January 2012
John Bjarne Grover
When in the late eighties (I think it was) I apologized to the correlates to Eisenhower doctrine #9, I told to my pale excuse that I had been drunk and was only 20 years old when it happened. That was probably not entirely true - I was born on 29 june 1957 and this was probably closer to christmas in either 1978 or 1979 - I don't think it could have been 1977. My point was to tell of my age, not the exact time point - since most other people in the environments were 10 to 20 years older and I did not have much overview of what was going on. It was the evening when 'Rognerud' told about 'solveig kringlebotten', so to speak.
I see a body of a young woman was found at a royal castle in England on new year's day. It was (tells the news) Alica Dmitrijeva from Latvia (not Portugal!). I don't know to what extent she could have been an 'end-rich hipsen'. She could have been a swede young woman anyhow, of course.
Gen.10:18 contains the form 'ha-RUDI' of RUD which means 'to wander', cp. Beirut (early 80's), rutabaga (swede), Baghdad etc. A classmate of mine 1970-71 was called Rudi. 'Foreskin' = 'for-hud' cp. 'få-rud' = 'requesting RUD'. 'Research council' = 'forsknings-råd'. When my foreskin in 1982 could no longer wait with getting opened, I thought that it could be opened with a little scissoring, but woke up from the anaesthesia with foreskin totally removed - a circumcision done by a norwegian doctor and not by a jewish rabbi. Which was a surprise. Nowadays the condition is solved by a salve but I think that was yet not invented (by research) in 1982. This condition could be unfortunate for the relation to jewish intuition 'guiding the route'.
When in 2009 I lived in Venice and got from Wien Wohnservice an offer for a flat i Vienna, I had three days to find the tenant to appoint to see it, otherwise I would lose the chance. They had told m in advance that my chances were limited. But the telephone connection to the tenant was broken (she could not be constantly on the phone - I think it was mainly 'occupied') so I had to take the chance and went for having a look at least from outside. As I arrived with the train in the early morning, I came to the house and a young woman (no Grannemann type) was just stepping out of the main entrance door to the house. Since this was my chance to get in and maybe there would be no other chance that day (I could not know), I did not take the chance to ask her for permission to enter the stairway/atrium of the house and therefore just went in the door when she left. She had probably waited a little. Could be it even was the tenant? I never came to learn that. Formally it could be said that I had not asked properly, even if she could have been quicker out than she really was, but this clearly is not the same as a rape of a young woman.
'Links to Al Qaida' could have been the pretext for secret surveillance of me with tapping (raping) of my authorship.
In case some young (or other) person has been sexually abused and forensic tests could prove that my genetics has been there, then it is not me who has been there even if my genetics could have landed there - somebody else would have put it there. Schizophrenics with blackouts etc - it is not about me. But my authorship is mine.
A new 'Aktion' called 'Kunst hat recht' for rights to intellectual property is arranged in Vienna in the end of January,as tells an email from Gerhard Ruiss in Autoren/Autorinnen. It seems to suggest that it is 'Kunst' who is right.
There were sounds of shooting in or near the atrium on 5 january, if it were not only firecrackers from new year celebration. Could be it was nothing interesting. Probably not about 'Glasshytta', a glass-maker's workship under the organization 'Plus' in Old Fredrikstad.
I was out for a walk and passed a person clutching his collar. It could in theory have been about illegal tapping of a new manuscript of mine.
The 'Octogon' as a project on me could have its rooting in the name of Joktan in Gen.10:24-29. 'Joktan Ahiu' = 'Young Brother', cp. 'Jung Røver', which of course also applies to Grøver/'Mengele', as could be a trick. It is said that Josef Mengele had a norwegian girlfriend called Almud before he married. 'High Octan' applies to the fuel of e.g. the Challenger disaster (73 seconds after takeoff due to a failure in the 'O-Dichtung') - it was not my sperm that left those foggy traces on the blue sky, in case the idea was that I should have been the 'challenger' to the idea of 'Jung Roever's children mentioned in Genesis. The name of the correlate to Eisenhower doctrine #4 is clearly also relevant to 'Joktan Ahiu'. The construction could mean that Mengele methods can be applied for couping my authorship. Which means that e.g. a Black Sea Loop could serve to hijack my authorship for those for whom Josef Mengele could have been an agent.
