The chinese film of 1963 and the ethnologic parametre in language

John Bjarne Grover

The article discusses a chinese film from 1963 relative to my 23 photos from the Danube island. The article continues the discussion in the article on the chinese bronze inscription.

There exists a chinese film made or launched in 1963 which in principle could be a comment on the Kennedy assassination, in quite interesting ways. I cannot read the handwriting on the cover but it looks like this - it is from this edition I have got the images below:

(If there is a comment on the Kennedy assassination in the film, the handwriting in norwegian could look like 'nifst med løs hette' - or even 'Nilserudkleiva' in Oslo which is the location of half of my diary novel 'The Dreamer'). I bought this film some years ago, without knowing anything about this. I discovered that it made for a quite interesting parallel to my 23 photos from the Danube island - as amazing as the chinese bronze. It is this aspect I discuss here, and I draw some conclusions also as far as the hypothesis of a link to the Kennedy assassination is concerned.

The film is 101 minutes and 33 seconds long - I divided this into 20 parts and studied the 21 end points of these parts relative to my 23 photos. This produces 21 still photos from the film - it is these which are very impressive parallels to my 23 photos. One of the film images contains 2 of my photos (my #18-19), and my photo #1 is not really accounted for but could be found in the film at 1/10 of the first part - each part is 305 seconds and hence this will be after 30,5 seconds. I here list the 23 photos and their corresponding images from the film. It is the photo #2 which is contained in the last image from the film and is the clue to the whole story. There is the Beachy Head! Here are the images and my photos:

Image at 00:00:00 (+) - my photo #23

My photo shows the scripture on the ground and in the sky - on the ground it seems to say 'PhOS-STA' with greek lettering in the first part. I have not yet deciphered the writing in the sky - but the correlate in the film is the apparent title to the film

Image at 00:05:05 - my photo #3

The relevance is immediate - decomposed in my photo. I have recognized my photo as 'the faculty of vision'.

Image at 00:10:09 - my photo #4

My photo seems to show an animal that 'throws' the young.

Image at 00:15:13-14 - my photo #5

My photo looks like a bush with a cranium inside - the two images from the film tell of the mystery 'how can the brain look out through the cranium?' - an old riddle. The film shows the female looking out under her veil onto the dancers outside

Image at 00:20:18 - my photo #6

This 'earnest heming-way' is shown down right in my photo. Is it her medallion?

Image at 00:25:23 - my photo #7

The scrutinizing look could be the lightbeam going through the eyes down left on my photo - with the two 'birds' belonging to an invisible world

Image at 00:30:28 - my photo #8

The sexual attraction in my photo is a clot of substance between the two subjects - in the film that is the snow in the background

Image at 00:35:32 - my photo #9

My photo seems to show an orgy in a forest - that can perhaps not be said about the image of the film but there are clear graphic correlates.

Image at 00:40:37 - my photo #10

My photo seems to show the turning swastika with two people stepping through the opening slit from eternity - the two faces seen penetrating a 'veil of illusion'. Is that the scene in the film? There are clear graphic parallels even here.

Image at 00:45:41 - my photo #11

Even here graphic similarities: Is it the emblem on the shirt which is speaking?

Image at 00:50:46 - my photo #12

This is a remarkable parallel - the approaching 'flagellante' with archaic 'megalithic' man-on-wagon to the left

Image at 00:55:51 - my photo #13

See the 'burning raft' up left in my photo with the amazing parallel in the film image - my photo seems to show the 'temple kiss' of a vibrating skull, the vibrations being set going by a sound produced by the guitar player in the film

Image at 01:00:55 - my photo #14

Obvious parallel - the 'smoking' embryo and the man securing his cap

Image at 01:06:00 - my photo #15

The graphic parallel is obvious - see also the man with the 'beach hut' hat in the lower mid of my photo.

Image at 01:11:04 - my photo #16

Obvious parallel - the stradivarius mountain behind etc

Image at 01:16:09 - my photo #17

My photo is a 'triptyk': A woman with child lying on her lap to the left, in the mid a man watching TV while opening another bottle (child with toy horse behind the sofa) - and the TV itself to the right showing some diagonal pedagogy including the man's own bottle-opening finger - these elements of three seem present in the film image but swapped left-right. There could also be a big negro face in the mid of my photo.

Image at 01:21:14 - my photos #18-19

Great beauty - the displacement of my two photos (person behind a tree trunk reaching for something) contained in one image in the film

Image at 01:26:18 - my photo #20

A word of truth is told - with the arm between the two

Image at 01:31:23 - my photo #21

My photo seems to show a cult scene with one or more alphabetic letters like a log fire on the ground in the middle - could be what is whispered in the ear. Is it the symbol of communism?

