Julie Ege and the own key
John Bjarne Grover
I wrote this article before I had checked whether the letting market in Norway has improved. On 15 december 2013 I looked up on the internet 'ventetid i OBOS' = how long time do you need to wait for renting a flat if you go to OBOS, the organization building letting houses in Oslo, before you get the chance? In my days in that town it was 40 years, but now it has sunk to nearly 0. Could be that is the oil money and this article is not interesting any longer. But I would doubt that students age 20 can go to OBOS and rent a flat - I don't know the details but would guess that it is still hard to lock the houseletter out with 'own key' before you have a high enough salary. That could mean that political mythos-theatrical roles attach to persons more ardently than elsewhere in the world. I put the article out anyhow, without having checked in more detail if there is any basis for it left in the world today. A smaller part of the article is also used in another article.
Norway is a country that has long been burdened under the pressure of the Klipra connection, and its culture suffers therefrom. Whether the national and nationalist literature of the 19th century, the sagas telling of the proud traditions of the vikings and the kingdom ruling the world from America to Constantinopel in the middle ages, the 20.000 documents from late medieval times (same number as notes left after Charles Darwin) are authentic or not is far from certain. It is well possible that all this was constructed for making this 'Klipra connection' and thereby turning Norway into a satellite state for angloamerican empiricist power, the little country (small in population but not in geographic spread - if claims in Antarctica is included it is perhaps one of the world's biggest countries) once squeezed between NATO and the Soviet Union and the Warszaw pact. This phenomenon doubtlessly contributes to lending a certain character to the culture, as if they are not permitted to think freely up there.
But then they found oil and now they are bathing in money. The money is accumulating on the state's bank account, billions pouring in every day. The only problem is what to do with the money. The state functions normally with a state budget, ins and outs of money, all accountancies should be correct. There is a mystery how come the salaries and pensions nevertheless (as far as I know) rise quicker than the prices. This has been going on for years and is probably a way of smuggling the oil money into the norwegian pockets.
An important factor for keeping the culture in conformity with the requirements from angloamerican culture with 'thinking forbidden' is in the housing policy. According to the law, people get own legal authority at age 18 and it is doubtful whether they have the legal right to claim housing by parents for more than a few years thereafter. But young people cannot buy own houses and the letting market is private - and normally includes, scandinavian style, that the houseletter has the right to a copy of the key. 'Julie Ege' (appr. 'own key' - 'egen nökkel' - she was born 'Julie Dzuli' and there are elements of 'Jan Dismas Zelenka' upside down in her name) was a popular film star in Norway some decades ago. It means that thinking is not permitted since you cannot lock the flat-owner out. It is his flat!
Throughout the years up to about 2000 it was not possible for me to find a foothold outside Norway quite simply because of residence and work permit restrictions in other countries. After about 2000 there has been a great relief on these restrictions and I can now live abroad in Europe. All or nearly all norwegian governments since 1960 seem to have been based on this single situation in the entrance room to the 'dorothea zimmermann' across the creek in Odda when I visited her at age 3, including the later Al Qaida.
There is the theory that all european states, except, as far as I know, Austria and Germany, have no official house-letting systems that function for more than a small minority. It means that if you cannot buy, then you have to rent a house from normally private persons, and that means that you can be thrown out at any moment - as long as one finds a goodenough reason and that is always possible. Refurbishment urgently needed. In any case, in most countries, the renting contracts are time limited to a few years after which one can ask for renewal but that is never self-evident. It means that if you have not enough money to buy, you will never have a home - and at age 76 you find yourself on the sidewalk with your heap of cardboard boxes and it is raining, quite simply because nobody answers your application for a new home.
This is how thinking verboten is made. If people are thinking, then the houseletter come around with the key to search through your laundry bag while you are out.
There is the theory that all european states except for Austria and Germany have a sensible alternative with state- or municipally owned houses with rented flats with unlimited contracts. It means that you can move into a rented flat and feel reasonably certain that you can remain there for the rest of your life if you behave decently. In addition, there are laws regulating the houserents which prevent them from rising too high. This means that all citizens in the country in principle have the chance to an own home - in fact from the age of 18. It is often possible to find a home for less than 300 euros per months due to the law-restrictions on houserents. This means that people are not dependent on grace from parents as soon as they have acquired own authority. This clearly is of massive political importance. You do not need to own a house - you do not need to be dependent on a bank which can confiscate your flat and leave you in the ditch with a high personal debt 'for the rest of your life'. That is the difference.
