The scarlet mark

John Bjarne Grover

The delay of the money transfer from Nordea Bank, accompanied by terror seemingly telling 'worthless crapper', seems to have served to turn my 'body directionality' 90 degrees, going from a 'röver' on the left to a formal 'ronk' or 'wrong' on the right. This turn is possibly to be based on a 1-2-3 mistreatment in early age, followed by global Kennedy intrigue, if that is the story. Such an 1-2-3 would have created an inner 'firewall' between left and right, turning 90 degrees it tell of a front-back 'worthless crapper'. The effect of the delay of money transfer plus apparently harassing terror indexation is possibly to have been related to a DRUGEA = DRUG-DRUGA = 'ein ander' from Nord-Norda, Floor-Flora etc. It would have meant that I should have been another, that is, replaced by a cynical agent who had taken the place of their dear Johnny (why so, suddenly?) and therefore was not entitled to the pension money or the money in the bank, properly belonging to the dear Johnny. This would have been the contents of the 'Aab Berak' = 'oppbære' basis for the money support, the pension. But, as the story would go, they had no proof and therefore eventually had to let the money go nevertheless. I am not replaced by a copy. I am the original person - as they know very well, of course. Iris etc.

However, the rejection of person which this would have entailed was so strong that it could have led to some damage to my functionality, at least so far, and hopefully the red miscolouring of the skin (on all arms and legs and on the chest and up to the throat) which it led to will go down by time. There was one day in mid april when it felt as if oedemic water fizzed itself out through the skin on the elbows and left glaring red spots there under the sweat points - and I wondered if it could have been as bad as a nerve gas which would make it difficult to restore it. If so, it would have been 'the same' as the 'chlor' = 'klör' = 'itches' gas attack in Syria on the day when my transfer request arrived in the bank. However, I have little reason to believe so and suppose that the overdue time and apparent rejection of my presonal identity - just in the moment when I was about to complete my book 'Kinderhilfe' - was enough reason for those bodily responses. In the situation of being in need of support due to all my work through many years - this apparent total rejection of my existence was not the right thing. It felt very norwegian when they 'dælja te' as well as they could, seeing something poetic arising there in the horizon. I hope the miscolouring will withdraw by time, and I cannot even tell if these are in some special relation to the bank action or whether it is due to a more general 'hatred campaign' - for example, if my book manuscript had been illegally copied from my home (I dont know about this) and abused in bad ways by plagiarisms - who then would start getting nervous when they felt the book being prepared for publication, thereby creating a wall of nervous hatred against its upcoming existence.

The result of the 90 degrees turning is that a scarlet mark arose on the back of my righthand thumb. Click here for a photo of it in reasonably good condition - it can be more markedly coloured under more stress. If I work too concentrated, it starts leaking fluids out through the skin. There is also a 'röver' spot on the left underarm (2-3 cm diametre) which leaks fluids by too much work. The scarlet mark is (symbolically) due to the effect of a 'palm arshall' masturbating semen into the M of the hand (Madonna 1830), but by the DRUGDRUGA = 'ein ander' I am turned into a 'wrong röver' which then turns the things around such as by the giant assumed Hitler-Kennedy historic intrigue and leaks the fluids out of the skin on the back of the thumb rather than into the M of the palm. (My 'scarlet mark' is not due to masturbation - but the historic symbolism is there nevertheless). It means a strong rejection of my person. Could be this was planned since the attempt on the pope John Paul II - who then later 'shivered lightly' = 'skalv lett' (cp. 'scarlet') on the hand. It could be an attempt to make a 'sign of the beast' from revelation. However, I would say that it rather is likely to be a matter of a trivial administrative intrigue organizing these things (such as Hitler, Kennedy etc) and nothing special about e.g. 'jewish genetics' being beastly or anything the like. The effect is possibly obtained apparently on the background of a 1-2-3 in early childhood making a leftright firewall in the body and the 90 degrees turning due to the 'drugdruga' insinuations of me being another ('wrong röver') plus a 'worthless crapper' labelling of me in terror news.