I could perhaps once have been the victim of Mengele chemicals myself, in 1959, presumably on 20 january, in the middle of Eisenhower's 'period'. I certainly do not support such methods, but clearly there could be intrigues around on the format 'John er sprø-Jude [gal]' = 'John er sprøyte [gal]' ('John is crazy jew [wrong]', 'John is syringe [wrong]').
Modern Language Review seems to have something like my name in the first title of jan 2012. I hope they don't plan to murder me to revenge some abuse or something like that. Or to steal my authorship under pretexts - see title 13.
A closer study of titles 3 and 11 could be interesting - I don't know if it would be representative: It could refer to Harald Ophus Devold, a brother or cousin of Laura Devold, who in 1931-33 occupied 'Myggbukta' ('Mosquito Bay') on Greenland and declared officially that this bay (or could it have been the whole Greenland?) was annexed by Norway. It led to international crisis and much attention probably via Nansen to the 'må skite bay' in 'migpotta' - leaving a 'heims-kringle' excrement in the potty which is named after the urine ('mig') which can be left there. It means an elemental swap of urine = norwegian (mig) and 'must shit into it' = 'må skite oppi' = english (mosquito) - cp. 'Philpotts' of title 3 - and the idea of 'planting the flag'. 'Bilingualism' as a 'snaky tongue' for the political power in taboos. This bilingualism is preserved in his name as 'Hare Lepus' Devold - (my hare photo is not about this Harald Ophus Devold, but may of course relate to the name-similarity of his with Paganini opus 1) . 'Hare Lopphus' - cp. 'loppekassa'. One could think of this story from 1931-33 as a prelude to Hitler's government in Germany - with 'links to the Eidsvig family' - as a possible norwegian-british responsibility claim on Hitler's government or even his holocaust on background of the essential role of Heimskringla for modern antisemitism.
Title 8 - could it be a St.Pölten program or something like that?
'Alice Cooper' was included in the american 'Hall of fame' in I think 2010, according to news. I remember from the schooldays the talk in the schoolyard of how Cooper on stage held a living rat in its tail over his open mouth and ate it raw and living. Horror story - but it could have been a story only, told in the schoolyard, which could have applied to the name of 'Alizia Kezeradze'.
Tapping information from devices or spaces can be legal or illegal. Suspicion of espionage can be a reason for spying on people. Truth is not the forte of England. Could be the matter of possible agency for England of some of the nazi war criminals is something which could deserve more historic spotlight.
Humour is not murder and murder is not humour.
I hope England is not planning an attack for getting my authorhip under control - couping it or something like that.
I add the story that I lived in Nilserudkleiva in the second half of 1994. I shaved (a trick I had learnt in probably the first half of the seventies) the last two years in Oslo before I moved to Bergen in the summer 1995. It could have been in 1996 (or maybe 1995) that I was to the cafe 'Permanenten' in a ground floor of I think some visual art institution. The Challenger disaster was in 1986, while Adorno died in Visp in 1968 and was transported home in a coffin (made of zink).
There can be the theory that the Wanckelmotor of the 'rockpedos' etc is an administrative principle driven by the fuel of genetic incest (not custody relations, but near genetic kins can of course marry without knowing it). Could be a Black Sea Loop is thought of as such a principle. There exists a word 'vemodig' in norwegian which is translated 'sad', 'wistful' (not about the latvian woman) in my dictionary. Could be one could add 'nostalgic' which does not mean the same but is in an associative relation - 'vemodig' is a slightly melancholic mood. Which does not mean that 'V-modig' suggests that 'Paul Antschel' was a british agent from Vienna 1947. (Somebody once used the word in a way which I could not forget). It is perhaps equally likely that Felix Wanckel - an autodidact who invented the motor and made it run for the first time in 1957 - could have represented the concept of 'Alica Schwanger'. There is no need to postulate that all continental postwar poets of some importance were british agents.
Vse-lamp-odig = the overnatural light of Lucia by consecration of Russia?
It was probably not Raino Malnes who was into Rekustad for turning the tap in late 1977, causing water damage to the ground foundation log. According to MLR oct 1977, it could have been about Reynold-Milnes - cp. 'Lewinsky' and 'vann-skade' = 'water damage'.
Alica Dmitrijeva was found at King's Lynn near Wisbech, at Sandringham, according to news. I have not been climbing around and I think I skip that possibly 'long scan' of my brain with the new digital X-ray tools which could be more or less under NATO control. Could it be more ridiculous than 'digital X-ray'? Isn't that only to ask for the pre-installed secret service scan - or for the 'interactive' rays?
