The first emperor of China

John Bjarne Grover

The first emperor of China was Qin Shi Huang (259-210 BC), pronounced emperor of China from 221 to 210.

The story goes that he built the Great Wall of China, burnt all books of any value, buried 460 confuzian scholars alive, and then went for an inspection tour in his empire. Between Yangtze and the Yellow rivers he had a dream (tells Cotterell) - that he should shoot a big fish with crossbeam, which he did. Some time later, a month or so, he fell ill and died, but they could not just announce his death with a vacant office in the capital, so they decided to transport him home in a sedan chair, pretending that he was still alive, taking orders from him behind the curtains. But in the summer heat the corpse soon started to smell and they had to add a wagon with salted fish to blame for the smell. On their arrival the new emperor was pronounced. This famous story is possibly to be the background of attempts to swing a swastika from the east of Europe down onto Italy - for reaching the stage of new fascism and a new holocaust - an Endlösung - folding out like a red rose from the innermost recesses of the intrigue. He was buried along with his vast terracotta army.

Alas, it is likely that this really is something very different.

The pearl of ancient Chinese literature is Shijing, of 160+145 = 305 poems. It was written before and in the 'warring states' centuries - before the first emperor of China. An even older book of linguistic-poetic wisdom is the I Ching with its 64 hexagrams and 'oracles': This could be centuries or even millenia older than Shijing. By own studies I have recently come across an apparent parallel between I Ching 1-60 and Shijing 101-160 - and this could well have been intended in those days of its composition - which was well before the socalled book burning of 213 BC. But what about the last 61-64? Ah, that would be like the four last verses of the gospel of Matthew - for the difference between 1967 and 1071 verses which make for this PTRSIM PIK. It could mean the 100 schools of philosophy in Shijing 1-100. (Mao invoked the concept of '100 Flowers' around the time of my birth). But what are the last 145? Ah, that is the 460 scholars of philosophy that were buried alive, according to tradition.

That tells this story. There was perhaps no book burning and there were perhaps no scholars buried alive - but the centuries of warring states had taught the emperor that the precious pearls of chinese literature of those days had to be secured for the future and therefore a vast library was not burnt but buried deeply into the earth somewhere. Where? Ah, that would be up to a remote future to find out of. The solution to the riddle would be in the ursa major of the man-on-wagon accompanied with the smaller ursa minor of fishes, hence it would be in the north of something. Of what? Ah, the Great Wall of China could tell the direction. The last four verses of I Ching could tell where - on an astrological border between Wei and Ji? There is apparently some mixmax that the four first elements of I Ching meant five - that is why 145 = 4 etc. Who can solve the riddle?

The terracottas were found in 1974 and it is likely that the search for the library is either going on or it has already been found - the composition of the terracotta army could contain the solution to the riddle: First one had to find the terracottas, thereafter one could find the library - could be with books perfectly preserved inside fine glass bulbes and things like that. The terracottas of Shaanxi were in the same district as the world's biggest earthquake ever - in 1556 with 9,5 on Richter or thereabout - it swallowed 800.000 people. Probably not - since the terracottas are so well preserved? But what could have happened if grave robbers tried to get down there? A terrible earthquake... Treblinka, Rwanda, Verdun likewise 'swallowed' 800.000 each.

It is likely that this is the red rose that could unfold - and that nazi holocaust is but the same sort of wrong way as the buried books when these were reported to have been burnt. It is the vast mythological (or not mythological) chinese library that will unfold like a red rose - not the burying of the jewish culture!

It would be particularly unfortunate if my lost poetry notebooks were to be abused for making such a wrong-way holocaust. The police could have to search for and confiscate the notebooks among the belongings of the thief (if the notebooks are stolen), and then it should not be the other way round - that some public institution or power conspirators want to confiscate my manuscripts - for making a new holocaust driven by the expectations of the finding of this fantastic treasure in China. There seems to be a 'T' inserted into the cross-'beam' of Märzstrasse - around the Be[t]rufschule or thereabout - and with Zinckgasse as the name of the street, the plan could be old. Adolf Hitler lived for a period of time on the corner Felberstrasse/Beingasse - a good hundred metres or so down the street. Is it Ad-ol-f Hit-ler who is supposed to be the red rose of the fine glasse-bulbes?

