New burglary in my house in Szolnok

John Bjarne Grover

There has been a new burglary in my house in Szolnok - somebody had broken into the attic and rooftiles are missing - wooden lists which held the rooftiles seem to have been broken off and it is not probable that this could have been due to age and weight of the tiles - it has left two holes through which rainwater could have been running for months and it is likely that the inner wooden beams of the inner ceiling are destroyed by humidity and can fall down. It is the third time there is a serious burglary in the house.

The previous burglary was in 2019 and, as far as I understood, the police put the investigation aside without a conclusion. The insurance company Generali has probably not paid any compensation money, but since the bank does not provide me with ins and outs of the account, only the balance once a year or so, I do not know if Generali could have paid any. Probably not, tells the balance. I later speculated that the second burglary was the background of Covid-19 which broke out rather exactly half a year later, at the time of the election in Steiermark in Austria.

This time the burglary was in the attic, which can be accessed from a little platform outside. The attic door had been locked with a padlock which has been broken up and the remains of it - the metal curve - was left hanging in the hole of the latch while the door was outside it - there are two holes in the latch - so this 'logical paradox' tells that it is impossible that it was not a 'Handwerker' who had been there.

On 6 april (and again on 5 may) I received an email from a name I did not recognize but which contains the morph 'ko'. The email from 'Sziget Street, Hungary' told that there was a big hole in the roof of the 'hause'. I believed that it could have been a sort of hype about the Sziget rock festival in Hungary.

(By the way, I notice that 6 april was at the time when Macron and von der Leyen were in China. It is perhaps possible to construct a frail complex from the names: 'Xi' → "it is not so certain", 'von der Leyen' → "that a majority of the people", 'Macron' → "are so very monarchic"?).

For paying the el, gas, water bills for my house in Szolnok, I have used OTP ('Országos Takarék-Pénztár' = 'National Savings Bank') Bank. It is not the only bank in Hungary but maybe the only one for which you can expect to find some office in most places. Some months ago I received a notification of 'mandatory customer due diligence process', which sounds strange but turned out to be a call for return of filled-in forms by personal presence at one of their offices. The deadline for this was set at 9.15.2023 which probably should mean 15 september 2023. Since I did not have the time to go there immediately and since there was a lot of time left, I postponed it untill later - but some days ago I received the enclosed renewed call for the same, with the claim that I had 'failed to comply with our client due diligence request' and therefore the bank had been forced to cancel some of its services for my account from 15 september onwards, unless I came to one of their offices with the filled-in forms before this deadline. Since it could follow from some of the form material that the purpose could be to turn roles around, this aspect could perhaps be about a conception of the role as 'not serious'. See also the indexes in the top left of the letter.The big 'R' could perhaps be reminiscent of Hitler's postcard (from this file), cp. also the 'hochachtungsvoll'.

On 26 july 2023 I went to their office in Szolnok and had to wait for a considerable time. The progress of the queue numbers on the display even skipped mine in the count but I was eventually let through. It turned out that the woman behind the counter had to type my english forms into her hungarian computer, then a printout was made and I had to sign on these. The printouts did not resemble mine but probably contained the same material, but I did not have the time or chance to read through it in hungarian so I am I not certain what I signed. I got the filled-in english forms in return - these are the ones reproduced below. Hopefully it was not a smart trick for making it possible to claim that "he has personally signed a declaration that he is an agent" or something like that.

Since I had guessed this possible aspect in advance, I also gave them the below letter, which they accepted.

OTP letter page 1, OTP letter page 2, OTP letter page 3, OTP letter page 4, OTP letter page 5, OTP letter page 6, OTP letter page 7, OTP letter page 8

Added 29 july 2023:

If the burglary were political, it could even have been for imitating a chomskyan phrase structure link from Szolnok to Turkey (with the earthquakes some time ago). The door to the attic had been locked with the padlock but the lock itself had been torn off and only the metal bow was left hanging - like an upside-down 'J'. The door had been left open and resting against this bow on its outside, not on the inside as when it was locked. This could be called 'J in so far' - the door could be closed so far but not further without taking the 'J' out.

This could be recognized in the story of the sofa and the 'Vas Gereben' = 'iron[ing] tool' J mark in Budapest in the 1980's (see chapter 3 - search for The ratio 1/2 and the 'Vas Gereben' data). Is it the meaning that I shall be blamed for a horror-wave of a Black Sea Loop because it was my padlock in the attic door and my hand that pressed the iron tool down in the sofa in Budapest in probably christmas 1984? In 1984-86 I lived in Kornmoveien, 'Tårnåsen' - cp. 'tornoffen' - outside Oslo. I did not find the padlock itself at the attic door, only the metal bow of upside-down J form. I think it is high time for politics to tell the story in clear wording and sufficient detail instead of continueing playing these apparent games.