Added on 17 january 2012:
There exists the alternative theory which can be derived from Genesis chapter 10, around verses 24-29, which suggests that Arphaxad, Selah and Eber are names of relevance for Joktan (who is son of Eber along with Peleg). Arphaxad could be Nelly Sachs, Selah = Celan from Antschel, and Eber = Nathan Milstein. According to this theory, Celan would be my genetic grandfather and Milstein the father, and Sachs would then be the genetic grandmother with an anonymous generation between. She would then be 'the old mother' = 'Aldo Moro'.
This theory tells that I could be in the role of Joktan with 13 children listed and these could represent names of people of much cultural importance - musicians, actors etc. If, for example, these are exposed through Hollywood and other media, there is a large public. One easily finds some good examples, and I can find some reasons by of way of my personal experience for taking some faith in the theory, although it is of course sometimes difficult to tell what is the impact of administration. (In my novel 'The Dreamer', there are some of these). At what age is it medically possible to be a father? With injections of testosteron and use of sleeping pills, one can probably get fertile material out of a boy down to age 3-4-5-6, or at least 10-11, is my guess, although it is probably difficult to say anything specific about an individual (and I know little or nothing about this).
One could speculate, although it is not really permitted to continue speculations on this meagre basis, that my first four addresses could have been 1) Molde = helmet removal, 2) Oslo = rape, 3) Hammerfest = chemicals and 4) Odda (1960-62) = elicited ejaculation. But I have very little reason to believe so - except, perhaps, for the strong memory of the 'rathunt' behind the house in Odda, wherein I (according to memory) with a broom hit a friendly rat on its paw so that it started bleeding and the rat was deeply disappointed - followed by a terrible conscience of mine with a feeling of flames rising from my shoulders.
If the guesswork is right, then one could speculate that the return to Molde in 1962 could have been accompanied by a new 'helmet'. It could, in theory, have been about a 'helmet' of Gröver/'Mengele'. This is also where I first got interested in a girl living in the same house. We moved on to Volda in 1964 and then back to Molde a third time where we stayed untill 1970.
Gröver/'Mengele' had oversized false teeth installed before he left in 1990 - they could have served to represent 'joke-Zahn'. The word 'joktan' means 'unimportant', 'unworthy', 'young' - and could perhaps be a part of the reason why I am kept low in my career (what a bad reason). Mengele had the norwegian girlfriend Almud (Gen.10:26) and one can think of the purpose with the whole construction as creating a large public interface controlled by administration through various means for a general hijacking of the public response via Mengele methods elsewhere. This would constitute a political project on the 'papa' which then could be about the Vatican - could be as a part of the anglican war against the catholics since Henry VIII.
The theory would probably presuppose that it would seem very unlikely - as the initial probablity of the theory - that I should have been the father of many prominent musicians and actors. One aspect of this could be the notable black thick hair of Sachs, Celan and Milstein against my light and thin hair - looks not probable. This hair could perhaps - utterly theoretically - have been replaced with swapping 'helmet' with another newborn in 1957, and other aspects of my physiognomy could have been affected for making the theory unlikely. My musical abilities are very small, although the genetics could perhaps be more promising than the factual historic performance.
It was after Sachs and Celan had met in 1960 - or after Celan had been to Odda in september the same year - that I met my fantasy friend Gori, who could be the background of the vice president Al Gore, telling of this role of my 'authorship'. A general hijacking of my authorship would then be an integral part of the same cultural 'project', including possible plans of controlling the pope in the Vatican, possibly even a la 1975.
A further aspect of such a 'papa' function could be to create fuel for the Wanckel-motor running on genetic incest.