If nerve gas were used in addition, fizzing the water out the skin, it should rather be a matter of squeezing words of confession out of the organizers of such gas, not about forcing me to go to a more or less human doctor who thereafter holds my judicial security in his professional integrity if asked about making an assessment of my mental health. If his own integrity is a matter of dispute and human nature, the intrigue could land me in a closed mental hospital with small chances to get out. This is a story of political abuse.

Those countries who have a paragraph allowing for forced mental hospitalization on basis of medical assessment of other parts of the health condition should also offer the chance to have a prescription for antibiotics or inspection of the skin without thereby losing the protection from the law. Even an X-ray can be hard to get. Doctors are humans and if 'politics' starts hunting their environments they could soon give in to the diffuse threat. It could even be about a national project.

This is the problem of the bank action. Somebody should tell them that it is not legal to behave like that (assuming that time limits were overstepped) towards an innocent individual who is not involved in the intrigues or power games. American presidents could perhaps be distinguished by their courage and endurance in battle against newborn children and lonely disability pensioners, but I am not an american president.

My book seems to have been met with much terror indexing bad ideas, starting with car bombs in Nigeria etc. Could be in the continuation of Nanga Parbat. There is a toddler mentioned in my "And hang under the Justcan keys" - etc. Are they battling the shadows of the Kennedy version of the beast? It does not help me much if the bank 'dæljer te' when they see the chance. Could it be there was no other real reason than my new book about to be finished?

I have no infection. I have to struggle a little to press the temperature up to 36.0. It normally lingers down on 35. Blood pressure is normal, a little up on the normal interval.

It can be noticed that the bank action and the scarlet mark could have been planned since Adolf Eichmann - and that the five revolutions of 2011 could have been part of it.

Nobody has ever told me a word about this incredible and fantastic story - I mean Hitler, Kennedy, Mengele and all that. I believed my address were fine. I still have absolutely zero facts. Not even rumour has been communicated to me. I have an ocean of theories which I make myself - but there is not much solid rooting of these beyond Kursk and Cole and Borten - and isnt that precisely the dirty beast in the revelation?

The jews have not told me anything.

Israel clings to England and USA. There is a grain of wisdom in this, though, when one understands that the idea of Paul Marshall could have been an integral part of Adolf Hitler if the scarlet mark and ideas associated with it were an integral part of the story since its beginning. This is where the german-austrians should take care not to lose the whole thing once again. Soon people will start believing that it was Hitler who imitated old issues of MLR and not vice versa.

Turning the inner semiotics around to outer matter - as in the recursive matter story. It could be about putting men on the moon... A hoax, tell american news.

This is where it is important to come out with the story before it is too late.

666 in hebrew can seemingly be written TRIBN, norwegian TREBEN = 'wooden leg'. It could be that sort of intrigue. The tip of broomin' of washing-ton etc. Could be parametres in modern history. Why not tell the whole thing?

There was apparent hammer-banking in a late evening in mid april and a dog passed between the place of banking and my door when they came to read the water-metre on the 20th of may.

The scarlet mark seems to be a result of an extreme degree of rejection of the person - to the effect that the person cannot proceed in the middle of its own body but has to go the 'kitchen door' out through one of the extremities, for example when working. I start working and concentrate - and it starts getting moist from fluids on the hand. The octogon with Eisenhower doctrine on the middle east could have been such a high-level rejection of my person in the role of jewish genetics. The bank story could have been when it ran over the limit.

There could in theory have been some such strategies. I went a few times to a vegetarian restaurant, but after a while they started to put brown crumbs on my dish and a photo of a male nude was hung up at the counter, so I had to stop going there. Had somebody 'informed them', for making my advances through the 'main door' difficult? Could have been some of those. People walking straight towards me in the street, forcing me to go to the side.

Civilization progresses, after all, forwards, not backwards. Slavery is not accepted anywhere today. It is not smart to carry out such strategies.

Recursive matter is not a matter of 'cursed genetics' - which means that it is not under governmental control. Recursive matter is not Beelzebub or Satan. It is a poetic phenomenon.

If the inner semiotics turns to outer matter and vice versa, that should be a matter of serious scientific study and of poetic logic - and not a matter of political intrigue.

Could be the recent european election said the same. People dont want another round of nazism.

