The dimaggios

John Bjarne Grover

The theory is that Hitler's real name was Marshall and that his government were britons or americans and that the holocaust was angloamerican but the blame was dumped on Germany. After the war, this paradox came to constitute the driving motor in the western economy and culture - and it was lifted over onto the divide-and-conquer strategy among intellectuals and artists, the conception and raising of whom seem to have got under administrative control. It is my theory that the birth and origin of many of these can be attested from sources such as e.g. the undertext of Modern Language Review. The strategy is apparently to install the 'unsolvable paradox' in divide-and-conquer relations between intellectuals. It is my theory, which for natural reasons is hard to verify, that many of these administratively engineered intellectuals are endowed with 'dimaggio' stories in early age - lured (by administration or agent parents, that is) into circumstances and stories that are sufficiently compromising when evidenced in data to keep each individual in leash. It means, in the extreme interpretation, that each intellectual seems to hide an abyss of paradoxical guilt and shame that the public would never have dreamt of. The simple trick is that this personal secret hiding under the public surface comes instead of the public's discovery of what hides under the surface of administration - such as the secret of the wigwam and other pieces of recursive matter. It is too incredible if Hitler was e.g. british or american - and nobody has so far told about it. That is a real secret hiding under the surface, and the public will indeed have to 'feel' it - but where is it? Ah, there it is - under the public surface of some intellectual or artist who otherwise could have brought historic research and moral standards up to a level where the truth eventually would surface. Hah! shouts the intrigue-makers. Moral standards! Truth! Hah, do you know what this scholar or artist hides under the surface?

In this way, the international 'secret intelligence' liga hopes to take over control with all parts of society - and intellectuals are prevented from describing it. And the people are prevented from understanding the intellectual right and is lured into believing that only the 'services', the 'secret intelligence' are the true moral standards and integrity.

This means that if e.g. a 'my-krof-sod' should happen to be the code word for some 'dimaggio' as a driving motor of e.g. 'Microsoft', it tells how constitutive this problem could come to be for the western economy - which could happen to be fundamentally based on the 'paradox' that the holocaust was angloamerican while the blame for it was dumped on Germany.

A typical 'dimaggio' would be of the sort that a young gifted talent (who could have been engineered for being a talent - by a genetic mix of talented persons and possibly fertilization on the right point of time) is allowed (the person typically grows up by secret agent parents) to develop the talent and is brought up to a promising career - if only a certain compromising story is agreed to, otherwise it can be difficult (tells the international secret intelligence liga). The young girl (14, 15) was e.g. offered a job as shoeshine girl in the summer and it was her own idea - indeed she knew that very well - to use sandpaper instead of soft cloth on some of the customers. Luckily it was never discovered, unless somebody had photographed her in the act, which she believed that nobody had, but later in life, after she had grown to become a famous actress, words like 'sand' and 'paper' could make her soul shrink or even crumble to less than nothing, and she backed out of the one relation and role after the other. She was scheduled to play against the great Robert Sandhurst but had to say no. It was only after she had confessed to the police (after having talked with the priest first) that she learnt that not only her parents but even the teachers in school had been using expressions like 'for example something similar' to excessive degree when talking about 'the others' (in fact the girl really believed that it was a normal dialect expression of her home town) and therefore it was not her own idea really - she had been preprogrammed to do it, the police could tell her, in order to make her produce the idea of sandpaper by her own 'free will'. Even worse than that - she had to do it in order to avoid a disaster - they told her that somebody had stolen eggs from her ovaries and made children out of them, and these children could come to suffer badly if she did not sandpaper. When her person later shone from all cinema screens, it added punch to the western holocaust-based economy by way of the 'dimaggio factor' - that the screen seemed to hide a terrible secret which should not leak out, but which was the whole story.

It is not funny. I don't know why Glenn Gould did not perform on stage. Could it have been a 'dimaggio'?

