The sofa

John Bjarne Grover

It was in christmas probably in 1984 (a year after Bernstein etc) that I rented a flat in Budapest. I looked out the window (leaning for a brief while on the window sill, I think, looking at the christmas mood in the air in the group of houses) on christmas eve before noon and saw a car driving up the lane before and around the corner of the house and another car coming around the same corner from behind the house drove right into it, right into the front. The woman inside stepped out and stood outside weeping, with hands on her face: Her christmas was spoiled, her car. She otherwise looked unhurt and the speed had not been high. I think this must have been the same flat wherein I left in the early morning (the last day) for a morning train and was ironing my shirt for the travel, but there were no textiles to put under the ironing tool so I used the sofa. Otherwise there was only a carpet on the floor and that could not be used. Unfortunately, the sofa was made of some synthetic orange coating which easily melted under the heat of the iron and a mark of the edge of the iron tool (looking like a J or an L) was left on it. It seemed that the plastic coating was 'welded' rather than sewn onto the sofa structure and could not easily be changed. I had to tell myself that it was 'tear-and-wear' and did not mention it when I returned the keys to Budapest Tourist, but they had my address. (I think I must have been into their office at probably Roosewelt Tér with the key, although I remember that it was very early and perhaps the appointment could have been that I left the keys in the flat when I left). It remained as a story I could not really get easily over, though. Could be it went into political business? I do apologize for the mark and should of course have told about it - so that misunderstandings could have been cleared up then. But clearly if it were about an organized intrigue, it could have gone wrong way if I told it. Could it have been an organized intrigue?

Now I find that if indeed this was in christmas 1984, one year after Bernstein and Zagreb and that (but I must tell that I do not remember this well - what is certain is that the car crash was at christmas and I am reasonably certain that the iron mark on the orange sofa must have been in the same flat as the one from where I saw the car crash), the mark from the iron tool could even have been pre-organized and be seen as pre-announced in MLR october 1984, just like the water leak of Rekustad seems to have been fore-told in MLR october 1977, in which case the car crash could have been deliberately made for guiding me to the idea of using the iron in such a disastrous way.

There is also a certain structural similarity in this with the story of the man who tried to cross Ringveien at Sognsveien in Oslo just below the student town. He was walking in front of me and crossed on green, or it was blinking green and anyhow changed to red while he was half way, a car came up behind him and turned around into the intersecting Ringveien and touched his walking leg. He quickly swirled around like a 'Lonely Rider' and flung his foot into the side of the iron car - and a mark of his shoe was left in the thin iron. The man inside jumped angrily out - he reminded me of the body stature of a once classmate (WM) of mine - and grabbed the walker physically and threatened him before he continued. I walked along with the walker whom I pitied - I felt the fear of his like a fist in the stomach - and he said something about the driver's rough behaviour and seemed to be scared about the possible revenge that could come up. There was no doubt that it was his fault, he must have thought, since it could not possibly have been arranged. On the other hand, the car had driven onto his leg and that was the understandable reason.

It could, of course, have been organized if the driver controlled the traffic lights.

If the iron mark on the orange sofa in Budapest were organized by the 'services', the 'I-re-land' of the shoe mark on the car's iron invokes the fourth element in the matrix: The mark on the brain (= '[h]jerne', vs. 'jern[e]' = 'the iron') which could have been provoked in Vilnius in february 2002. One of the purposes with this could have been to represent 'Ireland' on the asian map in the finno-ugric district - vs. 'England' over the highlands of Asia - from Nepal up along Tibet, China, eastern Russia: The highlands there can be seen on a map to resemble England. And then the lands around Moscow, Urals, up to northern Norway can be seen to be Ireland. The man even had a slightly asian look, or he could have been a relative of an official uncle of mine.

Now there is a british film up called 'About time', the poster to which could suggest that it could be hard to take it seriously. It could be about the 'review' articles in MLR october 1984? Was it a great triumph of british 'intelligence' with that mark on the orange sofa? It is too naive, though, to believe that my poetry is 'guided' by the services, however much they could claim that they feel that they understand parts of it.

The ball lightning that went back and forth on the thunderstorm clouds over Venice in 2008 or 2009 even seemed to describe a pattern resembling the mark of the iron on the sofa in Budapest. Could have been a NATO laser for pretending that a mark on my brain came to be visible like that? The ball lightning described a symbol approximating the hebrew TETh, while the mark on the sofa was only half of this, like a J or L. This could be recognized in the first title of MLR october 1984:

1. Two Versions of the Problem of the Modern Intellectual: "Empedocles on Etna" and "Cleon". By John Coates
= J on coating of sofa, MP-docles = MacDonald. Intellectual = brainy = ironic? Cleon = clown
2. Browning's "Aristophanes' Apology" and Matthew Arnold. By Jane A. McCusker
= art-is-sofa and apology, the mat is orange
= by J and mc-husker = the driver who remembered

Title 2 tells that one had to apologize for the art-on-sofa - which could have made that a little difficult. The british intrigue could have been that it was the US president who stayed there over christmas.

The concert with Bernstein in Budapest was on 15 or 16 nov 1983. I had been smuggled in by his interpreter and we stood back stage and I could say that I briefly met him between two applauses after the concert when he came rushing back for emergency cigarette and schnaps before he ran out again. It is not probable that I stayed for yet one and a half month - on the contrary I probably travelled south to Zagreb and Rome before christmas. This makes it likely that the Budapest stay in the flat was next christmas (if not even later).