The scarlet mark is not the hand disintegrating 'recursively' - it is a variant of a bodily reaction of eczema, nervous skin, expulsion, etc. The skin interprets the expulsion.

The political project could have hoped to get the in/out of matter/mind realms under governmental control. For sending people to the moon etc. With chemicals? Then it is time to stop the madness. Power likes to hide - that seems to be the conclusion.

Indeed that looks like the innermost truth: Power likes to hide. In this case it means that the scarlet mark on me - John Bjarne Grover - is what makes it difficult to land on the conclusion that it was England who organized the holocaust and WWII, because the politically minded believe that there exists a political aim which is goodenough to have been the reason why Paul Marshall can have been designed in Germany-Austria along with Adolf Hitler, that is, that even Marshall was an agent for Germany-Austria (or, simply, that it was Hitler). What is that aim? It is the idea that a logical reasoning - along some sort of logic - lands on some logical conclusion which has a semiotic-linguistic format - and then a magic wand turns its realization from linguistic-logical into material format. That is the nature of the recursive matter. It is the faith that this final turn from linguistic-logical into material format which the politically minded believe can be the same as the mixmax of me with Hitler, to an extent that Kennedy could have been elected because people believed that he had battled Hitler while in reality it was only little me. It is this 'trick of the name' which politics believe could be the same as the mind-matter swap which also can be reversed for sending people into the 'spiritual world' out of which the can land by logical derivation on the moon and elsewhere.

That is of course naive, but the politicians go for keeping it secret and then many can be deceived by it nevertheless.

If so, the whole construction could be a source of much power and then one could in principle launch the idea that both Hitler and Marshall were constructed by german administration in order to coup the whole world and the third millenium.

And therefore, when this is considered a goodenough reason, there is no substance in claims that Marshall was english, tells political reasoning - and hence the whole blame is dumped back on Germany and Austria who cannot get rid of it by proving that Hitler was the british Marshall.

Really? It is naive reasoning. It says that because of the scarlet mark on the hand of me, Germany and Austria cannot get off the nazi stamp after all. And hence England and USA can intrigue up almost anything and dump the blame on the germans. That is why it is a natural conclusion that the scarlet mark on me is an angloamerican project for taking the germans once again. And that could make me unpopular in the german countries, tells the intrigue logic.

Clearly something wrong with the logic. Such magic scarlet! The attempt on the pope - by the very 'Ole Devold' antagonist of the pope etc?

I worked for 'NMI of the state' in the 1980's. The employees there - some 4-5 at least - can at hindsight be seen to have names telling of this recent story with the bank in the environments where I am living, whether that be because it was planned in advance or because I make my future out of what is my past. One name could indicate that post to me is censored - although bank account printouts from e.g. Nordea Bank do arrive - I hope that name is a coincidence and not telling of my current conditions as 'NMI of the state'.

It is immature and puerile politics which tries to tell itself that this situation makes for the inescapable conclusion that I will end up as 'NMI' = 'enemy' of almost any state. What nonsense. Tell the story!!! Hurry up!!! Democratic constitutions demand that - while people have not even heard about Paul Marshall or the underearth bombs which make for most of the significant earthquakes, it seems. Those are the real problems, not some rash on my hand. It is all this secrecy and weakness of reasoning in politics which is the problem.

So Austria or Germany decide to try and publish the details - and there it rumbles terribly under the ground and they shiver in their pants and dare not tell it after all? The world will have taken a step forwards when all the details have been presented to the public. Angloamericans talk of 'democracy' - well that means telling all the necessary details to the public.

I add that the scarlet mark developed after my right arm had developed an oedema which made me associate with Arnold Schwarzenegger - in fact that right arm looked like the 'philosopher' piece of recursive matter and developed some horror-looking water blisters on the underarm (smallpox it wasnt - rather water pimpling out from the oedema, being collected under a white membrane, making the underarm look like the view from my once flat in Ehamgasse, looking out over the roof of the Hörbiger factory), in the lower part of the 'philosopher'. And this philosopher himself has a raised right arm - which then applies recursively. It is the lateralized linguistic human. However, when the terror seemingly indexed the concept of 'worthless crapper', that could have had some effect on me due to this condition of mine. It is the possibly systematic relation of the 'philosopher' to the Flora upside-down lioness of Tiepolo which makes this an interesting observation. But, again, this is likely to be a weak association only and nothing necessary - just like the humbug relation of Hitler-Marshall with my name relative to the idea of historic truth and the state of 'NMI' due to a scarlet mark. These are very weakly associated and held together only by way of secrecies and intrigue.

