Mao and Gandhi and the blue metre

John Bjarne Grover

It can be proven that TEQ is written on 'divine' (call it 'transcendental') inspiration which is beyond administrative control. Function 14 is the proof: Every word in TEQ is dated and when one studies the distribution of a word, one finds that this selects a certain poem from the 207 poems of book 14. This poem generally contains as many lines as there are occurrences of a word - and each line corresponds to each occurrence. The poem in total defines the meaning of the word.

This gives the semantic basis for the word. Aristotle was the first to define a logic over semantic units - and this has been the basis for logic since then. The sensational newspiece is that there seems to exist an apparently phonological basis for the word in the mirror image of book 14 (= function 14): If the poem that defines the word semantically is poem x, the phonological form of the word is found in poem 208-x. In general, this poem contains as many lines as there are sounds in the word. It means that a phonological logic probably exists. That would be new with this third millenium.

This is a goodenough proof that TEQ is not written under administrative control. It has been filtered and controlled by the redundancies of the innate human reality and takes its source of inspiration beyond this.

The blue metre over a cycle of 1000 years is a reduction of TEQ. Evidence of this is found in line 14 which covers simultaneity of scientific discovery. Generally, the poem with line 14 for the 'semantic' discovery is found by the year Y of discovery subtracted from year 2009 of writing of PEB - that gives an interval Z which is multiplied with 0,366 and there you have the number X of the poem (rounded upwards). Line 14 in this poem contains the 'semantic' definition of the discovery or discoverer while the mirror poem defines the 'indexical' = 'phonological' value of the discovery.

It seems (not surprisingly - but I have not much data) that formal sciences of logic and mathematics are most prone to exhibit this pattern clearly.

The phenomenon corresponds to the discovery in line 12 that the resurrection of Jesus is 'the same' as the development of fertility in the Madonna. Of course it is not the same - but in the reduced formal metric version of PEB it can be 'the same' while the true resurrection will be found in TEQ. The split between protestantism and catholicism led to the rise of terror on basis of a poverty of a marian cult - it is this which was tentatively healed by Mao as Jesus and Indira Gandhi as the Madonna - and 'protestant' involvement in their deaths could be explained with a wish to keep the terror-orientated control of administration up: That would mean that the (writing of the) blue metre were under administrative control and hence that they were in control with its copyright. The rationality would have been in 'resurrection' being 'the same' as the flushing of blood in the rise of terror-driven administration.

However, PEB line 14 and TEQ function 14 shows that this is not the case. TEQ and the blue metre PEB have not been written under the influence or control of political administration or secret intelligence.

TEQ is to climb to the top of the mount of mystic enlightenment, while the metres - blue, red, yellow and white - are the way down again. When the mystic comes down to the ground at the foot of the mountain again, that corresponds to the beginning poems of TEQ - those which are 'plaited' together, recomposing the mystic reality which had been split apart by culture and history. One of these beginning poems of TEQ is #6 called 'The Street', the mystic reality of which can be shown by the discovery that most of the 'shops' described in 'The Street' have counterparts in the illustrations on the Chu silk - such as the poem 'Nacquapotinta d'Onina' which seems to be about the essentials of the 'man-on-wagon'. The first 'shop' is the poem called 'Card Børkeley' which seems to find its correlate in the ancient chinese Chu silk version of 'dogs paradox' - from the 'moonface' there goes a thread to the tree and along this thread there are three chinese characters which I recognize as the elements in the sign 'xu' at the end of the second line in the third stanza of Shijing #108 - a sign which I have searched for without finding it in the dictionaries available to me (why isnt it there? is the lack of it significant?):

In the lefthand excerpts there are the thread of 'genetics' going from the moonface on top to the root of the tree - passing three characters on its way (magnified in the third). In my conception, the moonface man is the same as the name 'Indira', the three 'xu' signs along the thread are the mid name 'Priya-darshi-ni' while the last name 'Gandhi' is the tree - the name in some alternative spelling can mean a tree from its root to its leaves. Now it seems that these elements are the main components in the first 'shop' of the poem 'The street' - and hence the name of Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi thereby can be seen to encode 'dogs paradox' - a format including the idea of 'marital conjunction':

Card Børkeley

For the fasting, as the commentary is over,
to make state out of their
written remorse,
woody hill...
anchory green...
(I don't think it's over).

The mid name of Gandhi is then contained in the three components which can be postulated for the chinese sign 'xu':

priya = pleasant, beloved, like grass is for a cow, the wool of the land

dashi = normally related to the faculty of vision, but Böthlingk tells that 'Verhüllung der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung' comes close to the form - hence 'woody hill' in that sense of it

ni = basically to lead, drive, conduct - hence 'anchory green' when related to the attachment or 'fast[en]ing' to a tree - typically under it, not over.

(In fact the poem I got from the iranian refugee in the park in Paris contains very strong cues to this interpretation of mine).

See also the mirror poem in TEQ to this #6 - it is 1720-6 = #1714, the short poem called 'Naggy Tarer' - the first line to which is "I think I recorded them on the TV screen". 'Recorded them' could then mean that the three disparate signs are brought together onto one.

