'Klampen i Bonn'

John Bjarne Grover

I observed the chinese-german dictionary by W.Fuchsenberger - on the spine it seemed to say 'POKER':

On a closer inspection, this is but a 90 degrees version of the chinese for 'Chinesisch-Deutsches Universal Wörterbuch':

'Unter Mitarbeit von Zhang Honggang und Shi Kaimin'. I notice also Walter R.Fuchs' book on mathematics (here the cover) which I read in 'skolens aula', not far from school dentist Aulie.

I was puzzled by the inside annotation of thanks, a formulation wherefrom it seemed that Fuchsenberger had studied at 'Vereinigte Aluminiumwerke, Bonn'. I looked up some relevant signs for this 'Vereinigte Aluminiumwerke' and found these - whether they be right or not:

= 'vereinigt'
= 'Aluminium'
= 'Werk'

Writing this out on a paper, it looked like 'Leitmotif':

Looking up 'Leitmotif' in chinese, it is 'zhu-ti':

'Zhu' = 'Gastgeber', 'ti' = 'Thema'. What caught my interest was the apparent connection between the 'POKER' in original and the names Bonn and Beijing:

'Bonn' resembles 'chinesisch-deutsch' but with a sort of 'gallows' inserted, and with the free 'universal' moved into the little 'cell'.

'Beijing' looks like 'K-Lampen' (or is it 'Kampen') - hence 'Klampen i Bånn', a standard norwegian expression for 'top speed', 'full gas' ('klampen' could be the gas pedal, for example).

What is left of the Chinesisch-Deutsches Universal Wörterbuch, that is, the Wörterbuch, looks like 'iesus'.

In short, it looks a little like a standard political mythos. 'POkER' is not the same as 'POlzEI'.

This was probably not the reason why Bonn was chosen as west german Hauptstadt after the war?

If this is the basis for a political mythos construction, it could have its origins in the faulty 'latin' reading of 'REPUBLIK' in the chinese signs:

Latin 'pulcher' means 'beautiful'. Russian 'pul'ka' = 'Einsatz im Kartenspiel' - from french 'poule' = 'poultry'.

Huawei is in diplomatic weather for the time being. The first syllable 'hua' can in fact mean 'chinesisch' in the context of dictionaries, here from Fuchsenberger:

POKER is about having 'a good hand'. My hand is not so good for the time being - some eczemas and a dry skin that burst a little. The words 'chinesisch-deutsches' could resemble 'disn-ESISCH-chutsches'. It was hotels and churches that were bombed on Sri Lanka some time ago. The Chernobyl disaster was measured in becquerelles.

Chinese for 'respiration' is 'hu-xi' which in chinese looks a little like 'o-Foley'. In russian it is 'dichanie'.

The 'Eurovision Song Contest' was yesterday in Telaviv.

Added on 20 may: It is many years since I watched TV and in particular the socalled 'Eurovision Song Contest' I have not seen for many decades - in norwegian it was then called 'Grand Prix' - not 'kramper i...' = 'cramps in...'. I saw some photos from the program on the internet and it seemed that some of the performers with 'rays' over their heads resembled the last pages of my manuscript to vol.4 - some things I have added to it after I sent it to Libreria Editrice Vaticana - who have not answered - could be they listen to the socalled 'intelligence services' who could wish to abuse my work for such bad propaganda purposes. It is well possible that the 'Leitmotiv' of this year was these excerpts from my work - including the 'arc' of headphones with the black plastic coating.

Close down that 'Eurovision Song Contest': This slogan is likely to be the ('recursive') 'cramps in the anus' of a 'clumbus' audience. It is possible that 'professor Chomsky' born in december 1928 is taken to be a proof that the Foley catheter was invented before 1929. The socalled 'intelligence services' seemingly try to move everything down there. In particular the Vatican should not collaborate on such. The copyright law and the integrity of intellectual property must be respected. My guess is that the socalled 'Eurovision Song Contest' could have been used for the 'Leitmotiv' of theft of intellectual property of my work, could be for publication by some plagiarist instead of me.