Put differently, the pus which ran from the water blisters is not Adolf Hitler's sperm! It is not a male erection with its 'water' of 'the other one' going from my hand up to the lower underarm - the lower parts of the recursive 'philosopher' having taken apparent control with that extremity. All this is a lot of unhealthy and gloomy ideas held together by intrigue. Tell the details!!! - then the ghosts vanish and we can return to reality.

I add that there is something of semiotics in the matter of screening on a piece of glass (cp. 'Claes Gill' etc). See the fascinating motives from my screening in this file, and I add yet another photo from the microscope - it seems that I took it on 25 february 2014 along with many of the other 'screened' graphics - which in principle could have been the 'reason' for the earthslide of Aab Berak in Afghanistan - if that should have meant 'oppebære' ('up-carry'), cp. the concept of 'color photography'. This was also some days only before the 200th anniversary of the state of Norway and the Lok Sabha national election to parliament in India. The photo could show a procession in honour of the queen of Saba. This is a typical mystery of such 'screening' which could provide temptations for 'nazi politics' to believe that it is a goodenough reason to step in and out of the spiritual world from the material world. How could the forms otherwise look so 'meaningful'? Like a bird falling to the ground? I add a photo of the 'Golden Calf' which I found when I 'screened' some pus from a water blister - "gee, this is something, it isnt Adolf Hitler's sperm, I suppose". Stop the naive nonsense - it is time to understand that human meaningfulness is projected into the forms of material being by poetic logic. That is the mystery which the politics tries to hide behind secrecies. The 'golden calf' is, though, likely to have been from my book 'Kinderhilfe' and it can be made the subject of serious scientific study and should not fall victim of political intrigue.

In addition to the calf head, I also found some apparent gas bubbles which I speculated could have been about 'Das Gasperlenspiel', telling mystic messages in their distribution. I dont know if there is any basis for this speculation of mine.

Power likes to hide - and that is why power tries to curb all progress of any value in science and arts. That is not the right thing. Power must develop more maturity and self-understanding.

(Is there somebody 'screening' sperm spread on floors in washing-tons? Bötteballetten? Please stop the madness and tell the truth).

The anglomericans say perhaps this: "The germans wanted to be the demiurges of the universe and therefore they made both Hitler and Marshall in order to get the mystery of swip-swap of mind-matter under their control, but due to the heroic battle from the angloamericans they luckily did not succeed". This is when the germans get the whole blame and the world of power hides its power behind intrigue. It is easy to see how some scarlet rash on my hand can be raised to the levels of high mystical value for dirty intrigue - providing pretexts for skipping truth in being assigned the role of the quasi source of Adolf Hitler's 'otherside' sperm. (Not 'royal', I suppose). However, that is not legal behaviour of power representing the people. It is certainly possible that the glass-screened fluids show remarkable patterns but that is because human imagination is a part of the form of the world by poetic logic. Politics want to make this an esoteric church with the politicians as the high priests - and if they tell it all then the magic is gone. That is the reason for the secrecies. It is not a valid reason.

Myth - or is it truth - tells that this 'project' of the scarlet mark on my right hand (could be including a 1-2-3 in early childhood, could be even with Kennedy involved, could be as 'NMI of the state') was planned in Oslo in 1956 before my birth in 1957 - and that this was the reason for the russian invasion of Hungary: "Mad yar årsak!" Mad yar reason! That is a crazy reason, told the invasion, understanding that the norses probably never wanted the state from 1814, being founded as it was on the principles of antisemitism. This could probably not have been the whole reason for the invasion, and even less would Thomas of Erfurt's 'Grammatica Speculativa' of 1310 have been the reason for the chinese invasion of Tibet, although terror on Tiananmen could have tried to make this impression. But the scarlet mark could have been planned as the secret crux of the role assigned to my person - for the swip-swap mind-matter trick which was constructed for the continued dumping of the blame for the holocaust on the germans and austrians.