The question is then: Why do not Norway spend their billions and trillions and multipillions which the state has on their bank account in building such houses where people can rent on a lifetime basis for a decent monthly sum? That would make 'Julie Ege' less of an unreachable dream.
There is the additional theory that massive political weight is put onto my person in the form of the rewrite R/N on my name, from John Grover leading to 'Jord Gnomen' which is the same as the socalled irish 'leprechaun'. Rewriting back again gives 'leppenes hår' = 'the hair on the lips' which could have been a part of the strategy for the Kennedy assassination in the form of 'the hairs are bending' spooning into 'the biers are hending' = 'the biers are lifting themselves up', encoding important aspects of the archetype of the man-on-wagon lifting himself up on the curbstone, but thereby also 'the biers are Kennedyan', telling that the man-on-wagon was the assassinated US president. This probably is part of the strategy which makes it verboten to think in Norway. Terboven was Reichstatthalter in Norway during the war: Knitbrows verboten. Gröver/'Mengele' told that his childhood football in Klipra was a heap of crushed newspapers wrapped together with a thin cord - and the art was to avoid the knot during headings - although I do not believe that he tried to pre-announce David Cameron thereby.
But there exists another rewrite which is less interesting, and that is in the word 'leprechaun' rewriting into 'depression' by an L/D = LonDon rewrite - it tells of the collapse on Wall Street and the following depression 'down in street' and how that led to the election of Hitler in Germany.
If that should happen again, the multipillions on the norwegian state's bank account can reduce to a heap of zeros over the night. And they have not even a place to sleep and have to sleep in the streets!
Radio Free Service have already had some programs on the phenomenon and it may be a theme of international concern: Why dont they build those cheap rental houses in Norway? It isnt David Cameron? It is likely that if the state built 100 letting houses per day, that would not even be felt on the state's back account: It would perhaps rise a little slower than normal, but nobody would even feel it. They easily build 1 million flats to the 4 million people and the state pays it easily cash and can let them out for 100 euros per month thereafter, and all students have an own home and those who cannot pay the bank loan can move into such cheap ones.
I dont know if the 'leprechaun' really existed in irish mythology or if it is just a late british creation for irish 'hårfin' coffee and things like that - it could have been constructed on my name. It could mean that norwegian 'nisse' which in negative use means the 'man-on-wagon'. Ole Devold was said to have made his fortune on nisse-caps.
It is fully possible that all other european states have not this system of time-unlimited letting contracts - that is, a home with own key for those with low income or even 18 year olds - for the single reason of making Austria and Germany the only possible alternatives for the 'leprechaun' - that is, me, who suffers from such astronomic problems with having an application accepted. If I have a limited rental contract and I have to apply for its renewal, it is a political issue on top level and NATO are trimming their air forces and terror is rising and epidemics spread while waiting for the answer. It is just to accept the application and that's it. Yes, yesyesyes, that's right, but have you seen those massive power potential accumulating (for the nazis, that is!) if we wait just another day? Waitwaitwait...
People cannot understand this problem. An application from me opens up a cosmic chasm in the universe and politics is nothing but this - with massive progress for the nazis - untill the issue is settled. So I have no chance for an income beyond my pension and that means renting a home. I am not in the ordinary category of bank loaners, for the same reasons of not being an ordinary chap. Banking is mythos.
It is the most ordinary chap, tell the official sources. Why doesnt he submit his manuscripts to a publisher? Ah, that must be because he does not want to have them published. So we can help ourselves with a piece of cake and thereafter construct the theory that he is an agent for the british government and have written all this for them to use it in their strategies against Italy and Germany and other states. An enemy! An enemy of the state!
It is the most ordinary chap, tell the official sources. The cosmic gap is between the official version and reality.
Could be this problem is what Indira Gandhi was concerned with solving. It cannot continue this way.
You write a poem and suddenly there is an old cheese in the fridge which you cannot remember from yesterday. And already the next day there have been folks in your laundry when you come home. Therefore it is better to stop writing. That is, unless you have your own key and the society allows for that. There is nothing british empiricism fears more than such sudden and old poetic cheeses.
I don't think Ege was in the porn business, but she worked as model and in film, but clearly the name of 'Jan Dismas Zelenka' could be recognized as relevant to arts of naked females. If Zelenka was the secret key between the role of Kennedy and the Vietnam war, it could of course have a political function.
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 16 december 2013