I add that it happened to me once before that I looked out a window and saw two cars crash. That was in 1970 or 1971 - I looked out the window and saw two cars crash at the small 'log-interlaced' (looked so, at least) catholic church or chapel in Fredrikstad. The woman in Budapest stood outside the car with her face in her hands, weeping, which also could have meant 'the three wise men' = 'tre vise menn' = 'trev issen ren' = 'grabbed the top of the head clean', which would mean washing the face in 90 degrees. This again could mean leaving an 'iron' mark on the orange if it meant that the magi had come like John F. Kennedys to the newborn child. Fontana di Trevi = Senmen Trevi. 'Drev i Seinen' = 'was floating in the Seine', like Celan after his alleged suicide - he was found by a boatman on Worker's day 1970. 'Log-interlaced' (like folded hands) could mean 'you-laften' = 'jul-aften' = 'christmas eve'. Title 4 in MLR oct 1984 is "George Eliot's Nightmare, Proust's Realism. By P. McKenzie". The L-iots is the 90 degrees, the shell-iot is the face shell, the snot-mare could be the weeping woman. Gyogy = medication. The iot = J could then be the mark on the sofa. 'Prost' is a certain kind of priest - like in the catholic church.

A closer analysis could show that the intrigue could have been the devil talking in the heart: "You want to be a scholar, hm?" That means in this parlance the identity of a SOFA outside the skull with the BRAIN inside the skull. The article titles 1-4 seem to encode BRAIN and the titles 5-8 (the other half) encode an IRON TOOL of e.g. Kennedy or similar in Sandveien 4 in 1957, for the equation BRAIN + IRON TOOL = the WORRY of the frontal car crash outside (knit-brow on the iron tool, the narrow foreskin). This WORRY being outside, the inside correlate would be SOFA. A closer analysis of the distribution in the titles of the encoding of these words suggests e.g. that GALDOS of title 6 could mean 'DOS-GAL' = 'du-skal' = 'you shall', as for instructions on what to do for becoming a 'scholar'.

In either the late seventies, or, perhaps more likely, in the early 80's, I got from Gröver/'Mengele' a greek grammar (old nynorsk) and new testament, since, as he said, he had planned to read greek but had to give it up so I could get the books. The british intriguers had possibly computed that I could want to read greek, and when I started on a course in 1985, the course-book was called 'Reading Greek' published in England in 1978. The first greek words are in section 1 called 'The insurance fraud' (cp. Rekustad 1977-78) and they start 'to ploion estin en Byzantio' = 'the ship is in Byzanz'. The form 'ploion plei' = 'the ship sails' sounds to a norwegian ear like 'the plough is plouging' - the iron goes deep. There had also been the Bricks Play in 1980. The greek teacher was Bente Lassen, whom I think was a good teacher. It is said that Tone Gröver played some electric bass in a band. Would that even have been 'Banda Aceh' 2004 - quite simply 'Bente Lassen' as the first teacher in this greek course? 'Byssan' sounds to a norwegian ear like 'he slept' or 'he was put to sleep' and hence 'en Byzantio' could be a sofa or bed whereupon one sleeps. At bedtime.

Deuro elthe kai blepe. Me frontize, o kuberneta! Ton psofon safos akouomen. Horo gar ta emporia kai tas holkadas egoge.

Me frontize, o kuberneta ('don't worry, o kubernetes'): Ragna Gröver was kubernetes when she front-crashed in 1981. Hence the line says perhaps 'o ragna' = the orange sofa, the psofon safos ('clearly audible sound'). Tas holkadas ('the merchant ships') could be the socalled 'Holland-Holken', a boy's car I and a friend made of planks and pram wheels in the sixties.

When in february 2013 - at the time of completion of my 3-volume work - there was the sudden and inexplainable damage of the parquet, apparently from a water leak a la Rekustad 1977-78, there was also an adhesive tape (adhesive plastic ribbon) with some yellow paint on about half of it pasted up on the door just above the buckly parquet. In the first chapter of the Reading Greek course, in sections F and G, there is mention of 'ton lembon' = 'the lifeboat' and 'eis ton limena' = 'into the harbour', from 'limæn' (a loanword from hebrew) = 'harbour'. When 'adhesive tape' in norwegian is 'limbån[d]', there is a close association of the 'lifeboat' and the 'harbour'. In the greek text, this is in the context of ideas such as 'sose seauton' = 'save youself', cp. 'sauce see out on' = 'be saucy, look outside on something'. Title 3 in MLR january 2013 is "Peter Ackroyd's Imaginary Projections: A Context for the Creature of The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein. By David William Charnick". 'Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus' was the allegedly 1818 novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, published between the release of Poncelet in 1814 and his publication of his ideas in 1822-23. If the John Grover 1823 pamphlet were a later fabrication targeting Poncelet's publication, one can of course pose the question whether Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (she was a daughter of William Godwin) could have been a later ante-dated fabrication as well. Percy Bysshe Shelley - who probably existed? not a fabrication even he? - was married to the author of Frankenstein and died in the year when Poncelet's work was published. If a new british 'Hitler' of the 21st century is planned, it could be on the concept of catholic transubstantiation where the former was on essential jewish matters - and such 'catholic transubstantiation' is traditionally conceptualized in terms of 'Wollstonecraft' - the biscuit turning into a piece of flesh with yackie hair on it.

Prince William Sound, Prince William's Hound, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft's Helly(-Hansen). Pol Vott. Simply, does this mean that Victor Frankenstein = Jean Victor Poncelet? There is a rhapsode entering the ship in chapter 1 section H, he is talking outdated 'homeric', supposed to be funny: pleomen d'epi oinopa ponton - pleomen d'en nei melaine - en nei thoe pleomen, koile eni nei. Would it be about 'd'epi oinopa ponton' (on the wine-faced sea) = 'Jean Victor Poncelet'?

