Israel and the diaspora

John Bjarne Grover

This article was on my internet page but was removed, probably by myself (when removing old files). It receives renewed interest after the terror in Seitenstettengasse in (the 'Bermuda triangle' of downtown) Vienna in the evening on 2 november 2020, only few hours before the US presidential election started on 3 november. The question is whether the bomb in the Port of Beirut on 4 august 2020 could have contributed to the result in the american election. It is that single line in the below article which calls for interest: "It is here interesting to philosophize on possible interpretations of the bombing of Lebanon in July 2006 after I had been into the reception of the Jewish community house in Seitenstettengasse in Vienna with a letter".

This article contains excerpts from a rather unedited collection of articles in an earlier version of this internet page. I leave the excerpts as they were without attempting to make a smooth exposition out of them. The article contains (and the earlier version much more of it) a lot of material which I would not have published if it were not for the specific circumstances which could assign a certain political-mythological role to my person - such as the double role of 1) the victim of Hitler's rape and 2) Dr.Verboten, which is a double role which probably can be used for political purposes. I know very little about the factual history and what is really going on - I am mainly discussing elements related to names and possible roles such as these could be relevant to my role. I am not out for criticising anybody or putting anybody in a dubious light: I am out for disentangle myself from the web of political myth and telling about the factors which may be put into play as far as my person is concerned. Which means that when I touch upon the point that one even could have to think of the possibility that the state of Israel can happen to used for organizing a holocaust against the Jewish diaspora, that is not because I believe that this is going to happen or is going on today, but I see that this is what my personal role could be used for. Nor do I mean to suggest that Sarkozy in France is a new Adolf Hitler who could use my double mythos-role for purposes of politics of 'la gloire' - what I say is that there are aspects of my role in the political myths which could make such associations possible (Hungarian origin, French genetic constitution from 1958, de Gaulle death of 1970 and so forth). That is why I tell about it. I hope people will understand that this is well meant and not a way of making intrigue - rather the opposite, it is a way of avoiding intrigue.

i = holocaust?

There is the idea that the holocaust 1933-45 was part of an administrative project over the Fourier transform, including the constants e, pi and i - for Mengele, Himmler and Hitler, converted into Mengele, Himmler and me (or Himmler, Mengele and me).

There are the dialectic forms 'e', 'i' and 'æ' for 1st person singular on the MOERe coast, cp. England's BOER war. In Molde, where I was born, it is 'i'. In Aalesund, where John Jensen Gröver was born, it is 'e'.

I have studied the possibility that there could be a construction with me in the role who could say 'i = holocaust'. The background could be that 1) my genetic parents were diaspora Jews, 2) my custody father could have been Josef Mengele, 3) my 'grand-uncle' could have been Adolf Hitler raping the Jewish genetics. Then the question is whether there could have been more roles to it. I have seen the possible role in 4) Himmler as my 'midwife' and hence top level administrative responsible. In fact 'midwife' in Hebrew is something like 'Molde', the placename of my birth and the dialectal region of the 'i'. There were 3 Eidsvig brothers - Aron, Bernt and Bjarne. 5) Bjarne was apparently at least administratively related to Adolf Eichmann and could have represented the practical organizer of the 'Endlösung'. Who could Bernt have been if he were a historic person? I have guessed, rather wildly, on Karl Dönitz and there are some phonological reasons for that. But a better guess could perhaps be Vidkun Quisling after the execution of him in 1945. I don't remember him well enough to tell of any such possibilities. If it were Quisling, then 6) Bernt could have represented the link to the death of Lenin, who is the essential part of the story for the 'Klipra connection'. I have also speculated if my official uncle Arthur Nedregaard could have been resistance hero and responsibility claim Arvid Storsveen, possibly with some affiliations with the Austrian 'Staatsvertrag' of 1955. Nedregaard worked as cantor in Voldsdalen church near or in Klipra and was an amateur opera singer. I think he had been in the choir of the Stockholm opera for a while (perhaps when studying). One can add a speculative 7) 'Arvid Storsveen' = 'the great suffering of the genetics'. I have also discussed the possibility that my official aunt (in the sixties) Marte Eidsvig could have been Marilyn Monroe. There seems at least to be an indexing of her in Monroe's films. Perhaps one could add yet another hypothetical aspect of the holocaust role in terms of 8) 'nazi cunt'. Monroe's real name was 'Norma Jean Baker'.

If some or all of these should apply, it could be about the formula 'i = holocaust', for the Fourier transform. Clearly most of the candidates from the family for this version of history are of a speculative kind. But there are reasons for some of them, and that could make the rest of them possible. If so, perhaps the rest of the family background are of a similar kind, such as official custody mother in the role of the state of Israel and things like that. The function of this family background would then be the socalled 'Klipra connection' to UK/US administration. The US film "There's no business like show business" from 1954 seems possibly to be about this Klipra connection. One notices the apparent 11/9-2001 around 42.666% through the film.

The Habsburger empire (the centuries of royals) ended with WWI 1918 and the peace which turned the extensive country of Austria into the narrow outlines of a medical syringe which it has today. That potential tool of a Dr.Verboten after the 1955 Staatsvertrag is probably not a coincidence. With the recent dissolution of the eastern european block, the symbolism of a syringe is even more acute: Now there is a Slovakia (cp. 'Glovakia') and a Slovenia (cp. 'Glovenia' - when the independent state of Slovenia was declared in 1991-1992 it seems to have been an 'Illyrian' independence which goes back to the 2nd century before Christ, with some years in the 19th century, but I have only scanned Microsoft Encarta and better sources should be consulted on this topic) for the two fingers holding the syringe, with Hungary as the pressing thumb inbetween. I have even seen the name Pressburg as the Austrian name on Bratislava close to the border. With the Hungarian pressure against Wien, the 'glory'-fluid is likely to spurt out through Vaduz, through 'Zwischenland' into France (which could mean through Zug and into Nanterre). I would not be surprised to learn that this was the plan ever since 1918.

Now if this includes a good part of central Europe, the project seems to be a concern of Israel. The Yom Kippur attack on Israel in 1973 came as a counterpoint to the 6-day war of 1967 around the death of Sachs and Celan. The 6-day war (Israel attacking Syria, Egypt and Jordan simultaneously, in real 'Adolf Hitler' style) in 1967 was from 5 to 10 June, while the Yom Kippur counterattack from Egypt and Syria on Israel was on 6 October 1973. Computed relative to the essential date 12 May 1970 (when Sachs died and Celan was buried), one finds that the first interval (1967-1970) is 1071 days and the second (1970-1973) is 1243. The difference is 172 days which gives mid 86 days and hence the mid point between the beginning of the 6-day war and Yom Kippur 1973 is 6 August 1970. This is not so very interesting, but there is a redundancy which emerges from adding 10 days to the difference: 172 + 10 = 182 days, which is half a year. If so, then the mid point would come 1/4 of a year after 12 May - at 12 August, which was Kursk day in 2000 which signifies Ragna Augusta Gröver in the Kursk-Cole construction (and hence her day in 1970 - when Sachs died and Celan was buried on her birthday 12 May). To this comes the tentative formal proof that Gröver was Mengele (please look apart from the messy exposition in the early pages) which rests on this 1/4 of a year. It could suggest that the tentative formal proof is not farfetched (in fact an interesting hypothesis is that Rawlinson's 'substrate' language when deciphering Sumerian was not English but perhaps simply Sunnmörian). Also, there are 2 months from 6 August to 6 October just as for Kursk and Cole in 2000. What would 10 days mean? It would likely have meant the 10 years on about the hour from the arrest of Eichmann to the incursion of Israel into Lebanon and the death of Sachs. These 10 years are the link to the meeting of Sachs and Celan in Zuerich. Hence if years = days, it means that the revolution of the sun equals the revolution of the earth, but not the revolution of the moon.

It is the 28 day cycle of the moon which is the basis for the interval of one week = 1/4 = Cole, Groever/'Mengele'.

This could mean that the son equals the earth (Celan was buried on 12 May 1970, and we must assume that it was not Adolf Hitler who was buried there) but not the moon - and perhaps that could mean that I equal Celan but not Gröver/'Mengele'. If this is what lends emphasis to the genetics rather than to the conventional family relations, it is also precisely what applies to the mixmax ado with Hitler. One could also notice Tony Blair's career as PM lasting for 10 years rather exactly, before he turned to advisor for Middle East issues. Which could mean that it be about genetic vs. conventional, poetic vs. administrative.