Now consider the chinese Chu silk illustration of the moonface ('TV screen') man - there are two vertical 'sideposts' which contain crescent curvations which - if these two are swapped left-right - look like the two corresponding graphic elements (a la backwards '5' and '2') in the nagari form of 'Indira' (see e.g. this file):

This left-right swap of 'di' with 'ra' is then contained in the 'In[d]' character.

Now for the secret of the story which could be the answer to the current state of Austria and Europe: The indian form of 'Indira' looks like 'Sigri' while the 'Gandhi' form looks like 'pemp' -

and hence the name 'Indira Gandhi' in nagari script looks somewhat like 'security pump' in latin - and that could mean the ÖVP power pump from the hungarian-austrian border (hymen, lamp = female archetype) which seems to pump power to the US democrat party. The logic behind the murder of Gandhi in 1984 would then have been the quasi reason that to shoot Gandhi would be to take the security power pump of ÖVP at the root. That could be the reason why some people seem to believe that ÖVP is a permitted party: Of course such a power pump (the power construction at the hungarian-austrian border seems to have been used also by Adolf Hitler, a true nazi) should not have been permitted - the ÖVP party should probably have been forbidden by international law - but logic contained in the name of Gandhi is what lends quasi rationale to it.

The deeper secret in this explanation is, though, contained in the mid name of Gandhi - when it seems to encode a deep mystery of chinese reality and script: That means that if her name is needed for understanding the roots of chinese script (here by the Chu silk), that is the quasi explanation to how the resurrection of Jesus (Mao) could be recognized as 'the same' as the development of fertility in the Madonna (Gandhi) in my blue metre. That is apparently the secret of the political schism of Europe since Luther and Henry VIII.

Alas, western reality seems to have understood this in terms of a quasi justification of terror politics in the sense of 'flooding of menstrual blood' from her 'stomach', her 'mave', her 'Mao'.

I notice the role of the nagari spelling of Indira Gandhi's name as looking also a little like 'Sigrid Undseth', the norwegian author who won the Nobel prize for literature. Now western terror-orientated politics probably will try to claim that this explanation is contained in the WWII underground group 'XU' in Norway. I take the liberty to doubt that this pinyin was the reason for the name of the group - after all, there is quite a distance from the three signs on the Chu silk to the 'xu' sign - but it is easy to see how this way of reasoning could have lent quasi justification to postwar terror - a terror which probably mainly serves the purpose of creating the illusion that the forming of the blue metre is under administrative control. Of course it is not - the blue metre is an aspect of the constitution of the human reality - that is created by God, not by the 'services'.

My personal view is that ÖVP should be closed down - or at least not be in government with such a 'security pump' constructed in relation to my person, if that is the story. It is very possible that the Vietnam war was organized for pumping power from Austria to the US democrat party via my person. I have certainly never agreed to be part of any such construction and not been informed about it either - and, if the theory is right, it means that the entire construction of the 'security pump' ('sigri pemp', so to speak) is based essentially on three traumatic and highly abusive events of my early life. If the ÖVP party is permitted by the european or rather global community on such a basis, it probably means something like accepting another round of Hitler - and that is not permitted by international law. It is likely that the murder of Gandhi is what could have been sufficiently efficient for even the austrian police and other parts of the administration to take confidence in ÖVP since it looks as if ÖVP is me when they make state out of this 'written' remorse. It looks perhaps as if ÖVP contributes to healing the wounds of the religious wars of Europe - in particular the wounds after the protestant Germany was pulled by the nose of the catholic or at least austrian Hitler. It must be understood that the trick of reading the name of Indira Gandhi as if it were spelt in latin types could be to pull the nose a little too far. I seriously doubt that the average members of ÖVP are orientated about this pump-connection apparently to John F. Kennedy and the US democrat party.

The evidential proof that TEQ is not under administrative control is, as explained above, in function 14 = book 14 entitled 'If you're going to Köbenhavn'. If that were the reason why Joe Biden = Joe Denmark were launched as part of Obama's campaign in 2008 'instead of' my book, it is high time to round off this 'pump'-farce. Do politicians invade and occupy and abuse my work and claim that it is for my own sake? That would be like a group of terrorists designing their terrorist action with a verse or chapter from the Bible (say, Acts chapter 10) and claiming that the catholic church is their supporter club - that the pope himself has given his wholehearted support to the basis of their 'project'.

Finally, it is seen how the name of Mao Tse-tung corresponds to the idea of Jesus Christ but with the hook of the 'J' turned wrong way - as the terror of Sri Lanka could have been about indexing 'Griechenland' - see the Sri Lanka and impeachment issue in this file:

One notices also the swapping function in the lower mid character as well as (in the upper form) the idea of composing the three parts into the sign 'xu' for 'Priyadarshini' - like that Jesus Christ child in the womb of the Madonna. It seems to be this which terror-orientated administration wanted to get under control.

There could also be a graphic 'Liis-Ene' (cp. 'Ene-Liis') in the chinese form of 'Mao Tse-tung'. Not 'Jesus-ene'.