This seems to be the level of 'culture'. As the text of the greek textbook suggests, it could be about 'daring statesmanship', which could mean quite simply british administration a la Churchill. Could it be that they try to invoke Sédir's cabbalism once again (see below) as for making conditions for a new holocaust?

The book is published by a 'Joint Association of Classical Teachers' (cp. 'arthritis care'?), developed by a 'Project team' of Dr. P.V.Jones and Dr.K.C.Sidwell assisted by Miss Frances E.Corrie. The John Coates sofa? There was a steering committee for the book - Gould of Bristol, Balme, Griffin, Killen (at Jesus College), Lee, Verity and Story, with an Advisory Panel (Cawkwell, Chadwick, Morpurgo Davies, Dover, Handley, Kay, Sommerstein, Sparkes, Suggitt, Turberfield). The steering of the car and the advisory panel of the dash-board? 'Ho kybernetes' etc.

Hungary was a great thing for me in the early eighties because I had found a place where I felt that I could escape from the normal world of intrigue, a sort of new start. I had very little knowledge of the story with the Klipra connection (no conscious knowledge at all, in fact) but felt that I had found a sort of hitherto undiscovered paradise where no norwegian (westerner) had put his foot. Clearly if the MLR is about my stay in Budapest, it could have been a way of bringing the intrigue into the Soviet Union of those days. The Soviet Union was eventually dismantled - from my subjective viewpoint it could have been because of that british intrigue. Today the anglomerican world seems to me like nothing but a giant machine of intrigue, lies, terror, a giant mill of nazi propaganda. Do you think there still is a bitter civil war raging in Iraq, or are the car bombs in Baghdad US terror? The angloamericans seem to be constructing the 'beast of terror' as a concept which they seem to try and paste onto me - when my PhD was rejected, the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi were bombed, as if 'the beast of terror' had gone sore because of the rejection. And I am supposed to have anything positive to say about those angloamericans?

Wikipedia on the internet about Iraq in recent times: "There have since been many attacks on Iraqi minorities such as the Yezidis, Mandaeans, Assyrians and others. [...] Iraq also suffered a cholera outbreak in 2007" - which was the year when I made the first full edition of the TEQ. Book 16 was added in the autumn 2008. 'Yezidis, Mandaeans, Assyrians' could of course mean US copycat society (on my name) threatened by the 'beast of terror'.

I have not seen the british film 'About time' - it is more than enough to see the presentation poster which seems to suggest that it could be based on the review articles in that same MLR october 1984. The idea could expectedly be that if my work comes to be published, it could be reviewed in periodicals and then the reviews can follow the titles of the MLR reviews and the reviewer should be safe from the threats of the state - and then the film suggests on its presentation poster what that review is supposed to mean in the last analysis. Clearly I hope to have my work published east of England and not as part of the nazi propaganda world west of France.

I had the first meeting with 'Musikus' in january 1987. This issue of MLR contains as the last article title 'Einstein and the art of Yevgeny Zamyatin' by W.J.Leatherbarrow - which in principle could be about the brainy guy and the art-of-sofa.

Pål Steigan has a vague similarity with my cousin Hans Frode Nedregaard who allegedly died in the mountains (it is said that he tried to cross a mountain on skis but was surprised by a snowstorm, and the body was identified by his clothes when he was found a year or so later) after I started working for Musikus (and Dahl came to the first meeting in funeral clothes). Steigan was leader of the norwegian maoist communist party and had met Pol Pot and Mao. It was a famous theme of discussion that he supported Pol Pot and initially considered the numbers of victims exaggerated. Pol Pot was born Saloth Sar and took this name as his political pseudonym. If it meant 'Pol Vott' that would be the mittens produced by Helly-Hansen in Fredrikstad and/or Moss. If the first attack on US in Vietnam was for 'Zelenka-Melodien' in the sense of the Gloria from 'Missa Votiva', it could in principle also be about the Pol Vott for Pol Pot. If so, it could mean Ski-Dansker = skid-hansker = shid-gloves, for the 'advantages' = 'royal privileges'. Hence 'det danske stöd' (by the 'ski-pigg' = 'she-pig' = 'purke') in the sense of 'Churchill's död'. If so, quite crazy though, it could be about 'kelly-ganzen' - he managed to murder a fourth of the population before he was stopped, tell western data. The radical agrarian reforms could be taken to be 'ski-dansker' with 'ski-piggs' etc. Now when Vietnam had to stop this by the invasion in 1978-79, the question is whether this would have anything to do with 'Pål Steigan' = 'Bürgersteig' supporting Pol Pot. Hilde Holbæk Hansen was my liaison at 'NMI of the state' who were my links to Musikus and recommended me for the job/role. 'Qi Gong' = 'ski going', which also could be about Ragna Gröver falling on skis, pretelling of the deaths of Adorno, Celan, Szondi.

Pol Pot and Pol Vott could lead onto the idea of 'hands brode/fraude ned-trekker'. I do not remember when he disappeared - it must have been in winter time, though - but notice that MLR october 1987 has some titles which could tell of something like that. The last article title is about 'Broch reviewed' on the english translations of 'Hermann Broch's novels'. The title "The deceptions of language in 'Bouvard et Pécuchet'" could similarly point to 'forward and recouchet' as 'bollekinna'. 'D.J.Colwell' suggests that mark on the synthetic orange ('trekk a skje'?) sofa, like a J or L from the edge of the iron tool removed from D to leave a J - producing the 'curver' in the holocaust-basis in 'Yvon Le Loup' ('Sedir') in his article on cabbalism.