It is not impossible that my person were planned to be used for engineering this turn of a swastika from an eastern arm down onto Italy - that is, the mythomaniac role of 'the first emperor of China' - with 'falling walls' of adobe with water pipes installed in Szolnok (that is, if the house should have been built as an 'intelligence' or so project intended for my specific person around 1970) etc. Ah, what a pathetic reality all this mythomania. In 2008 I sent a book of mine (TEQ book 16 - the part in parallel with Bach/Bartok) to the national library in China - and after the news of the tragic earthquake of Wenchuan at 14:28:01 local time, I speculated that it could have happened in the moment when my book crossed the border to China. I dont know if earthquakes can be triggered by 'rockpedos' exploding deep bombs, but there have been some reasons to speculate that it is possible.

Added on 2 january 2020:

It seems that the german language has lost somewhat the connection between the poetic constitution and the grammar - or language form generally. It can now and then be heard in a Venice street - german tourists speaking their mother tongue sometimes seem to feel uncomfortable with apparent scrabble pieces that tumble around in their mouths when facing the presence of history in the old town. What is the reason?

My theory is that this is due to centuries of a political pump based on the ethnologic parametre in the HYMEN of hungarian relative to the LAMPE of german - which has been pumping political power through the mother tongues from Hegyeshalom to Berlin for centuries - and this has drained the german language of its poetic roots and replaced it with political rationality on an anglophonic basis instead.

It would have been the Doppelmonarchie (and possibly some Habsburg phenomenon?) which was the background.

My SNEEFT COEIL contains the following two poems for the 'ethnologic parametre' of hungarian and german language:

2. = hungarian

Die einsame Jungfrau

Entblößt ist die steinerne Ziggurat.
Es ruht in der Abenden Bauch
deine übervergrößte Aufmerksamkeit
deines offenen Dornenstrauchs.

Verkleidet ist sie - die Dunkelheit -
wie eine Jungfrau in schwarz
die hinter dem offenen Abstellraum
einzieht in ihrn Atemrauch.

Vom Badezimmer entströhmt es die Zeit -
eine Reihe von Fraun auf den Marsch
bis letzte Frau auf den Hüften sitzt
eines Mannes der steht in ihrm Harz.

Die einsame Jungfrau - die kennen wir kaum.                
Die sitzt in ihrm Rosa zart
und liest in dem Buche des Marmorbaums
bei dem Fenster im Hause des Rats.
3. = german

Die Lampe

Die Lampe ist ein bekanntes Wort
das läßt sich bei Tag nicht verstehen.
Bei Nacht, doch, erschließt es seinen wahren Ort
in Dunkelheit vor unsrem Sehen.

Es zieht ein Licht über Bäume und Strauch
von Föhn in dem Wind einer Wand
als ziehe die Dunkelheit mit in dem Hauch
als wär' sie dem Licht unbekannt.

Der Vogel fliegt in dem schnellen Wald
und läßt sich nach Hummel fliehen.
Da zieht er wie Salz in dem Herbste kalt
nach was sich die Frühlinge ziehen.

Da war es die dunkle Frage entblößt
von welcher kein Lebe-Gast stand
als wär' es bei Donner und Blitze getöst
bei Fenster, bei Lampe, bei Wand.

The structural similarity is striking - both seem to be female (the Lampe is a female archetype, probably) - the only real difference could be that HYMEN. It may be - if my poetic interpretation is relevant - that this strong parallelism, which is quite exceptional for the european languages I have described by 'ethnologic parametre', is the whole story - of that 'power pump'.

Why is this turned into a political power pump? Could be 'power' is pumped up the tube by varying the on and off of the membrane. 'Bör' is hungarian for 'leather', hence 'Bör-lin' is the end station of the power pump where they walk 'unter den Linden'. The only existing hungarian (not loan word) that starts on LIN seems to be LINGÁR with the 1877 example from the etymological dictionary 'nem vagy ujan lingár mint más aszonyok' - 'dont be such a lingár as other women are'. A 'lingár' is then translated 'Schmeichler(in)' - and I recall the saying quoted by dane Inger (with whom I studied some latin) that 'ein Schmeichler ist nur ein höflicher Feind'. Hence the pumping of the power in the frontyard. The word of 1877 can be tested on PEB 49 line 1 which is 'a bulky barge, a ferry' - which then turns into 'lingár: a bluffer-be' or 'a bluff of B'. Could be one has a hymen, the other a 'B' - a polite enemy. This could be a political power pump towards Bör-lin. 'Blut und Boden' was Hitler's name for it.