There is also the idea of the 'moon' = 'munn' = 'mouth', including the concept of 'one quarter of a month' = 'one shorter of a mouth' = the 31 holes drilled into my teeth in 1970-71, which means about in the mid point. If this represented a certain installation of a matrix in my mouth, it meant also the turnaround or revolution of the son relative to a matrix of Brinken-Hammerfest. This is reinforced by the relation of 31 to 32 vs. the 1 Yom Kippur day vs. the full week. Hence the Norwegian meaning of 'munn' for 'moon'/'mouth'. This is also what can be recongnized in the terror in the olympic games in Muenchen in 1972.

I notice also 5-10 June for the concept of the genetics (cp. 'ARV-id'), in which case the adding of 5-10 days makes sense, and 6 October for the 'dirty beast' in the octogon. Hence a sort of 'Adolf Hitler syringe-injection' on 5-10 June, with "John Grover's slippers" in the dirty octogon (with some roughly 5 to 10 'Junes', at least more than 4 but not as much as 16) as an attack on Israel from 'Syria-Egypt' = 'Syringe-dipped'. What is dipped? That must be the nib of the pen - which, unless it is taken as the Eisenhower 'penis-inside-vagina', means the pen of the poet wherefrom the ink runs out in the signature of Hitler when that looks like the name of Nelly Sachs, cp. the 'Adolf Hitler' style attack of 5 June 1967.

'Dag Diesen' was the name of the person I shared office with at the time of Lockerbie. The name can be taken to mean partly the leafturn point 2/3 through the Vilna edition of the Erubin where it be about the inheritance = ARV (which is the issue of conventional family relations being stronger than the genetic ones), partly it contains a reference to Yom (Kippur).

The fluid running from the nib of a pen resembles the tear which runs or rather ran from the eye of Gröver/'Mengele' in the photo of him which I got in the post from Fredriksstad Blad, as if he were the people of Israel raped by Adolf Hitler. The word for 'the tear' is also ambiguous in Norwegian: 'Tåra' is pronounced 'tora' and hence is ambiguous for 'the tear' and 'the Torah', even though there is a difference in toneme. See also 'the red tear' in the revelation in Vilnius which perhaps seems to mean 'the grandfather', conventional or genetic. The question in the political intrigue is then who leaked the 'tear' = 'Torah'. Hence the issue is the divine status of the chief nazis: Mengele God, Hitler God, etc.

Now the 'tear' in the central European geographic construction is then likely to be identified not only by this ink of the nib of a pen[is] but also by the fluid running out of a syringe (Syria-Egypt). Which means that the construction at least in theory could be a case of syringe-terror in Austria converted into my authorship which flows through Vaduz and into Zuerich (such as there were traces of in the railway station exhibition of 5 June this year, followed next day by the theatre festival which lasted unto the election in France on 17 June) and - just like Sachs after their meeting in Zuerich in 1960 - ending up in France with its 'genetic' constitution since 1958, possibly related to me and my role in the nazi intrigue since that time. When it ends up there, it is likely to be identified as a 'glorious' phenomenon - as a nazi interpretation of "the golden light over the water" which seems possibly to have been Sachs and Celan's codeword for me.

The 6-day war was led by PM Levi Eshkol, cp. the suggested role of my relation to 'Leif Stene Johansen' via his son Knut in high school = 'Leiv is School', hence the Lithuanian-Norwegian concept of 'moksleiva' (cp. also the browser 'Moxilla [Firefox]'). A possible interpretation of this in Norwegian could be the syringe-injection ('Syrian, Egypt, Jordan') which hits the wrong person (such as 'moksleiva'), at Ra[n]dom so to speak if it applies to Jamki, cp. the incursion in Lebanon on 12 May 1970. The wrong person could then be the one of 12 August instead of 6, or something like that.

The conclusion to this could be that Austria is planned to be the syringe which, by a pressure from 'Hungary', spurts the poison which leads to a feeling and motion of 'la gloire' in France, eventually fluttering over the water to UK/US. There is a certain indexing of 'the hungarian' of me in Vienna. In the worst case, the plan could have been to use my authorship for this project - an idea which could be supported by the signification in terms of the massacres on democratically elected parliament members of Zug (2001) and Nanterre (2002). To think of these as signifying only 'sucking' through Switzerland for non-terror 'gloire' in France is too naive: It is more understandable when one recognizes an indexation of my Endmorgan Quartet in them. Those massacres were certainly not democratic - and seem possibly to have been conducted by those who could be inclined to whip up a new conflict in Europe.

There are reasons to believe that the 1958 'genetic' constitution in France relates to my role in the historic theatre.

If so, it could be that the Austrian 1955 Staatsvertrag does so as well on the background of the 12 March 1938 Anschluss of Hitler ('t-well-th my arch n I and the dirty ate', something like that for the matrix-swap, cp. also 2-9 in 1-2-3), in which case the Anschluss could have been about a rape of me in my infancy. And if so, and if France and Austria are about the geographic syringe-construction going back to 1918/1923, it could be that the purpose of the French constitution is to make for an electro-chemical matrix for blocking out the 'Anschluss' rape and for swapping roles via the matrix.

Now a crucial part of the relation to Israel could be the phenomenon of Solidarnosc in Poland - the land which was first invaded by Hitler before the invasion was blocked out by Mengele in Auschwitz and similars - Poland had a very large number of Jews before the holocaust and many of the conentration and death camps were there. If Solidarnosc here means that the Jews must be united in a common front against the Evil, against Satan threatening with splitting the diaspora off from Israel, it could be exactly the thing which could make it possible to exterminate the diaspora by way of the role of Israel if that rests on the role of me as Satan and if I am assigned the role of the holocaust.

But the historic function of Solidarnosc cannot be said to be of any negative kind: It had a legitimate reason and there cannot have been anything wrong or undemocratic in the basis for the movement. Hence Solidarnosc was historically right, and that could be a part of the reason for the success of a strategy which attempts to take the poetic potential out of the phenomenon of the Jewish diaspora.

There is one possible way for finding historic illegitimacy in this role of solidarity in Poland, and that would have been if the whole story of communism since Lenin were made for the purpose of lending a legitimate basis for this Polish solidarity in the regions of the holocaust. Why was the assassination of Lenin apparently a cornerstone in the history of nazism - and why was it apparently related to me via Laura Devold in Paris if the story is as in the postcard and Quisling means 'traitor' in most languages because he shot Lenin in the heart (if that is the story)?

A wild albeit interesting idea would therefore be this: Lenin was 'allowed' to make the revolution in 1917 because that made it possible to create from the east of Jewish Poland a reason so goodenough - when it eventually came to the postwar era - for polish-people solidarity against the ruling power (in the period of intermediate communist dictatorship) that their Union was historically legitimate. The polish people had been very Jewish before the holocaust and therefore the solidarity would have been one kind of a Jewish solidarity. This explanation is perhaps not likely - but perhaps an interesting idea if one wants to understand the death of Lenin and the subsequent takeover by Jensen and the Klipra connection.

Lech Walesa is somewhat similar to the father of my once classmate and friend Roy Andersen who lived in Paul Holmsens vei in Fredrikstad and who worked for the local supertanker producer - hence approximately the original work of Walesa in Gdansk. I notice the current role of Paul Coelho who is somewhat similar to Paul Grøtvedt.