I think the germans and austrians should not accept the game but come out with the historic truth before it is too late. It is the rules of democracy which demand this. The semiotic mysteries should not be the field of power games.

I add that the phenomenon of the scarlet mark seems to be associated with the forms MÖR or MÖS - such as in MÖRe of the Klipra connection (= Norway 1814?) and possibly even 'M-Ö[n]sterreich'. MÖSER was chief of the Dora concentration camp of Hitler.

Added on 5 june 2014:

The second scarlet mark

The first scarlet mark was the one on the thumb of the right hand. It arises in the gap between Paulm Arshall and Johng Röver, where the Johng is taken to be either 'Ronk' = masturbation into the M of the 'Paulm' or 'Wrong' = out of the skin of the other side of the thumb, where it leaks fluids and leaves a scarlet mark. This obtains for the name John Gröver and hence Gröver/'Mengele' could have been in the role between Hitler and Marshall.

But what is my original name John Bjarne Gröver in this context? One observes the similarity between 'John-Bjarne' and 'Obama'. There were or are two scarlet marks on my skin after the banking story: The 'wrong' one on the right hand and a 'röver' one on the middle of the under side of the left underarm - about 2-3 cm in diametre, rather circular it was. Both marks were running fluids when I tried to work and I had to wear bandages on both places - the 'röver' bandage was badly yellow-brown when I unwrapped it, and I often had to change several times a day, but there was no infection in either of them. It is just that the skin undergoes a transformation on its surface and starts leaking fluids. Sweat nipples on other parts of the skin seemed to be emitting a sort of glue-like fluid which heaped up untill the nipple were closed and this produced a sort of horny skin which eventually dropped off in the shower, leaving the red rashy skin under it 'naked' and quickly getting wet with new fluids. It took a few weeks for this to come under bodily control and it is on its way down again.

Could be I was just overworked, could be it was the bank ignoring my authority. It is my money, isnt it? It is not, says perhaps the bank, they belong to the state of Norway.

The 'wrong' mark seems to have been the essence of how England could keep its involvement in the Hitler regime under secrecy after the war, if that is the story. Are there plans for a new round in the 21st century - on the 'röver' spot? Is that the 'Bjarne' part of it?

Ibsen's 'Bygmester Solnes' = 'Master builder Solnes' seems to have been the name of 'Paul Marshall' = 'Paul Synkesneri'. Another play is 'En folkefiende' = 'An enemy of the people'. One guesses that this is the 'fiskefösker' (or how you spell it) part of it - and that this also is the role of the 'NMI of the state' in my history. If 'Edward Forster' is the new 'Paul Marshall', one guesses that it be about 'Barne[t]' = 'the child' and 'Foster' = 'the foetus', while 'forester' = 'grover'. Then Barne Grover = Fo[r]ster. Could be this Fo[r]ster = A[n]ustria. It seems to be typical nazi philosophy to consider 'the son of man' (Christ) as born from the anus of a man - from a 'röver'. Could be that is the trick of the 'röver' scarlet spot - that one has to turn the radius-ulna bones of the underarm around to avoid such absurdities, and then the 'pirate' ('röver') mix of Palm M with Wrong scarlet obtains. It could be that this is recognized as the M curling around the crossbar in the miraculous medal revelation of Madonna in 1830.

This 'J on B[-]arne Grover' = 'ed ward Fo[r]ster' then seems to be contained in a formula of a coitus leading to abortion, for a naive interpretation of the rest of the miraculous medal revelation of 1830. I notice that Gröver/'Mengele' died on the day 160 years after this revelation (ca. 27 nov 1990), and that the persian shah died on the day of the mid point between this date and the birth of his youngest daughter - who again died not so many years later.

So the policy is going to be homo for preventing that coitus leads to abortion?

My suggestion is that we leave all this nazi humbug behind and publish the details of the intrigues so that a free society can develop instead of all this intrigue-based way. There is no power in the very uninteresting scarlet marks if only one tells the details. The scarlet marks on the skin are due to abuse and that is not very mystic. The modern politicians are constructing a new global 'ecumenic' church for interpreting power in terms of the bottleneck between mind and recursive matter - well that is very fine but clearly it is no longer normal politics and why on earth should it be secret? Society should be for everybody, not only for the inner circle. Warnings against the power of the high priests have always existed and continue to exist.