My manuscript says, discussing a painting in the context of the the black flake: "She wears a curved crown which resembles the upper 'sanskrit' curve of 35-45-55 on the 'zifferblatt' and Jesus has a crown like a bow crossing hers for the value 17/35 of 'linear hebrew'". (I wrote this probably on 12 april this year). I had a bad cough and problems of skin on the hands in the days before this 'Eurovision Song Contest' - and believed that it was because of the bombings of Sri Lanka. Hopefully that terror was not a propaganda motor for that 'Eurovision Song Contest'.

It is the socalled 'intelligence services' who want to have me as a 'Jesus' from whom they can steal the intellectual property to publish by some other and claim that 'there is a divine revelation in the text' - and reinforce their own unconstitutional power therewith, by abuse of people's religious feelings. This seems to be a project going back to Adolf Hitler - whose three death camps 'Sobibor', 'Treblinka' and 'Belcez' - claiming 1,8 million jewish lives - could have been organized for squeezing the third secret of Fatima out of Sister Lucia. The Vatican could have gotten nervous by this pressure and started pressing on Lucia to write the secret down and so she did on 3 january 1944. It is of course possible that Hitler had got hold of the detail of the 'big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark' via eavesdropping of the three children. Sobibor = sobreiro, rough-hewn trunks with the bark on = Treblinka (the word 'treblinka' in norwegian means that 'jump-jarnegg-grover' is the forester who swings his axe for chopping off a piece of the trunk with the bark on to leave a white scar on the trunk telling the loggers who come after him that this is a tree to be cut down), while Belcez = 'beu-jets' could be the 'intelligence' concept of a cork to be inserted into the 'oaken' anus for preventing those 'beu-jets' from escaping. This could perhaps be the background of the 'Grand Prix' = 'cramps in...'. Could be it is the historic background of the socalled 'Eurovision Song Contest' - even this year by 'eavesdropping' on my computer? It is such a pity with 'national intelligences' who want to have it all down there in the anus. It must be understood that the concept of me as a Jesus probably is an 'intelligence' project which could include such elements as the bombing of hotels and churches on Sri Lanka and that their interests could be the simple one of eavesdropping on my computer for spreading the work around by the 'loggers' coming after me. It is not the forester who cuts down the trees - be they on Sri Lanka or elsewhere. I do not participate in the activities of those 'services' - and indeed it would be a great pity if the Vatican lets itself be cheated by info therefrom to believe that I am the terror strategist. (It is well possible that they 'eavesdrop' my work and life and use the data for organizing terror - if I go to the left then a bomb explodes, if I go to the right it does not - and then they spread the propaganda that this 'jump-jarnegg-grover is involved in much terror', a lie that would be). Could be the problem is that it can be told in the way that the Vatican gave it to the pressure from Hitler's death camps (not death cramps in the anus - like that idea of the last supper as symbolizing 'cannibalism') in 1943 and the Vatican forwarded the pressure onto Sister Lucia. (The pressure on the Vatican can have continued after the war). National intelligence should not be the same as Adolf Hitler's program. The state of Israel is not established for supporting Hitler's postwar program - it is a very serious error they do if they believe so or give in to the pressure from the 'international secret intelligence services' on such a basis.

To 'empty the intestines on me' could be a strategy for hijacking my authorship via that 'cramps in' of the 'corkoak' and all that - as if those who empty were the authors of the manuscript. The Vatican should not 'bite that hook' (which they probably don't) - which does not mean that they should not publish my book. This sort of 'logic' seems to have developed after Hitler.