For this father-son relationship: I have studied the name of the new president Nicolas Sarkozy in some detail. There is a further detail which deserves mention. That is the rooting of it in 'presocratic' Greek sources. The father of Pythagoras was called 'Mnesarkhos', which allows for a certain rewrite into 'Niclas Sarkoz[y]'. The reason why this is an interesting observation is that another two early Greek philosophers from the same regions seem to have corresponding functions: Anaximander was the son of Praxiades, which could be about 'Praxis-Hades', the very opposite of 'poetic heaven' (cp. the 'Illyric' country of Slovenia). Anaximander's own name can perhaps be recognized in my official uncle Arild Eidsvig who married in eastern Finnmark when I lived in Hammerfest: He and his wife live not in Mandal but in the not faraway Grimstad, hence not Anax-i-Mandal but rather the neighouring town. The phonologically not faraway Anaximenes was son of Eurystratos, a name which allows for the graphic-phonological interpretation 'EU-pust-patos' and similars: Is this the reason why Brussels is the administrative centre of EU? Bryster a toss, etc? Cp. what may have been a ridiculing slogan behind Hitler's coup in Germany in the form of 'so ein Ding muss ich auch haben', which perhaps could be applied in a related form in France, where the Dreyfus case also took place. Now the father tells the name of the son. Hence if Nicolas Sarkozy is 'Mnesarkhos', then he says 'Pythagoras', or perhaps Norwegian 'fyttirakkern'. ('Rakkern' = 'Satan', while 'fy ti' is the expression of disgust or prohibition which also can be recognized in 'Drey-fus', cp. also 'førti' = '40' etc - Blair was PM rather precisely through my period of the age of the 'forties'). If a pretext be sought, one could say that the name of Sarkozy pronounces the French stance of disgust in the European syringe construction. But if the construction itself applies, the thumb-press from the mythological role of the French president could lead to just that 'fyttirakkern' spurting out of Vaduz. Some people may perhaps say that Blair was a 'satan' to govern the country, meaning that he was a 'helluva[good]' PM, which then could be this Vaduz-spurter. Anaximander, Anaximenes, Slovakia, Slovenia. With Pythagoras-Hungary inbetween. For the name of 'Lech Walesa', I notice also some name forms such as 'Aleksiej Korwin-Gronkowski' from Weiss' name-lists in Vilnius (see 'New revelation in Vilnius'). The Britons found a surprise whale in the Thames when Rugova died.

I refer also to the stories about me being invited to a trip to Warszaw with Pia Friis in the late seventies, including the illegitimate changing of some (small) sums of money, relative to Tone Groever participating a few years later in transporting a printing press to the local Solidarnosc in I think Krakow or thereabout.

I must add the fact that I know little or nothing about how the Jewish community relates or would relate to me. It is at least 30 years since somebody should have told me about these things, but to date I know almost nothing. Maybe, if the above analysis makes sense even relative to me, it was the plan that I should not even be discovered. Could be the diaspora know as little about me as I know about them.

The name means 'the leak was in the reading': 'lekk va[r] les-a' = 'leak was read-off'. It was not in the writing.

There was a leak about the identities of the Eidsvigs in terms of Celan's letter to Sachs, and when Borten resigned in 1971 it was because of a 'leak in an airplane', which was a 'glipp'. Celan seems to have given the letter to Sachs at her departure by airplane from Paris to Stockholm in 1960, which means that if this leak was the reason for her death and Celan's burial 10 years after the arrest of Eichmann (hence the 10 days of 1967-70-73), there could have been a secret agent reading over her shoulder in the chair behind her when she read the letter at take-off from Paris.

Then if the leak was in the reading and not in the writing, it means that it was not Celan who leaked it in his writing but it was Sachs in her reading. Or it was the secret agent behind her who leaked the reading.

'Lech Walesa' could then mean that it was not even Sachs but the secret agent behind.

The documents after Ponary-chief Weiss in Vilnius tell about these things when he seemed to have leaked the plans for the two bombs on Japan already in 1944. Cp. also 'Jurij Gagarin' as a 'lik [= 'corpse'] in an airplane' on 27 March 1968 - cp. 'Anschluss' 12 March 1938 - and the possible co-reference thereby to 'Mariona Kazakeviciute' = 'Maria Nagasaki vitsute'. (For the other two names, one can even notice Robert F.Kennedy in the Romanis and perhaps King's dream in Krymas). But the leak was not in the writing, it was in the reading (and Gagarin's crash was apparently a result of his attempts to avoid a crash with another plane which had come into the same airspace, for which reason he lost control with his own which crashed). Hence 'Weiss' as knowledge, not as writing. 'Jews as Romanis' could mean 'in the writing'. 'Krimas Aboysas' tells of a boy, and 'Maria Nagasaki-viciute' tells of the Madonna with a nuclear joke on her - hence it could be about the 'dirty beast in the revelation'. To this comes the 'Romani' Celan - from Romania. Was he from Romania or from Ukraina? The land of Czernowitz seems to have changed nationality borders - like the land of the samis would have done under the 'switzer-land' = 'Adolf Hitler' theory on Lappland for the swap of Hitler with me through the matrix of the Hammerfest 'ROK'.

'Lech Walesa' - and not in the writing - tells that Weiss would have had a source who had leaked these future nuclear things to him - it was not his hand which had leaked them with 'Aboysas' instead of 'Aloysas' etc. (cp. the document about the 2 out of 3 typewriters). Hence it was the secret agent behind him who leaked it and not he himself.

But that means that he was in the same situation as Sachs relative to the secret agent behind her in the official reason Per Borten (cp. 'Verboten', 'Terboven') had for resigning in 1971.

Which means that 'Lech Walesa' could mean that Sachs is my mother and Eidsvig/'Eichmann' my father. But that again seems to mean just 'Solidarnosc' = 'Arne Kr. Sollid' etc., which seems to be about a strategy which can allow Israel to call for a united front with the diaspora against the anti-semitism of the dirty Satan-beast - in order to allow the state to 'secure its future' by way of an extermination of the diaspora.

Weiss' document (17-18 May 1944) was about the 'Häftlinge', cp. the pre-socratic concept of 'HAPT'-linguistics (Heraclitus) as in the 'Habsburgers'. Xenophanes is a central presocratic philosopher of much importance for early concepts of poetry. Nazism is essentially a war against poetry, and when Xenophanes fragment 18 (in my source) ['Xenophanes astrapas ginesthai lamprunomenon ton nephon kata ten kinesin'] allows for the translation "Thunderbolts arise from a polish[ing] movement of clouds", there is the possible political origin in the concept of 'Solidarnosc' (cp. 'thunderbolts') in terms of a 'polish movement of doubts' (cp. this story of Weiss and Sachs/Celan) as well as 'polish movement of doughs' (cp. 'Arne Kr. Sollid'): You just rub the lamp and there comes the dough.

If so, then the whole story could be traced to a double political interest: 1) A war against poetry, which means nazism, and 2) a wish to use the state of Israel as a tool for continuing the extermination of the Jewish diaspora. These two interests could also be taken to be about one and the same. Cp. also the possible role of the presocratic names of Pythagoras, Anaximander and Anaximenes and their fathers.

Cp. also Szondi's first letter to Celan, of 6 April 1959, wherein he tells that he lives at Jean Bollack and the telephone number is LEC 8068. Celan replied the day after: "Ich habe gestern versucht, Sie anzurufen (Lecourbe 80-68), leider ohne Erfolg; dabei stellte sich auch heraus, dass diese Telephonnummer nicht mir der von Ihnen genannten Adresse - an die ich nun diese Zeilen richte - übereinstimmt". (I notice not only the concept of 'Erfolgs'-orientation in recent years but also the 'Wienzeile' of the indexations of flats). It does not emerge whose error it was - if Bollack had given Szondi a wrong number or if Szondi had given Celan a wrong number. Where was the error? In the reading or in the writing? Who 'leaked' the number LEC 8068? Is it relevant that Celan is writing the Zeile after having 'misread' the intention?

Theodor Adorno (who also was around in the days of 1959 when the classified information seems to have been leaked to Celan) died 10 years (and four months, cp. 'Firmanatten') after this letter from Szondi of 6 April 1959 - on 6 August 1969 in Visp. In the mean time, there had been the 70th birthday dinner of Eidsvig - including his brothers Aron and Bernt - on 6 July 1969, which also was the day when his oyster farm went bankrupt (= 'firmanatten', 'the night of the firm') due to the main creditor, a dane called 'Tage Pris' (which suggests 'snus' = 'turns around' in Norwegian, suggesting again that it was perhaps not mainly his bankruptcy?). Hence when correlated for the 'vier Monaten', Adorno died (or was murdered, that would probably suggest) on the day 10 years after Szondi's first letter to Celan. In 1968, my 11th birthday (the mid point in the Borten government 1965-71) was the mid point between 'May 8' (cp. 'Mayotte Bollack') and the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia (cp. "check Oslo, vakke ja" = "check Oslo, it wasn't me" [who leaked it?]) while Celan died by drowning in Paris in 1970 and Szondi in a similar way in Berlin in 1971.