This may via the Doppelmonarchie (!) have come to move the constitutive basis of language from the poetic reality to the political - thereby moving the constitutive linguistic basis from german to english, for some reason or other. Like balancing a tower of china Tellers in the hand - if this starts falling towards England, the solution has not been to let it crash to the floor but rather to run after it in the hope of regaining the balance - and hence it has turned into anglophonic power rather than german poetry.

This was the basis for Hitler - coming up from Austria with that notorious border of the Doppelmonarchie. Now the strategy seems to be to pile up a new China-plate tower in the hand - the library of lost poetry that was dug down by the emperor of China, according to fantasy - and the germans are invited to feel the enormous thrill in the possibility of regaining the poetic grounds by the unfolding of Hitler once again.

This means a tilt from the female archetype to dogs paradox - the two dogs digging for the lost treasure. And they found it! The fourth archetype relates to dogs paradox approximately like man-on-wagon relates to the female archetype. Hence if 'Bluff of P' would be the form for gender turned, the thrill of the search for the chinese library would turn from dogs paradox into the fourth archetype.

I may have solved this problem by way of the blue metre - showing the existence and the nature of the problem.

I have furthermore by the yellow metre shown how poetic grounds can be regained in a measurable way in relation to religious-mythological-poetic origins of hebrew and sanskrit - the two ancient languages relate to each other like a door and its doorframe.

But this was just Hitler's main program - to tell that the historic roots of the germanic people lay in the arian indo-germanic roots - and that these would be strengthened if considered in opposition to hebrew. Hence Hitler chose the ancient indian swastika as his emblem under which he 'negated' the hebrew.

But that was political power-struggle-wriggle in the net of the hymen pump, not a poetic solution. It may be the basis for a 'norwegian' faith in the political core of Hitler's program - assuming that I have been constructed to fail in my poetic program for giving space to the political instead - if the political program is to 're-habilitate' Hitler via that lost fantastic poetry library of the first emperor of China. Re-habitare - to get him back into his once 'Bhopal' - transported in a sedan chair. (The Bhopal 'ku-an' disaster took place not long after the death of Indira Gandhi - appr as long after as it took to carry the first emperor of China home to his 'bopæl' = 'residence' - this was also around the time of my latin exam along with Inger - and Sindre Bostad). 'Habilitas' is latin for 'practical apparatus', like such a power pump, a must for any kitchen, in particular when 're-habilitas', while 'habitar' is to 'reside'.

It seems that Austria may have given in to some temptations of this kind once again. But mustn't that necessarily lead to some self-contempt as far as own mother tongue is concerned? Even worse - is that even the heart of the power-pump-machine - in the net of the lin-en?

Virgin-nonvirgin-virgin-nonvirgin... But that must be pure fantasy! No, says the intrigue, not if it is Leib-rear-y.

Alas, what a pitiful marsh of mistakes that could be.

Habi-LI[n]-tas - the lost N could have been the theme of the Air Egypt crash in 1999 - at 0047 in the hour when summer time turned to winter time - the airplane described a big N in the air before it crashed at this time point (0047 is telephone prefix for Norway) - and Clinton went on an official visit to Norway early next morning. Could be this was the 'first emperor visit' since Kennedy? (A curious observation: After my 0047 days in the hospital in Venice - in the geriatric department it was - I tried to find a place to habitare but had to give up due to various difficulties - and so the N[orwegian] had to go back to Vienna).

Cp. also the HAB-leany boat disaster on the Danube.

Could be this Berlin-Lin-gár-Mörlin is an old 'Merlin' trick in the construction of nazism in Germany.

Of course if the poetic roots of the indo-european language german can be detected in the Rigveda, and the religious roots in the book of Moses, then it should be interesting for regaining poetic grounds for the german language - after all the years or centuries of power-pumping with a gliding towards the anglophonic. But not if that is given a political interpretation such a Hitler tried - there cannot be a worse solution - in particular for the german culture.

The combination of these - my blue and yellow metres - could be an important contribution for regaining healthy poetic grounds for the german language.