Pol Pot had some support but in the west he is probably considered one of the craziest administrations ever, in particular if one takes it that the radical agrarian reform was about getting the whole population in direct contact with the earth for a 'ski-pigg' symbolism on 'Hands-Fraude Nedtrekker' of 'Pol Vott'. When or if he had managed to murder one fourth of the country's population before he was stopped, does that mean that he did it on behalf of angloamerican interests, for fuelling a continued holocaust, or did he do it in an attempt to create the inavoidable need for exterminating one fourth of the british population? His aim could then have been 'Kelly-Ganzen' but he was stopped by the vietnamese invasion before he had reached this goal. It could be considered a part of the role of England in the global history that England on the map resembles the high-level areas of Asia from Nepal up to the easternmost parts of Russia, over Tibet and China and Mongolia: Taking this high-level region to be isomorphic with England, the area of Cambodia comes to lie around London and Beachy Head. Why could the russian revolution never come to be global - and therefore communism had to fail? One view on this could have been that a communist or other utopia can never come about as long as there can be british agents around: They dress and talk and behave like normal beings and look like everybody around them but have only one thing on their mind. The proponents of the most ardent views on the matter could claim that communism can never come around as long as there still are britons left in the world - and hence some communists could have supported Pol Pot and his program of exterminating the entire population of Cambodia if that meant that History had to exterminate the british population. Hence the radical agrarian reform etc. The McDonald government etc. The sofa: I had found a paradise where I believed that no westerners had so far put their foot, but the utopia did not last long - as a closer study of MLR could suggest.

It seems that Pol Pot could have meant Pol Vott in either case, whether he was an agent or not.

The Advisory Panel for the 1978 issue of 'Reading Greek' (notice that Vietnam invaded Cambodia in late 1978) included the names Cawkwell, Chadwick, Morpurgo Davies, Dover, Handley, Kay, Sommerstein, Sparkes, Suggitt, Turberfield. One guesses that this could be an early announcement for the Beachy Head rockslide out to the lighthouse near Dover. ('Reading Greek' chapter 1 section F: "eis ten gar thalattan hriptousin heautous hoi anthropoi kai ton lembon zetousin"). It includes a Handley who falls off the land-edge by a Kay of Sommerstein, triggered by a Sparkes of Suggitt and struck by a Thunderbolt - that could mean a Sparkes of the Self-Sucker which could be the role assigned to me by british administration. 'Sédir' as the pseudonym for 'Yvon Le Loup' seems to be the source of the material defining the criteria for the holocaust and the few pages (in Papus's 'Die Kabbala' in translation by Nestler) is recommended reading. See pages 49-69 (paginated 40-60 in the document) in the paper of Sédir. It tells:

"Die Kabbalisten nennen die sündhaften Handlungen eine Schale oder Rinde. Die Rinde, sagen sie, bildet einen Auswuchs, der sich in Runzeln und Falten absetzt, wenn der Saft, statt seinen Kreislauf auszuführen, an der Außenseite erstarrt; die Rinde vertrocknet und fällt dann ab. Ebenso ist es mit dem Menschen; wenn er, der berufen ist, am Werke Gottes mitzuarbeiten und zur Vollendung zu gelangen, indem er sich durch die Betätigung seiner Freiheit vervollkommnet, statt dessen den göttlichen Saft in sich vertrocknen läßt, der doch dazu dienen soll, seine Fähigkeiten zum Guten zu entwickeln, dann macht sich bei dem Menschen ein Rücktritt bemerkbar, er entartet und fällt nieder wie eine abgestorbene Rinde. Aber nach den Kabbalisten kann das Böse niemals den Abschluß bilden; stets wird es durch das Gute wieder aufgehoben; die abgestorbenen Rinden können noch nützlich sein, wenn sie der Landmann sammelt, verbrennt und sich an ihrem Feuer wärmt, die Asche aber als nährenden Dünger für den Baum verwendet, oder wenn sie, an den Wurzeln des Baumes vermodernd, diese ernähren und so wieder in den Kreislauf des Saftes zurückkehren. / Nach den Ideen der Kabbala ist das ewige Feuer, in dem die Bösen brennen, doch ein Reinigungsfeuer, das sie durch schmerzvolle, aber notwendige Umwandlungen dem allgemeinen Wohl dienen läßt und sie in der Ewigkeit wieder dem Guten zuführt, das schließlich triumphieren muß. / Gott, sagen die Kabbalisten, ist das absolut Gute, es kann aber nur ein Absolutes geben: Das Böse ist daher nur der Irrtum, der durch die Wahrheit aufgehoben werden wird; es ist die Rinde, die, vermodert oder verbrannt, sich wieder in Saft verwandelt und von neuem dem großen Leben des Universums dient. - Doch die Rinden zu verbrennen ist eine schwierige und mühsame Arbeit; der Eingeweihte wird diesen gewundenen, steilen Pfad rascher durcheilen".

I have little knowledge on the matter but can easily see that this fragment from Sédir could have been the one and only 'theoretical' source for the 'holocaust' = 'burn-sacrifice'. I notice the concept of 'entartet' which Hitler/'Marhall' used about certain forms of art. For the name of Yvon Le Loup, I notice also the fall of Yvonne Voss which resembled the one of austrian Grögger (whose skull for medical reasons was opened thereafter). This 'Kabbala' is likely to be the reason for the many newspieces of bombs and other probably angloamerican cases of terror in Kabul.

