6 december 2022

John Bjarne Grover

It happened in Vienna not long after I had completed my study of Horace and the ordinality of his work that I woke up with a veritable 'shiner' - one of the eyes was swollen so much I could barely see with it. It went down again in the course of the day but returned a few times some days and weeks later and left me with new wrinkles around the eyes - a 10+ in age or 'dignity'.

What was it? My idea is that it could be the same incredible story over and over again that it was because my head was opened in early infancy (at least the magnet resonance scan of my brain seems to prove that story) that the society believes (it 'feels right'?) that it is right to credit not me but somebody else for the magnificent progress for humankind there is in this study of mine. Of course, a day or two after this article had been published, there should have come letter or email to me telling "Mr.Grover, you have expressed the need for a housing solution - we have an opportunity for you which you maybe will consider". But that did not happen - instead these impressive shiners could have been a sign that somebody else cashed in the credits - in accordance with the nazi strategy contained in the assumed early head opening of me in 1957.

My impression is that the mobbing of my attention, attachments, interests and social advances has been so systematic and persistent through 10-15 years - news on terror etc - were there a school shooting maybe for cashing in the credits? what was that horror one in Russia about? - that somebody in the society hopes to gain enough control with my person and reliability and seriousness in my work and social relations that the stalking could come to succed in swapping roles completely and thereby threaten my health if I were to continue residing in the society. This seems to have been the case in both Norway and Austria.

That is why an apology (for the state involvement) and reparation money could be needed - indeed could be urgently important for the condition of the world - for developing not a monarchic terror reign but a sensible human global society which is not based on raw abuse of small children.

'Boris Johnson' could mean 'bor i sjansen' = 'resides in the chance' - as if Austria should be my chance since it is not a member of NATO?

I was feeling fine in Venice when I on 27 november 2022 had to go to Vienna for a few errands - such as finding the norwegian edition of 'Doktorgraden' and paying PO Box fee for both Vienna and Szolnok - but in the course of the three days I stayed there I started developing shortage of breath and tiredness - and the bad cough which was nearly down returned. I tested for covid but that was negative. Could be the apparent stalking of my private notes on the train up to Vienna were the reason - and a proof that they will never give up this hostility, could be enough for making me shortbreathed and tired and coughing - and when I finally could escape back to Venice on 1 december 2022, I had acquired the same wrinkles of age around the eyes again - like some old crook who has to admit his sins and failures and illegitimate border oversteps.

Hvordan skjedde rynkene? - how did the wrinkles come about?
Hvordan redde skinkene? - how to rescue the hams/flesh?

The volcano of Hawaii runs its lava down onto the main road between Hilo and Kona, telling of hungarian 'horgász-nő' = 'fisher[man's]-wife/woman' vs 'HOR[-ace] ga snø' on basis of the 'HOR-ao' = greek for 'to look' e.g. out of the opening window in my 'Stillhetens åndedrag' #37 - the one about the snow on the window sill followed by the line 'vertsekolltiden' which jumped the ZUM to CULTURE interpreted by Nono's quartet. Could be it is this HORace of 'to look' which is the wrinkles around the eyes.

The language philosopher seems to tell the theory of the chain of communication, at least by the endpoints, of the phrase structure grammar. A puzzling observation could also be that when 'lo-gikk' could mean 'slippers' and 'linguistics' maybe 'newspaper', there are these 'fundamental theorems' of the dog running for Frankenstein' slippers and newspaper in the nazi fear of loss of human 'dignity' by the new phrase structure technology. It could be the same that tries to take the place (facilitated by early infant head opening) instead of supporting the continued work contained in the old egyptian 'mummy'.

Heinrich Himmler should not be the symbol of catholic marian cult devotion.

The landslide on 26 november 2022 in Casamicciola, Ischia, Italy - followed shortly thereafter by a landslide in Cameroon - took place shortly after I had found this (ex nihilo?) chain. (I would be travelling to Vienna on 27 november and a day or two later on to Szolnok - the estate agent I bought the house from in 2015 was then called 'Openhouse' - the biggest estate chain in Hungary - and they changed their name to 'CASA Network' some time later - in maybe 2016 or thereabout. Kykl-Open?). Does there exist modern weapons that can trigger a landslide? The landslide in Ask, Gjerdrum, Romerike + attempt on the new government in Aden followed not long after I had tried to step into an office that could have been assistant in housing matters (and a man with 'Norwegian Salmon' went inbetween when I tried to turn in there). The coup against ASSK = Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma followed after my brief visit into another potential housing problem solving office.

It happened while I was pondering the philosophy of the LOGHOUSE that I saw Aung San Suu Kyi in a vision - I was at the meal-table and she stepped in from the bright sunlight outside, standing in the door opening when she said "it was while you lived in Voldgaten that we were together all the time". (Voldgaten was my residence in 1978-80, 'together' is norwegian 'sammen'). This story could tell that the coup in Burma could be about Visthouse, the loghouse built by the british lord Guy Freemantle for fishing salmon in the river Vista.

It may be that the wrinkles around my eyes tell an important story which I should not ignore.

I am not an intelligence project. If the challenger (or challengers) feels that the victory so to speak already is secured and therefore classifies the stalking not as personal challenges on my person but as sensible recommendations and good advices to drop my further interest in my interests, it is time to undersatand the nature of this quasi-political problem. 'Das dritte Reich' has probably a global scope of 'absolute monarchic power' and it is very important that the democratic voters come to knowledge of this before they have accepted it too far.

Jiang Zemin died while I was in Vienna.

8 december 2022: I was twice to the chinese embassy in Vienna - the first time could be associated with the blue metre, the second with the red. The chain is constituted by appr 31 blue and red rubber band links - plus a white-and-black link at the end attaching to the 'S'-shaped (nearly '8'-shaped) plastic 'handle'. Links 22-23 (counted from first blue-red) seem to share link function (a quasi 'double' or intertwined link) - suggesting a hebrew alphabet?

Jiang Zemin died in Shanghai at 12:13 (probably local time) on 30 november 2022. There was a mass shooting outside a 'Hookah Lounge' in Louisiana reported to the police at 01:35 am the same day which is 13:35 Shanghai time, and hence if there were attempts to organize a 'link' to me (by 'octogon') it took place after Jiang Zemin died. The 2019 burglary in Szolnok could have been tentatively associated with 'VCsM', the local water provider.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 6 december 2022
Last updated 8 december 2022