According to the published correspondence, the correct number was not LEC 8068 but SOL 5575. The published correspondence also tells that Celan's reply letter of 7 April has an annotation "5e links" under the numeral 7. In which case 'Linke Wienzeile' could suggest or 'leak' that Celan was the secret agent - or at least that the information which was leaked to him was not reliable and hence the idea that Eichmann, Hitler and Mengele were in my surroundings was not correct. It could then be about a 'polish movement/rubbing of doubts/doughs' to believe that Celan is my genetic father - which could be a 'glipp' - it could as well be e.g. Eidsvig/'Eichmann', could be the philosophy. (Which again could suggest that Celan really is my genetic father).

I suppose these considerations do not say much about Walesa himself, but they may tell something about the political background of his time.

was PM in Sweden in 1970 when Sachs and Celan died. His career and role in the story seem affiliated with Sachs in Sweden. If Adorno's death in 1969 was a murder 10 years and 'vier Monaten' = 'firmanatten' (for the 'dinner' of Eidsvig in 1969) after Szondi's letter to Celan, it was apparently about the first letter which contained the telephone number code LEC 8068, which was far off from the real number SOL 5575. It seems to suggest 'Elysee' plus the difference 'douze' between 80 and 68, hence 'douze' = 'palace', which could suggest that it was the French president who had leaked the plans to Celan. There was also some trouble with NATO and the 10 years tells that the leak was not an easy or straightforward matter. In Sweden, it seems that Palme had a similar role. He became minister for 'particular tasks' in 1963, then for traffic, post and telecommunications 1965-67, then for education ('uppfostran', 'utbildning') 1967-69 before he became PM 1969-1976. 'Traffic, post and telecommunications' = 'samfärdsel, post och telekommunikation' which means commutation of people, their things and their meanings - if the issue be the role of Israel (cp. their involvement in the crucifixion of Jesus in the 'Palme') it could be about Moses on Mount Sinai. Minister of 'a Jew casian' would be about the same. Hence if his role was a 'particular task', one could see this reference to Israel as related to the 6-day war of 1967 - and when his name was 'Palme', the question is whether this meant a particular reference to one of the two palms, hence Celan's earthday in 1970 on Ragna Gröver's birthday, after his disappearance on Hitler's birthday.

I have earlier studied the introduction of postal codes in Sweden on 12 May 1968, which was exactly 2 years before this 'earthday/birthday'. The postal code for the Holmquists is telling of the 'telecommunications' interests there could have been in the project, and when Palme turned to minister of 'uppfostran' 1967-69, it could also have been about 'uff po[st] strand' for Bergsunds Strand where Sachs lived: Some hundred metres or a kilometre or two down the 'strand' of Söder one would come to Tantolunden and Tantogatan where the Holmquists lived. The 'uff' could then have been about 'Bengt Holmquist' = 'benket holocaust' = the 70th birthday dinner (DNA) of the Eidsvigs (possibly including Eichmann and Hitler) in 1969. Sachs seems to have known the Holmquists since 1961, although Dinesen remarks that Bengt Holmquist was in a personal relation to Sachs since 1950 (without going into details, as far as I could find out of). This dinner is of some importance for understanding the possibly preplanned 'earthday' of Celan as a link between the 6-day war 1967 and Yom Kippur 1973.

Which means that if Palme represented me in the sense of Israel in this complex, it also lends meaning to his protests against the Vietnam war ('vi et nam' = 'we eat good food', cp, the dinner - w must assume that this 'eating nam' in 1969 cannot have been the whole reason for the Vietnam war, but I have wondered if the Korea war was about making the concept of 'Rainer Korea Rilke', cp. 'Maria/Korea' and 'Madonna/Kondoma' = 'Dong Röver' revelations) and the involvement of the superpowers in smaller countries' affairs. It could mean that if he spoke on behalf of Israel and me - for an early stage in a process which could mean that Israel identifies with me for a later split by way of a 'solidarity' function which could be a road to a second holocaust on the diaspora on behalf of US/UK interests - his protests could have signalled a Jewish stance against the involvement of USA in Israeli government. If his role was to tell the top secrets by way of his name and other indexes ('special tasks' etc), while in France the Elysee Palace may have leaked it in rather explicit form, this double function of representing me and Israel could be a way of telling about that Israeli identity turned into a split - possibly for an eventual Israeli identification of me as 'Satan'.

Palme was PM again in the period 1982-1986 and was at least officially assassinated on 28 February 1987. I had got into some problems with my landlord who had started getting a little difficult: He rang the doorbell at night and asked me to remove the snow before the house etc. I eventually found that I had no other choice than to move out and did so I think in March, which means after the assassination of Palme - but I think the problems had started before that. To be thrown out can be called to 'pælme' out. Palme had been to cinema ('bio') with his wife and they were walking home in the evening when he was shot from behind while walking - hence a sort of 'bio-dynamic' assassination, for example in contrast to the fleshy dinner of 1969. The day 28 February was not a 'skudd-år' = 'shot-year' = 'leap-year' day. It was Christer Petterson who was suspected but he was released in the absence of evidence. In 2001, which was after I had self-published the first two parts of my Endmorgan Quartet (plus the two first parts of the third part, which means about half way through the total work), Petterson confessed to a newspaper that it was he who shot Palme in 1986. I notice the suggestive similarity of 'dr.rister patterson' with e.g. 'Jon Pedersen' who lived in the 'valley' of the Kniple district in Fredrikstad. I notice also the interests in 'rally' in 'UMP' = 'Union pour une movement populaire' in France recently. When Pedersen lived in the valley at Urania-veien, he had Fröen (I have wondered if Fröen could have been Wallenberg, but at least the location of his house could have been about that, and the two families - Fröen and Wallenberg - had comparable status levels in Norway and Sweden) on the hilltop on the one side and Trara on the other: 'Tara Föen' means 'takes off the wind[ing]', hence 'takes off the tefillin'. ('Takes off the slippers'?) 'Tracks offer their friend' could be about 'moksleiva'. The form 'fyttirakkern' (which has associations to 'förti-Satan' etc) could perhaps be taken to mean 'the DNA of the windings' of this tefillin. ('Fy' is the Greek root for 'growing' or 'make grow', and DNA consists in a sort of double helix). If the Jewish tefillin is meant to represent God, the Norwegian expression 'fyttirakkern' means rather the opposite - hence 'Satan'. It could represent a split between what is identified as God and what is identified as Satan - here by way of Norwegian semantics (cp. the Sumerian semantics in my washing poem - and the question is whether Rawlinson's decipherment of Sumerian is secretly based on Sunnmörian). On this background, the 'Vi-et-nam' war (diagonally on the other side of the globe relative to the somewhat similarly shaped Norway) could even have been about the 'DNA' in that 'fy' sense of it (with a reference to Eidsvig's 70th birthday dinner, cp. Celan's disappearance on Hitler's birthday the year after) if these concepts have sufficient dimensions for future plans. If so, one can hardly find a worse reason for such a disastrous war.

The discussions under this page has shown that there are reasons to believe that UK (and maybe US) may be oriented towards a new holocaust. The mass exterminations 1933-45 seem to have been conducted by remote control from UK/US via agents in Germany (Hitler's government). If UK tries to run another round of it, they could be out for using similar agents in Israel for letting Israel conduct a holocaust on the diaspora.

My historic role may go back to a planning in the 1890's or even earlier: It could include a planning in parallel with Hitler and JFK ('JhWH') and others, and Sachs' historic function could have been to be my virgin mother. Then if 'i = the holocaust' and I am the one who could say so, while mechanisms of swapping could attempt to lift that role over to others (for example via 'Adolf Hitler'), the construction seems to be in the gap between genetic and conventional family relations - a gap which is closed (as far as this historic project is concerned, cp. also the 'kitchen tap') by the laws of inheritance which assign priority to conventional family relations. The Vietnam war could have been a way of lifting the priority from the genetic to the conventional. I noticed also Palme's ministry of education ('uppfostran', 'uff po strand', cp. also the 'post'-al code revision of 1968) possibly in terms of the name 'Bengt Holmquist' for 'benket holocaust', a name which applies to this phenomenon not the least by the name of his wife 'Margaretha Holmquist' (born Lindblom) if a 'margareta holocaust' would have been the genetic relation of Sachs to me which would have been the natural way of spiritual contact/telecommunication. The dinner ('DNA') of the Eidsvigs on Bjarne Eidsvig's 70th birthday 6 July 1969 - which could have included persons around the table such as (speculatively) Eichmann, Hitler, Dönitz/Quisling, Mengele and others - would have included also me as 'benket' at the holocaust table and hence included me (the genetic one) in the group of conventional ones indexed by the Vietnam war which thereby would have served to lift the 'project' from the genetic Jewish origin to the conventional administrative 'anglo-saxon' UK/US administration. This could also have been about assigning to me a false role of an enemy of Jews, possibly for further political use. I do not know what could have been the role of other US wars or military or political involvements as far as this complex is concerned.

