
John Bjarne Grover

This article tells the solution to the political problems since Hitler and - voila! - even makes it possible to find out who Hitler worked for.

In early june 2015 I bought an adobe house in Sziget Utca in Szolnok (it is the following story which makes me mention this - otherwise I would not have published it). It was after I had bought the house that the ideas of Szigetközi and Hitler's government - first mention in this file - started coming up. Before I bought it the address looked completely innocent.

Soon after the acquisition was done I had a peculiar experience. I lived in Hotel Liget on the other side of the river Tisza and one afternoon I heard the sound of wild geese or swans flying high above the hotel. I went out on the balcony to see but there was only a drilling rig to be seen - about 10-20 metres high behind a fence on a nearby sportsground, held upright with ropes ('barduner') attached to its top. It had a certain black light about it which somehow invoked the idea of 'drilling for oil'. A drilling shaft rotated quickly and every now and then, say, every 10-20 seconds, it dropped rather quickly down from top level to the bottom - this could have taken only 1-2 second for the whole 10-15 metres length - where it stopped with a soft bumpy motion, remained there for a brief time and then was flung vigorously up again, waited a few seconds and then fell quickly down again. What was strange was that it drilled so quickly down - as if it were drilling in soft clay. In addition, I could not see anybody there inside the fence - the rig just stood there drilling by itself day and night, 24 hours a day, as if it were fed with new rotating shafts by an automatic construction (unless it simply went up and down, as it rather looked like - but why should it go up and down there then?). This lasted for the 3-4 days that I stayed there. It was the rotating mechanics that emitted the sounds as of high-flying wild geese.

Around the same times, there were sounds in the hotel or thereabout as from a person suffering breathing problems, so to speak - repeated sobs and sighs and groans - it could last for 20-30 minutes before it silenced and then it started again somewhat later. First it was only by night, and I had to sleep with sound protection headset, but then sometimes also by day.

I have later understood that it could have been a vision - if it were not theatre and plywood or a laser beam projection. It could have been an essential element in the poetic mysticism of Rilke and therefore (!) it could have been the origin of Hitler's death camp 'Sobibor'. I went back to the hotel - the rig was then dismantled and excavators and bulldozers were refurbishing the sportsground - and, knowing about the problems of verification of such things, I explained briefly the phenomenon in the reception and asked if they knew what it was. Were they drilling for oil or something? - I asked. The receptionist answered quickly that they were drilling for thermal water to heat up the sportsground stadium.

Funny, though, with that plummeting drilling shaft.

There is also a small fenced-in weather station or is it gas main switch on the other side of the road which resembles a miniature version of it and a much taller construction carrying light and loudspeakers for the sportsground some distance away - and the rig could have been somewhere inbetween.

Whatever the reason, I have understood that it seems to be considered a mystic phenomenon that could be central to a quasi-mystic freemason-based Labour movement. A rig was toppled right before the general election 2010. I understood it as an important ingredient in my own Dornenstrauch (which is mystic but not Labour). It is likely to be about the relation between two of the human senses (vision and audition) and how these collaborate in the construction of the human conception of reality. It is probable that the sound of the geese (or was it swans) is the whole story - these are mechanic in the vision. Goose in hungarian is called LIBA - and I have guessed that this could be the real historic reason for the socalled LABOUR movement - that they have their rooting in this hungarian word and are only more marginally related to the phenomenon of 'labour'.

There is also the important factor that the rig, if it really drills into the earth, seemed to be a PUSHDOWN AUTOMATON which is the finite historic version of Chomsky's context-free PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR. Since the rig did not seem to renew the drilling shaft between the ups and downs, it is likely to have been a phrase structure grammar I saw - and that makes sense relative to my book as well.

Adobe is a building material that is very widespread in Hungary. It is made by foot-stamped (like making wine from grapes) clay mixed with straw and then sun-dried. The bricks are not burnt, which is the whole story. It means that the house is built without requiring sacrifices of wood, for example, and it gives a pleasant relation to the world you live in. The walls can carry more than one floor or storeys and they are vulnerable to water leaks inside - not as vulnerable as wooden houses are to fire, but the parallelism is perhaps suggestive. An adobe wall is 'breathing' air humidity and it does not crumble with the first drops - there is quite a lot of water needed to soften the clay enough to break down. It is nevertheless possible that the three death camps of Hitler called 'Sobibor', 'Treblinka' and 'Belcez' = 'beu-jets' could have been taken by the Labour movement to be significant of such adobe - first the 'sobibor' of the mystic vision, then the 'treblinka' of the sacrificional element (HOTARAM of Rig-veda) and then the one who had drilled a hole in the wall ('drinking straw' thickness could be enough, probably) at the ground level and now and then comes and bows down and jets some more water into it untill the house falls. This latter would be about a 'jack' in the 'tony' which is mixed with 'straw' - for a veritable soft 'blair' ('diaper') function. Auschwitz - was that the house-schwitz - the falling house?

