3 november 2022

John Bjarne Grover

In the article 'Comments on some poems and their parallel texts in 'The Endmorgan Quartet'' I mention towards the end the poem TEQ #43 which could be in reference of my volumes 1-2-3 considered as an angel with body in vol.2 and wings in vols.1 and 3.

The poem TEQ #43 could be about the constant 'e' = 2,71828... as the base of the natural logarithms. I here quote TEQ #43 from volume 2:

TEQ #43
Luke 23:50
  ανηρ αγαθος και δικαιος

Two and three
    are also candidate
    for a certain value.

It's all these changes,
    that beer
with virgin.

I don't think that the editor has one

My officer,
    my [...],
I'm only considering Énglishmen.

Assuming that 1-2-3... here counts natural numbers and not integers, 2,71828 would be 0,71828 into vol.2 with its 1719 poems - which means on poem 1719 * 0,71828... = 1234,5678... which means approximately on the mid line in poem #1235:

"The letter was signed: "Le dernier signification"

This 'certain value' clearly could be just 1234,5678.

'Virgin' is easy to solve: There are 5 relevant occurrences of the word in TEQ, the first is in #43 and the mid of these 5 is the form 'virging' on 09.10.00 in poem #799. Only 14 lines later, in poem #800, there is the line with the number sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8:

The fire are troubled. There?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 -

This could be telling of a certain complexity in the structure of TEQ.

But, wait a minute: The computation is not entirely right - in fact 1234,5678 * 0,71828 = ‭1718,783, which is a small quarter of the last poem before the end. If one says that the last poem TEQ #1719 counts as 10 lines, the end will be a small fifth from the end of the line "Here we go travelling across the river", which means appr. between 'th' and 'e' of the definite article 'the'. "Here we go travelling across th-".

(For the eventual number 1719 of poems in TEQ, the number settled by the enumeration of the summer 2012, see also TEQ #267 - could be also #63).

Nowadays it may be that 'divine revelation' is recognized in the phenomenon of presence of 'armchair philosopher' in some form or other. Formerly, or maybe nothing is changed in these matters, it could have been the idea (as I fancy or may have read somewhere) that the presence of the series of the natural numbers in ascending order 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... were a sign of presence of a 'divine revelation'.

Hence the 'madonna' = 'virgin' of the christian (particularly catholic) creed?

I have not solved the BEER but would guess that BEER and VIRGIN are telling of the 'changes' for these computations.

Here the 'change' would be from 1719 poems to 1718,783 poems - a small change in size of the corpus that could have taken place while the elements of the corpus were counted in historic time. The difference would be what creates or corresponds to the idea of a metaphysical reality.

The fundamental theorem of logic tells that only complete equifrequency meets the criterion of truth without logical operators. However, if one should assume that the sum of the conditional probabilities (in the computation of the entropy value) could be less than 1.0, then it is possible (although I cannot evaluate the details in this idea - but to me it looks reasonable) that other and more complex criteria could be added for the equation to hold good. An interesting theory could be that these complex criteria - for the case of the 'changes' in the corpus count - would output BEER and VIRGIN for the case of this 'angel' of the volumes 1-2-3. The angel Gabriel for the conception of the virgin? I would guess that the angel would not bring a glass of 'beer', it is probably not that naive sort of symbolism, but I have not solved this yet. ανηρ αγαθος και δικαιος = 'a man good and just' could suggest that the 'editor' does not have the introductory excerpt from Strindberg to volume 1.

(4 november 2022: Some further comments on the 'beer' or rather 'bear').


© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 3 november 2022
Last updated 4 november 2022