Chinese emperor and PTRSIM PIK riddles are solved

John Bjarne Grover

My PEB (2008-2010) has a cycle of 1000 years. If another work with another cycle could be found, it could be considered proven.

I have suggested that the Regula Benedicti could be such a metre with another cycle.

It has 389 elements with 33 words in each - that is 12837 words. If it should have another cycle it could be e.g. 1000 * 389/366 = 1062,84 years. Cp. the equation for 9/11-2001 in the PTRSIM PIK construction.

The Regula was written in 529 AD. My PEB was written in 2009. I have suggested, as is reasonably well in conformity with standard views, that Moses wrote his books in 1239 BC. That means offset 91 in my PEB.

1239 +529 = 1768
1768 / 389 = 4,5449871465
0,5449871465 * 389 = 212 exactly

That is at the end of fragment 212:

Caput_XXXVI_1_Infirmorum cura ante omnia et super omnia adhibenda est ut sicut

Infirmorum cura = 'sinn-syk' hu-ra = Qin Shi Huang, emperor of China from 221 to 210.
ante omnia et super omnia = jump-yar-negro et over
adhibenda = Szol-n-ok
est ut sicut = Sziget Utca

But since the computation has gone backwards (from Benedict to Moses) one reads it backwards:

took kist ut seadn e bihda ai n more puste ai n moetn a aruk murom rifni

took kiste (coffin) for sedan and bida (both) I and mor (mother) e puste (breathe) I and moetn (meet him) of ruk (of excrement-heap) murom rifni (to pull down the walls)

This clearly is the tragic basis for the chinese emperor program on Szolnok - which also has strong affinities with the PTRSIM PIK program in that sense of carrying the sperm ('seadn') over longer times and spaces. The real reason for this idea is good and right - to find a blue metre for the 3rd millenium. The strategy would go via a link from Genesis to New Testament times of Benedict - the deeper reason for PTRSIM PIK that could be. A very respectable and important program this is indeed - but not in the version of such backwards reading with wet adobe in Szolnok and things like that. One suspects that such reading rather would be about an attempt to smuggle a Jesus Hitler into Germany via e.g. the christian basis of CDU.

If it is read forwards rather than backwards one comes to the beginning of fragment fragment 178:

frater qui gravioris culpae noxa tenetur suspendatur a mensa simul ab oratorio

which could look like the 'spin-doctorist' program.

Clearly there is no basis for neither the forwards nor the backwards reading as implemented in political programs. It looks even like a way of making 'fundamentalist' understandings look dangerous - with that 529 AD closer to Muhammed (570-632 AD).

This means, though, that the chinese emperor and PTRSIM PIK riddles as political intrigue programs can be considered solved.

My PEB 91 (for the dating of Genesis) starts: 'There is a swarm / of Jesus neighbours'. Vasps are somewhat 'holy' animals. It happened once in Szolnok that a broom made a hole in the ceiling plate and hit a wasps nest 'overneath' - and swarms of vasps came down. I ran out and let the vasps escape through the open window. When I went in to mend the hole, a vasp was stuck in some repair foam and could not get off and I heard its tragic buzzing and had to use a spray to end its life. This was not so good, though. A later time I came there the vasps had built vasp nests on the inside of the loodoor and I could not use the loo with them there and had to use the spray a second time - this was more brutal, though, like a fullfledged police action. Then there was a burglary in the house - a burglar had broken in and run off with some values (and in the evening after I reported it to the police a boat called Hableany = Foamgirl sank on the Danube). The police has not solved the riddle, as far as I know. 529 AD means 520 off the year 9 (= 2009-2000) and hence 366 * 520/1000 = PEB #190,32 = #191 where there is the basis for dividing the Regula into 389 fragments. The end of fragment 44 is "scriptum Stultus verbis non corrigitur et iterum Percute". 190,32 + 44 = 234,33: '...tamen vespera sic agatur...'. But this would be the first cycle - that means 1000 years - for the second (iterum) one subtracts another 23 to 211,33 = Domine ad adiuvandum me festina. PEB 211,33 = '...volition abrupt / and nearly..' which is not very far from '...tamen vespera sic agatur...'. 4444 seems to be the magic number for the collapse of my right hand in 2014 - it happened appr.4444 days after the collapse of the left hand in 2002. Could be the police had tried to solve this riddle. If the number 4444 is composed of 44 of the first millenial cycle plus 44 of the next, then a new math can be established on history.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 29 january 2020
Last updated 30 january 2020