My view is that although this is a possible interpretation of Hitler's death camps, it is also possible that Hitler's holocaust structure was based on other things such as Rilke's mysticism or even other political aspects - while Labour has used these ideas after the war to hijack Hitler's political booty from the holocaust. In particular that 'bow-jets' ('drilling for thermal water'?) looks a little farfetched - but clearly this aspect of it could have been the reason for the encoding of the death camps in the british governmental-funded MLR in advance even of the order of Himmler to have them built.

Whatever the historic background, there could be reasons to recognize Szigetközi, whether significant of Hitler's government or a LIBA mysticism, as a LABOUR ADDRESS which in hungarian is 'Labour cím' ('labour tsim'). This is a relevant matter to observe since there is an evident phonological connection to the phenomenon of 'laser beam'. This was the question of 2002: The british princess (sister of the queen) Margaret Rose died from a stroke on 9 february 2002 and even I suffered an apparent cerebral stroke on 23 february (see this file and that), the birthday of Tone Helene Gröver, soon after I had read the newspiece of the abduction of Ingrid Betancourt - a name which also can mean 'inngrep i tanker' = 'in-grip in thoughts' - as if my brain had been hit by a laser beam from a nearby source soon after I had closed the website with the newspiece. The beam (if that were it) would have hit the part of my rightside cortex which controls the left hand - it is rather up on the top corner of the cortex - and the word-game could perhaps not be avoided that the 'testa-ment' ('will') of the princess had been opened and I was mentioned with a 'labour cím' ('labour address') in 'cornwall'. 'Margaret Rose' backwards is somewhat 'Szolnok' ('SOR-knock'). It took some 4444 days or so before the paralysis of my left hand had been somewhat healed and attacked the right hand instead - a few days before 2 may 2014 - and I could start looking for a house.

A good explanation is of course that this is what the poet did after having read about the 'ingrip in thoughts' - he looked into his poetic caleidoscope and saw there in a few years distance that he could find a house in Szolnok.

However, a suspicious reading of the MLR = Modern Language Review for january 2002 could perhaps recognize a 'labour address' - plus that deplorable political concept of 'lundikingus' (cp. the death of Martin Luther King in 1968). What is that? Of course it could be about me = Grover = Lund as 'heir to the throne' (cp. that will) - but the weirdest interpretation of it would suggest that it is a political concept on the idea of one person eating another and a third person - a copy of the first - eats the excrements (yack) after the consumption and thereby acquires control with the soul of the first. This bad joke would find its optimal formulation in the perennial joke of Martin Ljung (whether he be 'kith' or not):

- Isnt it Fingal Olson who sits over therre?
- No, he is dead.
- He is not! He seems to move!

This tells of the political panorama in a 'lundikingus' strategy. It is about the troubles and sorrows and difficulties of being an independent state. Everybody knows from personal experience how difficult it can be to get real and reliable info about the most important thingsin life - and it is likely that the top chief of an independent state has it much worse in these respects. What did they mean, really, the other top leaders on the summit, when they seemed to agree on the strategy? Did they really mean that youth shall be lowered in chemicals for real or is that only a 'way of talking'? The chief consults his intelligence service, of course, but these are a jungle of superstitions and beliefs and they always get the answer they seek for, whatever it is. The chief also consults his political party but cannot be too ignorant if he wants to keep up his authority, and the party consults perhaps sisters parties in other countries. But some things you cannot ask about (at least on the phone) and these are the troubles of the independent state. They sit there on the loo, as is the lundikingus concept, and believe that they see Fingal Olson sitting over there on a chair in the other end of the room - and indeed he seems to move, doesnt he? He moves in the rectum only, is the answer - on that place which you cannot see. It is that problem of being independent - since you have to take chances, that means - which probably is the essence of the politics - and it is about gaining control with the soul over there, the soul and knowledge of the other chiefs, for getting control and knowledge which you cannot get otherwise. But lundikingus is to go in the trap, of course, and it means that the state who tries to remain independent by way of surveillance abuse really will be under the control of other states. The secret intelligence service feels perhaps that they 'know something' if they tap your computer since a part of your soul is sucked around due to the abuse and the services can 'feel your soul' and then they believe that they really know something - as if you whisper your innermost secrets - which you otherwise would not have let out - into their hearts in ways they can otherwise not access, at least on the phone - but that doesnt really help the state - it only throws a veil of illusion over the services when these feel better when they abuse private people by illegal surveillance.