"Die Rinde, sagen sie, bildet einen Auswuchs, der sich in Runzeln und Falten absetzt, wenn der Saft, statt seinen Kreislauf auszuführen, an der Außenseite erstarrt; die Rinde vertrocknet und fällt dann ab": This formulation seems to be the background for the idea of a 'handle' that falls off and the nazi obsession with sperm. The rockslide of 'Beachy Head' in 1999 - in the weekend after I had written a letter to the Poetry Society and planned to send it on monday - could then have been about the fall-off of the 'handle' in the form of a 'Schale oder Rinde'. The handle has a shape as of a 'U', and when it falls off it is 'XU', the apparent theme of the Oslo Report. It may also turn into a moving vehicle: France on the other side of the channel would then have been that 'moving vehicle' - and the channel itself the british-obsessional 'sperm floating inbetween and thereby being the sefirotic 'Daat' cause of dangerous knowledge. The ship 'Erica' - same name as the typewriter of Gröver/'Mengele' which I borrowed for the first pages of my authorship - broke in two and sank, like the Erica typewriter, which I borrowed, fell down and got a mark on its 'wagon' which reduced its functionability. The falldown could have been my fault, and in these british circumstances it could be about finding somebody else to dump the blame on - for a holocaust or other genocidal perversities of spirituality.

Hence the british program could be to dump the blame for a continued holocaust or other genocide on my authorship. Which is not right - I am no nazi.

The Advisory Board for the 'Reading Greek' of 1978 could be seen to contain names for this idea of a Beachy Head falldown - as if it were about the handle of 'Schale oder Rinde' that falls down after I had typed a letter to London Poetry Society on my computer keyboard and that should lead to a holocaust. Superstition that would be, fear of what action your reading can lead to. Reading vedic sanskrit produces ideas as instigation to action in your mind, hence the britons could have found it necessary to reduce the effect of vedic sanskrit on the readers by german nazism. Hence the swastikas as the symbol of nazism, and hence the superstition about the 'dangers of reading' that can turn these lines of Sédir = Le Loup (as for a Black Sea Loop?) into a holocaust. That is a lot of nonsense: It is the politics which creates a holocaust, not some 'dangerous lines'. Therefore a step down from or up to the 'Bürgersteig' cannot lead to anything which does not haunt the mind of a politician anyhow, and to step up and down from the curbstone does not endow anybody with divine powers, cp. the archetype of the man-on-wagon for my 'Caruso' book - it is only pride and hubris which can produce such ideas of 'divine authority' by curbstone-stepping, and such pride and hubris blunts the self-understanding of the human mind among other human minds.

You won't get more or less divine by stepping up and down the curbstone.

Tone Gröver once told me that the fillings which school dentist Aulie had put in tend to fall out again.

It was probably in the first half of the 70's that Gröver/'Mengele' came home with a recording by Clifford Curzon of Grieg's A minor concerto. He sat listening to it in the sofa with his head backwards. Could have been the cliff of Beachy Head with the curse of the greek course and the sofa - and then 'head backwards' could have meant his career in the form of the formula of morphine as the opposite of head low for a career in the sense of opposite-valued chemicals.

Is it the plan with a war for driving the chemicals through? When the new 'pot chief' takes place in his chair and reads these plans, why doesnt he tell it to the people? His 'colleagues in England' are not interesting for the people. The people must get the chance to elect governments who are not willing to collaborate on it.

For the story of the civilian policeman (who could not have been a laser projection, since he gave me a copy of my own letter and asked if I had written it), I notice the story of Pol Pot and 'Pål Steigan', which could compare with the form 'Polzei-Gan'. 'Gan' is lapp or sami sort of curse, cp. the 'c[o]urse in Greek', and the word seems related to 'palate' = 'gane'. Cp. 'Palate's Ei-Gan'. There is the question whether the plan could be to recognize this as 'fellatio' and its 'sami' curse that drove Adam and Eve out from paradise. There is also the joke about how Eve was made from Adam's 'rib-bon[e]', the gear needed to keep his 'heart' in position for a self-suck of the lonely Adam in paradise - and from there further bad jokes about the role of the human body in the performance of arts. Could have been what Hitler called 'entartet'? I recall Even Hovdhaugen in a lecture telling of the priest (some centuries ago) who had studied languages and concluded that the name of Adam was not Adam - it was SVEN due to the directions South-West-East-North, and hence he spoke not hebrew but SVEN-sk = swedish. 'The swedish girl' (Eve for Adam) = 'svenska flickan' which could reshape into 'Sven's gaffel i gan' = 'Sven's fork in the gan'. The FALL of traditional mythology tells of fellatio ('gaffel' in the palate?) as the cause. As for the role of the self-sucker seemingly assigned to me by angloamerican intrigue. As for Snowden ('sno den') in Moscow, see also the 'Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache' (mit Übungsbeispielen, Lesestücken und einem Glossar) by J.Gonda (as for the gas attack in Syria = 'Syr'-ia of 'Gouda'?), professor in Utrecht, published in Leiden by E.J.Brill.

The man called 'Lubomir Harman' who went for a shooting spree in Bratislava just across the border was allegedly a former policeman. 'Marr-Hahn' could be seen to be the weathercock (south-west-east-north) of the russian linguist Marr who proposed four basic morphs for all languages.

In the Vienna U-Bahn they now say 'Steigen Sie nicht mehr ein' before the doors close. Could be 'Steigan sier Nyheter' = 'Steigan Poll'?