The four men of the summer 1959 clearly indexed the story of me: Jean Bollack would be about the 'shampoo-lokk' of Finnmark relative to Switzerland ('Adolf Hitler') and had a reflex in the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 in a temporal mirror structure around my birthday relative to 'Mayotte' = 'May 8' Bollack. Peter Szondi would represent Petter Enok Skau Jakobsen as #7 on Eisenhower as a pushdown (cp. also 'pusztan') automaton (cp. also 'Eurystratos') and hence it refers to me #6 as the genetic son of Celan, while the pushdown is likely to have represented the takeover of the conventional family parametre. 'Eisenhower doctrine' could be the concept of the 'continuous' and 'discrete' in Hammerfest/Finnmark, including the '200 million dollars' to the Middle East. Theodor Adorno is likely to have represented the phenomenon of John F.Kennedy as the world's most successful man as a counterpoint to my humble career, for which reason Celan went back to Paris before Adorno arrived. The role of Bollack means that they were well informed about the political project of Dr.Verboten.

The death of Adorno, Celan and Szondi in 1969, 1970 and 1971 means that the death of de Gaulle, if he was the source of the information from the Elysee Palace = LEC 80-68 in Szondi's first letter, and perhaps even therefore the trouble with NATO in the sixties, should be telling. ("'Check Oslo, vakke ja' [who leaked it]" could mean that Bollack did not leak the classified information to others, for which reason he is still up and going, while Celan leaked it e.g. to Sachs - and hence if the death of de Gaulle in 1970 is telling in a similar way it could have been a sign that he was the source of the information). He died on 7 November 1970, according to some sources, while other sources give 9 November. The amgibuity is explained below - also when it comes to the report on his pointing to his neck - possibly for a 'turnaround' over 8 November. The analysis of the 6-day and Yom Kippur wars have shown that the temporal trick rested on the relation between 1 year and 1 day. This can be found in the date 7 November 1970 which is 574 months after Hitler wrote his postcard of 7 January 1924 , which means 562 months plus 1 year. The postcard was poststamped 1 day later, on 8 January. Hence if 1 year = 1 day, as for the 6-day and Yom Kippur wars of 1967 and 1973, this 562 could be the first car number T-262 of Gröver/'Mengele' in Odda 1960 as a responsibility claim on the death of de Gaulle in 1970. I don't remember when exactly he got the car but it was in Odda and probably not immediately after our arrival there at the turn of the years 1959-1960. It is likely to have been after Sachs and Celan met in Zürich. The 'official' explanation to T-262 is likely to be about the 'T' representing the clotheshanger from Washington over Hammerfest to Vladivostok, and with 222 and 666 of the Eisenhower doctrine for the 'car number'. 1 day = 1 year here means 'poststamped' vs. 'postcar[d]', which could be about me and Hitler in 1957 or 1958. The postcard was apparently Hitler's responsibility claim on the assassination of Lenin with the British Labour government the day after and the following nazism and world war - and the Germans had subscribed to it themselves by accepting the intrigue when accepting the postcard with their official post stamp on 8 January. Cp. the idea of a 'combination trick' for lending the authority of life and death to the 'Sages' - which even could have been the real reason for the name of Sachs, cp. Ibsen's "om jeg hamrer eller hamres, like fullt så skal det jamres" for "om jeg sager eller Sages, like fullt så skal det klages".

For the concept of 'rejection' in 'GAS-PAS-GAS': I met Pernille Lönne Christiansen during the studies in 1982. If it were not for the fact that she was monogamously living with Petter Andre Syversen, we could perhaps have been a couple, was the idea in the air somewhere. Then in 1986 when I came back from Budapest, Tone Gröver mentioned in the passing that PAS had died in Botswana - which means that his place was vacant. Some time later I sent a letter to Pernille Lönne Christiansen (I think she was already then in Frydenlunds Gate, but I am not sure when she moved in there). In the evening when the letter would have arrived, which would have been in the late autumn 1986, the telephone rang but there was only silence - and of course I thought it was her. Okay, I thought, some problems. It continued ringing with this sort of telephone terror for two years (a hard time she had), and at the end of the period I had discovered that it had to be Ragna Gröver who had telephoned and I could contact Pernille Christiansen - who, incidentally, had met Sverre Mörkhagen in the mean time. (Also, foreign minister Knut Frydenlund had died on the toilet ring during an official dinner on 26.2-87 - cp. car number T-262). The form 'sverre mor-kagen' = 'sverre placenta' = 'unfortunately I have to take the place' and his name seems to be contained in the Eisenhower doctrine #8. A lot of coincidences, of course: It would be reality and not conspiracies which conspired on an unfortunate career for the Jewish genetics. 'Lönne' is also reminiscent of 'rönne', for the old house with the big dark garden at Rekustad. What was the character of the Eisenhower doctrine? Was it to 'leak information' (cp. the French president who apparently was much more explicit to Celan in 1959, with the following story around 1970) on this project or was it to maximize its effect? The story of the 200 million dollars for 'discretionary' use in Israel and thereabout in 1958 and 1959 is perhaps not very likely - it was a lot of money in 1958. Could be it lends it a taint of 'hilarious' (the idea that the official US budget would include this amount of money for some sort of bribery purposes) which could suggest that the purpose of the doctrine could have been just as much to leak the postwar project - perhaps on basis of some important protagonists from the war - as to be a part of it. Or maybe it told of more unofficial money, I don't know. If the purpose was to provide proof for the future about what it had been about, one can also conclude that it may have contained the most important elements in a secret postwar project. Names such as Himmler, Göring, Goebbels and Mengele could have been part of the project. And so could the story of me in Hammerfest. I notice Syversen's father who also was a journalist and had the column 'syver' in an Oslo newspaper for many years - could be the name is about 'faa skyven'. I personally may have got 'skyven' in Hammerfest, after my possibly three years in a freezer 1953-56. I notice also Astrid Lindgren's 'Emil i Lönneberga'. 'Christiansen' could perhaps be about 'ga' = 'gave' in the sense of 'döner kebab'. One can notice that 'Jar' = 'pot', while 'POT' formerly was the secret surveillance police in Norway. 'POT-Eve' = 'on TV'.

Hence if PLM did not get 'skyven' in the post after PAS had passed away and does not have him in the freezer (a good guess could e.g. be that PAS is still up and going, cp. also the golem myths and 'charles the cold'), and if the mirror structure obtains relative to me and 'skyven' in Hammerfest and the years in a freezer, and if this is one of the deeper aspects of the 'ice-and-how-where doctrine', one can probably conclude: 1) It is likely that the doctrine encircles a postwar post-holocaust project which aims in a longterm perspective at making way for the conclusion that the holocaust was probably not much more than a fata morgana, and 2) it is likely that chemical Mengele methods were applied to me in Hammerfest, while 3) that would have been for precisely the purpose of proving that the holocaust did not take place but was a historic fantasy. Cp. the concept of 'Auschwitz-lies'.

In Molde and into the seventies, when I was living in the home of Gröver/'Mengele', (or maybe it was only in the early sevneties), I had the occasional habit of removing the day's dried-out leftovers from around the bottom opening in the bed. There sometimes accumulate small remains of underwear textiles and other stuff in the lower part of the valley (where John Grover 1823 sold his pamphlet in the 'telegraph house'?) which can call for attention if they have not been removed in other ways. Could be this means that it was a home-o living in the house of Gröver/'Mengele', could be it only had a highly explanatory function. For example, Simon[ides] made leather out of skins when he 'vralter räv-G' and his house was, according to the holy text, at the sea and not inland at Rekustad, although it can be argued that the sea went inland. Could be 'the noses are assholes', as could perhaps be contained in Churchill's V-sign. If there was something of interest to be 'read' ('LEG' is the morph which means 'to pick, collect, read') from the valley in the late evening hour, I would leave the 'pamphlet' there on the bedside for Ragna Gröver to pick up at a later occasion. Not that I suspected her of being 'nosy', but could be there were vague indications of things I could not explain in proper ways. It was in late 1982 that a co-student of mine used the word 'hybelkaniner' = 'bedsit rabbits', a conventional word for the inexplainable tufts or balls of dust which can grow under the bed or in remote corners and which run around on the floor when the door is opened. Did she talk of 'bedside H-abits/R-abbits'? She laughed in a way I could not explain. There was another person not far away who later had some affiliations with the Norwegian Research Council.