Austrian vice chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache resigned sensationally from his posts on the same day as the 'Eurovision' contest because of what he called a 'zielgerichtetes politisches Attentat' - a surveillance video had been released in Der Spiegel and Sueddeutsche Zeitung at 18:00 or so the day before, which was norwegian national day 17 may. It was news all over the world. His party fellow Johann Gudenus resigned as well. Now his party FPÖ talks of withdrawing all its ministers from the coalition government - new elections are planned for september. Vice chancellor Michael Spindlegger resigned some years ago suddenly 1223 days after he started (the number is the factor for months, weeks, days, hours or sth like that between the birth of Albert of Saxony and me or the Eisenhower doctrine), and this day 18 may of 'Eurovision' contest and Strache/Gudenus resigning was 1223 days after I started writing 'Stillhetens åndedrag' - my first book in norwegian language - on 11 january 2016. I hope there are no plans of murdering me and/or claiming that somebody else wrote the book. (I dont think anybody came in).

It was in the summer 2015 that I heard the sound of wild geese or swans and went out on the hotel balcony to look but saw only the big 'Sobibor' drill turning around with mechanic sounds that resembled such birds. I notice the 'hong' sign in the name of the Mitarbeiter Zhang Honggang to Fuchsenberger. Even the rest of the name can be associated with aspects of 'Sobibor' (for example, when I told the story I exaggerated the height to 20-30 meters, which I later reduced to 15-20, but maybe even that was too much). My elder sister Vibeke Grøver once in the first half of the seventies woke me up at night by peeping in the window and asked me to open the house door - I first refused and asked for her passport but then changed my mind.

News on the story.

A probable explanation to the complex described here: There was a Dutch winner of the eurovision, so I looked up the indian Congress Party and found their address in 110 001 India. The general election in India ended on 19 may and the computers will count the ballots on 23 may - after which will follow the EU election on 26 may. I found the following under 11.01.00 in my diary - I was then in psychiatric hospital under the influence of Neuro Leptics or sth like that called Zyprexa ('olanzapin' - the norwegian railway chief was then Osmund Ueland and two trains crashed at 13:13 at Åsta in Åmot, not Akbar Road) - cp. 'Super-Hexa', the 'super witch'.

Half the end is obtained,
and then there is the Labour movement -
big, wide wings, all the way
down into the Mesopotamian plain.
It is still so. It is.
And we can hardly hear the sound
today of these wide wings
New Labour is about that grand turn from the inside to the outside and vice versa.

It is easy to recognize elements from news etc of recent times. There were also news some time ago about the first photo from a black hole - resembling this photo from this file - if it were not an intended 'computer glitch': If a glitch, it could have been for the abuse of the manuscript to my vol.4 which is largely finished but still in progress. Hopefully the counting of the 900 million ballots in India - or the EU election of 26 may - will not be under such glitchy control. China Daily has an article about black hole photography today along with an article about the current political situation in Austria, from Reuters.

Glycolid (not 'glitcholid' - you get that one - the 'computer' = 'o-lid'?) = a 'salve' against dry skin which can be considered a variant of a 'super-man' (on top of mankind's skin) - a la 'Batman' in Turkey? That 'Batman' is on the other side of the israeli border (to reality) relative to Jerusalem - and if a Black Sea terror wave is planned to go from Turkey around the Black Sea over Europe towards Paris (cp. 'Notre-Dame' vs 'Super-Hexa'), it could have been planned to start at Batman.

I wrote something on my computer about the last big roadside ads when driving up to the Gates of Heaven - they could e.g. be for 1) Glycolid, 2) Kövulfix and 3) Dr.Kellogg's Cornflakes.

Of course I do not support anything like that terror wave around the Black Sea, and if my diary has been used for these purposes, it is of course a matter of illegal abuse of the material.

It happened some months ago - I think in 2018 - that I was at the tram 49 end loop at the Ring near the Volkstheater/Parliament in Vienna when a person shouted 'Allahu Akbar'.


Handwörterbuch Chinesisch-Deutsch Deutsch-Chinesisch. The Commercial Press, Beijing and Langenscheidt KG, Berlin & München 1994.

Das neue Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch. Susanne Brudermüller et al. Beijing 2004.

Fuchsenberger, W.: Chinesisch-deutsches Universal Wörterbuch. Unter Mitarbeit von Zhang Honggang und Shi Kaimin. Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur, Beijing 2012. (First edition 2001).

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 19 may 2019
Last updated 20 may 2019