The plan of the angloamericans could to invite other states to go in that trap - to join the 'lundikingus' prograpm for gaining control with the problem of illegal surveillance.

Rilke and the Vespa

There exists the theory that Rilke's wife Clara Westhoff was an agent for the angloamericans or at least the services who tried to get his work under their control. On this theory, she would have been a Clara because of Clara Schumann and otherwise she was just a Westbahnhof - that is the 'Vespa'. Her job would have been to become pregnant with another man and then claim that it was Rilke and they had to marry and he would be the formal father and she and the child would inherit his rights when he died - which could come to be a litle premature if it were about an agent. This intrigue would have been installed soon after his probably well-selling 'Stundenbuch' was published in 1899. But he was rescued by Insel Verlag who (as far as I have understood, but I have not had it verified properly) could offer him a lifetime income against the rights to his work - including payments to his wife and child - which would make him less vulnerable to the intrigue and he was saved and could write his great works. Therefore - says this theory - Hitler's government was rooted in 'Szigetközi' = 'Insel Verlag' in order to take the authorship at the root. It could be this intrigue which is active even today when e.g. the rebels of Syria could harvest some support from the people by way of the confusion arising from political power dressing up in Rilke's authorship - 'chiming by the touch of the hour', so to speak. 'Lifetime income' could also be a trick for hiding agents under an apparent employment which is legal - while the real interest could be in the rescue by Insel Verlag and the possible role-swap that could be obtained thereby.

However, it is probably not likely that Clara Westhoff was an agent. Their daughter Ruth (who arguably resembled Rilke) was born on 12 december 1901 which means that she was conceived around 12 march. Rilke visited his mother from 5 to 12 march and exchanged letters with Clara in these days (postal connections were quick in those days). After his return to Westerwede (Bremen) he soon attracted scarlet fever ('scharlach-tan'). They married in a hurry (but reports or rumours exist, according to Schnack's Rilke-Chronik, that they had planned the marriage already in february or march) on 28 or was it 29 april under simple circumstances of her family - and they went for a 'Kur' at a sanatorium soon after their wedding in order for him to recover from the disease in their honeymoon. They lived together for some time but he travelled much around. He could not come to his daughter's wedding because he had a lot of work to do and it would be disturbing for the continuity of his work. Had the 'services' already then divide-and-conquer interests? The child was born in their simple house in Westerwede so it is not likely that Clara had been pregnant with a rubber balloon, even if he wrote to his mother that the child was big and well developed ('ungewöhnlich großes und stämmiges Kind'). He adds that the house was quite 'snowed down' and they looked forwards to christmas. The first book I got (probably 1964) was 'When we snowed down/in' - and I notice the name of Edward Snowdon - could perhaps even be relating to Lord Snowdon as the husband of Margaret Rose - as if he told his mother that there were no other footprints in the snow than the midwife's who was not likely to have brought the child in her luggage.

Clara Westhoff was probably not an agent, is my view. The theory is likely to have been constructed later by 'nervous' intelligence services who tried to get Rilke into the original reason for Hitler's government (via Szigetközi) and thereby could control the info to their government in ways which included the probable theory that Hitler was an agent for England.

But the theory could have been used for pretending that 'agents' on lifetime income employment were of the same kind as Rilke - for turning roles with their victims.

Westhoff was a sculptor - cp. the abduction of Betancourt.

Ruth Rilke allegedly suicided on 27 november 1972 - which could have been around the time when I met Anne Skundberg in the outskirts of the forest? I dont remember exactly when this was but it would have been in the winter 1972-73 - and it could have been early in the winter. The date is also the birthday of Caroline Kennedy. If it were linked to me meeting Anne Skundberg, there could be a link also to Martin Luther King for the Rilke factor if this were planned as part of later politics.

'Margaret Rose' - cp. the Scharlachfieber of Rilke in 1901?

Current queen Elisabeth's full name is Elisabeth Alexandra Maria (born 1926) which today could invoke the idea that Clara Westhoff was already married (to the services, that could mean) when she married Rilke. The wedding of Rilke was simple - there was a priest present in the home of her parents - and he said a few words, asked for their yes and put the ring on their fingers. The name of the priest was pastor Schenkel - and one guesses that this could be the background of the Schengen agreement. Even the 'hippie' movement?

