1 november 2022

John Bjarne Grover

In the article 'Comments on some poems and their parallel texts in 'The Endmorgan Quartet'' I mentioned the phenomenon of "the burnt threshold: April" as a sort of negation of or counterpoint to the falling cliff of Beachy Head.

In Venice there is a park where I found a similar phenomenon. It is lantern (a 'lighthouse') flanked by two apparently coniferous trees ('needle' trees) that had whithered some time ago - of course I guess on an april in recent years. In the background - a wall with three heads shooting forth from the facade - it could look like Strindberg to the left and maybe Brooke to the right. (I think I have mentioned this earlier but cannot find it again). To the right of this, three ancient-looking busts - seafarers it could be, on the undulating sea. It is when one walks on the park path that one sees the 'cliff' of the facade in the background 'under' the lighthouse.

The three faces on the facade

The three ancients on pillars

Seafarer on pillar

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 1 november 2022