25 march 2021

John Bjarne Grover

There was a mass shooting in Boulder in Colorado recently and a policeman called 'Eric Talley' was shot. From the rewrite form 'a ralle-tuckey' one can associate with a finger tucked inbetween the hemispheres of an open newborn brain (cp. f-'Ingrid Betancourt'?) or, more relevant to the current times, into the lungs - wherefrom a deep rumble sound can be heard in the moment when the soul is about to leave the body of a person in the process of dying - that last deep rumble sound is called 'ralle' in norwegian.

When I returned to Vienna on 2 march 2021 after more than 7 months in Venice, I found in the fridge under the fusebox a brown puré-like mass on the bottom glass (a few decilitres it was - but it didn't smell) and it looked as if a 'granat-apfel' had exploded - seeds had apparently been shot out in large amounts and were stuck to the fridge ceiling and walls (but not the bottom) - but these seeds were rather small and would not ordinarily have been from such an apple - they looked in fact like small rice so maybe it was only some sort of rice or seeds that had been shot out from the 'brown amorphous mass' somehow. (I dont think I had left anything like that in the fridge when I left - it was rather empty of decayables). I recognized the scene from my poem TEQ #1493:

What do you say?
A pure puré!


mentioned in the article The metaphysics. I had three plants which I have had for a decade and in particular one of them was a good friend (it had grown to be more than 2 meters high - or 'tall') who had lived through many stages - I had left these outside before I went to Italy in july 2020 and on my return they had not survived the winter. Could be, therefore, this was the goodbye from one of them when it gave up the spirit - as 'a ralle-tuckey': It had lived tucked into a flowerpot for about a decade before it died.

The main fuse in the box right above the fridge had also gone kaputt while I was away - could have been in the same moment? - and I lived in darkness with candle vigil untill an electrician came and repaired it on 4 march.

I notice that the incident in Boulder to which the policeman had come when he was shot could be called a 'ran' ('robbery', even if that normally involves theft of valuables) - and hence he would have been a sort of 'Ran-unkel' - see 'Unter Gesellschaft #30' ('bescheren' can mean 'cut', e.g. flowers or hair, but often it means the handing out of christmas presents) - including the 'purkinje' light. See the reference to 'purkinje' person #5 - the 'Negerin in blauem Kleid'. (To which some reference could also be made to the mirror poem to #1493 - which is #227).

The sum of this could suggest that the policeman in Boulder served the significational role of Caravaggio's Jesus in the story - and hence the 'Shroud of Turin' could have been a possible assocation.

However, I tried to photograph the rice but the semi darkness when the lights were out allowed for only one unsharp glimpse of some of it - before I switched to flashlight but then even the battery in the camera went empty - and I could not recharge it in the quarantine condition. Here is the only photo I got of it - the seeds were spread out like this more or less all over the inside of the fridge except for the bottom plate.

7 months of post was lost and I had to give up - at least so far - my attempt to find a foothold in Italy. The global coronavirus curve had been steepdiving in plankstraight line since vaccinations started in early january - and one should believe that it was because of the vaccinations that it went so straight downwards - but around mid february it suddenly turned and is now on its way upwards again.

Of course some could be inclined to believe that the name 'Eric Talley' would be a proof that the news from Boulder were fake news (not long after this article came on the web), but the story I have told here suggests that it need not be the explanation.

Added 29 march 2021: A friendly communication from the hotel in Venice led me (via my DDS rel #114n = DDS abs #202) to the finding of the chinese radical 202 as apparently essential for this story of the 'Eisgrotte' fridge:

This radical, tells Matthew, means 'glutinous panicled millet' which indeed could look like just the seeds around the inside of the Eisgrotte. In particular the old versions of the sign could look like the amorphous substance on the bottom glass plate with the 'millet' shot out around. The relevant poems of DDS are #114n and #138.

The sign is pronounced SHU, like that HAN-SHU? I noticed an earthquake in the Adriatic sea some days ago - it was only 10 kms or so from the little island Sushac which on the map looks like my ex nihilo graphics of the 'indian' riding his fantasy horse on his way to the stars, while the girl plays piano in the background:

There was also a cargo ship stuck in the Suez canal recently.