This theory - that the marriage was not really legal - is not likely - but anyhow the names of the two daughters of king George could after the war be taken to mean that Szigetközi means Insel Verlag and this was the basis for Hitler's government. The theory means a british responsibility claim on Hitler - that it was Hitler who had a contract with England, not that Clara was a bigamist. Margaret Rose was born in 1930 - and one can speculate that the political stage knew that Hitler would come to power and there would be a war. The likely solution is that when Hitler was coming up in 1930, the king could have named his second daughter Margaret Rose in order to root it in the birth of Ruth Rilke - for pretending that Hitler was an agent for England - something which could strongly weaken the loyalty to the upcoming chancellor in the case of a war against England. When Hitler made the death camps, it could have been a countermove to root the whole history in the transubstantiation issue of Henry VIII - and then Sziget Utca and all these adobe ideas (farfetched? with bow jets of water?) means that MacDonald of 1924 is a proof that Hitler was an agent for England - his LIBA government etc.

This is likely to be the background if one should take Sziget Utca (it means 'Szigetközi') as a 'Labour cím' - relating to the death of Margaret Rose - and even to the 'Scharlach' on my hands after 2 may 2014. Margaret Rose was known for her night club and boheme style life, tells the internet - which could mean that Ruth Rilke was born at home and at night. Margaret Rose married Earl (Lord?) of Snowdon, which could invoke associations to that mention of the snowed-down christmas already on 13 december 1901. Snowdon was photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones - and if that name should 'mean' something in this story, it could suggest that he had photographed so strongly through the air that the child resembled him. Is that 'John Jensen' - 'snowed-down night' backwards? Well, Ruth Rilke resembled her father, is my impression from photos of her. The sum total of all this looks like a flirting with the theory that Hitler was agent for England - but that the flirt did not be so serious - but can serve to get 'independent states' in the trap. When she considered marrying Peter Townsend, she had to give up the plans in order to rescue her royal privileges - which could suggest - if it should mean anything in the story - that the priest of 1901 (Pastor Schenkel) had perhaps not really wedded the couple or performed the rites in a prescribed way.

Could be there is not so much left of the theory that Hitler's government was based on Szigetközi than this 'Kimle' for 'Himmler' - but that the Octogon creates this Rilke theory on basis of the Öttevény.

A less interesting theory could suggest that I had been under forced medication with 'olanzapin' in 1999-2000 and that this created a 'caleidoscope' which I tried to liberate from - and could buy the whole solution in the form of a house in Szolnok.

Mention must be made of the parallel streets to Sziget Utca - which are Ösz, Tél and Rege Utcas - 'Österreich' that sounds like. These all intersect with 'Vasgereben' - a sort of 'Washing-ton'? There is also a parallel street called Szava Utca where I met the chimney sweeper after he had preappointed a time and I waited and he came not and I went for finding a lawyer to clear up the matter. According to the law, the chimney sweeper has the right to access the house for inspection of the chimney - as far as I understood even if the chimney is not in use. If one does not open, substantial fines can be the result - which was the reason why I was heading for a lawyer when the sweeper came out of a house in Szava Utca just when I came down there - and he agreed to look at it right away so that the problem was solved. 'Chimney sweeper' in hungarian is 'kemény seprö' ('sheprö') - and there is the theory that this even could be the origin of the 'Kennedy femli': The Soviet Union annexed Hungary in 1956 - I dont know when the streets around Sziget Utca was made but they are probably not very old. Could it be that the Soviet Union made this region in 'Szolnok' ('Margaret Rose' backwards) for putting a hat on the theory (cp also the 'libas' that flew into the manhattan in 2001) and when I was born in 1957, if the theory be of relevance that John F.Kennedy could have been involved in the opening of my skull for wetting the cortex, it would have been a sort of 'chimney sweeper' who quickly rose to presidency. If so, the Szigetközi area - with an Octogon = Öttevény - would have been the original historically interesting region and this Sziget Utca could have been a later comment on it.

'Kemény seprö' could anyhow be the background of the 'Kennedy femli'. Is the 'seprö' ('sheprö') = 'sweeper' a sort of 'Clinton'?

There is also a standard formulation in hungarian house sales contracts which involves the detachment of user's rights to the property that they 'jog-árult kéri' = 'requests in accordance with the law' to be freed from the rights. There is a sort of 'John Verrückt' in the phenomenon that 'kéri' is singular while 'kérik' is plural, and 'szavak' ('words') is irregular plural for singular 'szó' ('word'). 'Szava' does not exist except when putting a K at the end. But such word-games cannot alter the meaning of the contract text.