Some comments under 1 july 2023 (the first entry in this file), and some potentially interesting things in this file - where there also is mention of some potentially important element in 'locksmith's VAN parked by the telephone box'. (Some time after I had bought the house in 2015, I discovered that a rooftile was missing and I repaired it from the attic - but it had to be admitted that this constituted a potential danger if people could just climb up there and remove a rooftile - for which reason I found that I needed to lock the attic door with a padlock). It must be realized that the whole complex looks like a rather elaborate structure screwed together in much detail and with much apparent precision. Is it the plan to use me as scapegoat? I do hope I get the retire pension next year - the question is the ticking of the box in the registration of me in the state's social insurance system in Norway. Will they manage to follow up the promises - or will they deny me the pension because 'he was not a member' since the box was not ticked? 'A locksmith's VAN parked by the telephone box'? I see the situation arising - no pension letter, no functioning telephone for reaching the services in Norway, I struggle with putting the coins into the telephone box, the clock is ticking - but there is no connection. Time goes, nobody heard about you, the perfect scapegoat for a horror wave around the Black Sea. Politics should be mature enough to understand that there is no purpose in running such apparent games if it is all known in advance and can be avoided easily. Who burglared my house? It seems the police cannot help me. (If Generali have not paid the insurance money to my bank account, would that have been because the police had told me that it was 'my own citizenship' who had done it?) I should perhaps not believe anything before I see the retire pension going into my bank account. The agreement with the social insurance office was very crystal clear and confirmed twice - I think I spoke with a 'midwife' for this pension issue both in the former 'Office for pensions abroad' and also after it was organized under the new 'NAV' - that I get my pension anyhow, whether member or not, and I should not have to worry anything more about that. This recent burglary seems to suggest the very opposite. If too much political intrigue is based on my authorship without crediting of the source, there could be reasons for alarm. Do they plan the ditch for me? There seems to have been a large amount of illegal plagiarisms and other abuses of my authorship around the world - to the effect that other people have earned the money which I otherwise could have earned. That normally is a basis for economic compensations which should be more than enough for avoiding the ditch, and for a house of somewhat better status than in Szolnok. Many countries could feel that this is the factual situation - which should not be solved by way of a horror wave around the Black Sea. But I cannot solve these problems on my own - and my ability to have an application accepted is near zero.

See also this article for '90 degrees' - the latch had been bent 90 degrees which only meant that they had changed the lock. But this mention of 90 degrees is much older - and in fact the name is Joanna Sokol - not 'Szolnok'.

*         *         *

Later in the day:

News about a boat 'Freemantle Highway' with some thousand cars/autos on board taking on fire outside the coast of the Netherlands.

Guy Freemantle owned Visthouse for a while.

On the corner Szántó Körút / Vas Gereben in Szolnok there used to be a telephone 'box', an automaton on some rack, one of the few in the district. This is now gone - a few years ago. A new sign for WÜRTH may have come up - I am not sure if I recall this right but believe I noticed a sign for 'WÜRTH' or something like that - on the other side of the street intersection relative to where the telephone box used to be. It is not on this June 2021 streetview map photo. (3/8-23: Here is the road intersection - image file name could allude to the name of 'Johan Jørgen Holst').

The news tell that there are now plans of 'SCHLEPPEN' the boat towards land.

My DDS #17 starts: "[Die] Zeit wurde verschleppt" - cp. 'Polizei verschleppt' → 'Poli' = 'Wurst'?

Hence a 'homo' concept in the 'verschleppte' boat - 'gay freemantle' etc?

'Dit, sa IT' = norwegian ideas?

The boat took on fire in the night to the day when I was in Szolnok - it started apparently in the night when I was preparing for leaving with the train - or maybe (I cannot find any time annotations but the earliest newspieces seem to have been around 05:23) when I printed out the letter to the bank - around 03:50 in the morning, to be enclosed with the number of 'tick-the-box' formulas (1-7 above) to the bank.

The boat took on fire outside the Dutch (not Ditch) land. Mark Rutte is dutch PM, cp. 'mark rute' for 'ticked box'.

The newspiece was displayed on a monitor just in front of me on a public tram in Vienna today.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 28 july 2023
Last updated 3 august 2023