15 march 2021

John Bjarne Grover

I opened my homepage on the web in the spring 2004 and when I today search for this article entitled 'Speech act story', I see that it is from one or the earliest days of my writing on the internet. I dont remember when I removed it from the web again but I think that was during a major clean-up years ago.

The article mentions the story with Skapski - from whom I got three publications on music notation after I had completed my three publications on music notation for the MUSIKUS project at the university in Oslo. I should of course have answered Skapski's letter but did not understand what he meant with the reference to my 'pedagogy' in the field - and it may be that I did not want to become an expert in music notation. (Although the recent xylophone stories from Venice could perhaps be seen as variants thereof?)

My first contact with the MUSIKUS project was in the early days of 1987, and I worked for a while at the institute of informatics, sharing office with Dag Diesen, a somewhat Wittgenstein-looking person. Wittgenstein was perhaps a PTRSIM PIK. It happened a few days ago that I looked up Finn Thiesen on the internet and clicked the link to this article in 'Morgenbladet' when something went wrong and the newspaper could not be opened at all. An error message came up - and when I tried again some time later the error was still there and the newspaper tried to repair it, they told, but in the mean time had to refer the readers to their facebook page. Had it gone down in the moment when I clicked on the link? Thiesen is a scholar in also persian and it is mentioned (for whatever reason) that he knows Hafiz' Diwan by heart.

Twitter suspended Donald Trump's account after the tumults on Capitol Hill - on background of claims that he had inspired to the tumults with a comment (a 'speech act story'?) on Twitter, but Trump was acquitted by the impeachment. Twitter was founded by 'Jack Dorsey'.

Contact details
15 july 2020

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 15 march 2021