Swindle and intrigue contained in the 2019 bombings of churches and hotels on Sri Lanka and the politics associated with it is possibly for lending a quasi reason to a program of sending the people in the 'chemicals' = 'chen-ric-als' = 'cri-chen-las' ('Griechenland') = 'Sri Lan-kan'. Why this apparent Kennedy (US democrats, ÖVP?) program of sending people in the chemicals - apparently with the people's full support, like the pope could be supportive of the basis for terror? That would probably be only for the purpose of gathering more power for such terror-orientated politics. It may be that I have been constructed for being the scapegoat for such politics - although I do of course not agree to such a role. It is high time that such swindle politics be stopped.

Why 'pre-fixed' telephones? Could be '47' means the 'N' of the crashing Air Egypt plane in 1999 when Clinton went to Norway - and this 'N' crashed away could then be equivalent with my name as a rapist in a heinous crime - could be even my name as related to ÖVP (if these tend to shun the 'N').

The driving motor in a swindle program could be the deaths of Mao and Gandhi for the quasi sake of rescueing christianity by means of swindle and terror.

There have been some reasons to assume that the deaths of Mao and Gandhi could have been linked to me via my two official sisters - such as the example with the printing error in 'Kirkeby'. I mention also that the elder sister did some jazz ballet in younger days ('lespa litt' could tell of 'mao.') and the younger sister (I think after the death of Mao) did 'Tae-kwon-do' - but I have no really good reasons. However, if the deaths of Mao and Gandhi attach to me somehow, it is easy to see the logic of the construction. Clearly such politics would be totally illegal.

The further program could be to prepare for a new Hitler in Germany. Evidence of this is found in apparent attempts to construct a smooth reception of a possible Hitler or his program in german CDU in quasi parallel with ÖVP: I mention two examples: Ernst Lemmer was amoung the founding members of CDU (along with Jakob Kaiser, Walther Schreiber, Andreas Hermes and others) in a meeting in east Berlin on 26 june 1945 - that could be the basis for political intrigue on the weird idea of 'lemme-smøret' = 'the limbs-butter' (as for the 'butter' leaving possibly Kennedy's 'limb' in july 1957, or the 'buttered' members of CDU receiving minor donations) based on the hebrew of Exodus 16:23 (towards the end of the verse) - I notice that luggage storages (hebrew 'lemishmeret' = 'for deposit') seem to be a problem in many places - in Paris, Athens and elsewhere I have noticed the peculiarity - see also the articles 'Lemmesmør and Manhattan 2001 and Literaturhaus and potato balls. The other example I could mention is a Garrard record player I got from the official parents for probably christmas in the 1970's - this can find 'biblical' interpretations of the hebrew of Genesis 10:16 ("... and a high place and declarations and a draw-away 'GaRaGaShI' = canaanite people...") and could serve to index e.g. Gerhard Baumgärtel. (The fact is that I had found this potential intrigue earlier and now searched the CDU names for a possible target of the intrigue and found the name of Baumgärtel). It would be the biblical music that were planned to be appealing for CDU. There could be much activities going on for buttering the german and european society to be welcoming to a new Hitler on basis of principles resembling the ÖVP/Kennedy construction relative to me. The political intrigue is then likely to be to claim that e.g. Ernst Lemmer were involved since 1945 - but that is more likely to be about an attempted swap with e.g. Figl or Raab of ÖVP 1945 relative to me - and hence a 'Garrard' record player I once owned could be used for such purposes. Is this also the reason why 'vinyl' now is on its way back?

But all this should be NOT SECRET and easy to stop.

PS on 20 january 2020: There is of course an appealing affinity between the 'xu' sign and the poem 'Spring thoughts' by Li Bai - in the article I published (probably) before the second burglary in Szolnok.

I refer also to the three chinese forms of the numeral '1' given in Mathews 3016 - the first is a single stroke, the second resembles the righthand part of the sign WO - that part which often associates with 'weapons' - and the third resembles in fact somewhat this sign 'xu' - perhaps a little less 'divine'. The burglary in Szolnok (or theft of my notebooks) could in norwegian be called 'brot' (not 'brot-her', though, like Wittgenstein's - my righthand arm has been quite dysfunctional for a while - yesterday the yahoo search engine did not function). It wasn't Hector Berlioz who put fire to Notre Dame? My two norwegian poetry books can be seen to be about harmony and counterpoint - not 'harmterpoint gascogne'.


Böhtlingk, Otto von: Sanskrit Wörterbuch - in kürzerer Fassung, Sieben Bände. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. Delhi 2009.

Mathews, R.H.: Chinese-English Dictionary. (A Chinese-English Dictionary Compiled for the China Inland Mission by R.H.Mathews, Shanghai: China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1931). Revised american edition 1943. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Monier-Williams, Sir Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1979.

Simon, R.: Shijing. Das altchinesische Buch der Lieder. Chinesisch/Deutsch. Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Rainald Simon. Reclam Bibliothek 2015.

Source for the picture of the Chu silk manuscript is from the internet - I found it on this location.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 19 january 2020
Last updated 20 january 2020