'Szöl[ö]-nök' = 'winegrape-women'. 'Szölö' = 'grape', 'nö' = 'woman'. There are other words for women - 'asszony', 'hölgy', 'l[e]ány' [= girl] as well as '-ne' attached to husband's name.

Szolnok is part of the wider administrative region Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok. 'Nagy' means 'big'.

'Adobe' in hungarian is 'vályog' pronounced 'vajog'.

However this be, it is also possible that all these are 'caleidoscopic' details which more or less loosely attach to my life and tumble around in my work with understanding the form of time. The sale looked very normal and decent and okay to me and the reasons for selling the place were also very probable and likely, the price was normal for the district and the property was very nice. I had only good impressions and these 'historic' ideas started piling up afterwards. Could be some 'services' started an 'information campaign' on what I had acquired - for getting it under their interests? The acquisition does not mean that I support any hitlerish service programs nor that I am an agent for anybody. How did I find the place? I had been around in Györ quite a lot searching for a place - I was even about to buy a place there when some 'info' arrived which seemed to tell that a catastrophe could be coming up - which could have contributed to me dropping that plan. Some further events could also have been a part of changing search geography - and I decided to try further east in Hungary. Szolnok is symmetrically around Budapest relative to Györ - I had really planned to search a little more out in the district but looked at the offers of estate agents in Szolnok. I got three offers from one of them (and could probably have got more as well) - the other two even a little cheaper - and chose the one I bought. The whole story looked very innocent and normal to me - and it may be that an aggressive info campaign from some services could have tried to convince the public opinion that I had bought it as part of their plans. On the way to Szolnok in the summer there was a loudspeaker on a train station which apparently said "Train to AAA Szolnok..." and one night thereafter I woke up to see a sizable beetle which looked somewhat like a miniature black volkswagen. It tried to hide under the bed but I caught it in a bucket and threw it out. Could be it was motorized, though - in which case it could be about 'services' who do not want me to move out of Austria with its Hauptbahnhof and all that. A person later occurred several times on Westbahnhof dressed in only black bermudas and looked quite underdressed.

I do not believe that somebody had removed the ovaries of Clara Westhoff and therefore the story were under control.

Conclusion on 'Sziget Utca' is that it is possible to pile up quite impressive intrigue elements around the address - but it is also possible that it is only I as a poet who could not let it be to buy the place, perhaps even because of all the complexes around Rilke.

The lapis philosophorum

If the LIBA drilling rig (just 'touching' the ground) and the sighs and groans are high mysticism that have been abused for political power game purposes, there are reasons to believe that the 'lapis philosophorum' is an even deeper mystery that has been abused even more profoundly. It is the story of the salt (!) and white stone that I found in 2014 in the framework of my writing of part 3 of my 'Dornenstrauch'. The salt in a container had started either producing or attracting water - so much that it even rose above the top level of the salt. That could not be from humidity in the air. When this was at its peak, I found the white stone in the kitchen sink. The theory says that this is composed of salt, mercury and incombustible sulphur - and that 'combustibility' has been pulled out of it - likely to be the same as the water in the salt. The lapis is a piece of 'recursive matter' taking shape ex nihilo - that is a phenomenon which political intrigue could guard like the holiest secret because it gives them power. It could add to the 'rockpedos' making earthquakes and other secrets of administration. What seems to be the case under the current political power circumstances is that a piece of recursive matter is always the same form: It always looks the same whenever it occurs. Whether the lapis which I found is the same as classic alchemy, I dont know, but it is likely to be and to be the cornerstone of modern political intrigue. More specifically, the intrigue seems to be that pulling the LIGHT = combustibility out of the sulphur means that the west can exploit the east for economic profit with the help of the rotating earth and the movement of the sun - and people do not protest against that but tend to accept that the sun moves that way. 'Kennedy placename' strategies in the austro-hungarian region seems to be a part of this and could be essential to the once iron curtain dividing that east and west. But to use a peak of mystic knowledge for gaining an economic upper hand could be to step the best parts of human reality under foot.