The poster photo to 'About time' could look like Churchill's famous promise to the britons before the war, or Jessenin and Duncan. It is a guess that 'death on Churchill' could be the only slogan which still - after that holocaust - has some voters' appeal among the people in England - like Oedipous who pronounced the ban and exile of the murderer of the previous king (not knowing that it was himself). 'Churchill's Död' = the 'danske stöd' (which is that glottal articulation which could have some physiological similarities with a certain kind of laughter after Churchill) = the 'hands fraude ned-trekker' of Pol Vott. It is likely that a pronounced disgust by and rejection of England is the only thing which britons (after WWII) really appreciate, and that the Gandhis were murdered because they had studied in England and were not sufficiently distinct in their rejection of the country.

As the story of the Budapest sofa and the 'scholarly' british journal with the greek course could tell, the british administration could clearly be seen to be in the forefront of 'cynicism and irony' today - could be they want to steer the world. It could be this 'death on Churchill' = 'danish STÖD' which could be the tune.

It could be the phenomenon of the british monarchy with its 'royal privileges' that is the root of the problem. The situation in the entrance room to the neighbour woman in Odda in 1960 could perhaps be called 'rå-hjelp rev i legges' - and hence 'Al Qaida' could perhaps be the name of those 'royal privileges'. I notice also the 'banned kief' ('hermetic' Le Loup, italian poets) on the poster photo to the film.

Nedregaard played on a Moeck recorder. He studied with Michala Petri in Copenhagen. He was not so old when he talked in the back seat of Gröver/'Mengele's VW of how much 'brigg and öl and brigg and...' his parents were drinking.

It is all too easy to understand why the angloamericans eventually could want to publish my work - and hence why I would like to find a publisher east of England.

As to Pol Pot, this story of the highlands of Asia could have been the reason - and the Beachy Head rockslide could have been in continuation of or response to it. The book with the greek course was published in 1978, same year as Vietnam invaded Cambodia and stopped Pol Pot's administration - and the year 1977-78 included also the Rekustad story with the flooding after it seems to have been preannounced in MLR on 'Reinhold Milnes' and 'Keats-and-Coleridge', cp. the 'kitchen colerinse'. The british program could then have been an attempt to show that 'reading greek' can make your mind vulnerable to action which it otherwise would not have done, and the story of the iron mark on the sofa could have served as a proof. A proof of what? That I had not expected british intrigue to reach me in Budapest - that it was not a communist utopia after all? There was also a 'Lee, Verity and Story' in the autumn 1982 after the last octogon story, unless even this late one was included in the octogon.

The AIDSHIV epidemic - apparently set in circulation with a test vaccine against hepatitis-B in Greenwich Village in New York (cp. the agrarian reform of Cambodia - 'hyppe poteter' is needed to improve the potato crop and it is done with spades - could be even 'ski-piggs' could be used) in november 1978 - could have been an angloamerican response to Pol Pot - if there really was this reason for the cambodian history. (For the similarities in outlines of England and the asian highlands, see also the cartoon 'La Linea' and how it resembles Rilke's signature).

For the seventh article title of MLR october 1984 - Rilke's "Marien-Leben". By Elizabeth Boa - I notice also the Elisabeth-Spital in Vienna - it was in a group of houses resembling, as far as I remember (but I may be mistaken), the group of houses of the flat I rented in Budapest. It used to block Goldschlagstrasse (parallel to Felberstrasse) in Vienna - like Hörbiger in Ehamgasse (parallel to Lorystrasse) - now it is torn down and Goldschlagstrasse will probably be opened again.

The global society will probably develop towards a stateless and hopefully classless society - could be it will come to resemble a sort of communism. The only important thing is that a british upper class does not develop on basis of surveillance technology - basing its powers on being the only holders of ancient mystic-religious treatises on the constitution of the human organism relative to beyond-the-brain realities (there are, after all, not much more than a few gigas in a human brain, about the size of a beachy head camera, and it is not likely that human scholarliness really can hold all its knowledge contained in such humble memory technology, for which reason it can be suggested that the brain is not much more than a sensory organ for higher spiritual realities - a sort of eye looking into the higher skies where the cognition really goes on) coupled with the keys to a ruling mythology in extension from the Klipra connection. This way of thought - the prospects for a future global communism - could have been the basis for the dissolution of the Soviet Union, for choosing the way of peace and a global equilibrium which hopefully gradually will come to dissolve and absorb 'the british problem'.

For my own personal role, if it is to be the 'Ur-Papa' in an Adolf Eichmann family tree from about 1960, I notice the formula 'persona non grata' vs 'person a non gram-a' = 'a person from some grams' ('Elemenear-Gramma-Eik der San-Skritts-Pracht'? - 'troll a eske' = 'Fitzgerald'?). If the plan is to make a class of second-classers, it could be that the trick of 'persona non grata' in principle could be used - it deprives people of their protection from the law and thereby normally forces them out of the country. But I don't know if there are any options for using this expulsion tool on other than diplomacy and things like that. Can, in principle, the whole residential register - minus a few chosen ones - be moved into the class of 'persona non grata'? I would hope not.

The british scholar Monier Monier-Williams wrote a Sanskrit-English dictionary. The preface was completed in 1899 and his son F.C Monier-Williams appended to it a notice of 4 may 1899 telling that his father died in Cannes just after having completed the last proof-reading of the book, which was to be published some weeks later. He had "hoped to see his work published shortly after his return to England. Although this desire was not granted, it was a satisfaction to him to know that the last revise had received his final corrections, and that the book would be issued from the University Press within a few weeks of his death". 'Kan' is sanskrit for 'to be satisfied'. Could be this story is used frequently by administration for reasons of its 'jocular' elements of self-sucker in it. It could also have been used on me if the role is associated with the 'abba', so to speak. One can guess that 'canned beef' is a concept which could come to be used if a new Hitler is supposed to launch the concept of catholic transubstantiation just like the former Hitler was a Führer for 'the jewish revolution'. 'Banned kief' could be the alternative.