In the file The octogon, I discuss briefly the question whether the people (women) in the 'octogon' were former famous rock stars and poets with a maximal media spread. I mentioned the theory that Jette Råboe Larsen from Denmark could have been Janis Joplin. Did I have any reason for such speculations? Well, the basis was (somewhat vaguely, and not sufficiently) in Eisenhower doctrine #3 - and I later found the socalled 'keys to heaven' with the three sets of pairs of greek verses or fragments. Those which apply to #3 are the following:

Verse 2 Verse 5 poion eis Ioppen = po Johnis Joplin
Verse 25 Verse 19 ton Petron peri tou = tompet rompe ri 2 = jette raaboe larsen?
Verse 33         Verse 46         paragenomenos glossais         = seeds

('Kjede' = 'chain'). The theory is that the event with the refridgerator on my return home could be a mystic 'archetype' of some sort and that this could have been the basis for an associative link between Larsen and Joplin. The link would then have been in the combination of verses 33 and 46:

If paragenomenos = the seeds spread around in the fridge, could be in a sort of 'panicled' form, with 'glutinous' attachment, the russian GLOSA = flatfish, solea solea = shoe/footsole = the heap of brown substance on the glass plate? The story of Rekustad with the ice on the floor - and possibly some schimmel on the wall at a later time? - could have been for just this archetype. Would Larsen's own flat - whereto I 'moved over' in the winter 1977-78 - have been of the type wherein it is natural to hop, step and jump the seeds all over on walls and ceiling? Hm, could be there is some such logic in the human nature.

The texts of Joplin's songs seem to tell of this refridgerator when coming home from a travel - it seems that one reads them in trivial 'hangover' and 'drugs/drags' format - like 'cry baby' = 'crabbe by' (on the glass plate). Three examples will do:

1. https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/janisjoplin/crybaby.html
2. https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/janisjoplin/ohsweetmary.html
3. https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/janisjoplin/caterpillar.html

Added 30 march 2021:

Today I solved the last little part in this story. The eczemas in my hands were bad before I left Vienna for Venice on 27 july 2020 but they soon healed in Italy. On my return 2 march 2021 the old eczemas soon returned and after a few days it was as before. These eczemas are the following:

On the outer joint on two fingers left hand
In the righthand palm
On the other joint of the fingers on the right hand

This could be telling of the 'joint' between the two names above:

ton Petron peri tou = tompet rompe ri 2 = thumb-pet rompe ri-2

That is the thumb-ball eczema and the mirrors left and upside in the palm, like a bottom, and the 'ri-2' on the finger joints. It is only when I had found the puzzling 'rügepflicht' that I understood what it was: I looked up 'rügen' in Grimm and found that it had three basic meanings: 1) to blame, accuse, 2) a causative on the same, and 3) to row. Since this could be about the bathtub waters with the wheel for opening and closing the cork in the bottom, I looked up 'rügewasser' and from there a reference to 'rügeopfer' where there is a quote from J.Wittel: "umb etlicher willen, sol man [etc]". What is 'UMB', I said to myself and looked it up, but cannot find it anywhere. However, Grimm's 'Wörterbuch' has this 'UMBAND' which looked interesting - type 'umband' in the search field 'Stichwort suchen' here and press 'enter'. The text comes up, as also in my paper edition where, though, 'umband' and 'umbänderlein' are under one entry:

"umband, m., nur vereinzelt; das herumbinden: die binde (um die armwunde musz) nicht die seiten des armes drücken, sondern nur die beugung und vordertheil des armes, wie denn auch mit dem zeige- und mittelsten finger die öffnung währenden umbandes zuzuhalten allgem. haushalt.-lex. 1, 48b; concret, der verband: zawiric der umband, der verband Bandtke poln.-dtsch. wb. 2, 1872a. — umbänderlein, n., demin. zu einem sonst unbelegten umband, n.: crinale haarbandt, umbbänderlein Frischlin nomencl. (1591) 315".

The puzzling definition was hard to understand: Just how is it attached to the arm - 'nicht die seiten des armes drücken, sondern nur die beugung und vordertheil des armes, wie denn auch mit dem zeige- und mittelsten finger'? Ah, but that is when the eczemas are meaningful: There are eczemas on the 'zeige- und mittelsten finger' and in the 'beugung' of the palm but not in the mid of it.

Then I discovered that it was not impossible to recognize names from the cabinet of Sebastian Kurz' second government - distributing mirror-symmetrically on word level. The mid word (cp. the mid 'sobreiro' of the 3rd secret of Fatima) is the '[ge]-währenden' = 'Sebastian Kurz', flanked by 'die öffnung umbandes' which perhaps could mean 'Werner Kogler'. Could be 'Margarete Schramböck' is in the end and beginning, while 'Alma Zadić' could be seen in 'and: zawiric' minus the mirror-symmetric 'wie denn'.