Now if the theory be right that the lapis always looks the same, the one I found can be studied for the interesting details of the sleeping sheep or eagle with sweet dreams of his Eva: She seems to be naked but without a head. Unless her head hangs down on her right breast. Here is the lapis and the detail from the cheek right behind the eye of the sleeping sheep:

If she is headless, it means that she shares head with The Dreamer - and then there is only a small gap between his and her eyes. It seems that this phenomenon is the essence of abusive and cynical political ideas of using this for couping persons' roles - that is, that there be two persons but only one head. This could be the same as 'Hauptbahnhof' and the homowave of the service interests: If her head hangs down on her breast (could be she sucks her own breast - or is she even bending her head in search of her 'clinton'?), one could say 'haupt-bow-hof' ('head-bow-[h]off'), but if it is not visible, it could be 'Haupt-Bahn-Hof' = 'head-asked-him-[h]off'. It means that if Eva is considered male, administration, if these have access to the head, can ask her/him to 'off', please. This could be the reason why the school dentist could have injected chemistry in me in 1970-71 which could have led to the beginning formation of a left-sided gynaecomasty - if that is what happened at the dentist. He claimed that there had been 31 holes in my teeth - but they looked white and fine to me in the mirror and - from this point of view - I had reasons to believe that he (and not me!) was a liar. The teeth looked after the treatment was over as if they had got tram lines installed - with thin shells of white toothstuff around. This treatment took quite a lot of rounds to the dentist and he injected a good number of horse-sized (as it looked to me) syringes. It was at the end of this treatment that the left side nipple got a little higher - there occurred a slight accumulation of fat under it but not under the other. It has grown very slowly later.

It is of course possible that this 'lapis philosophorum' is the trick of politics for claiming that there can be only one person per head - and therefore that they 'Hauptbahnhof'.

Homowave and Hauptbahnhof. Not so good ideas?

When the airplane was shot down near the ukrainian border to Russia in the moment when I photographed a painting by 'R.Maluta' in a church in Padova, it could have been for precisely the reason of this 'pad-ova' symbolism and the fact that the painting correlated with the line 'expert mountain' in my own poem. The 'expert mountain' imitated a detail in the room where the teaching (in the painting) was going on.

It must noticed that the 'pad-ova' interests could be not much more than to ease the exploitative upperhand by way of oldfashioned alchemical ideas.

Recursive matter is no small thing and should not be the area of power games. It is likely that chomskyan grammar is about just this - and when it is called 'production system' then it probably means just such production. Absolutely not, they could say in order to avoid challenges and conflicts with politics - the nazi wave since Hitler.

The sighs and groans and moans I heard - if it were not theatre - was about the foundations of human existence. It is a dirty fantasy which would take it for the desperate attempts of a person to eat the excrements out of the rectum of another - and the repeated attempts to this could perhaps be accompanied by such sounds - but it would have been theatrical and not natural. It would be ridiculous to think of this as consumption of 're-cursive matter' a la the lapis. It has been said by mystics that 'lapis philosophorum' is (identically?) the same as Jesus Christ (the lamb - and isnt the eagle also common in church symbolism?) and therefore that consumption of the body - the matter - is the same as holy communion in church. But this tells of how far into the wastelands of perversion that 'service logic' can take it. It would resemble the ideas associated with the SOMA of Rigveda crushed in a mortar and drunk like juice. Ideas of 'shellack' - cp. the architecture of some of the houses at Wien Hauptbahnhof. These could be bad reasons for promoting homo propaganda. It is bad abuse of people's capacity for sympathies and tolerance for others if they should come to waste those on perverse service logic which tries to convert holy mysteries into such excrement-consumption ideas and things like that.

Recursive matter ex nihilo exists - but it has nothing to do with such perverse ideas as 'lundikingus'. I am particularly not interested in supporting anything such as that 'lundikingus'.

The headless Eva could be a simple joke from eternity - that this is how it remains untill humans stop using violence and prideful competition. If knowledge can develop without the control from power, it may be that Eva can get her head back again - which means that this is when one matter can attain various forms. That is likely to be when human reality can liberate from the political control which requires one world for all.

My novel 'The Dreamer' can be seen to be a tentative solution to this crowded problem. The envoy arrives from heaven and immediately undergoes a schizoid divide and the novel is about his attempts to repair the split - as a report to heaven on the state of the art on earth.


My PEB = 'POLAKK English Bloggi' interprets in 366 poems the form of the blue metre in the sense of the historic consciousness with its temporal wing span of 1000 years cycles. It can in principle be used to date any text and probably encodes important historic-collective data in its form. The PEB encodes in its fourth line the name of the state chiefs of many countries in succession the one after the other and these even distribute in coordinate systems - such as the english, french, belgian and spanish state chiefs around 2010 found in the 4th lines of poems #227, #44 (+183 = 227), #319 (= mid between 44 and 227) and the belgian in the other mid. The PEB interprets the deeper mystic levels more than the surface similarity of name - even if the surface phonology often is an important cue.

