The foam on the film-scroll

John Bjarne Grover

The present article is based on the preceding material in the articles The border to reality, Wigwam and Film-scroll and wickerwork. It is my personal findings of the 'transcendent matter' and the photos I can present which makes it necessary to add even this article on the matter.

NOTICE This article contains some photos of socalled 'recursive matter' that probably has taken shape in accordance with the perceptual properties of the human psyche and thereby perhaps also could come to affect perception or its functionality temporarily. In case this should happen, it is likely to go down again in the course of a few days if you do not consider the photos too intently again.

A final observation should be done on the apparent attempts to turn Austria into an Anustria, an andorran-sized ring muscle around Vienna. The word 'Anustria' seems to be essential for the political misunderstanding of 'homo' as part of the revelational aspects of transcendent matter (as if swans who show the O-sign of the wings on their backs were homos). The reason could be traced to the wigwam and its northern norwegian sami or lapp people with comparable tents - built on a comparable pattern. It seems to be based on the logic of inserting an 'N' into the second position for the idea of Österreich --> M-Önsterreich. The word 'mønster' is norwegian for 'pattern', german 'Muster', and as long as the norwegian Klipra connection functions, for which the overall scheme for World War I and II were to create an 'Ø-streich' slashing across the O-shaped globe for dividing it into an eastern and a western hemisphere, symbolized by the iron curtain (Hitler's postcard of 1924 was sent to 'Eugene Paisseau' = 'Ø kjempesår' = 'Ø giant wound' left on the globe after the two world wars), the 'Önsterreich' of 'Anustria' looks like a 'Møsterreich' = 'Ideal State', but as soon as the Klipra connection is packed down it will be turned into a 'Monsterreich' and all the old homo philosophy which the services are spurting around in the world nowadays will look like the most nazi ever created and the state is likely to be reduced into that small ring muscle of 'V-enna'. That is probably the plans of the angloamericans - and that is the contents of the 'homo wave' - which could include the horror philosophy of replacing originals with 'copies' as similar as possible and to make the society accept them as long as they do and look the same as the originals. Such a state will for good reasons be called a 'Monsterreich'. Homo is homo, they will say, and claim that this is the most self-evident truth ever pronounced. (This seems to be the strategy of England generally - such as when they have managed to get USA under the whip with the necrophilia strategy via the Kennedys).

This 'andorran homo' strategy by inserting an N in the second position seems to be based on finno-ugric languages such as these border onto Austria in the east with Hungary. The word 'mønster' derives from lapp MINTA which means 'coin' = norwegian 'mynt' and hungarian MINTA means 'pattern' while 'MINT A' means 'like the...'. 'MINT HA' = 'as if', 'als ob'. These are superficially similar ('homos') but probably have different etymological origins. Hence 'Inta' should (on basis of 'mønster-reich' vs 'ønster-reich') be the real morf, or 'Inta-ország' ('sz' is pronounced 's') = 'inta-land'. Swedish 'för-intelsen' = 'the annihiliation' seems to be used for 'the holocaust', and an 'intaland' = 'a land that does not exist'. This could be the british plans on Austria. Or, with 'Anustria' as the relevant term for the 'mønster-reich', 'Nintaorsag' or better 'Dinosaur-sak' = norwegian-swedish for 'a matter of dinosaurs': This is the essential question for the whole problemshift - whether we shall allow for studies in transcendent matter if we thereby could come to open up the doors for dinosaurs once again. They are big and can be scary. The relevance of this matter emerges from the full range of basic meanings of the word MINTA in hungarian:

1. Pattern
2. Cast form for 'idols', how to make IDOL
3. Model, how to make the IDEAL MODLER
4. Subset of a matter for investigation = cantorian diagonal
5. 'Übungsgymnasium' = cp. Hitler's aerobics, how to make 'Ø-streich'

'Orsag' is hungarian (written 'ország' as in 'Hungary' = 'Magyar-ország') for 'land', 'country', and it is norwegian for 'årsak' = 'reason', the causation in the assumed transform of eternity when the wigwam piece suddenly wedges smoothly and apparently self-recursively into historic time in the political power strategy which is likely to take swan-angelic 'Fittiche' to be the same as the lower parts of a human for swapping light and sound for obtaining human power sorting one thing 2 seconds ahead of another for obtaining divine power by being vestiged in divine clothes.