See this file on the Poncelet complex.

It seems that intellectuals have been murdered systematically since at least the war, could be since 1905. Take almost any prominent intellectual of the 20th century and look up the MLR immediately preceding the death - and it is very often that the name seems to be encoded in the titles. Could be this is for the 'intelligence to shine through the eyes of the british government', but the fact would then remain that it could not have been without the knowledge of the local services in the country where it happened. This means that the governments - or at least their services - often know about it - but the diplomacy has remained intact. "...our colleagues in England..." says perhaps the local government's 'intelligence' services, as if the british intelligence were a decent and respectable organization, and as if 'intelligence' and 'surveillance and control' were a FACH which can be studied as a descent science whose rules require obedience just like scholars are bound by the rules of truth. The FACH says that if you murder the intellectuals in a country, the intelligence will go down and a bridge of power will then be created to the country who organized the murders. That is FACH, and 'we are collaborating with our colleagues in England' on this FACH which we study and put into reality. Intelligence... Therefore it is considered a matter of 'scholarly integrity' and not moral finesses to let the murders go as planned and not stop them? If this is the attitude, it is not likely that it is shared by the people.

The calendarial telescope around the election to parliament in England on 7 june 2001:

There are some 86 years from Madonna in Paris 1830 Laboure to Gröver/'Mengele's birth on 27 October 1916. Adding the same time interval in days to his official birth gives 27 September 2002. The mirror point on the other side of 27 Sept 2002 relative to 7 June 2001 (election day in England) is 16 February 2000.

Now 16 February 2000 is not remarkable when it comes to terrorist manifestations, but 16 February 2001 is: It is framed by the assassination of Laurent Kabila (see the article on the poem of Jessenin) on 16 January and the dormitory bombs in Hebei in China ('Bollekinna'?) on 16 March. I showed in 2001 that there were good reasons to assume a correlation between these in parallel with Kursk and Cole 2000, which then would leave 16 February 2001 as the essential part of it.

To reach the mirror point 16 February 2001 from 16 February 2000, one must add one year. That gives one year's displacement.

There is a one month's displacement from the original election date sheduled for 7 May 2001 to 7 June which was the new election date after the outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease (in 'Heddon-on-the-Wall' on some apparently significant date). 7 May was also a date with a heavy significational load after the bombing of the Chinese embassy on 7 May 1999.

Now there is one week's displacement from the Kathmandu massacre (the royal massacre in Nepal) when the queen of England had been in Norway (I think she had just gone back from Oslo to London on the day when it happened, or maybe she had one foot on the runway) to the date 8 June after the new election day 7 June. See Spenser's 'The Faerie Queen', the beginning.

And then there is one day's displacement by the logarithmic telescoping towards the election from election day 7 June to the date which this series converges towards.

There was also the Talpiot Versailles Banquet Hall collapse during a wedding in Jerusalem on 24 May, 2 weeks exactly before the election. If that were an act of terrorism, it could have been for the 'political' idea of a self-sucker clasping the two heels with the own hands: This is one of the necessary means for getting it in, the other is the 'ribbon of Eve'. 'Talpok között' is hungarian for 'between the bottom of the feet'.

The last step or joint in the temporal telescope onto the election in England on 7-8 june 2001 would then be the interval of 1 hour: The car crash outside the house where I lived in Vilnius was, as far as I now remember, precisely 1 hour before Jack Straw was pronounced new foreign secretary on basis of the election result. (From my notes it seems that the crash was at 21:05 lithuanian time and Straw was pronounced at 21:05 english time, one hour later). The circumstances of this pronouncement was reported in british newspapers: There was first some fumbling with the microphones, which could have taken perhaps 1 minute, and then there was a clearing of the throat which could have taken 1 second - before the name of JACK STRAW came at the tip of the long telescope. One clearly sees the possibility that this could have been about Strack Jaw = stretched the jaw downwards in order to get the own erection into the mouth.

The car crash would have been part of this telescope. It could have been the one from Budapest, and this again followed after Ragna Gröver's crash in 1981.

I see from my notes that there was yet another car crash on just the same place outside my home in Vilnius later in the same year 2001 - it seems to have been around the time of the expiry of the deadline of applications to norwegian authors' stipends.

It seems to be this idea of some 'sperm' or 'authorship' slipping inbetween a falling-off handle and some moving vehicle, for the idea of dumping the blame for a mass murder on the origins of the issue or 'authorship'. Could be this is the contents of the idea that I should be the son of Himmler - since Himmler was the cause of the holocaust.

Conclusion on the whole story: It seems that british administration has been possessed with this idea of being able to engineer my acts and hence thoughts by manipulation in advance. The foot-and-mouth disease in 1968 broke out around Jensen-Gröver-Mengele's birhday and could have been made as responsibility claim on the success of british guiding of my own self-suck ('foot-in-mouth') in the early seventies. The Rekustad water leak was apparently preannounced in MLR, but the title said 'was there one or two meetings between Keats and Coleridge', suggesting that if they did not succeed in making me open the water tap, they would have to do it themselves. Next this mark on the sofa could have been the next 'project'. There could have been a series of such 'projects' for the one and only purpose of making responsibility claims on my authorship - as for claiming that I wrote only what they had organized in advance, as for the ridiculous claim that they had written my poetry (which it is very easy to show that they have not). From this the conclusion should be that my authorship was the sperm in the mouth and this should be the same as the chemicals injected into the victims of a new round of holocausting, on background of the idea that every briton in principle is a self-sucking pedo and thereby the association of the disastrous chemicals with my authorship will mean a spread of the power of the british administration in the global space. What a terrible idea!