That is when I am in need of some positive support to my work. There has been little of that but I have taken it for granted that the austrians and germans certainly must appreciate my work much in light of what it can bring to their cultural situation. That is just when the loss of the poetry notebooks and the apparently only lukewarm interest in regaining them is an apparently great loss: This lack of interest serves to support those who want to make a new and powerful Hitler on basis of that lost poetry Leib-rear-y of china - but clearly that would be only to start running after the tilting pile - for ending in the total crash once again.

Clearly under such circumstances, it could be just perfect for the world if I live in Zinckgasse and it goes the poetic way - but very catastrophic it can come out if it goes the political way with my work. Therefore it could have been quite catastrophic with those years of apparent surveillance of my writings turned into political action of various sorts. If this has been so massive that Austria now looks like me, it could look quite right and well - but could in the worst case turn out to be the most disastrous catastrophe ever. It is when I look like me and they look like themselves that it goes the right way. But if linguistic self-contempt is an inherent part of the 'political' way that makes such a pump of power out of it, this could perhaps be difficult.

This is the reason why the return of the poetry notebooks seems to me to be a quite important matter.

A one-sided gynaecomasty could perhaps be considered a 'bluff of P'. The concert where I lost the notebooks was in a series called a 'Kreisleriana' type - and then the gyroscopic plaything from the summer 2017, I think it was, could have been a play on 'gynaecomasty' --> 'gyro-co-manty' - with the 'mantic' a play on the poet's prophetic view turned into the intrigue-organizer's view - hence a 'co-mantic' effect. One fancies that this could correspond to a turn of the intrigue from dogs paradox to the fourth archetype. There could be much politics on me as the 'dirty beast' applying to this. However that be, a theft of the poetry notebooks could be for swapping identity on that 'co-mantic' effect. And if the problem of such hitlerish politics is that it replaces the poetic solution with the political, then a replacement of dogs paradox with the fourth archetype could be a smart trick which looks right but cannot take it to anything but new Hitler. Therefore it is important not to bite that hook but return to me the lost notebooks or a least I would hope for a printout of surveillance copies if such exists.

It is likely to be about Shijing chapters 8 = Qi and 9 = Wei - that means the border between Wei and Ji by the hexagram 64 of I Ching - that is, the mythological border where the treasure could be buried - it is then found between poems 106 and 107 in Shijing. It turns out that #106 = the fourth archetype (Gandhi?) and #107 = dogs paradox (Mao?). This means that the people's enthusiasm about searching for the lost treasure will lead them to this borderline - and that is where politics can wriggle it back and forth between the poetic and the political solution enough for a smooth rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler. This could come to be a continued pump of the self-esteem in the german language - which could come to set the chase for the hidden poetic treasures and the tilting pile of linguistic self-esteem arunning once again. It is noticed how cultural activities, the one after the other, seem to have been sucked into the pump of politics. That is just when it gets nazi. It may be of urgent importance to stop that directionality and rather reverse it back to cultural values again.

Added on 3 january 2020: Having worked for decades and contributed well to the progress of the world, there is probably a potential of goodwill built up for me and my work in the esteem of the people - even if the surface results so far are rather invisible. It is now important that some pirate does not run off with it for cashing in the people's sympathies and support. That is not what democracy should be. It may be that I am more vulnerable in this respect than normal - if my role is in 'PTRSIM PIK' and 'the first chinese emperor'. In 2008 my 16-volume 'The Endmorgan Quartet' was completed (after 11 years of work) and it should have been published but Obama came 'instead', so to speak. (Is this more than a joke?) The work is still unpublished. I should probably have been a 'debutante' on the book market since long, but it may be that politics has pumped power out of my work 'instead', so to speak. It is important to break a vicious circle there could be in 1) politics harvesting the people's sympathies for the poet in 'quasi democracy', and 2) the poet's work being 'published' in the form of plagiarisms and monkey business. That could lead to very dangerous nazi developments. There was also the burglary of my house in Szolnok. Could it have been for such pirate-harvesting of sympathies - if, say, I with my work have solved the problems that led to nazism? I do not believe that the people want another round of nazism.


Cotterell, A.: Der erste Kaiser von China. Knaur, München 1981.
Fest, J.: Hitler. Eine Biographie. Ullstein, München 2000.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 31 december 2019
Last updated 3 january 2020