With service logic being based on the concept of wigwam, such as when the name Mengele could have been based on the combination of wigwam and cantorian set theory = 'Mengenlehre', it is easy to see how 'Anustria' could come to be conceived as the solution to the problem - when seen from the viewpoint of service logic. That clearly is a misunderstanding.

'IDEAL MODLER' for 'IDOL FITLER' would be the rewrite formula from Nintaorsag to Dinosaur-sak = a matter of dinosaurs. With aerobic fitness philosophies of a more or less liberal kind, the two remaining basic meanings of MINTA is 'pattern' and 'subset for investigation', the 'cantorial diagonal', that is, words which often are mixed up with gender- or sex-related terms for human organs (breasts and penises). Hence the fundamental service misunderstanding (such 'sausage logic' seems to be the perennial problem which leads to nazism) of 'Anustria' as the solution to the problem - finding the solution in the question of dinosaurs - which thereby makes the northern Murmansk etc region the essential location (cp. also the Kursk-and-Cole indexation of my person). This is where the powerpoint of NATO vs the Soviet Union or Warszaw pact once rested in its foundations of the Klipra connection since 1814 (and the cold war was a massive emphasis of the Ø-streich as the 'Eugene Paisseau' from WWII) - and since the death of Lenin Russia attacked nearly all their neighbours except for the 'diagonal negation' of Norway the short Murmansk border to which thereby came to be the essential powerpoint - and it would be the locus for british power based on the fundamental US bad conscience by the wigwam indians whose country they had taken. Norway and the Klipra connection would be in a similar relation to the lapps - and it would be this phenomenon which thereby is lifted down to Austria with its border to Hungary. (I think the lapps also historically were continuous border-crossers over the norwegian-russian border corresponding to the cold-war iron curtain between Austria and Hungary). When Russia dissolved the Soviet Union, much of the punch in the MINTA construction probably ran out - and it is likely that, after a slightly ridiculous period, it will eventually come to nothing and the project be closed down. We must hope so.

The 5 revolutions of 2011 eventually converged on Aleppo in Syria - could be that was no coincidence relative to this Anustria and the possibly planned LIB-eral nazi movement of a new Hitler. Interestingly, the word MINTAs in the finno-ugric Syrjän language means 'payment'. Hence the idea of 'anal prostitution' as a driving motor for starting a new nazi movement. The logic will be: We cannot take the chance to get a dinosaur down the gullet during communion. If the transform of transcendent matter is conceived as the essential matter of dispute as far as the catholic transubstantiation is concerned, that is, if the biscuit is taken to transubstantiate to Christ's flesh as soon as it has passed the point of no return on its way down the gullet and it is too late to regret the swallowing, an idea which could symbolize the extreme sort of scare as far as transcendent matter is concerned, if 'cannibalism' is a systematic component in british spirituality it cannot be this phenomenon of 'human flesh' down the gullet which is the problem - it must rather be that it could come to transform into a BIG piece of matter on its way down - that is, the dinosaur issue. It was a humble biscuit when it was issued into the oral space and turned into a giant dinosaur as soon as it had passed the adams apple with the glottal constriction. Which, if cannibalism is or is not the problem, could mean that it is not the idea of human flesh down the gullet which is the british problem but rather the idea of divine flesh. Or celestial flesh turning earthen.

A matter of dinosaurs...

'Alipa' is syrjän for 'varnish' - hence the wig-'wamish' if 'rn' turns into 'm'. There is one piece of evidence for this which I know about and that is the kindergarden outside Literaturhaus in Vienna - norwegian for 'children' = 'barn' which seems to serve to encode the eathquake of 'Bam'.