I very strongly protest against any such abuse of my authorship. Nixon to China in 1972 could have been the same 'project'. I hope to have my work published east of England.

It is not I who look ridiculous with this 'self-sucker'. It is the british administration who does! Where do they think they have such authority from - that they can just throw out such 'telescopes' like this? Foot-and-mouth 1968 and 2001 - it could have been for the political program based on the fundamental precondition that every briton is a self-sucking pedo and that is the basis for their aspirations of global rule in the third millenium. What a monarchic idea! Could be the people of England want to find a better solution for the third millenium.

As far as the 'Reading Greek' coursebook and its potential use in intrigue is concerned, it can serve as an example of the archetypal issue for the question of same-sex marriage: All societies have institutionalized marriage because it grants the child a legal right to be loved in the sense of providing a continuity between the act of creation of the child (the marital conjunction) and its need for upbringing. If the child can learn greek without having to risk being ridiculed by later intrigues teasing the child to stand in the window to look out on passing-by crashing autos ('Kras-noi'?) etc, then it is possible to learn greek. But if the course tells of LIMEN and LEMBON for the purpose of later ridicule and intrigue with LIMBÅN[d], 'sose seauton', then it is not possible to learn the ancient language any longer - except in the non-loving cynical and ironic style of administrative massage by propaganda. Same-sex marriage cannot lead to the creation of children, which means that the original reason for the child's existence cannot be present in the custody authority which guides the upbringing in same-sex marriage. Marriage has always meant that the child has a legal right to be loved in the upbringing and therefore can trust the good intention in the pedagogic guiding. If, therefore, for example socialists go for a re-definition of what marriage is and has been through all ages by disrupting the continuity back to the original reason for the child's existence, it could be that BANDA ACEH and BAM ('barn' = 'children') simply means BENTE LASSEN in the sense of the first teacher in the greek course - inviting socialists and radicals to join the vulgar british hyper-reactionary program.

Same-sex marriage - it is not 'safe-sex' marriage they are talking about?

Why arent these things explained in clear wording on TV? I mean, every detail needed for understanding the intrigue - including british Hitler, Poncelet and all? It is not told - because then it will not progress according to plans? But the plans could mean murdering millions of people and sending thousands or millions to the horrors of the chemicals! The people do not want to have that! If those are the plans, the people want to have the plans now so that they can elect politicians who can change the plans.

The story of the sofa - and comparable stories - could be about an attempt to coup what has been recognized as 'instigation to action' in sanskrit (vedic) texts. Hitler sent his 'sanskrit' postcard to Paris in 1924, it was read by a postman, and immediately Quisling and Devold packed their suitcases and went to Gorki to shoot Lenin? That couped the russian revolution - and ideas of instigating action in me by way of an intrigue of the sofa could have been an attempt to coup the sanskrit thing.

There is a billion or so of people in India and is it nearly two billion in China: These are old nations with thousands of years of cultural history and constitute the essential counterbalance to 'british nazism', as it can be called. If a new Hitler harassing catholic transubstantiation - for the eventual post-2045 conclusion all over the world that "we dont want more of this nazi catholicism" - can suffice for turning the giant historic icebergs of India and China around to accept british empiricism - do you think the angloamericans would refrain from trying it once again? That would be hazard - to trust british honesty, decency, integrity. I would not take such a chance. Therefore it is urgent to come out with the whole story - to prevent that those giant icebergs of history are turned around to a self-demolishing easy-going world on a 'british' template.

Conclusion conclusion

It seems that Rafael and Leonardo were murdered because the britons wanted the new king Henry VIII to be goodlooking. Such an artist...! It seems that they have continued in the same manner - and this led to the development of mafia in Italy, in a desperate attempt to protect the vulnerable bodies of the artists and other intellectuals. It has probably been like this in many countries. The Gandhis... The whole story since 1814 can be seen to be a british war against the achievements of the french Poncelet: It was an intellectual achievement which could lead to the construction of an information transmission faster than light and England has since then been busy with warring it down, apparntly to the extent of butchering intellectuals who could be able to continue his work (and today there are perhaps no mathematicians left - they are all exterminated - who can understand what Poncelet and Grassmann really meant?). How can one ever be more hyper-reactionary.

Isnt this the whole story?

Why on earth should the world continue with that England? In particular if the plans should be to use the people of England as a footstool only, to be considered a lot of people with certain problems?

The big thing in politics is therefore to break the spell of temptation offered to the rulers of the countries, those who sit on the secrets, of a little power now and then for facilitating the government of the people - by the trick of secrecy? Isnt it time to publish the whole story and bring this disastrous period to an end? We cannot continue to build a future based on that total misunderstood direction of everything resulting from the Hitler intrigue. Politics and government is always the perennial temptation of turning information into secrets which can be opened by the people only be use of violence and hence can be protected by the government only by use of the same means - and that is how an upper class is created to protect the uppermost monarch against a lower class. The art of government must be to avoid that temptation and pump the power (that is, knowledge of the history) back to the people as soon as it starts accumulating as secrets in the centre.

Which means that the people's movement against angloamericanism must be in the form of new historic consciousness.

The britons must tidy up. Do they really plan to pay for all the rockpedo quakes?

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 4 november 2013