Why I myself cannot submit books to publisher's review

John Bjarne Grover

The story seems to be this: Adolf Hitler was an austrian, he could well have been son of jews and growing up by agents and was interested in arts more than in marts, but he seems to have been murdered in 1918 by the similar-looking british agent Paul Marshall (brought up to the job in a bilingual home) who took his name and identity and ran the war under Hitler's name from Berlin - with a british government who spoke german and pretended to be germans. That is why the war was 'safe' from a british viewpoint, and there was not much left of german self-esteem or Germany generally after the war. It was all in ruins. It is likely that this war strategy is not so uncommon in history - that they start the war via an agent as chief of state in the other state.

To hide the total scandal after the war that the holocaust was a british enterprise, they had made me. My genetic father is probably Paul P.Antschel (= Paul Celan), a Paul Partial vs. Paul Marshall, and my name Johng Röver = Paulm Arshall, hence John Gröver = Paul Marshall. The strategy has been that I am a total scandal which must be concealed from the public, under the unspoken pretext that I should be the real Adolf Hitler hiding behind the surface. The trick of the name! This is apparently what John F.Kennedy was made for. It seems that I met Kennedy (or at least some representative of his) three times in my early childhood - three episodes of bad child abuse: A few days after my birth in Sandveien 4 in Molde my skull was apparently lifted and Kennedy masturbated a spurt of semen onto my cortex, could be he scissored a little in my white matter as well. Then at age 6 months he seems to have been to Norway a second time to rape me in Brinken 2, Kampen, Oslo, and at my age 18 months (january 1959) he seems to have been to my then home in Hammerfest and given me an injection of horror chemicals. This was the 1-2-3 of very bad child abuse which formed the basis for his election campaign and he was elected on basis of the idea that he had given Adolf Hitler a good thrashing so that the beast of the revelation could hardly get up on his feet again. Bravo! - shouted the americans. Kennedy was a hero for their country! However, it lasted not so long - and when he was shot by Lee Harvey Osvald, it was the name which told of the three addresses - Molde, Oslo, Hammerfest. President of the legislative assembly in Norway was 'Nils Hönsvald', a name which as 'Hilsen Osvald' meant 'greetings from Osvald', and when Jack Ruby shot Osvald shortly therafter it probably told that Kennedy would continue his career under another name in Fredrikstad = Wars-in-town, a 'crewby' in Norway.

The scandal continued with the Vietnam war which Kennedy had just got USA involved in when he left office, and it served to keep the scandal of Paul Marshall = the british Adolf Hitler off the public attention by way of the location of Vietnam 180 degrees around the globe - and with a geographic shape resembling Norway. The young americans went to war to battle 'Adolf Hitler' once again! The two gulf wars 1980-1990 seem to have had a similar function in a 'cognitive wrapover' (based on the numerality of '23' for a 'double sonnet'), and it is likely that there have been (could be still are) plans to continue with a war against Italy as the 'wrapover' of Norway on the european swastika with Paris at the centre, Norway and Italy and England as arms plus an eastern branch down to Turkey. This would have been in the continuation of the role of Kennedy relative to me - and would have served to let England continue the swindle story of Hitler which started in the 19th century. It would have been to cheat the young americans into a war against 'Adolf Hitler' while it in reality was a propaganda war against me in the role of jewish genetics - a continuation of the holocaust program from the war. Many young americans naturally protested - but how could they find or understand little me as the key to the history?

There is some historic evidence of this version of the history. One is the names of the nearest family of Indira Gandhi - her husband and two sons, telling of the first meeting with Kennedy in Sandveien 4 in Molde, another is the authorship of Henrik Ibsen which seems to have allotted roles for the main character in plays - telling that the plans go back to the 1850's or even earlier and is an administrative phenomenon. Examples are 'Adolf Hitler' = 'Eyolf Little' (1894), 'John F.Kennedy' = 'Wild Duck' (1884) (the 'child wuck' on me), could be my name 'John Bjarne Grover' as the victim of the child abuse is contained in 'John Gabriel Borkmann' (1896) and that 'Paul Marshall' = 'Bygmester Solnes' (1892), the 'master builder' play - for 'Synkes-neri Paul' = 'Paul Marsh-all'. It is likely that Ibsen constitutes some convincing 'evidence'. A most important evidence is, though, possibly to be found in the british periodical 'Modern Language Review' which has been published with governmental funding since 1905 and which seems to have told the story in advance in the undertext. The attempt on Lenin by Fanny Jefimovitch Kaplan in august 1918 seems to have served to tell the world that Hitler had been replaced with Marshall and that this was told in the undertext of MLR for july 1918, including the names of his future government in Germany. Lenin died in the evening before the world's first labour government of 'James Ramsey MacDonald' = "I am Paul Marshall" was started in London the next morning. (There even exists a theory that Lenin was shot by my own grandmother in company with Quisling, hence the concept of the traitor, and this could have been part of the reason why I grew up in just such a family).

