Brief comments october 2022

John Bjarne Grover

7 october 2022: Somebody had to pee but forgot to flush the toilet. Blandaball, blandapeace. Pinball etc. Ideas of far-rights in politics cannot be used to make any claims on my authorship.

8 october 2022:

Last night (well before midnight) I lay in bed and mumbled almost inaudibly for myself: - How can a drone be invulnerable against other lasers? It cannot rely on satellite info - it has to compute the laser beam from a symmetry state and its changes therein and send an exact counterbeam in return. The computers in the drone are complex molecules that function as small motherboards (carbon atom resistances, copper atom conductors, silicon atom components etc) that in combination, millions of them, compute 'all symmetry states'. - Yes, whispered the surveillance voice even more inaudibly, it is only that symmetry states ('symmetritilstander') do not exist'. - They do, mumbled I, my blue metre measures symmetry states.

Why should my mumble be so interesting? For once,I may have been constructed as the secret link between Auschwitz and ÖVP currently in government in Austria. These two could be symmetry states. Secondly, it is likely that Odyssey song 5 verse 205 contains 'etheleis ienai' = 'Zelensky' and that this is the 666 as the guarding security fence to 'su de khaire kai empes' which could be the second 666 - could be PTRSIM PIK = me is considered the first 666 and a Hitler is the second. It is a blue metre that computes the 666 or two to verse 205 of song 5.

Of course I do not support this sort of secret games and certainly not a new or old Hitler. Tell the whole truth, all these details, to the public.

13 october 2022:

Look how it resembles what could have been the response from a publisher to whom I had submitted a manuscript:

If a former queen Elizabeth has been rebuilt to a young female, I am not going to bed with her. I am not interested in such fairy tale stories and I have no obligation to follow such plans. If there should be such plans of 'over my body' for having my works published, I think that is a completely unrelated matter. I also think that non-royal societies should feel no obligation to follow up such requests which include such plans and potential threats against a single individual - even a disability pensioner with only marginal social interface. It is likely to be the international secret intelligence services who want to control the Pinocchio marionette by way of terror around the globe - do this, do that, encoded in street names and numbers and other aspects of the terror - for getting the Pinocchio in bed with what could have been a former queen or for making it possible to make later claims that the poetry which Pinocchio wrote was conducted by the international network. Scribe this, scribe that. Of course, in addition, any agent could take that role of a former british queen - which is not interesting, though.

My work should be interesting for some people and I think it is important that these can get the chance to acquire a legal copy of my books. But that should have nothing to do with a potentially rebuilt former british queen or some agent pretending to be.

(I think there is some track on The Beatles's record "Abbey Road" which could contain traces of such old ideas - could be that is the background of these ideas).

I have acquired a cough since about the summer which is not covid but maybe intuited reflexes of plans which I do not intend to participate in, apparently vibrated through the media in terms of international terror indexing my sexual or other drive. Or maybe I am just once again totally overworked and have a desperate need for more holiday.

I am not involved in potential manipulations for invoking interest.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 8 november 2022