I add that the 'röver' spot on the left underarm is about as far up from the hand as the 'smallpox' water blisters were reaching up on the right arm - those which nazi philosophy could associate with the tip of the erection going up from the scarlet mark on the right hand thumb. This distance constitutes a sort of 'J' reaching up from the hand towards the 'röver' on the other arm. This 'röver' spot is not exactly on the mid of the arm - it is a little closer to the elbow than to the hand and can resemble the position of the 'belt' on the 'filmscroll' (running over the belly and its navel?). However, it is possible that the 'röver' spot is a little further up from the hand than the 'J' of the right arm could reach - that is, that the J is a little short. That could mean that if the J is a finger reaching for the doorbell[y] button, it could be that it will not be long enough to reach it. And how can you then ring the doorbell? I had the feeling that this could have been the 'semantics' of the [f]-Ingrid Betancourt story which sort of paralyzed my left arm and hand - that it really be about the finger reaching for a doorbell[y] button.

This is likely to be the sort of ecumenic mysteries which the new high priests are constructing. But why on earth should it be so esoteric? It must be made a public science, of course. Not the least for an early discovery of what this project really seems to be about: If the 'philosopher' is a lateralized variant of the central or archetypal 'man-on-wagon', the penis erection reaching with 'Adolf Hilter's sperm up from the thumb to nearly the contralateral position of the 'röver' spot will correspond to the comparable on the man-on-wagon with the boy pulling the wagon in a rope in front. This could mean, in nazi philosophy, that one of the highest divinities, if not the highest itself, in the pantheon is Adolf Hitler. This grandiose mock is certainly not what people are in for and it is high time to present all data needed for the public to understand it before it is too late. It could be about the farcical variant of conceiving Hitler's regime as the jewish revolution, with himself as the top leader. That is certainly not the right way for a new global ecumenic church.

The strategy seems to be these vague or dubious 'similarities' (philosopher resembling Tiepolo's lioness etc) and then keeping them together by way of secrecy - and the public are invited to believe that this is the only possible solution. If they get the details, those farfetched identities will fall apart and the nazi mock will stop by itself.

I add that there had been rash developing on the arms even before the banking story. It had a puzzling assymetric form, with rash in elbows and on the right wrist but not on the left where the watch normally is.


To this critical analysis can be added that there exist perhaps other possible explanations to the scarlet mark - such as myself being in a state of mental fatigue after many years of intensive work with correspondingly little response, and could be the body now demanded a temporary halt in the writing. Being overworked, that could mean. ('Hold i deg' diffi-cult...?)

Another explanation could be that I have struggled for years with getting out of the internet-commenting - and now in 2014 I had decided to leave many months - ideally the whole year - free of it. But then there is the absurd and ridiculous idea that me being the 'negative' reason for the existence of the state of Norway, my internetting with such nazi-pazi articles contradicting myself (my way of thinking) hence being a prerequisite for the continued existence of the state, and when weeks had now elapsed without a nazi-pazi word from my side on the net, the bank panicked and acted quickly - prompting the need for me to clarify the things on the internet, unless I would be subdued in apparent hatred campaigns. That is when the body protests and cannot take more of this.

There is also the story from Molde when Gröver/'Mengele' took me for a walk at SKARET and made a REMARK there on the part of the human body favoured by cannibals being the fleshy part of the thumb on the inside of the palm. He showed the outlines of the fleshy part with his index. I dont know if that could have been part of the photos of Krarup Nielsen, such as this one - (krarup48a.jpg). As can be seen from a closer study of the 'cutting edge' of the knife, which perhaps could be called SKARET in norwegian, it seems to have been scissored into the photo which thereby must be considered edited. It could mean that the photo of the headhunters means that a photo of newborn me with open skull - if that exists - could have been edited in a similar way. Could be the whole figure on Krarup Nielsen's photo holding the knife is scissored into it. Was the explorer ever on the moon? And then it could be that Hitler imitated MLR and not vice versa.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 02 june 2014
Last updated 05 june 2014