This total scandal seems to have dominated my life and that is why I have to tell the story with hypotheses included, although these hypotheses are only partly recognized as relevant for understanding the official version of the history.

There exists also a hypothesis that they managed to get some fertile material out of me in the young age of 3, in 1960 (at the time of the world's biggest earthquake, at Concepzion in Chile, only some minutes after the arrest of Adolf Eichmann had been announced for Knesset), and made a series of children well exposed in the media in order to obtain a larger scope and spread of the public interface to the 'jewish genetics'. A part of that program could have been the strategy of divide-and-conquer on their relation to me.

This means that I have had nothing to do with the story all the time (not involved in politics, never was an agent etc) and was never even informed about it, but it was driven by abuse and rejections of me under the pretext that this was to reject Adolf Hitler - thereby harvesting much support from the westerners - while in actual fact it was the rejection of jewish genetics, just like the holocaust was. This british swindle was the cold war.

It is likely that all or nearly all of terror and warfare in the world since WWII has been of this type, while Russia and China have been dismantling their isolation politics apparently in an attempt also to level out the east-west tension which made it possible to continue.

As an example of this story, when my PhD dissertation (which should have been accepted, according to my view) was rejected in a letter of late july 1998 and I had three weeks to write my appeal, in the course of these three weeks there was the twin bombing of the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi as well as the bombing of Omagh in northern Ireland - together these made for the form 'rejected on a political basis' which could have been the contents of my appeal - as if it were I who had made the bombs. As another example, the arabic form 'Al Qaida' means 'the base' which could be the situation in 1960 when I was three years of age and was helped off with the wellingtons (not 'washingtons'!) - me holding an arm around her neck, and could be this meant something like the other mother elsewhere - in the entrance room to a neighbour woman - a situation which could be seen as a relevant background of the 127 communications from Dorothea Zimmermann to my genetic mother before her death around the time of the 128th and the 31 assassination attempts on de Gaulle before the death of the genetic father in Paris around the time of the 32nd - that is base 2 in the power of 7 and 5. It is possible to show that all or nearly all norwegian governments since 1960 have been based on this little situation, such as e.g. the government of 'Torbjörn Jagland', including 'Per Borten' 1965-71, the name of the government when the two genetic parents died and was buried on my official mother's birthday 12 may 1970 - a government which had my 11th birthday in its exact mid point. To this can be added that the sinking of Kursk and Cole in 2000 served to index my official custody parents' birthdays with high precision for the concept of 'dirty beast in the revelation' on me, including the geographic location of these two ships for a swap of Oslo and Jerusalem. This adds to the proof that such international 'politics' could be about my historic person.

It seems that the plan is to continue the suppression of jewish genetics and to continue the strategy on terror on placenames, for the future goal of governing the whole world by way of the self-made mythos and computerized selection of placenames for terror (earthquakes etc) guiding the historic consciousness around. The plan is likely to be to control the humans via an imitation of a divine authority a la a 'Deus Absconditus' telling the propaganda in terms of placenames and the terror indexing these, composing the indexational complexes on basis of the advanced and elaborate archives of the international secret services. A person passes in a corridor another person talking into a telephone and not noticing that a word or two are overheard in the passing - this single word can be retrieved years later by the computerized control of the vast surveillance databases of the internatonal secret services and be made the basis of a piece of terror. It is probably this which could be planned to constitute a socalled 'Deus Absconditus'. Power, as usual, tries to hide and has made the Hitler program for these purposes. For obtaining this, the plan could be to continue the swap-function on me along with a 'Satan' label in contrast to the 'Deus Absconditus'.

And when power tries to hide, it follows that power also will wipe the details out from the historic archives and curb science and arts that go for the truth. Not the least for this reason is it important that the story be not forgotten. Power protects itself and not the people it represents. Everybody agree that power in this sense of it is no aim in itself but rather more akin to something resembling human weakness.

It must then be noticed that I am not involved in politics and that this swap-function could apply via the role of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whose short administration period still enjoys remarkable admiration over the world. It is of course possible that he on behalf of his country harvests what History had planned to befall jewish genetics instead. What a pity it would be if the third millenium comes to be played 'backwards' so that this misunderstanding is discovered only at the end of the millenium while the only result of the whole 'playback' is that the millenium at the end comes to reach the cultural stage that we are on today - perhaps with the only difference that the jewish genetics be replaced with anglosaxon ('Antschel-Sachs-on') genetics? Piracy never created any solid foundations for cultural growth.