Image at 01:36:27 - my photo #22

My photo seems to contain a glass jar in the middle - an encapsulated world like an aquarium of fishes - this is pulled forwards by the two dogs (is it 'dogs paradox'?) - rolling on round timbers - that is quite parallel to the man's head in the film image framed by the two flames

Image at 01:41:21 - my photo #2

Image at 01:41:32 - my photo #2

It is this last image (with or without text) that contains the Beachy Head correlate - in the following shown as the Beachy Head cliff encircled in red to the left, the crashed cliff at the lighthouse encircled down right - with the detail magnified and the corresponding sign from the ancient bronze script - and to the right the 'crowned frog' from the above image at 00:15:14:

I notice also the relevance for the detail from the film of the cover illustration to my book 'Der Dornenstrauch' - cp.also my photo 5 above with the two excerpts from the film.

If this should be taken to be about the Kennedy assassination, I make the following observations:

It is possible that an 'ethnic factor' in language is the real story of the Kennedy assassination. This 'ethnic factor' would be the secret of the Burgenland border phenomenon as a source of power, could be even the reason for the name of the US defence centre 'Pentagon' derived from 'Pamhagen' and the 'Fischamend' of the lapis philosophorum relative to the 'fisches' of Wittgenstein's 1918 'Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung' = 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus' as the possible origins of the shape of his Burgenland border of 1919. It was first published in Ostwald's 'Annalen der Natur-Philosophie' - a possible link there to 'Oswald' in the 'assassination of Kennedy'. This could have been the reason fror Kennedy's interest in the 'ethnic/ethnologic factor' in language. The theory in the early 1960's could have taken shape after Chomsky's formal grammars of the last half of the 1950's that this 'ethnic factor' would have been a result of the phenomenon of 'recursion' in natural language. Where do the ideas of such 'recursion' derive from? One possible idea could be that the recursion arises from the phenomenon of an echo in substance to the acoustic signals: When the vocal cords vibrate, the air is put into vibration which is transmitted via sound waves to the eardrums and in through the ear's bones to the cochlea - but there must also be vibrations going through the bodily substance up through the throat and the brain and reaching the outside of the cochleas that way - this will have to produce some 'undulation' inside the cochlea which will have to relate to the signals coming in through the eardrum in some way or other, and this will be taken to be some sort of 'echo' format which could have given rise to ideas of 'recursion' in language. Furthermore, there is the signal returned from the interlocutor answering - this comes through the air which puts the eardrum into vibrations - but even the cranium will be subjected to minor vibrations which eventually will reach the cochlea from outside for a similar 'echoic' effect. However, the question is whether these vibrations in the bodily matter - from own vocal cords or from interlocutor - can have any direct impact on the neural network that will have some effect on the electronic state therein. Most people will naturally reject such ideas as nonsense - but some atheists will perhaps say that this is the origin of humans' ideas of 'divine revelations'. I have no opinion on that - but clearly, if this were the background of the Kennedy assassination, the 'body' or 'corpse' of Kennedy could have been significant of that 'material vibration' for an echoic memory.

Furthermore, there seems to be only one chance for a desperate rescue of the PTRSIM PIK matrix of doublewords from Genesis to the 1071 verses of Matthew as a relevant basis for interpreting the modern world, and that would be in the idea that Christ was the arbitrary morpheme while a new arbitrary phrasal level sign is about to take shape. A normal morpheme is probably on the average about 500 ms while a phrase can perhaps be postulated to have an average formal duration of 2000 ms - that is the duration of echoic memory in the socalled 'phonological loop'. If, therefore, the delay ('zink-gasse'?) of the echo in the material body is taken to be significant for a modern 'extended sign' that could rescue the PTRSIM PIK matrix from the abyss of helpless anachronism, it could have been the background of the Kennedy assassination in search of an 'ethnic factor' in the Burgenland border power phenomenon. However, if this rescue attempt were to be taken seriously, it would have had to be the distribution of phrases and not words in Genesis that were to be counted - and then the PTRSIM PIK matrix would look quite different.

(My 23 photos from the Danube island, those shown here, are truly arbitrary in a healthy sense of it, and that could be the secret behind these amazing correlations, but it is a little hard to see how these could be relevant to the idea of 2000 ms - the unit of measurement in the correlation of Midori Goto and Robert MacDonald's recording of Bach and Bartok sonatas relative to my TEQ book 16 poems 1-155).

