John Bjarne Grover
On 14 january, I went to St.Pölten and back again. A little later in the afternoon, some 'pöltergeists' started and continued for a couple of hours (2st). They repeated the seance the day after, in the morning. Proof that this is psycho is that no neighbour would behave like this.
In fact the knockings continued for two days (politegeists, though, the nights were silent) untill the moment when I understood what it was: In my 'Stillhetens åndedrag', there is in poem #40 the line: "Hör, det banker i milde / netter under det fjerne löv" - "listen, there is knocking in mild / nights under the distant leaf". In the moment when I understood this, the knockings silenced.
I have fancied that the sounds constitute a sort of unary notation. What does it say? Could be it says "I'm hungry - do you have something to eat?" Cp. also the 'hymen/lamp' complex.
Added on 20 january 2020:
This morning the polterworks continued. Last night, after I had published Mao and Gandhi and the blue metre, I looked up my SNEEFT COEIL chapter '20 Gedichte' poem #1 for certain aspects of 'cognition of trees' or 'arbitrarity' for the aspect of numerality. It is that chapter on numerality which includes poem #11. This morning there were several rounds of not disturbingly loud knocking - I first tried to make one recording but then the knockings went silent, then I tried again at 11:00 o'clock and that gave me this recording:
Listen to the 'poltergeist' of 20 january 2020 at 11:00 o'clock
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 15 january 2020
Last updated 20 january 2020