Fernando Pessoa writes as 'Alvaro de Campos' in his 'Meeresode' in the german translation of Inés Koebel:

Sauber, geordnet, modern with ein Kontor mit guichets aus gelbem Drahtgeflecht
sind meine Gefühle jetzt, selbsverständlich und zurückhaltend wie gentlemen,
praktisch und bar jeglicher Überspanntheit, und füllen mir die Lungen mit Meeresluft

Here there are two loanwords - like MINTA - of french and english into his portuguese, which converge on the same oppositions as the 'ideal modler' and 'idol fitler': 'Gishe' vs 'genlmen' - plus that 'gelbem Drahtgeflecht' which makes for the 'Manhattan' or 'kvadraturen' piece of transcendent matter between the wigwam and the filmscroll - and which in american politics was equipped with a SHAH 444 for the precise location of the 'jewish inheritage centre' a (or is it 'in-heritance' for the fourth 'hole') as the GUICHET to the parallelogram. The SHAH 444 means that there is a hole there - there is no 'jewish inheritage centre' on the transcendent map - which even could be for the idea that the jewish inheritage or inheritance is not transcendent. My own book title 'Gentlemen' (TEQ book 15) is without this 'guichet' - there is no hole there. This resembles Rilke in his 10th elegy:

O, wie spurlos zerträte ein Engel ihnen den Trostmarkt,
den die Kirche begrenzt, ihre fertig gekaufte:
reinlich und zu und enttäuscht wie ein Postamt am Sonntag.

That is the similarity:

Sauber, geordnet, modern
reinlich und zu und enttäuscht

Pessoa's 'selbstverständlich und zurückhaltend' is in portuguese 'naturais e comedidos'.

Now for the question: If this syrjän 'Alipa' for the syrian 'Aleppo' as the final point of convergence of the 5 revolutions of 2011 should be assigned such enormous importance in the political construction as to carry the whole weight of the wig-WAM in the 'varn'-ish in the feedback to a LIB-eral neo-nazi movement starting from 'Anustria' - which means that the whole purpose of the whole construction could be precisely to endow Austria with an inavoidable N in the second position thereby - how can this 'blur-eyed' reading of 'rn' as 'm' come to be assigned such massive importance?

The answer seems to be hidden in the phenomenon of the film-scroll carrying some apparent FOAM after it washed up on the shores of the bathtub:

It seems that this foam is systematically associated in politics with the idea of the gradual brain death which is natural in the human organism after age 45 and which could be contained in a hurried 'brain death' caused by alcoholic intoxication. If this speeding-up of the natural ageing-caused brain death by alcohol is conceived as the same as the idea of swapping the orders of a green and a wickerwork piece of transcendent matter with reference onto Manhattan, it is the other component of the christian communion - the wine served with the bread.

Brain death in this sense of it could - in nazi philosophy - be seen to contain the cantorial diagonal of brain tissue which lets the transcendent matter through. Same philosophy could say that this is the reason for the transubstantiation - that the bread is swallowed with a little wine. This could be the weak point in the political construction on Alipa/Aleppo/Anustria.

An alcoholic will often struggle with an invisible cloud of foamy reality in front of himself - and could be inclined to take an 'rn' to be an 'm'. The graphics merge - like the graphics e-merged from my smear of the muddy material from the spatula used when trying to rub the matter off the bathtub enamel. Conversely, the 'smart trick' could be to claim that alcohol leads to a foamy and cloudy reality-conception which blurs the conception of the graphics and its representational meaning - BUT which leads to the atrophy of brain tissue which could reduce an 'm' to an 'rn'. Hah! They take the final trick! The very joker in the 52-pack of cards! It reduces all spiritualism to neural matter.

There is the tram = TRIKK 49 going from the austrian parliament at Hansenstrasse up past Johnstrasse into Breitensee - could be the very 'Schinken-trick'. 'Hasen' is norwegian for the back of the knee, that which itches so much when an N is inserted into the joint. It could be the organic interpretation of this philosophy that the transcendent matter slips in through small openings between the joints of the extremities, and therefore HASEN is equipped with a similar inserted N for 'Hansen' as in the convertion of Austria into Anustria. El-bow turns into L-N-bow etc. An 'alenbue' could be observed in the bow of Venice from Apostoli to Zattere via San Pantalon as an 'explanation' to the names of e.g. Colin Powell and Margareth Thatcher.