I have been working with a new book called 'And hang under the Justcan keys' (poetic prose, sort of) which in theory could be the background of the disaster of the ship called Costa Concordia of Costa Crociere at the 'tuscan coast' on 13 january 2012. The boat 'kissed' the coast. There are two theories which could relate this disaster to my new book: 1) The first title of MLR january 2012 could be a rewrite of my book title (this title was registered for the first time on 12 december 2011) and hence a possible responsibility claim on this disaster - which could be for the purpose of hijacking my authorship e.g. along the principles above. 2) The disaster took place some hours after I had sent an email to CERN earlier in the same day. One could make the theory that CERN could be involved in a largescaled hijacking of my authorship and its relevance for a theory with much explanatory force of neutrino speed: No sooner had the email gone to CERN, a surveyor who followed it concluded that it would be an optimal chance to pull the other way for getting CERN off a swindle project. This could typically have been the italian secret services who contacted the captain on board the ship and asked him to crash the boat into the coast, for 'telling' them something in CERN. The reason told to the captain would be that it could rescue Italy from a future war. It was the wording in my email to CERN which could suggest that this theory had some relevance: "sends a shiver down the spine... what Descartes saw...". The ship Costa Concordia ran into a cliff which ripped up the side of the boat for which reason it could have been about 'de[t] skar te sIDEN' ('it ripped to the sIDE') = 'Descartes IDEN' = 'the idea of Descartes', plus 'sends a shiver down this Bein' - the Bein of the seaside rock = the 'Schönbein', the 'sjöen-bein' = the 'sea-bone/leg'.
Which theory is the most likely? Well, I would say that the first theory looks most easily understandable, and the second theory suffers from the problem of being too complex: It would have to mean either 1) that CERN should not get involved in swindle on my theories and work since it was my idea = IDEN, or 2) that CERN should not get involved in my theories since it could disturb the power balance of the world, which would be to give me right in what I said about political resistance in my email. The first of these presuppose very quick work after the email had gone (I wrote the email right before I sent it), while the second looks too heroic.
The most likely explanation is therefore that I had seen the title in MLR jan 2012 and made a subconscious guess that Patricia Novillo-Corvalan meant Friday the 13th and therefore I got (subconsciously) the idea of sending this mail to CERN. When the disaster hit later in the day, it looked to me as if it were Italy who had done it for heroically helping me defend my authorship (after all, we should share interests about the future), which had a sort of pleasant effect on me. My email therefore served to turn the attack on my authorship around and this could perhaps be the most natural explanation.
There were also some news which could suggest that there were passengers on board with a more or less vague connection to the contents of my book, although this is less likely. 'Snekke' is a word for a certain small boat in norwegian. (The story of the body of Alica Dmitrijeva found on new year's day could perhaps be seen as potentially related to some aspects of my book).
The side-ripping and the reference in my email are puzzling, though, although it could of course be that Descartes could have been a part of the contents of a planned grounding anyhow. The side would, though, naturally have to do with my book title and the idea of 'hanging over/under'. 'Draft' is also the norwegian word for 'sea-map'. The news told that the explanation produced by the shipping company was that the rock was not on the sea-map (sounds strange). Which could be about ideas of 'copyright' to manuscripts in which surveyors and burglars have made changes - as if a burglar gains copyright to a manuscript by making a change in it while the author is out. Cp. the last main title (#13) of MLR jan 2012: "Debating Detectives", which could be interpreted as if there had been various detectives in while I was out and these could debate what was in the original 'draft'.
It did happen in the course of the afternoon, after I had sent the email to CERN but before the disaster, that I started the computer and it would not start properly - I had to make several reboots for getting it up. I had used it earlier in the afternoon, then closed it down with two directory windows open, which I think should not be a problem, and then when I started it again later in the afternoon it was difficult to start. I sent an email to myself about it and it can be attested by that. I thought about remote-controlled sabotage but do not yet know if such is possible. I thought in fact that it could have been the 'answer' from CERN, which could mean that they planned to swindle on my theory, but I do not know anything about how they relate to these things there. Could be they have been contacted by norwegian or british 'scholars' who claim that these are their ideas and that I am a swindler - which would be to turn things around, but maybe CERN has already listened to them.
My PEB can also be used to prove that the official year of publication of Descartes' main work is true, not false.
Isn't it soon time to understand what these things are about? If England announces in advance this disaster and it goes according to plans etc etc, how come it is left totally unmentioned in the news and everybody just wait for the next preannounced terror to strike? Is this all and only for keeping my person as a 'Joktan', an 'unimportant' person 'unworthy' of mention?
Here is the email I sent to CERN:
Neutrino speed
FROM:John Grover
Friday, January 13, 2012 1:02 PM
On my home page http://johnbjarnegrover.com/ you find the page http://johnbjarnegrover.com/neutrinos.htm which tells how neutrino speed faster than light can find an explanation in the phenomenon of two forms of time, and the reason why one can expect political resistance to the explanation.