The original strategy of this program could have been contained even in the establishment of the state of Norway in 1814 when it declared itself an independent and antisemitic country (jews no access at all) after Denmark, which they had been a part of for some centuries, had granted jews full civilian rights. The independence and antisemitism got its constitution on 17 may 1814 - there is a 200 anniversary these days. The antisemitic paragraph lasted untill 1852 when it was lifted at the same time as Ole Devold Knitting Factories was opened in Langevåg in Norway. Ole Devold was the grandfather or great grandfather of my official grandmother (who could have shot Lenin) and hence there is a direct family line from me back to this change of official status for the country as far as antisemitism is concerned. It is therefore not impossible, on background of the story with Kennedy and Hitler, that my role was planned as early as 1814 and even could have been a part of the reason - could be the one and only reason - for the establishment of the independent country of Norway. This tells of the character of the difficult relation of mine to the state of Norway and to the western-hemispheric world, NATO and similar programs. Evidence of this relation of mine to the state of Norway can be found in the thousands of normal book pages I have published on the norwegian reality on the internet. It is not really my field of study.

If there is a plan about recognizing me as Satan, it would have its rooting in this custody family relation to Ole Devold 1852.

Not the least for these reasons is it important that an abuse strategy relative to my private person be not made the foundation of national and international policy. I do nourish hopes that somebody will come to see the positive effects the world and I could obtain by an official economic compensation from e.g. the state of Norway to my person. Clearly if the name of the government was 'Thorbjörn Jagland', that was not necessarily only for supporting an american 'Al Qaida' strategy on me but perhaps also to leak the secret of the origins in the situation of 1960. But that is if there be any chances to understand this historic rooting in the right way. Put differently: If it were not for me, it is very possible that the state of Norway would never have existed at all. And the norwegian bank where I have some money does not even have the time to send me my money when I ask (apply!) for it. I waited nearly one month for a transfer that should have taken a few days only, and terror in the mean time seemed to serve to index me in a very unfortunate way (see article on this). I was left with red rash on the body and swollen extremities, for whatever reason.

It is on such a background that it is rather impossible for me to send another book submission or even only an application generally, for the simple reason that it is all too easily rejected since

1) a rejection can lead to outbreak of new terror globally which can cause major progress for such angloamerican swindle politics programs, and

2) it gives a totally untenable feeling for me which for quite some time drains me of all my initiative for further work for the progress of the overall condition of the human society globally, not the least on background of the (easily understandably) absence of success in my career - I very much need better response to my work than new waves of terror and nazism and rejection of jewish genetics on the pretext that that is to reject Adolf Hitler.

However, for others it should be possible (in spite of probable initiatives there could be from 'angloamericans' inviting to a rejection of me, for example claiming that I should be an agent and things like that) to contact a publisher for recommending my work - not the least in view of the major progress that could mean for the human community as far as peace and cultural progress are concerned. For this reason I have made self-publication editions of my work and donated to libraries - and many of my books can be consulted by publisher's reviewers in the libraries where they are found.

To tell the truth, I have the feeling that my work is illegally tapped - could be by the services - while still in the progress and apparently circulated to media and business and politics. Then 'competitors' could be launched on the market before my work even is finished. Is it the law that prevents the surveillance from contacting a publisher who - on basis of the same surveillance as 'competitors' seem to have access to - could be interested in publishing my work? The letter from the publisher could look like this: "Dear John Grover, one of our referees has reviewed a manuscript of yours called [...], access to which was gained through the national surveillance services, and we would - on basis of the general political situation - like to express our wish to publish this work of yours and hope you can give us the chance to do that", something like that. This would probably be an illegal procedure by normal standards, but it would probably be much less illegal than the publisher who gets a copy of the manuscript from surveillance services in order to publish competitors and antagonists as a part of a 'Kennedy program' against my person.

John Bjarne Grover, Pf.15, 1152 Vienna, Austria
www.johnbjarnegrover.com, email address

PS The account has been based on my own interpretations of the history plus some guesswork. For the assumption of a role for John F.Kennedy as child abuser I have cited the evidence I have and those do not suffice for making claims that can be defended in public - but, on the other hand, if the story is as I have outlined, one cannot wait indefinitely with telling the hypotheses either. Therefore the story-telling - without making public claims on the character of Kennedy. Clearly much of the same effect could have been obtained by way of a representative of Kennedy rather than the person himself as the child abuser. Neither do I have much empirical basis for claiming that my official parents were agents for such a political program, and the same obtains for these - that I cannot make claims about their roles but cannot wait indefinitely with the hypotheses either. I do apologize if I have stepped upon toes that should not have been stepped upon in discussing the hypotheses. If the story is as it seems to me, it is well possible that the state of Norway will not tell it to me right away, in which case, if the hypotheses have a basis in reality, the state also will suffer from a lacking sense of reality comparable to the one I could feel. (Access to the 'yellow folder' means only access to information that cannot be checked or published and hence constitute a form of intrigue). Kursk and Cole of 2000 and Borten of 1968 is, though, quite convincing evidence that there is some international politics relative to my person - enough to call for a publication of the hypotheses. The national intelligence archives should know something about it.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 15 may 2014