Information on my 'Collected works' volume 4

John Bjarne Grover

The four poetry books in volume 4 are

1. Der Dornenstrauch (2009-2015) - poetry in german language
2. SNEEFT COEIL (2014-2018) - poetry in german language
3. Stillhetens åndedrag (2016) - poetry in norwegian language with literal english translation
4. Rosens triangel (2018) - poetry in norwegian language with literal english translation

In the autumn 2018 I wrote out the theoretic part of vol.4 -

5. Fatima and the fundamental theorem of linguistics

which I had worked with since about 2014. Chapter 5 is an abbreviated version of the book 'Time and the sonnet' which I wrote in 1999. In the second half of october to the end of november 2018 (some 5 weeks or so) I wrote this theoretic part out, after which I needed holiday and went to Venice - where I fell ill due to exhaustion and serious anemia and spent 7 weeks in hospital. I sent from the hospital the manuscript electronically to Libreria Editrice Vaticana, not the least since I did not know if I would survive, but I got no answer and know not even if they got it. After months of recovery I could complete the book in the summer - adding another 16 pages to it in chapter 6 - and I printed and bound the volume in 30 copies. For avoiding interfacing and printing costs, I used some toner cartridges which were left over from 2013 when I printed on my home laser printer more than 30 copies of volumes 1-3. Even this time I bound the books myself. On 15 july 2019 I gave the required number of copies to legal deposit in Vienna. I do not sell these 30 copies but donate them to mainly libraries and hope that a serious publisher later can take over the production and sales of volumes 1-4.

There were some graffitis telling '1312' around in the district, which could indicate that my work with the 1311 page book was illegally surveyed. There are on some pages some toner marks along a lower line approximately corresponding to the 'wrapover' of poem 50 in 'Stillhetens åndedrag' (p.736-737) - corresponding to the 'calibration' phenomenon mentioned on the lower part of p.1215. I hope this phenomenon, which could not be avoided without risking collapse of the production, has not been used for making intrigues or create preconceived impressions of the work. I am the authentic author and have done my best to make a serious work. I have not found any printing errors that could be due to viruses and I believe that the copies I have made do not contain any such (except for possible typing errors that could have escaped my proofreading but those would anyhow not be of any serious kind).

Evidence of a political mythos role of mine
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© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 30 july 2019