If this is the phenomenon which has reached world attention, it cannot be explained in other ways than by Ragna Gröver being 'nosy' and reporting the phenomenon - or international secret agents climbing in for studying my bedsheets in Sherlock Holmes style. The following is based on the assumption that the 'pamphlets' have been reported and attracted international attention. In particular the Oklahoma bombing attracted much attention. It took place in the context of the rejection of my book "Submorphemic signification" which I had sent to John Benjamins who had sent it to review by Michael Noonan who asked me to do some 'rework' of the manuscript. I so did but it was rejected anyhow and returned with vibrations from the Oklahoma bombing. 'Klö' means 'itch' (I notice the animated film figure 'Stitch' of Disneys Business) and can be used of the place which itches or the act of scratching it. Noonan's argument was that I had not addressed enough of his reservations and that my revisions were not sufficiently far reaching, as was the wording of the publisher. The letter had been sent to my old address and redirected to my new even if I had notified of new address, while the manuscript reached me even if there was no postage on the envelope ('o stitch'?). I notice also the 'h-ostage' drama in Moscow in 2002. 'Timothy MacVeigh' was sentenced and executed for the bombing which was the biggest in US history. 'Ti på to' = 'ten to two' was the answer which Gröver/'Mengele' told me that a person who had a clock in his childhood Klipra always answered if they asked him what time it was. 'Far' = 'father', hence 'ti på to med vetch' = 'farfetched/warwetched' - as could be the background of the Vietnam war if it served to index the fragment from Xenophanes, in which case it could be about eating 'vetch' or 'chips' at the fireplace = 'around the fire' = 'rundt bålet' = 'rumphålet' = 'the anus'. Which could be the story of the Jewish genetics living in the home of Gröver/'Mengele' in the context of the Vietnam war, picking another chip in the 'Zimmer'. The Americans even sent people to the moon in those days. 'Vi et nam' could be about leaving such chips for the 'noses'. Picking the nose was another habit of mine in those days. If the Vietnam war served to give a push to the assassinated president in his new career on the other side, it could of course also have been about just this effect of 'nam' = 'vetch' of Xenophanes addressing the Jewish genetics. The Vietnam war, on this background, would not have helped the Jewish genetics the right way if the purpose of it was to fuel the 'postwar' career of the president (not the 'Reichs-kants-leerer').

The question is perhaps what exactly was contained in the bedside packages which were put out for the 'noses'. That could be the field of interest of e.g. a research council. The normal catch could be some substance bordering onto the surface - packed e.g. in remnants of textiles, road dust etc. I would not feel as much of a hero as to dig deep enough to get it muddy (with 'heavy-sleek honey'?), nor did it have any appealing character, and at least I of course did not put the finger in the mouth, if anybody should try to suggest that. There are limits to what one can do for the community, never mind how tasty they could find it, and however much one tries to accomodate to the communicative patterns of the society one lives in. I suppose it could have related to the strange and unexplainable phenomena of a redundancy in communication which one could not understand. But the exact character of the stuff could of course have been a case of scientific inquiry if evidence could have been presented. I don't know if Sherlock Holmes could have got hold of factual evidence which could have been microscoped and undergone chemical analyses in laboratories. Cp. the concept of 'lab-rotten'.

It could be the same 'vetch' which could be recognized in the closing of the Rover car factory in Warwick after I had sent a letter to them (probably 1998) inquiring about the possibilities for economic support for my poetic project. Could be the plan was to close it in any case around the millenium shift. Here it could mean 'Röver was close[d] down': If anybody had inspected in Sherlock Holmes style the chips of the bedside, it could of course have been Ragna Gröver if it were not secret spies from CIA or something like that. Cp. also 'rag-nag röver' with R/N's dream. The 'War-vetch' location of the car factory could also invoke associations to the name of Varvin, not the least on the background of e.g. Tarkovskij's film "Mirror", in which case 'Röver' could have a double reference to Ragna Gröver and the reference of or reflex in the mirror - which seems to be about the name of Hilde Löveid Varvin in the film. Cp. also 'röv-veid' and the postage of the manuscript from Noonan.

It is here interesting to philosophize on possible interpretations of the bombing of Lebanon in July 2006 after I had been into the reception of the Jewish community house in Seitenstettengasse in Vienna with a letter. 'Seiten-stetten-glasse' could be about a 'coup in Chile' were it not for the fact that glasses in the fridge normally do not have stems. However, John Grover 1845 contains a mention of Stettin which he travelled through on his way to St.Petersburg for talking with an admiral there - precisely at the time when Grassmann who lived in the town was publishing his 'Ausdehnungslehre' - and I have speculated if this publication of Grassmann was the real background of the John Grover stories from the 1840's, possibly including the pamphlet of John Grover 1823 from the telegraph house in the valley of Brighton if that really was made in the 1840's (electric telegraphy was not invented in 1823 and semaphoric telegraphy would not be that deeply into the valley) - and it is a fact that the irishman William Hamilton published his quaternions in 1843 after he got them by a flash of genius at a bridgehead in Dublin, I think it was. Hamilton is considered a pioneer in the field. I notice also the function of Ireland in a swastika with London or thereabout in the centre: Kurdistan-Turkey-Austria-France-London is one arm, another is the one going up along Norway to Novaja Zemlja, a third is going down Italy to Sicily while the fourth will be the one going from London over the water to Hamilton's Ireland up to the northern tip. However, the Britons have defined an alternative route for this one after they took control with Northern Ireland - something which could leave this arm of the swastika a little wrong way - like some smallcrook's arm twisted back onto his back by efficient Scotland Yard police - if going up along England land for crossing the water up there. Would this 'strange Satan' be related to the story of William Hamilton? Could be only a page from Grassmann's manuscript could have sufficed for launching an alternative theory - cp. 'Seiten-Stettin-Gasse'. Or could be even an oral report (= 'sa t an') would suffice.

Why is it that politics apparently tries to keep me off publication - such as the 'Oklahoma bombing' is an example of - or out of public attention in general? The answer is probably very simple: For being able to claim that the holocaust is only a myth and it never existed. 'But the myth produced some good ideas which we have profited greatly from - also by way of various conversion mechanisms - so maybe it is worth a repeat'. I don't think there can be any other reason for the wish to keep my poetry unpublished than this intention of politics and administrative logic to be able to declare the holocaust for a myth without rooting in reality. To pump my authorship through from Kurdistan/Turkey into EU and things like that is the safest guarantee that they plan to repeat the 'success' of the holocaust. That is also an important reason why my book should be published.

Septuaginta is perhaps the most substantial evidence that the official version of the semantic interpretation of the Pentateuch is correct or at least not totally off the point. But certainly some may have hinted as to why was it necessary with the story about the 70 scholars in Alexandria who translated the Hebrew original independently - and all of them came up with the same text. It would leave no doubt at all. The oldest extant copy of septuaginta is from the 4th century AD. (But there probably exist other translations also).

His bolla = his buns, his bönns = his prayers, his spreiers = his smear [= 'klinten'] etc. 'Isbreen' = 'the glacier'.

Klaus Demus had been a friend of Celan since Vienna 1947 (8 years before the Staatsvertrag, by the way) but Celan had broken contact with him in 1962 in the context of the story with accusations from Claire Goll. Then he published 'Fadensonnen' in September 1968 and on 15 November he attacked a neighbour with accusations that he threatened his son Eric. Celan was driven to a psychiatric hospital. Already in the end of November Klaus Demus came to visit him in the hospital and was let in, even if they had not been in contact since contacts were broken in 1962. He also left for Celan to read some parts (if not all) of the manuscript to 'Morgennacht' which was published on Neske in Pfullingen in 1969. It contains 11 poems with altogether 316 lines. After line 182, there is the footnote 'Für Rudolf Hirsch' (hence line 182.5, so to speak). 316 - 182 = 134, which is the day number of 14 May. That is 'two days' after 12 May when Celan was buried in 1970 - after he had disappeared on Hitler's birthday 20 April and was found in the Seine on 1 May. 'To days' = 'for you[s]' - cp. the 'bedsheet donations' in Fredrikstad (I don't remember exactly when this story started - could be it was then). 'Morgennacht' is in a genre not entirely unreminiscent of Goethe's 'Über alle Gipfeln' with a particular role for a glacier which goes in and out of the text in somewhat mysterious ways ('Eisen-how-where'?). Could be there is a slight imitation of Celan's later style also. There are a few scattered remarks on Demus' letter from the hospital in the published letter correspondence with Celan's wife who wrote in a letter of 5 January 1969 that Demus' poems had arrived and she would bring the post on Sunday but had developed a running nose and intestine flue ('Darmgrippe'). ('Mon rhume tourne en grippe intestinale, et je ne suis pas tres bien'). The manuscript from Demus had the annotation "Für Paul von Herzen / Klaus".