Joe di Maggio could 'boltre seg' - 'boltre' = frolic/tumble about while 'bolltre' = 'baseball club/rod' (the woodpiece) - when he married Marilyn Monroe, who also married Arthur Miller. 'Dimaggio' in this sense of it means that if the young person is under this sort of control, he or she can just frolic and tumble around in their careers - since they can always be pulled in again and are easy to control by a little 'sand' and 'paper' and therefore do not constitute a serious problem for the power. It is likely that the expression 'dimaggio' is formed on basis of the game ball rod which it is said that Caravaggio used when he lost his temper and murdered a player on the other team when they were playing some ball game. This was a very serious blow to his career and he had, tells the sources, to flee to Malta where he joined the 'malteser liga'. It seems that Caravaggio is the guru of the 'services' - and it is possible that 'Brigate Rosse' can have had its name from the red colour in his 'The calling of Matthew' - could be even in the sense of 'natriumwolframat'. I personally do not believe those rumours about Caravaggio - that he used to go on the binge with his comrades and go amok with much violence and street fighting at night - that sounds totally improbable. He probably was on Malta, and it may be that he had problems with his eyes, but the rest of the rumours could stem from a few witness reports that are more likely to come from the 'services' to create the image of their 'guru'. (The theory goes that other italian intellectuals - Rafael etc - were murdered tragically by the british or other governments, and that this problem of attacks on the great italian masters and intellectuals increased and it led to the formation of the italian mafia to protect the vulnerable bodies of the intellectuals - and this mafia later spread all over the world and came to constitute the backbone of the 'services'). I have no idea how widespread the 'dimaggio' problem is, what sort of problems people have to agree to etc. In my case, I suffered several diseases, hospitalizations, operation, outright torture by a 'specialist' in a basement in Oslo (he knew how to make 'triangles' by the G-point in the throat - and could be that was supposed to be the other side of the 'necros') and other problems through the year 1975 before I understood that I had to agree to the 'career' through a few years of my youth of eight triangle stories - an 'Octogon' - which probably was planned to be sufficiently compromising for controlling my later career.

The typical dimaggio probably understands in young age that it is not possible to come around the indecency or crime and that it has to be done but that it is a free choice.

In this way, by means of the principle of engineered talents under 'dimaggio' control, the 'services' seem to try and go between and control the spiritual contact between intellectuals - probably in order to ensure that the logic remains of their power-based sausage-looking kind.

Manifesto: Intellectuals in all countries - unite against the suppression, the divide-and-conquer, the illegal surveillance, the exploitation and abuse of your work and career and freedom of thought by the international secret services, the international mafia of the governments and administrations on various levels.

100 years ago it was the workers who were exploited by capitalism - now it is the intellectuals who are exploited by the public administration which is more or less infiltrated by the representatives, agents and proponents of the principles of pure power before truth, before intellectual and esthetic integrity - security bureaus, governmental intrigue constructors, international power games.

etc - somebody else can continue the manifesto.

I notice that 'di maggio' could mean 2 may. Is it the 2 may of 2014? Then indeed the class of intellectuals could be precisely the story. I hope the program is not book-burning and persecution of freethinkers in a new 'Hitler' era. If the speculation that the name of the new 'Marshall' is 'Forster', the similarity of meaning with my name could be not coincidental - for which case I should hurry and tell that I do not support any such program and I very much protest against my work being taken as a support of a 'Forster', if that is the program.

I have no evidence but quickly compute that the octogon should suffice for making it difficult for me to marry untill I met a woman who could be specially taylored in the same manner.

It is possible that I am a special case in the story - but I guess (although I have no evidence) that the dimaggio phenomenon has been getting more and more widespread among talents created under administrative control. I emphasize that I have no knowledge of any such stories among others, and I do apologize if I have created any such impression or idea about other people (it would have been with the best of intentions), but I have extrapolated the idea of the 'dimaggio' phenomenon myself. Could be the film 'Australia' (Luhrmann) could have been a background for these ideas as well.

The 'dimaggio' is that the young person believes that he or she is morally corrupt and must hide that for others, while the political effect of it is that the moral corruption is not in the young person but in the administration or 'services' who organize it. It turns around on that point. However, the young person cannot turn this back again by own will and efforts for reconstituting the feeling of own integrity - that can be done only when somebody can show that the incident had been planned by others long ago. Since that probably is a rare thing, many 'dimaggios' probably go around lonely and are victims of divide-and-conquer strategies which they cannot defend themselves against.

Clearly it is not the 'dimaggio' victim who should 'confess' - it is the secret agents and organizers of the conspiracy who should confess first. The state should not protect the criminal agents against the innocent young people who are victims of their intrigues.

To conclude: The dimaggio case is that the young talented person is convinced that it was done on own free will and own incentive, and always blamed the self for the blunder and would never have dreamt of blaming anybody else for it, while in actual fact the young person had no choice at all and must be considered innocent in that sense of it. This could be a way of getting the creative impulse under administrative control - for the 'services' even to claim or pretend that the copyright to the intellectual property of this intellectual person is theirs. That is when the class of intellectuals today is about the same as the workers were 100 years ago.

If 'dimaggio' is the word for the phenomenon, and if that means 2 may 2014 (if this date was essential), it could be that the plan for the 21st century is to harvest power for the services and the governments who want such power by way of persecution of the intellectuals. This is one of the reasons why a 'Forster-Hitler' program must be stopped in time.

Could be a support group or information office could be made, to which people can write and ask about general information.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 24 october 2014