Mao was not an agent

John Bjarne Grover

The nazis seem to have built a huge administrative structure for the postwar angloamerican administration who hoped to govern the world. An example can be found in the assumption that the Mengele diagonal obtains between rig-vedaen SOMA and the 'lemmesmör' of the Kennedy story. 'Lemmesmör' ('limbsbutter', 'limbs-smear') is likely to be derived from the christian idea that in order for the archetypal man (on wagon) to get into the upper part of the nose-trunk female, the problem of the extremities must be solved. 'Christ' means 'the anointed' and perhaps this idea can be compared with that problem - of how to get the human flesh 'down the gullet' of the female in order to reconstitute the primordial paradisal state. It could also be about the archetypal error which drove Adam and Eve out of paradise. The man-on-wagon is without extremities, hence he has better chances, so to speak. But for a normal person, limbs-smear can be needed. The limbs-butter of the masturbator who ejaculates on (or over!) the newborn cortex is then the attempt to create an identity of the limbs-butter anointing the body on the outside and the 'limbs-butter' that can be recognized as the genetics, the sperm, and the political project is then to make the child believe that the outer genetics is the same as that inner genetics, that is, that the masturbator is the child's real father.

It seems that the program of Kennedy was to create an identity between this limbsbutter and the rig-vedaen SOMA. That Mengele diagonal would have been for the program of materializing thought or spiritual state.

This can be recognized in e.g. the nazi camp Mauthausen when the beginning of the word is moved to the end, for Utha-SOMA = outside-inside DIAGONAL soma.

'Stutthof' can be thought of as STUT-hof or OX-hof for the naming function that can turn poetry into reality. This would have been for the british program of identifying poetic logic as NAZI.

It seems that there could be a current program, attested in Krarup Nielsen's book, of trying to prove that Mao must have been an agent and that he was a poet for just those reasons. Mao-Thousand (or 2000) should then be one of the basic proofs. The main bulk of the socalled proof would, though, consist in the puzzling phenomenon - and this is the interesting observation which is not trivial - that Mao's poetry seem to circle around the landscape and concepts attached to Korinth in Greece. If one comes with the railway from Patra in the direction Athens, this is a striking phenomenon around Korinth.

This could be e.g. the background of norwegian PM Kaare Willoch - in the sense of 'Kaare-Inte grensen' = Kaare close to the border of Villach near Italy. With Treviso on the other side. Buses cross the border instead of trains.

Korinth has near relatives in sultanas = Rwanda genocide and in raisins = ROSIN, for which Groß-Rosen would be called forth as the further 'proof' that Mao was appointed agent for England even before the war broke out.

The Rwanda genocide was triggered when I submitted my first book to a publisher - it would have been for the idea that if Mao were an agent, then I should not bother about the idea of me being accused of having murdered Mao - for example the idea that I went astray from the summer cottage in the mountains of 1976. Class mates had included Roar Eilertsen, Ketil Stölen and Arild Björnstad.

'Lille Rosin' was a children's TV program in Norway in the sixties. I recall Ragna Gröver telling the newspaper story that a fire broke out in the home of a man in Aalesund - the firefighters broke in and found the man totally absorbed in 'Lille Rosin' on TV.

I have earlier noticed a potential function of 'Rozsak Tere' in Budapest.

The theory can be made that the idea of Mao as agent being proven by his poetry being about Korinth for the purpose of indexing 'mouth-out-send' and 'stuthof' and things like that - even could be the background of the Eisenhower doctrine, the octogon and other things, such as the program attested in Krarups Nielsen's book since the early 60's.

I notice Ravensbrück --> Insbruck-krav = invoice, for the stut-hof naming function of SOMA and Lemmesmör and things like that, and the diagonal of Mittelbau-Dora turning into 'elbow dynamite' (cp. also the 'dynamite under the car' in the Orderud Paust case). If the coup attempt against e.g. authorship gets too strong, I suppose one can develop 'hydraulic' diagonal Pinocchio lifts near the elbow.

Riga-Kaiserwald could be about the 'geysir rig-veda' which could have been the background of the Bravo blowout in 1977 - for the idea of lemmesmör-soma.

For the concentration camp 'Wewelsburg', see Frisk's greek etymological dictionary under 'aeido'. But clearly various ways of reasoning could have been at play when the camp was set up.

As an example that Mao was not an agent but a great poet, I refer to his poem 'Militia women (inscription on a photograph)' from february 1961 and compare it with the photo for the back page of my novel 'The Dreamer' (which I prepared for self-publication towards the end of 2008), also in conjunction with the back page of 'The Endmorgan Quartet':

If one turns the photo from Korinth, the ancient revolutionary under the 'high-aspiring mind' (translation of Mao's poetry, Peking 1976) 90 degrees and sees it from the side, there emerges the outlines of a person walking down some stairs just over and including the bow - and the person indeed looks like the norwegian author Edvard Hoem - here about 'China's daughters'.

One can speculate that this poem could have been written in subconscious reply to an emerging western program for claiming agency status of Mao because he was a poet, and that this poem of his - with the last line '[China's daughters] love their battle array, not silks and satins' - was attacked by the photo in Krarups Nielsen's book showing militia women in southern Vietnam:

It is fully possible that this is the main contents of angloamerican plans about conquering China, although some would perhaps say that to base this rather totally on such a vague aspect of Mao's poetry is 'fjollete'. I have not checked out whether the photos in Krarup Nielsen's book could be quotes from Mao's poetry generally, or the below reference more specifically.

Mao was not an agent, and neither am I.

Mao Tsetung: Poems. Foreign Languages Press, Peking 1976. (Translator not specified). -

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 24 june 2013