14 May 1970 is also the day when Andreas Baader was freed from prison in a [non]-dramatic escape.

'Isbreen' = 'the glacier'. Peter Szondi was also found drowned in 1971 - not in the Seine but 'in the Spree' = 'i Spreen'.

There are 316 lines plus the line 'Für Rudolf Hirsch' in Demus' 'Morgennacht'. Computing 2/3 through takes it to two alternatives: 210.666 = line 211 should be the proper place, while the dedication to Hirsch can make for an additional line to 212. Here are the two lines:

211 - sanftwilden Himmeln, bläuehohen,
212 - wo meerher schwerausleuchendes Gewölk

If this 'Morgennacht' (cp. 'morgue' and 'nackt') should have been used as a responsibility claim on the death of Celan, it could be taken to correlate with the responsibility for the clause in the Austrian Staatsvertrag of 1955. The bath where I learnt to swim was circular, hence 'moving around in circular motion' in Swedish. If I remember right, the bathtub was blue and white (mainly blue, I think, and the water could have been about a metre high) and there was a certain number of rounds which had to be counted before the button was mine.

Could be a telling story could be this: It was in a letter dated 20 January 1993 - which was the day when Clinton was sworn in as president - that Ragna Gröver's lawyer ('Advokathuset Fredrikstad') told that she gave 100.000 kroner as a (pre)-inheritance to each of the three children, defined as money after John Gröver. "Så nå er du rik", said Tone Gröver to me on the phone (I don't remember exactly when this was - but it could well have been in January, and the letter with the cheque may perhaps have come a few days later, in any case not before the telephone). I tried to cash the cheque in a bank, but it turned out that there was not enough money on the account. I then changed my mind and did not want the money. Even if I had broken contacts with Ragna Gröver in 1988, I had to call and explain this. She was apparently disappointed that I did not want the money and said in a tone which could have invoked some sympathy that I should not care about it and it was 'rein jus' ('a purely judicial matter', 'pure jus') only. I had a slightly bad conscience that I had rejected the inheritance-gift, and was somewhat punished by this hurt-feelings-tone in the voice. In 1993, I still did not have any chance to guess anything about the factual history, and nobody said anything about it.

It is perhaps even possible to analyze Clinton in the White House as this story of the bedsheets with the smear on. It meant an intuitive expression of me as the 'Jewish genetics' of sadness at the death of the (probable) father - cp. also those who lost their parents in the holocaust - and a sign of distance to those who were more or less remotely involved in the murder(s). "But isn't that something valuable!", people would think and believe that Clinton would be just the right thing for 'Jewish genetics'. Well, if it means that Jewish genetics is excrement and that Jewish politics and cultural traditions are the way of terror, it is of course not the thing.

Clinton seems to have started his political career in 1974 - which was after the stripes had been detected. 'Vil ia bjeffe som klinten' (M/B, MP) = 'I want to bark like klinten', hence Jewish genetics identified as smeared excrements - [kli:nten] = 'he smeared'. It was in 1975 that I got some illnesses which made it necessary to remove my tonsilles - I don't know if some tiny capsule could have been put in the empty space there.

If Clinton's presidency was sworn in with 100.000 kroner, it could even have been for letting Gisele Celan-Lestrange's 'Darm-Grippe' in her letter of 5 Jan 1969 appear as a pre-sentation of the operation with 'jarnegg' on Nelly Sachs' intestine some months later as an essential part of the intrigue which lent a quasi-responsibility for it to me and hence a proof that she was an agent. "His mother was an agent" could be part of the 'kondoma' on Nelly Sachs. That is the problem - that a poetic understanding of the world in a way which lets Gisele Celan-Lestrange's intuition tell her that it be about a 'Darm-Grippe' in an intrigue on Sachs relative to me is taken as evidence that she is a secret agent for the nazis.

Maybe I should add the story from Molde some time around 1968: I bought (in the grocers or kiosk in Parkveien on the other side of St.Sunniva, but it may be that it would not have been observed where I bought it) a Donald Duck magazine with the funny text on the front page "Den som ler hest ler best" (the normal being 'den som ler sist ler best' = 'he laughs best who laughs last', cp. also the 'Menge-le' theme). I read it as 'hest' = 'horse' and it did not occur to me that it could have been about 'hest' = 'hoarse' voice, where the vowel is long as in the difference between 'Clinton' vs. 'klinten'. Cp. the horse-skull which I found in the forest outskirts near Labraaten in the early seventies and the poem 'Der Hengst' of Celan following immediately after the two 'Pau' poems in 'Fadensonnen' and which perhaps can be thought of as a theme in the film 'Night at the museum'. When did I find the horse-skull? For some reason I think of it was early in the seventies - I think I still was in contact with Roy Andersen and went at Seiersten school - but I cannot guarantee when exactly it was. Could be I showed the funny front page joke to somebody in Molde and laughed at the wrong joke - if I pointed to the 'hest' and did not understand that it was about 'he:st'.

I tried to start using the term 'shoah' instead of 'holocaust' on this website a year or two ago but immediatly came across a number of Jewish texts which used the word 'holocaust' for which reason I continued to use the word. One can well read 'shoah' - not in the sense of what must go on - or equivalent - the term 'holocaust' here refers to the persecution 1933-45 and does not mean a continuation of it, but the 'burning bush' and the cultural genetic complex is clearly a part of it.

Klaus Demus is rather - or even very - similar to Joseph von Eichendorff, at least to the standard portrait of him. Removing the lower 'quer-strich' from the E leaves Joseph von Fichendorff = Joseph von Adolf (fHitler). Demus' wife Nani Maier shares name with the Meyer branch of Nelly Sachs' family in Berlin. Sachs' childhood home was in Sigmunds Hof in Berlin and she could probably look over to Berlin Porzellan-Fabrik in Wegely street (the factory existed in those days also). Egely = Eichendorff. Hence Klaus Demus - so similar to Eichendorff that it could be a case of Klaus Medus-A? (The Gröver/'Mengele' family was footwalking also in 'Rondane' in the sixties).

There are traces of a 'barkly' phenomenon. I could mention the following: 1) Celan's 'Ferkelchen' in his letter to Sachs 20 July 1960 (in reply to her letter indicating that the intelligence from de Gaulle which she seems to have got from Celan in Paris seemed to have been stolen from her flat), 2) the plane bark he sent to her a little later, telling her to rub it between the thumb and index, 3) the 'Marc' in Sachs' letter to Celan of December 1967 which could be about the Grover's 'jarnegg' mark in the bark, 4) one could add Angela Merkel in Germany, and 5) Ahmadinejad in Iran: 'Taita genes' is a meeting-point from Erubin of the names of not only Marte Eidsvig but also the essential 'corner-board' - in Hebrew 'nidun [...] diu-mad' (sth like that) which in handwriting read from left to right looks like 'taita [Jewish] genes' and allows for the reading 'ah-mad-din-i-jad' (perhaps in a way which leaves the mid gap open). If 'tight jeans' is a fashion sign of just this, the reference is not immediately obvious and remains a vague hypothesis only. However, 'Peer Gynt' could be seen to be about that handwritten reading backwards - hence the 'diu-mad' forwards - could be with an alternative to 'Adolf Humrep' in terms of 'a doll of taita-rep', which even could be about me. Which means that the title 'Peer Gynt' could be seen to be about that 'gladius'-conversion of Hitler into me, for example as supported by a 'unio mystica' on name and 'firing'. The form is also close to "me-sha-[h]-urrah!" = 'jumper, freebooter, rover' according to Jastrow - Aron Eidsvig also wrote a poem with just that refrain including his 'GLA-dius' (which could be about that situation in Brinken which in fact I remember well). Cp. also the date of death of Gröver/'Mengele' relative to the death of the Shah and the birth of his daughter. Doctor Orne was Anne Sexton's psychiatrist. The play opens with the story from Gjendin-eggen, if I remember right. I notice also that Bjarne Eidsvig always drove Toyotas. Which could mean that these 'taita Jewish genes' of the 'corner-board' could be of rather much interest.