However, it is in this framework that one finds an interesting correlate to the chinese bronze inscription which likewise has a very clear interpretation in my photo 2 - that is the concluding image in the film. The text of the chinese bronze inscription seems to have been a more or less standard story told by inscription on the inside of bronze bowls made for holding contents of various sorts: It seems to be a story of a man called Song who is called to the king who tells him to take the job of being caretaker in the warehouses - Song bows or bowls down to the ground, turns around and returns - etc: The text tells of itself inside the curving bowl and thereby, by its recursive 'ethnicity' (as the story would go), it is not only meaningful but also contains the secret clues to its own meaning and the form of the script signs.

These bronze script signs would be found between the bronze itself and the contents of the bowl and the text tells that the text has the function of guarding and controlling the contents of the bowl. Administration. It could be taken to mean that the script has a political guarding authority a la the king.

It would have been this which was the link to the Kennedy assassination - the 'scripture' of the bullets from Oswald onto Kennedy's brain - intruding inbetween the 'bronze' of the cranium and the 'contents' of the cortex and rest of the brain. With vibrations a la 'divine revelation'?

Now the delicate question is whether Kennedy himself could have been present at an opening of my own head a few days after my birth on 29 june 1957 and masturbated a spurt of semen onto my cortex before the helmet (the 'bronze') were put on again. 'Nifst med løs hette' ('scaring with a loose hood/cap') that would be. If so, it is observed that my three home towns in the years 1957-63 were Molde-Oslo-Hammerfest which then could be recognized in the name of 'Lee Harvey Oswald' and hence the scripture in the official registers would be the key to a swap of Kennedy's personal identity with mine - that is, in the 'chain of communication' contained in the dialogue between speaker and interlocutor.

It would ultimately have been the 'curse of the brazen/bronze lamp' that held the ridiculous story (including the 'slamp' of 1957?). Cp. the socalled 'Kennedy curse'. If so, the Kennedy assassination could be seen to relate in some systematic fashion to the (more or less standard) text on the bronze bowls of about 800 BC - ultimately this could be taken to mean that the blame were to be put on the chinese script. Alas, a pitiful conclusion that would be - but it could explain the chinese film of 1963.

However, such as I see the film, it is primarily a work of great esthetic value and it solves the political problems thereby - it goes not in the ditch of going in the 'clinch' with challenging ideas of US political philosophy. (Wittgenstein was a philosopher). My parallel photos tell of this esthetic solution.

I bring another few elements from the film:

1) A second title occurs around 00:01:28-32 - it shows first the character looking backwards at 00:01:28 when the title is shot in from the left across her head, then she turns her head for the frozen image (looking up on a cliff?) from 00:01:34 onwards. The title looks like 'Kenedy'?

2) Where would my photo #1 be? Here is the scene at 00:00:30,5 - the bodies falling to the execution ground, the female character having fainted and fallen a second or two before the 'assassination fire' started (possibly over her body):

The body that had 'pre-fallen' would be the 'helicopter' in the lower mid of my photo. Could be it is about the 'vibrations' in the body. (Does the helicopter resemble PTRSIM PIK? Should it mean that Kennedy survived the assassination - and hence that Kennedy would be PTRSIM PIK?)

Since I did not understand the dialogue, I could not avoid seeing the film also as an 'absurd genre' film - people doing things without meaning or internal connection between the scenes except for the esthetic logic in the film. That would be the parallelism to my 23 photos.

Finally, the film contains a mystery at 01:39:29, a few moments before the end of the film that is: It is a few words shown very briefly, a second only or so, and a normal cinema goer had not the chance to read it in those days. Could be it was meant to mean a 'bronze inscription' or a 'papyrus' or something like that:

What does it say? One could associate to forms such as '3W lale is Ogrim Elijah gelaif' or something like that. That the first part could look like 'Tate & Lyle', the famous sugar refiners or sellers, could emerge perhaps from some book titles of cult author Richard Brautigan, including 'In watermelon sugar' and 'Trout Fishing in America'. Why is a plastic bag in the shop called 'Tüte' in Germany?

It is high time to unwrap the mysteries of the Kennedy assassination. The PTRSIM PIK matrix can, alas, probably not be rescued from the anachronism - and it is important to understand the semiotic functions that apply behind this story. Those cannot continue to be locked down in secrecy. And, in particular, I am not involved in that PTRSIM PIK. If there are attempts to assign to me the role of PTRSIM PIK, why and for whom should that be interesting?

Sources: How bad is it - this propaganda trying to associate my person with the PTRSIM PIK failure which nobody wants? It could be telling of the problem - if I try to find out what this film is called in chinese, could I succced in that? Will anybody send me an email telling 'It is chinese handwriting which in pinyin is xxx-xxx-xxx - it means 'So-and-so' in english'? That would contribute to a little progress in this world.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 5 november 2019