This field of study, although the philosophical framework can be old, is new with me as an attempted branch of the exact sciences (poetic logic) for studies of such phenomena.
It is the empirical fact that my 2008-2010 work 'POLAKK English Bloggi' can be used to date texts with much precision which proves that there exists a deeper logic which controls the development of historic time. My work can apparently date e.g. a tragedy of Sophokles (5th cent BC) or a philosophical study of Proclus (5th cent AD) or a story by Kleist (1800) with a precision plus/minus a year or two. This sends a shiver down the spine when one understands what it means - it must have been what Descartes saw when he started talking about humans as 'machines' and 'automata' - and it means that there is a deeper logic controlling the form of historic time. This 'form of time' is what I have studied in my Endmorgan Quartet (some 1800 poems). It means that Einstein is not refuted by neutrino data - it means that the speed of light is the upper limit for speed through historic time but information or even substance can travel faster through poetic time. It probably also means that a poetic logic can be developed for constructing new technologies.
The political resistance is probably large but intellectual integrity can take it for granted that the old broomriding of Heimskringla is not the future.
Best wishes,
John Bjarne Grover
1152 Vienna
Added on 19 januar 2012:
I add that the disaster of the Concordia ship could have its background in the ad which came up in Vienna for 'parship.at' around 29 december 2011. It seemed to be based on a study I wrote on my home computer a few days earlier of a photo I had taken on 18 december 2011. There are in the ad for 'parship.at' some traces of this analysis of the photo (the red spot) plus some traces of the part of my new book 'And hang under the Justcan keys' called 'The photo' (mention of a man who stands behind a woman with his hands on her shoulders). This ad immediately put me in a bad mood, in contrast to the very good mood I had been in before it came up, due to the book manuscript I had then just completed typing into my computer. It is therefore not impossible that 'Concordia' could refer to this 'pair of ships'. (The MLR jan 2012 seems to have come up on internet some time after 31 december 2011 and I think it said that the shipping of printed copies would start on 9 january 2012). I add also that I think it was on friday 13th jan that I travelled with a tram and it took a surprise track towards Westbahnhof, which was to follow another route than it should and it had to switch tracks for making it, running closer in towards the housewall than the normal track which goes further out in the street. There was information on the loudspeakers on the change of route and most people stepped off. This was probably at 09:50-52 in the morning - and the Concordia disaster seems to have been exactly 12 hours later (although I think I read in a newspiece that it was closer to 8 - but most newspieces said it was closer to 10 in the evening). If there is a connection, then one could guess that the ship even could have been delayed for reaching that place at this time point, if the purpose were to correlate it with the morning time point and the tram. If so, it could suggest that they follow not only my computer cursor from minute to minute, or second to second, but even my movements around town. What sort of horrible abuse that would be! Is it left to me to tidy up in this abuse - to battle NATO and England etc? What sort of behaviour is that - against this lonely writer who sits there writing without even getting the books published? My work is copyrighted and I have not given permission to take any copies from my computer.
Today there are news that Kodak has filed for bankruptcy. Is this another co-? Hebrew Sh-P-H ('shapah', cp. 'Kaufleute' as a typical designation of 'the merchants of Canaan') can mean 'bare' or other aspects of the concept of 'border'. LSJ?
My web page was from 2004 to 2009 under the Yahoo domain called 'geocities', untill it was closed in october 2009 and I moved my page over to the present domain and the old page was closed - the whole domain, including many other people's home pages. A year or two later I discovered that somebody else must have asked for having the old page up again, and, extraordinarily, it was opened in spite of the domain being closed. I don't know how long it had been up when I discovered this. It turned out that I even paid for the old page - and the scandal was that my old contact page with my old Venice address still was on the net without me being able to edit the page and change that old address. It means that people could have sent post to me to that address and I would not have got it - in general, I am still not certain whether the postal connections generally functiom. After some struggle, I finally managed in april 2011 to have the old page closed and believed that the problem was solved. But now I see that it is up again - I don't know how long it could have been up this time. I have written to them again and hope that they will close the old page as soon as possible.
Here is the old home page http://www.geocities.com/johnbjarnegrover
with the old contact page http://www.geocities.com/johnbjarnegrover/contactpage.htm.
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 11 january 2012
Last updated 19 january 2012