20 november 2022 - comment #2 this day
John Bjarne Grover
In the article 'The submorphemic sign reconsidered', I discuss the following scheme:
↑ ↓
C ⟵ B
A = acoustic language, inner poetic articulations
B = hand-writing technology, handwritten manuscripts
C = bookprinting technology, the printed poetry book
D = phrase structure, Bible and Talmud parallel texts in 'phrases'
I here present the interesting interpretation of this in the chinese Tang dynasty poet Li Duan's fourline poem
which in my translation goes as follows:
Tomorrow yesterday
Spoke yesterday the precious millet's measure
the first handwritten beauty's homely thing,
it now wants help the youth regain the treasure
that chanced for the assistant stroke of string.
One notices the similarity with the puzzling phenomenon mentioned in this file - the millet exloded in the fridge and the brown substance on the glass plate in the bottom of the fridge - including the kaputt main fuse right above the fridge.
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 20 november 2022