A white metre theory

John Bjarne Grover

The intersection between time and frequency, paradigm and syntagm, synchrony and diachrony, or harmony and counterpoint is an old and wellknown mystery. The transform from the one to the other dimension is well studied and traditionally summed up in the Fast Fourier Transform, but what really happens inside the very intersection itself is probably still unknown to the human species. How can things move at all? asked the old atomists of ancient Greece. After all, there must be some space to move in and there is always something there already - so it should not really be possible?

All spectra leak, is the conclusion to all these transform problems.

My white metre poetry books 'Breathing of silence' and 'The rose's triangle' are about harmony and counterpoint. A suggestive theorizing on the mystery intersection (where the spectra leak, that could mean) could go as follows:

The triangle of the rose is like the triangle of God's eye (often seen in churches) interfacing with the interlacing petals of the rose, telling of the nature of the intersection from the viewpoint of the counterpoint as it considers the harmony and ponders how to reach computable understanding there - and in the course of this exchange of interests (in the brief interval of termporality, that could mean) the divine triangle transforms into a trinity form - while in the course of this the intersecting harmony will have undergone changes as well - in its 'breathing of silence'. One could think of this breathing as the alternating inhalation and exhalation of the egyptian 'computation theory' in the tomb illustrations of e.g. Meir. The silence will be the border of the 'waist of time' model of grammar in my PhD dissertation. The changes in harmony could perhaps be spotted in the quarter-tone tonality of Nono's quartet.

This is of course a bold theory on what happens inside the mystic intersection - and poetry can here venture to tell what science cannot.

An interesting theory is that this brief and quasi-atomic interval of 'logical pause' is the same as the personal 'khora' described by Plato - and the field of differential calculus which was shooting forth at the time of Grassmann-Cauchy in the 1840's - assumed to give rise to marxism as a protest against the 'exploitation of the intellectual property' that belonged to Grassmann: He had sent a part of the outcome of his work in this 'khora' to Cauchy who seems to have harvested some profits from it without crediting the source. The reason for that is likely to be that the theoretic basis for differential calculus rests on an assumption which cannot take mystic daylight - and hence the exploitative attempt to get control with it results from the technological advantages which it can provide along with the excessive emphasis on the role of history (or 'mammon' as it is sometimes called): Hence marxism emphasizes History since that it to wriggle the power back from capitalism. History determines your consciousness, they say in marxism - that is to say that the 'khora' is the same as differential calculus to the extent that the consciousness is determined by History.

A certain theoretic view can also be assigned to the christian concept of the crucifixion in the form of 'differential stretch' when the body is stretched down by gravity on the cross - then the intersection between time and frequency etc will glide from the 'thumos' to the head and thereby reach 'consciousness', and this theory could say that this stretch is the same as the historic calculus as the condition of human existence for the God who took on human shape - at least to the extent that human consciousness can grasp in its theoretic conceptualization of it in philosophical speculation. Hence it would be the gravity which is the same as the 'sin' of humans - which makes sense relative to my semiotic theory which tells that it is when the two metaphysical observations of two different metaphysical realities are recognized as one and the same (this recognition being made by the limited or conditioned capacities of the human spirit) that matter arises and that matter necessarily has gravity under such conditions, since gravity arises from the inertia resulting from the restrictions of the free movement of the metaphysical realities.

DNA, the genetic disposition, is a balance organ that keeps account of the balance between physics and metaphysics: It is necessary for understanding how a body cell can understand that it shall divide in two or let it be when an organ is repairing itself - since a control system of material receptors and signal carriers sending messages from a control centre to the organ and its cells would lead to excessive complexities which cannot explain this inherent knowledge of a body cell. But a theory of metaphysical balance can - the cell division continues untill balance is regained - and therefore we can understand the human condition of limited understanding - which also gives shape to natural language - as being genetically conditioned.

Grassmann had probably deserved recognition in mathematics and a chair of mathematics in Berlin for this work which opens for a mystic inquiry in mathematics by making it possible to detach different metaphysical realities from each other and thereby also the historic dependencies, but, if my guessworks about the story are right, Cauchy misunderstood this theoretic potential in the sense that he assigned one reality to Grassmann and another to himself and thereby 'dissolved' the dependencies between these by imposing a martial strategy on the dissolution of the dependencies - and he could thereby occupy a part of Grassmann's theoretic 'khora' by not crediting the source. This problem can be seen to extend to the current political problems extending from a similar exploitative abuse of small children. Friendliness and understanding is the alternative to these martial strategies which impose physical existence onto the self and metaphysical onto the other for thereby understanding the balance as an act of warcontrolled truce.

Mystic inquiry tells that this martial control arises from a limited understanding when the conscious or 'recognized' world is divided into 'Reviers' and hence the human condition as different from other realities is a result of just this. Mystic inquiry strives towards an understanding of the 'divine' in the sense of unlimited understanding.

In line with this study, it can be assumed that the white metre contains the format of ancient egyptian knowledge, which by this study could suggest that the white metre can transcend the limitations of the Turing boundary of computation.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 12 january 2024