What should have been the planned function of the 'barkly' if this were the case? It could have been to be the co-representative of 'Jewish genes' in some sense of it or other. The fragment follows immediately after 'AILN' (cp. 'Ireland') which means 'tree' where the bark according to the mythology gets a mark from the 'jumper freebooter rover' Grover's axeblade gladius ('jarnegg'). That is what is called 'Treblinka' in Norwegian.

But there is another 'mark', a 'mark twain' so to speak, in the same text: That is the 'kuli'/'koli' or 'kula'/'kola' which is adjacent to the 'kulb/kolb' which means the axeblade of the same Treblinka. 'Kulp' ('river pool') is a Norwegian word which can mean 'Aure-Osen', and this fragment could be the original rooting of that 'Aure-Osen'. Cp. also 'J.Touzard'? 'Aure-Osen' seems to have been used for making the 'Kennedy assassination' of 1970. This word is only 16-17 words off from the 'Eidmar' (cp. 'Marte') with the recursive TV-boxes inbetween. Hence if this 'Eidmar' is the origin of 'Bjarne Eidsvig' with his 'Toyotas' and other aspects of 'Jewish genes', one can find a basis for interpreting 11/9-2001 - which could have been for splitting the two representatives of 'Jewish genetics' for leaving the one (the 'barkly'?) as the representative of Jewish genetics and me as Satan or Adolf Hitler/Humrep etc with the gladius. That is what could be needed for running a second holocaust on the recursive 'TV-boxes' - even with tacit support from Israel who then could use me as a dumping-place for the involvement. There are indications that just this could be a planned strategy from US democrats and their allies: Bush was in Sarasota when the 11/9-2001 attack took place, and one should believe that it could be telling of what it was about. 'Sara Sota' could perhaps mean 'sara barkly' if 'sota' = 'the haystack' can mean 'bark-ly'. Can it? It certainly could in e.g. Celan's letter of 'hey' to Sachs wherein he had put a piece of bark: 'Sa-ra bark-li' = 'told you barkly'. The name 'sarasota' also represents my name in terms of the FFT flowgraph (by a 'Tukey' algorithm) rewrite form which turns it into 'toss arses' = 'Johng Röver'. Where is 'Bjarne'? It could be in the same rewrite function which relates 'Bjarne' to 'Adolf Humrep', in which case it could perhaps even be in the 'jarnegg's crashing into the twin towers.

What could be the long-term perspectives and reason? If one considers the european swastika, there is a possible loop running from Paris to Ankara or Istanbul and from there the tail around the Black Sea over Ukraine and Austria back to Paris. On the map, this looks like the back of a sitting dog - and then the Iberian peninsula makes for the head of the dog, and the border between Portugal and Spain the jaws - the 'lechi' of Erubin. Legs would be Italy and Greece. Turkey could even be its excrements - and if it be about the real 'Jewish genetics', the idea that these genetics are 'excrements' could also make sense out of the 'Tukey' aircurl of Lambertsville (for the jarnegg gladius). The Iberian dog would have a counterpart in a Siberian dog in terms of 'S-pain' and a possible Verboten program of pumping life values from the big global masses of the Spanish part to the upper-class minority of Portugal by way of 'pain'. This would be about the division of the world into two halves by way of the papal Treaty of Tordessillas of 1500. The broadening of the class division would then come about by the opening of the jaws (the 'lechi' of Erubin) of the Iberian dog.

This Iberian dog with its looping back would be what constitutes the eastern branch of the european swastika. The northern (which can be found by a turning or spinning of the swastika up along Ural) would be the leash of the 'Siberian' owner, the branch leading the authority of government down from Novaja Zemlja. The western branch is about Ireland, with a twist which now perhaps can be shifted down to Italy/Sicily turning into Italy/Istanbul/Turkey and the Marmara Strait, cp. LSJ's Marmor Street.

Could be Iran's uranium enrichment by centrifuge really is about this spinning european swastika loop: There have been loud protests against it. Could the loop be related to 'Rislökka' in Fredrikstad?

The role assigned to me in the story seems over and over again to be about the possibility of finding a dumping-place for the blame of a continuation of the holocaust - in particular since I probably am not only a genetic Jew but possibly even scheduled to represent the concept of 'Jewish genetics' in the holocaust 1933-45. I have now worked for nearly ten years with coming to grips with this material - but I have not received the slightest sign of recognition of the validity of the analysis I have reached. That means that I cannot continue the lonely and heroic struggle against the world's limited capacity for understanding. It seems that I now have come to the point where one can guess the rest of the story if one finds reason in what I have described. There are strong and good reasons why this analysis of mine was necessary. It is possible that it is a right analysis. However, if Israel or USA or England or whatever should try and dump the blame for more Jewish tragedies on me, they are not right in doing so. I have done what I can for preventing the outbreak of more tragedies - but I cannot continue the struggle if it is against windmills only. If anybody could have offered me as much as a comment that 'we had heard your name before you occurred with the website on the internet', it could have changed my life. But when not even that much is granted me, it is time to conclude that maybe the ideas are mainly on the windmill form only. Please don't blame me if another holocaust breaks out.

On the situation in France the following can be observed:

1) The constitution made by de Gaulle is 'genetic' and based on my role
2) The constitution makes the president 'the strong man'
3) The 'Kennedy assassination' of 1970 couped the country by
4) dumping the blame for the coup on me (by the 'kulp' of 'Aure-Osen') and thereby
5) putting the French president in opposition to the constitution, while
6) putting me in tentative opposition to the other reference of 'Aure-Osen' = trout 'kulp' = 'kolb' = the Hebrew link.

This means that at the present stage, one single personal French president can apparently coup the whole country and thereby dump the label of 'un-jewish' Satan on me. That could even make the country vulnerable to intrigues from 'the Kennedy clan', so to speak. If France is the link to Turkey and the recursive end of the loop, it is of essential importance for controlling Europe. It means that the Kennedy clan can be in control of all of Europe due to this 1968-70. Cp. also 'Rislökka'. The European loop could be about the Iberian dog. Could be Turkey would be its 'revelation'. Cp. also 'the dirty beast in the revelation'.

The jaws of the Iberian dog could be the essential 'lechi' of Erubin, between which lies the 'korah' of the 'balk lintel' of Kosovo.

There are many indications of this kind telling that my hypothesis is not completely farfetched. I refer also to the urgent need for telling it if Hitler was my official granduncle Aron Eidsvig, cp. his poem with the refrain "et hurra skal du ha / et hurra som gjör gla". There are also the hard facts which tell that my analysis is not only nonsense, including Kursk and Cole and my 11th birthday in the mid point of Per Borten's (Verboten's) government. This '11 years' = 'elve or[d]' has a coreference to the hypothetical 'corner-board' - as a displaced Christian cross turned into an 'L' - in the US TV -series "The L word", which even could be the 'Ellen' = 'the L' or the 'L/N' in the mythology. Could be the mirror of 7-13-7-13 and 13-7-13-7 applies even to the relation to these two formal aspects. 'Aure-Osen' was also probably somewhere inbetween the Kennedy assassination of 1963 and the 'Kennedy assassination' of 1970.

'Erdogan' in Turkey relates also to 'P-ortugal'. Could be it would also be about the author of 'the Endmorgan Quartet'. As a child I used to get the anti-histamin 'Phenergan' or 'Fenergan' against allergics.

In short, there are many good reasons why it was necessary to write this long website. If the pages of text only are put into a running 10 point A4 format, it seems to come to more than 2000 pages, and adding pictures and title space and all that could mean several thousand pages of normal A5 book format. Enough is enough. If these pages cannot convince people of the need for writing the website, there is no need to continue. The topic is certainly not my field and I have long been on the brink of total despair of having to write another page.

If my hypothesis is fundamentally wrong and based on some fantastic coincidences, then it is high time to stop in any case.

If the hypotheis is right, then it means that the original schedule could have been to design me as a Satan or Dirty Beast who would be blamed for all sorts of tragedies - without even getting the chance to discover it. If so, then it was certainly necessary to write this website.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 5 December 2007
Excerpts from former articles into the above on 5 December 2007