To sum up: The principle is that the brain death is a sort of 'negative' which makes it possible to understand the creation of matter as a cantorial diagonal. I would say that this is a naive misunderstanding.

However, it may be that the smart trick is to borrow justification from this idea into the political construction from the fundamental semiotics of the hebrew alphabet. A study of the 12 'sonnets' in my PEB which are contained in the part which corresponds to the hebrew N (PEB #311-322) reveals that most of these can be seen to circle around themes which can be recognized in the visual themes from the 'smear-out' of the foamy material on the microscope glass - when the scroll washed up on the bathtub shore.

I guess that the 'foam' that can be observed on the scroll is conceived as the same as the foamy and foggy reality of an alcoholic or alcohol-intoxicated person and that this is the fundamental meaning assigned to the function of ALIPA and ALEPPO for fuelling a political movement starting from e.g. Rotenturmstrasse in 'V-enna' of 'Anustria'. Wien, Vin, Wine of the holy communion.

It is the fact that the foam is contained on the piece of transcendent matter which could be the basis for the construction.

The ultimate purpose is to lure people into this philosophical nazi trap - that 'homo' is necessary for reaching the new level of knowledge of the third millenium, the very 'cognitive revolution' - only for the eventual 'british whip' of denouncing all this as perverted nazi philosophy.

My advice is that it is smart to not go in that trap at all. A construction of an 'Anustria' is likely to be a big tragedy for the country and for the world and is totally unnecessary for reaching any new level of knowledge. It is essenially 'sausage logic'. The 'Fittiche' should be up between shoulders or thereabout, not inbetween the buttocks. The upper wig is not the same as the lower wam - and the idea that the cameleon eyes are the same (like the two red balls on the cover to Fuchs' book) is not a valid reason. The plan is probably to get the non-angloamerican countries into this trap and then war the misunderstanding down for an eventual shoulder-clap telling them that it is sausage logic only. Could it be that DOS and Win-DOS were developed for the computer environments for the idea of microscope Win-Gates? There are neither doors nor windows on wigwams. See also Parmenides' famous 'Wing-Gates' fragment.

My guess is that it could be the job of an angloamerican 'Edward Forster' or something like that (under the cover of a new Hitler) to carry this 'homo revolution' through on continental Europe and perhaps even further east for making it easy for the angloamericans to war it down - in some sense of it or other - like it seems to have been the case with a 'Paul Marshall' Hitler some 100 years earlier.

One should avoid this unfortunate development and skip the whole farce of another nazi period. 'Service'-people who argue that we must have an N in the second position or turn towards 'homo administration' or allow for the cruel crimes of replacement agents could probably be representatives of angloamerican services trying to install it in the east.

I don't know when or how the expression 'the scum of the earth' was constructed but it could of course derive from such a systematic interpretation of the foam on the film-scroll.

The connection is also evident - considering the role of the 'neural tissue' and the traditional 'mystery of sperm' in apparent 'intelligence' philosophy - to the idea of a clot of masturbated sperm left onto the cortex of an infant (such as the idea of John F.Kennedy having left some of his on my brain).

It is possible that this complex is a part of the octogon. One could guess that even the role of 'Jan Dismas Zelenka' could be contained in this apparently otherwise weak link between syrjän-language 'alipa' and this 'anustria' idea.

Let me add that the important conclusion I do to all this is that the development of a poetic logic - and the chances to develop a logic for accounting also for the appearance of such 'transcendent matter' - is not related to sexual matters at all. 'The mystery of sperm' is an old mistake which need not be assigned any interesting role in a new poetic logic. My TEQ contains no such ideas of sex at all. It should be absolutely unnecessary to involve any ideas of an 'anustria' for the development of the new knowledge.

What sort of 'ring' could the planned 'muscle' of an andorran enclave be about? The world should manage to get beyond the idea of administrative power based on brute power. There should be no reason to go in the trap this century.

PS I should perhaps credit a source in a sailor who told me in 1974 that 'etiquette is a thin layer of varnish'.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 13 february 2014