2 december 2021

John Bjarne Grover

It seems that somebody could be trying to coup my volition. The doorbell is on and off outside my control, the mouse on my computer has turned super sensitive and the web connection disrupts a bit too easily - say, if I try and open some pages. I wrote 'Adolf' in the file I published on the internet but it was spelt 'Adollf' on the web, at least on my computer, so I dont know. It later occurred right.

In recent days I was to three different grocery shops and in all of them there occurred a male with requests interrupting the shopwoman in the moment just before completion of the trade - after it was too late to turn around in time. Yesterday in a Billa shop there was a male coming after me giving a sign or asking for sth to the shopwoman who then turned and reached for a possibly preprepared plastic container with a pack of DUREX inside, which she shook/poured out of the container onto the counter to the customer - or could be the container was for antiseptic purposes - while I waited with the money in hand. It is felt as a case of personal persecution if three cases in series cannot be a coincidence - then it appears like an attempt to swap the male gender with the female in my attention. (Some years ago there seemed to be a little much of this - males lining up behind me in the shop for buying beer, sausages and butter, and I speculated if this were correlated with later terror - and those years made me nervous about this phenomenon but I believed it had improved in recent years, untill this started again now some days ago).

I concluded that it could have been a case of 'Gedankenpolizei' interpreting my ideas into HERRE-KJØNN (= 'male gender') vs KJÆRE HUNd = 'Dear female/dog' or KJÆRE HØNe = 'Dear poultry', could be as a better alternative. It could be - if surveillance of my flat is sophisticated with tapping of body functions and electromagnetic state of the brain - that they can read or smartly guess my thoughts against other available data (car numbers etc).

Darlen Bakke lived with Simon Walther Hauge in the neighbouring house to mine when I lived at Rekustad on Rolvsøy - they split and she moved to Hannover. The austrians should probably have returned the black textiles to me if they were formed twice ex nihilo in the moment when I stepped into the tram #1: They could have consulted surveillance in the tram and concluded (with index trembling or not) that "these textiles properly belong to you, Mr.Grover, you can come and get them at our office" - and that would probably have been a much better insurance for a divinely sanctioned ownership to the land than the 'Ostarrichi document' can provide, in particular if this latter is a piece of 'service fraud'. Such ex nihilo need perhaps not be so very 'divine' - it is perhaps a marginal part of 'the self' (and then theories about origins in Satan are not so smart) - but the chances for a divine sanction is probably better than by deliberate human swindle - and if it be a part of a scapular symbolism, the associative connections to a divine origin could be not so bad. But it seems that the lost-and-found office may have kept them for themselves (if, say, they were not ex nihilo at all) - and that could have created a state of nervousness that the state had not the proper ownership to the territory and hence that the territorial rights were threatened and the security of the state thereby - and then a 'youu, Mr.Grover' could come to go wrong way. A few years ago there were discussions on the status of the 'burqas' which some people use - and certain black textiles could perhaps be associated with the associative capacities of the cortex, its ability to relate to inspiration etc. On such a background, and in particular in light of the webside diagonal from Vilnius, this tells of how urgent it could be to find a solution for me in another country. Is it british interests who tap the PTRSIM PIK for 'the good shepherd' to lead the way?

But I probably cannot make that move on my own - in particular if such 'thought guessing' could be the reason for my problems with the righthand side of my hip. Thoughts are probably 'pulled down' by surveillance - the art is to humbly leave it there but with sufficient challenges they could perhaps be kept grazing around down there - around the blue and red metres - for a while. Stephen Saunders (british military attache) was shot in Athens could be around the time when I lifted the telephone receiver when it rang in Rinktines in Vilnius. I believed somebody said a word or two from my then strictly unpublished novel "The Dreamer" before hanging up - and in fact the word 'Gedankenpolizei' is used once in that novel - the last word on 16.7.94 - yesterday that was just 10.000 days ago. This activates the xylophone via 'Xenophon' with his 10.000 of 'Anabasis'. Those 10.000 can perhaps be called 'hoi deka khilioi' (not in any black clothes that could have been made from the textiles - 'she in covered kilos') but more properly 'murioi'. But that would have been my 'transfigurational' numbers - not the 'secret intelligences' via ideas of a once upon a time custody authority of my official mother. I would course have liked to get a copy of a surveillance recording of the venetian xylophone (assumed, if not simply an ordinary xylophone in a high window, to play 'ex nihilo' when I was in the garden behind or rather next to the linguistics institute), if that exists, and publish it here on this homepage - I hope it has not been classified as secret by some 'intelligence services' who could be planning to use it for intrigue.

I have also on background of other phenomena speculated if the three incidents in the shop could have been organized in view of the possibility of mine going for a vaccination - and then e.g. a man comes in the door in the moment when the syringe starts injecting the stuff. If so, it would probably be better for me to seek vaccination in another country. There are plans for obligatory vaccination from 1 february onwards - and then the possibility of the vaccinations going the wrong way - as a means e.g. for british aspirations of world control via e.g. international secret intelligence services - could come to be enhanced by this. It is probably not the destruction of the human species which is 'desirable' from a power viewpoint - it is rather the chances for controlling the minds by the fear that this could come to happen. But, again, there is not much I can do beyond all these scriptures on the internet - I cannot take the hundreds of pages to a vaccination station and ask them to read through it for a better understanding of the problem etc.

Where are the curves showing ratio of vaccinated vs unvaccinated for new infections, mortality, population etc?

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 2 december 2021