What happened?

John Bjarne Grover

Trump was elected on a pro-jewish program and early called Netanjahu to talks, but it seemed that Israel could not meet expectations properly. Xi did the same. Trump seems perhaps to have called his jewish involvement somewhat off and filled the election promise about the embassy in Israel but perhaps not so much more (I have no data on this). Through the rest of his period he blamed 'China', as he called it, for all sorts of things.

Is it possible that Trump simply pulled out of politics, so to speak, after that meeting with Netanjahu and took care not to be re-elected? But the expectations in Israel may have remained somewhat unfulfilled, even if the election promises (such as that embassy issue) probably were followed up.

What was the contents of that first meeting? I dont know - but I could perhaps allow myself the speculations that it could have been somewhat like this: If Israel helps Mr.Grover, then the White House can help Israel.

What sort of help could that have been? A publisher, for example? Or a house somewhere else?

If Israel or Netanjahu is liaisoned somehow with England on one single point - me, a PTRSIM PIK? - that could be where it all stops and it could be that it will not start moving again untill this point is clarified - as could be the story? I frankly dont know but I speculate on background of my own situation - which has been rather immovable for years.

It is very possible that 200.000 italians today are alive that otherwise would have been dead in covid-19 if I had not moved from Vienna down to Venice between wave 1 and 2 (on 27 july 2020). See my file 'Why I have stayed outside Austria since 27 july 2020' which tells why this could be linked to me being in Austria (wave 1) or Italy (wave 2). By this computation:

Mortality in Italy in wave 1 was 16,4% - globally it was 6,5%
Mortality in Italy in wave 2 was 2,8% - globally it was 1,7%

In addition to this, there is or has been probably (as I speculate) a rather massive weight on my person and work from abuse including plagiarisms in culture (films, books), business, media, advertisement, politics etc. Then the problem could be that the world has not paid me for the abuse - for the loss that a plagiarism can be for me - when the abuser earns money which I otherwise could have earned. If they call it an 'intelligence project', that is an outright lie: I am not involved in any 'intelligence project' and have never agreed to anything such. If the 'intelligence' roundhandedly distributes my work as if it were their own, what sort of global health comes out of that? Not to spreak of the economy?

Clearly this could be the covid-19.

Daily new cases annotated

Daily deaths annotated

The curves for new cases and deaths in Italy since the beginning of the pandemic are very smooth - there are only two marked events which make them deviate from perfect smooth curves up and down: There is a little bump on the curve of daily deaths when my epidemiological theory of 14 april apparently prompted alerts - and there is a bigger deviation around 14 december (or a couple of days earlier) when the electronic temperature measurements in the post offices in Venice were introduced. It looks as if the two curves would have been down on zero by now if it had not been for this latter one.

But of course, I know not much more than the data I have presented here so this must count as speculations only.

Added 26 january 2021: The question is, this means, whether England was instrumental in re-opening the state of Israel after all the centuries of dispersion for reasons of its 'power sausage' called PTRSIM PIK - based on the first book of Moses and the text of the gospel of Matthew. That is, whether England put up the condition for the continued existence of Israel that they contribute to the prevention of free development of the PTRSIM PIK.

One of the last things Mike Pompeo did as secretary of state was to launch accusations against 'China', as he called it, for genocides against minorities.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 25 january 2021
>Last updated 26 january 2021