they are not so innocent, that means. However that be, the moon landing was a big thing and there have probably never been a larger TV audience than this moment when the first human put his foot on the moon - and if the saying was meant to mean 'a small dick for a man but a giant lip for mankind' in the sense of US presidential abuse of an infant - it could have served to magnify this 'gensen' connection between a first and a second Hitler - a 'Paul Marshall' and an 'Edward Forster' - with NATO or at least UK-US responsibility claim.

This construction is likely to be the socalled 'fox-trap' which seems to define my birth in terms of the structure of MLR april 1957. It is of course possible that it is this 'fox-trap' (cp. also 'Leonie Sachs') which is 'Anustria' - and that it is the content of a political intrigue to identify the two parts of it as the two persons on the wigwam piece. I do not support any such political constructions, in particular not any constructions which are based on secrets and cheating of the people, and this seems to be so to an extreme degree.

One can only hope that the people of England and USA will revolt against the administrations who keep such things secret and publish the details of the history and confess and regret and work for a global society in the service of the community and not for any such madman obsession with old freemason boyclub esoteric manias of magic and witchcraft. Truth before power is my program - and truth does exist. Which also means that matter can transcend the border to reality - and to replace one person with a copy who has been changed to look the same in a hospital (for example, the idea that Mengele could have been changed to look like pope Paul VI) is not to make a cantorial diagonal - that is only to cheat the people by way of crimes and brute power. Nor is there much magic in the mutilation of foetuses in mother's womb by way of chemistry and laser beams before the foetuses are born into the world.

A new austrian film "Das finstere Tal" is released in a few days time. I found my piece on 23 january 2014. I think it was in 2013 (if not 2012) that I sent my PEB book ('POLAKK English Bloggi' - on the blue metre), I think it was, to Peter Sloterdijk.

If there is surveillance of my computer and work generally, very much damage could have been made to it. And that damage by surveillance would have been only for constructing a new Hitler! And for dumping the blame for that Hitler on Austria and Germany and Italy - those countries which still had some cultural traditions. Isn't it soon time to tidy up in all the old historic lies?

To the phenomenon of the sami 'gamme' (hut made of earth - a hole in the earth) as alternative to their tent, the word 'gammern' is standard norwegian for 'the oldie' (typically the old father) - the word can also mean 'one who lives in a gamme'. If there is a mythological role to Gamle Glemmen Gravlund (GGG) where Gröver/'Mengele's coffin was buried, it could perhaps be about such a 'gamme'. It is at the lower hillfoot of Falchåsen - where the road turns either left or right. I don't know if 'where the earth' turns could mean such things as 'An drea Spader' ('he turns it off the spades' - the earth, that is) and 'the polish factor' and things like that, but clearly that is a possible mythological interpretation.

(I add the story from a year or two or three before Gröver/'Mengele' seemed to be replaced with a copy - we were walking home from the harbour when a man shouted his name behind his back - he turned and the two went behind a shed and it took some time and I got nervous - before he came out again - the same person, but maybe pretelling the Vikebukt scene).

Added on 7 february 2014:

In an earlier article on my homepage I discussed the relation between the indexes and potential mythological roles of Vilhelm Mohnke, Hitler's general for the Führer's personal security in the last bunker days, and Hans Karl Möser, chief of Dora [Mittelbau] concentration camp. It is the fact that 'öser' means 'bails out' and that this could have been the 'reason' for or at least background of the bailout of 800 billion dollars under Bush (cp. 'hans skalp öser', 'hans kalv öser') which lends some support to the assumption of a systematic and potentially very important link between Möser and Mohnke. As far as I know, the end of the story of Möser from Dora was in the last march of 1000 inmates who were closed into a building in 'Gardelegen' and it was put on fire. like the end of the church in Kanunga for the restoration of the 10 commandments under Josef Kibweteere. The word 'Gardelegen' can in the present story mean e.g. Gröver/'Mengele' assistant chief doctor Gard Nykvist who later was chief of Veum psychiatric hospital, and it can mean the doctor of 'garden' = the personal guard of the norwegian king (where e.g. the terrorist of the Oslo terror had been serving and hence 'gardelegen' could perhaps have guaranteed his identity). Nykvist could perhaps even be called 'benet til assen', cp. 'Bente Lassen' and the 2004 earthquake of 'Banda Aceh'. 'Dora concentration camp' produced 'V-2' rockets for Hitler, cp. 'Ve-um'. Mohnke was similar to both disability pensioner Olsen (the father of Fjellheim) and english-philologist Tveteraas. If such a link between Möser and Mohnke obtains, it means that Felberstrasse in the sense of the Moscow 1999 bomb in Kashinskoye/Varshavskoye Shosse via Indira Gandhi's 'blomsterpigen' (Blue Star, Metal, Shop) could mean a link to the son of John F.Kennedy. Scissored out in cardboard: My authorship is not written by any John F.Kennedy jr! It can be added that the two lawyers of Möser before his hanging were Anneliese Lessmann and Adrienne Modig - which could refer to a cigar in the colon of the man who was hanged and hence to Stumpergasse where Hitler lived before he moved up to Felberstrasse. It is the cyanide disaster of Bhopal ('hadr i en bolig') soon after the death of Gandhi in 1984 which suggests this ('han er i selespann'). I suppose the polish landlady of Hitler in Stumpergasse could have confirmed or rejected the identity of the man who later rose to power in Berlin. This means that the complex can be about a british Hitler (e.g. 'Paul Marshall', cp. the 'potato balls'). It is possible that the names of all british PM's since 1945 can be compared with this piece of 'transcendent matter' showing one upper and one lower man with cameleon eyes, interpreted in the construction of a new Hitler. (Even immigrant integration legislation in Europe in recent years could be about these 'familiarize'?). Even Margareth Thatcher with mid name Hilda could be telling of this - the upper man inspecting the top of the 'building' - which also can be taken to mean a human skull and hence 'hans skalp öser'. 'Vil helr ronke' = 'prefers to masturbate'. John Grover, Jord Gnomen = Leprechaun, vs Depression etc. 'Han er i selespann': Who was in 'selespann', at 'Westbahn'-hof? Felberstrasse is 'like ved Vestbanen'. If there were ideas about a wax roll with extraterrestrial 'gensen' material for my conception, it could be that the end of Möser be about my person. Leif Stene Johansen sold working clothes (after he quit his job at 'Blomstertorget') and Möser was executed by hanging.

As far as the story of the two pieces - the first one showing a broken bread tip and the second with this wigwam structure found about an hour and a half later - is concerned, if there is a tendency (for example as regular as one rainbow is similar to another) that these two tend to follow in succession, and if this be taken as telling of the story of Moses on the mountain getting the same tablets twice from God, it could of course be that the whole story be about a british rejection of the divine revelation of the jewish 'covenant' - in the sense of the first and the second tablet being very different. That does not mean that the 10 commandments on the first tablet were very different. 'Hans Kalv Öser' ('his calf bails') was the 'causation' contained in the breaking of the first tablet[s] of Moses, but if the present ideas of Mohnke and Möser be of any relevance, it must be understood that potential later mythological reflexes of the two in Fredrikstad environments lived on very different hills. Aha, so the second ascension was not on the same mountain? Clearly this must be considered an uninteresting joke only - cp. the two 'stigma' pieces above. It could be british empiricism which claims that it could not have been the same tablets twice. This clearly is of some relevance if british government since the war can be interpreted in terms of the second piece. (I once knew an art group which could have been taken as indicative of the existence of such ideas).