I mention two examples relevant to the mysticism which I have discussed in this article - the british state chiefs Tony Blair and Gordon Brown around the turn of the millenium. These seem to be in the fourth lines of

#226 "interesting life is your domain" - for Tony Blair
#227 "of distant friction, joins the packet" - for Gordon Brown

'Bored on ground' would tell of the drilling rig, while the sobs and groans could be telling of something 'brown' if a political interpretation. However, it is not likely that this is the main function or cue in this name - the line really tells that the distant friction of the metallic rotation of the rig which creates the impression of distant geese or swans flying by really is the same as the sobs and groans that 'join the packet'. Could be this is contained in the name of Brown phonologically and by an indirect link semantically (with some puzzling attention to the behind of thehuman body) it reaches this 4th line which contains the real mystery.

For Blair it is a little more advanced to see how his name aspires to the meaning of the lapis philosophorum. The idea of some 'interester' who bows down and jets water into the adobe untill it is as wet and soft as diapers is not so interesting. The link to the lapis goes in the full poem of 226 via its apparent references to aspects of the chinese script - such as "you want a hundred" when 'white' and '100' are both 'bai' in chinese and with differences in the script that is mentioned in the poem.

You think you talk with just any man
and his any woman, and you talk in vain,
and you tell them: "I do think that many an
interesting life is your domain".

And the type of this said: "Mm", and
I said: "You want a hundred!"
The girl was putting her hands on
that 'printed matter' that's under.

And she said: "I think that I now understand".
She showed me the mouth of a fish
who's talking into a telephone.

Then passing the house of this guy
you can hear, like a distant swish,
somebody who weeps in a window high.

                (written on 07.02.10)

This tells (in the chinese characters) of an increasing stack of printed matter, the girl puts her hands on it, documents the one upon the other - as in a pushdown automaton - untill one finds that the script has its explanatory value in the mirror symmetry of the word 'interesting' with 'chuangshiji' which means the jewish 'Genesis'. That is the window ('chuang') in the last lines of the poem - and the symbols for 'chuangshiji' can also mean 'wound-life mark' - or simply line 4 "interesting life is your domain". The poem thereby tells of how the lapis is interpreted in politics in that east-west sense of it. The PEB is based on the hebrew script while Syria is a little east of Israel - and had (at the time when the hebrew script was formed on the semiotic principles that the book is about) the cuneiform script which resembles the theme of this poem in chinese. Therefore angloamerican interests in Syria could really be about China - via that 'lapis philosophorum'? Hebrew for 'Genesis' is 'Bereshit' - which could explain the strange british state chief name phenomenon? It could even be the reason for 'lundikingus' in politics. Some people seem to believe in 'bere shit' with a devotional force. Was the holocaust an attempt to solve this problem - that it is difficult to make a global revolution of mysticism for a formation of a 'lapis' if the excrements in the bowels should have to be the innermost mystery? A kennedyan placename program could be another aspect of the same - an attempt to move this problem elsewhere.

Could be angloamerican politics did not want to carry (!) so much of it but tried to remove the burdens by removing the hebrews and installed it in terms of names instead.

On this background, one could spot the outlines even of a 'lundikingus' strategy in the sense of the germans 'consuming' the jewish culture in the holocaust - and those postwar cultures who read Rilke consume the 'excrements' from the german language. That clearly is a mistaken conceptualization - Rilke's poetry is not 'excrements', even if, it must be admitted, such poetry could never have been written in english - but it could perhaps correlate somehow with the british name phenomenon. This means that if the 'lundikingus' program comes to be accepted in Europe, for example on the pretext of battling the problem of illegal surveillance and straighten up the spines of the smaller but still independent countries, then the german language and culture and poetry will come to look and smell like 'excrements'. In particular the german-language countries should not join that 'movement' but find better solutions to the problem of surveillance.

My view is that the idea that the adobe house phenomenon has any connection at all with the essential political problems of nazism is very farfetched and unlikely - this idea is more probably derived from the small-house-looking symbol for chinese CHUANG (cp. also e.g. chinese 'shengming', 'shengwu') and its role in the complex described above. In my TEQ there is even mention of 'chuang' in poem 582 and in the exact mirror poem 1138 (written in fact on 23 february 2002) there is mention of '15' - but that was written long before I came to these political ideas quite recently. The distribution of these ideas in that work is due to the transcendent reality as a basis for the historic reality - and 'chuen' or 'tjue-en' is norwegian for '21' symmetric with '15' - which again is not about any conscious deliberation of mine in the writing but in the architecture of the transcendent basis for historic time. This also tells of how the 11 years of work with the TEQ was the basis for the PEB - and hence line 4 in e.g. #226. The TEQ is a very big crystal over 1719 poems - the enumeration of which could be made in various ways but this example tells that the enumeration I reached in 2012 was right. The big crystal of TEQ has a miniature version in the 64 poems of part 3 of the Dornenstrauch - which was the basis for my finding of the 'lapis' in 2014. It is a pity and it should not continue if my work is held off from public attention because the original plans was to use me for a role of 'worthless crapper' (or a 'Scharlachtan' of Rilke) for a 'lundikingus' program. Then it is high time to change plans.