But this means, whether this correlation is intended and systematic or not, that there is such a link via the UMBAND to 'my cold spinde-legger' as described in this file. ('Legger' = 'lays' is the word used about the poultry when they lay the eggs).

I recall when I studied the cartoons in The New Yorker for the Charlie Hebdo massacre (12 years, 2 months and 3 weeks before) that there seemed to be traces of a drawing ('cartoon'?) I myself made in Bergen in the second half of the 1990's - where there was, I think, mention of 'Mozart' (or 'motsatt' - sth like that) and the word FATLE (cp. also the 'J.Wittel') - which is norwegian for a cloth to rest the forearm in if it is sick - the FATLE is bound around the neck. Indeed, 'Charlie Hebdo' could even mean just the delicate wheel for lifting the lever to the bottom cork in the bathtub up and down - a 'drar-lie heb-do'. The shell-looking ('shell-lie') wheel to turn for lifting the bathtub cork up and down could perhaps be turned by 'um-band', while norwegian 'do' = 'loo' = 'das he-rumb-inden'. Would 'heb' be in 'm., nur vereinzelt'? Hm, could be.

There are, though, reasons to believe that the 15 cartoons of The New Yorker for 28 october 2002 - which was 12 years 2 months and The attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris was on 7 january 2015. Subtracting 12 years 2 months and 3 weeks takes it back to 17 october 2002: There was an issue of The New Yorker on 14 october 2002 - which contained as much as 33 cartoons, according to the edition I have available - and on the next week 21 october there was nothing (so maybe there is an error of dating in the edition I have?) - but more interesting is the next issue which was on 28 october 2002 - which was 12 years 2 months and 11 days earlier: Hence if the interesting interval is 12 years 2 months and 12 days, which is the interval between the founding meeting in ÖVP on 17 april 1945 and my birthday on 29 june 1957, this clearly is the issue. I here reproduce the 15 cartoons from that issue and add the parallel text from Grimm's UMBAND article - as a suggested and probably possible interpretation:

Cartoon #1: Um-band
Cartoon #2: m., nur vereinzelt; das he-rumb-inden:
Cartoon #3: die binde nicht die seiten des armes drücken, (= wrong way somehow)
Cartoon #4: (um die armwunde musz)
Cartoon #5: sondern nur die beugung
Cartoon #6: und vordertheil des armes
Cartoon #7: wie denn auch mit dem zeige- und mittelsten finger
Cartoon #8: die öffnung währenden
Cartoon #9: umbandes zuzuhalten
Cartoon #10: allgem. haushalt.-lex. 1, 48b;
Cartoon #11: concret, der verband: zawiric
Cartoon #12: der umband, der verband Bandtke poln.-dtsch. wb. 2, 1872a. — umbänderlein, n., demin. zu einem sonst unbelegten umband,
Cartoon #13: n.: crinale haarbandt, umbbänderlein [that is, aa, bb, cc]
Cartoon #14: Frischlin nomencl.
Cartoon #15: (1591) 315

Cp. also the terror in Vienna on 2 november 2020, the evening before the US election - with this 'ton Petron peri tou' relative to Gryfice etc and the 'royalist' interests in the 'arbitrary lamb' contained in the assumed name of the shooter 'Fejzulai Kujtim'. The palm of the hand would be the 'rüge' and the two finger joints on the other side the 'umstand'.

I have earlier also referred to the norwegian-english dictionary I got from my younger sister Tone Helene Grøver in Rome in 1981 - where there is printing error top left on page 326: The cue letter is erroneously T while it should have been R - cp. Grimm's 'nicht die seiten des armes drücken, sondern nur die beugung und vordertheil des armes'.

Spider also seems to have told this story years in advance in Vilnius with the spin-de-legger carpet in the end of the bathtub. Turning wheel-news?

April: Could be this 'mystic object' is the reason why my applications were (organized to be) failed. Not so mystic!

Why I have stayed outside Austria since 27 july 2020


Grimm, J. & W.: Deutsches Wörterbuch. (33 volumes). DTV 1991 Nachdruck von Ausgabe Leipzig 1985.

Kirkeby, Willy A.: Norsk-engelsk ordbok. Kunnskapsforlaget Aschehoug-Gyldendal, fjerde utgave, printed in Norway, Norbok Oslo/Gjøvik 1978

Mathews: Chinese-english dictionary. Harvard 1931/1943.

Vasmer, M.: Russisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. (3 volumes). Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1953, 1979.

The complete cartoons of The New Yorker. Ed. Robert Mankoff. Including 2 CDs with 68647 cartoons ever published in the magazine. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, New York 2004.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 25 march 2021
Last updated 30 march 2021