Which means that if the construction goes through an essential link of John F.Kennedy in the sense of Leif Stene Johansen, whether that be the same man or not, it could be that an orientation of the british intrigue - based on the concept of 'wrong mountain' - goes via 'Stene' as 'Satan'. (I recall the rumours that 'flein' mushrooms should contain an intoxicating substance). His address in 'Marmorveien' could then be compared with this 'wigwam' background. There is the following illustration (the source does not specify who made this illustration, it says only that it is 'after a sculpture' by Darodes, reproduced from 'Paradise Lost' in Hayley 'The poetical works of John Milton') in Gustav Davidson's 'Dictionary of angels', published on 'The Free Press' in 1967:

(If the 'Harry Potter' series is based on these phenomena, I suppose it would be Harry Potter himself who has the 'camera eyes'). This could suggest that if there is a political intrigue on identifying me with 'Satan', it really could be about the name of 'Stene' in this construction. Related ideas that I should be an agent for anybody would be totally wrong - and I am certainly not Satan. If, furthermore, 'Marmorveien' is used in the political intrigue to such an extent - that it e.g. could have been an element in the US bailout of 2008 - one could wonder whether the neighbouring 'Syenittveien' could have served to index the first piece I found on 23 january 2014 - hence to be identified as 'the original tablet[s]', preceding the wigwam tablet with an hour and a half. Here are photos of the front and back side of the first piece (and I include also photos of the front and back pages of Davidson's book, whether that be relevant or not):

I have sent my PEB ('POLAKK English Bloggi') to some people and libraries (including semiotics in Denmark and Sweden, the national libraries of India and the Vatican) with offer for having my 3-volume work as a free donation (normally on the condition that the work can be made available to readers in some way or other) but there has been no answer from anybody so far. (After 'the swiss rejection' I cannot just send the books as donation and then see them rejected and forwarded to e.g. the local or british services - there are too few copies and they cost too much time and money to make). I think it is time that somebody helps me find at least a university press who can present it on their more or less humble list and thereby make the work available to those who are in need of it. I suppose the work is target of a massive propaganda war from angloamerican administration and/or 'services' - not the least on the background of their potential wish to launch a new Hitler. The substantial progress which e.g. the blue metre PEB can mean in a number of fields of study is enough reason to conclude that it must be presented for sale. I have no overview of possible pirate editions but if there are such around, they must of course be stopped. I am fully aware of the possible 'methods' which can be put into use in order to call forth a rejection from a library I donate the books to - such as the massacre on the mountaineers high up on Nanga Parbat in Himalaya on 22 june 2013 after I had given my books to Zürich Zentralbibliothek (cp. the ALPs and the BLUT) 3-4 days earlier - and this library probably gave the books on to somebody else, and I would guess that this massacre could have been a part of the angloamerican propaganda war against my work (under the pretext that they are written by 'Satan', and for their purpose of launching a new Hitler) - but clearly that sort of bad 'service' politics should not be allowed to stop a publication of the books. It is probably easy to scare a 'Fachreferent' by himalayan telephones or whatever (to the quick conclusion of 'notgoodenough') - and I have absolutely no illusions about british or american 'services' and their 'representatives' from that point of view - but this problem should be brought to the surface of attention. Nobody wants a new Hitler, and my work can lead to substantial progress in many fields of study. It is my authentic work and I have been working with this for more than 20 years. I am not an agent.

Added on 16 february 2014: On the front side of the wigwam there seems to be the outlines of a lady in the shower. One sees just the rear shoulder of the two-nippled. This seems to be on the other side of the 'bilking' female inside the wigwam. (I notice the 52 of the 444 days of Teheran). Or, rather, the precise other side could be just underneath the fold. A renewed microscoping on 16 february shows perhaps a slightly changed scene but one must hope that the piece has not been replaced with a copy from british or american administrative burglars in the mean time. In particular I hope that my handwritten manuscript books are not in a comparable form. The apparent massive propaganda war from british and american side makes this a possible explanation, of course. If, that is, one thinks that the two wigwams look different - and if they do not disintegrate in historic time. Click here for a microscoping of the back side on 16 february 2014.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 6 february 2014
Last updated 16 february 2014
(Some orthography adjusted on 4 march 2014)