1 may 2021

John Bjarne Grover

Chiesa di San Trovaso

In Venice I used to go to concerts, normally concerts on the church organ there, in the Chiesa di San Trovaso in the Parrocchia di San Gervasio e Protasio. There used to be verbal introductions to the concerts, though - sometimes as much as 10 or even 15 minutes before the music began and I believed that this was the reason why I had to absent myself from some of them. Only recently have I been able to see the story in terms of the names involved: I have fancied - although I have little data or evidence to present so the story counts as speculative and based mainly on names - that sexual abuse of me could have taken place from the autumn 1970 onwards when I started at Trosvik school in Fredrikstad. I have mentioned the story with 'kluten', though. San Trovaso and my need for absenting myself during a few concerts there could perhaps be something similar. The theory would be that the contents of my own penis in 1970 had been moved from me over onto my official mother who then would have been a 'trans' (this speculation could derive from the fact that the official mother was hospitalized in Sarpsborg for a few days that summer 1970 - and this was not long after the deaths of Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan). If that should have been the story, the 'tros-vik' = 'eids-vik' = the birthname of the official mother would relate to 'tros-avo' = 'tros-of[f]-her' while my organ would have been a 'protasio' on the 'gervasio'. Hence the organ concertos in the church could have become a little stressful. It is perhaps noteworthy also that my uncle (the brother-in-law of the same official mother) Arthur Nedregård was an organist in the church of 'Voldsdalen' ('mound/violence valley') in Ålesund. I think the brother Aron Eidsvig of his father-in-law Bjarne Eidsvig also lived in Voldsdalen. 'Sanger av Bjarne Eidsvig' = 'Songs by Bjarne Eidsvig' seems to be a recurring theme. 'Anger av Bjarne Eidsvig' = 'regrets of Bjarne Eidsvig' - while 'Anger av Barne Eid svig' = 'regrets of the child a treason'. 'San Trovaso' --> 'aunt Rovaso' (cp. the rock group 'Aunt Mary'). Uncle Arthur was married to my aunt Marit - and resembled the photo of Giandomenico Porto (he died some months ago) who had been professor at the Ginnasio Liceo Marco Polo almost next door to this Chiesa di San Trovaso. So there could be some significational density there - to which perhaps the inbetween linguistic institute could add. The last time I was to a concert in the church there was (after some linguistic introduction) a female singer and an organist playing. Unfortunately I had to give up mid way through the concert.

The story of the xylophone.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 1 may 2021