Mysticism is not box-and-arrow understanding. That could be the difference.

I have to point out once again that the PEB is a good book which the world could need - it could even come to rescue the german language and culture from extinction? - but it seems impossible unless somebody else helps me with finding a publisher.

I notice that by my acquisition of the house in Szolnok, the problem of the political world now seems to be solved - as tells this article. But is my problem solved? I hope so.

Added 31 august 2015:

If Hitler were an authentic historic character growing out from some austrian impetus, for example after the reduction of the austrian empire, it could be that he was the incarnation of a mistaken 'original intention' of Rilke, whose father had been 'Kadettkorporal' in military service while the son later played with tin soldiers for being like his father - and Rilke attended a military school in St.Pölten from his age 11 for some years - but later switched tracks to poetry. His father was not successful in his military career and therefore had switched tracks to a railway career, and his uncle was not successful in his military career (several times passed over, as was his situation) and therefore suicided. Could be this is the contents of the apparent interest of Buckingham in his 'early career' or even 'öly career' with the birth ('beerth'?) of Ruth. The austrians 'suicided' tracks with Hitler. Uncle Adolf...

The reason for the british concern with Rilke's 'öly' history could also be that he on 11 march 1901, while visiting his mother in Prag, exited from the church he had been baptized into. Rumours told that he had entered the protestant church instead but this seems to be wrong. It means that he left the catholic (?) church 9 months before the birth of his daughter - and this exit could make the britons feel at home with their own history since Henry VIII.

'Lundikingus' is of course also a bizarre conceptualization of 'transubstantiation' - which is the historic issue with Henry. Another bizarre conceptualization could be that Rilke's career in poetry was because he had started out with 'öly' soldier education in 'St.Pölten' (cp. the placename program) - which could suggest that Hitler should be the beginning of a magnificent era of austrian poetry. But that would be the 'suiciding' story.

Rilke left the church on 11 march 1901 and Josef Mengele was born on 16 march 1911. John Jensen was born on 27-10-1916, which then can be seen to be the butterfly on 16-03-1911 and 11-03-1901. It means that he was born on 1-11 minus 3 = 27-10-1916. I was born on 29/6 and the family moved to Oslo on 26/9. This could be the explanation to the two gulf wars under Saddam Hussein - to make a big one out of these three - Rilke, Mengele and Jensen - turning ('switching tracks') around the number 23 and with 10 years interval.

Rilke left the church on 11 march 1901 and suffered the 'Scharlachtan' (scarlet fever) for some weeks from about 22-23 march onwards - and clearly it is possible to see this 'orangutan' as a result of his exit from the church. Therefore, if 'a doll fitler' were of a similar 'orangutan' type, just before the conception and wedding (cp. the putsch attempt of Ernst Röhm - of 'homo' = 'verboten' type - just before the wedding of Josef Terboven - later Reichskommissar in Norway), he could have served to carry the burdens of the anglican church in relation to the british state.

Ruth Rilke = Rod-ham?

Is the word 'jazz' constructed (e.g. around 1930?) on basis of Jasz-Nagykun as well as the hebrew 'jazz-pura'? It happened twice after I had inquired in the hotel about the apparent drilling rig that I crossed the bridge ('bru') near the hotel and the distance towards the roundabout in a bus and both times got what looked like light oil on two of my fingers on the right hand. It could have been 'dirty sweat' but I dont think I was that dirty. I had to wipe it off on some roadside green. If the holocaust against the hebrew 'diaspora' were only for indexing the 'Jasz-Nagykun' district relative to the 'Szolnok' in the sense of 1) Margaret Rose backwards, and 2) the hebrew, it could have served to make for just that 'identity' of Buckingham with the hebrew diaspora - and british governmental state leaders later had names as of a 'bere-shit'. They had exited from the church (by Henry) and a new millenium was in the dawning.

See also this poem by Zheng Xiaoqiong

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 28 august 2015
Updated 31 august 2015