A theory on Holm

John Bjarne Grover

My theory - on a meagre empirical basis, though - on Holm is that his poetry could have been brutally raped by cynical power politics (this could have been the case for a possible Lenin assassination on behalf of Adolf Hitler who could have wanted to coup Lenin's revolution). When Holm's poetic work in 6 volumes eventually were published in the years 1949-51, and this by and large was the end of the published poetic enterprise, in the following decades he was writing and publishing his 'Folkeeposet' ('The folk epic'). The word can also somewhat jocularly be pronounced 'folk i pose' = 'people in bag'. (My novel 'The Dreamer' can also be read as the story of human people after Frank has taken over the control - walks outdoor for sniffing on lamppost car numbers etc. - a few times the narrator visits the 'launderette' which could include Frank coming up with the 'pose' = 'plastic bag' and some backwards instincts). This folk epic could have been for the purpose of the poet's attempt to write yet a few poems - even if most of what he had done in principle could have been abused for 'Gunsmoke' TV purposes (pure guesswork, this - I dont know wherefrom I have the idea that each episode of 'Gunsmoke' was one poem of Holm, like the Lenin assassination could have been - could be it is only the name Matt Dillon which looks like the name Hans-Henrik Holm read backwards to the middle and the first half is a 'hands-he'). I have read only one chapter of Holm's 'Jonsoknatt' and the trails it left in the soul told me that it was likely, I thought, to be the poet's cruel revenge for all the abuse - or, rather, it is his attempt to write more poetry, in spite of all the resistance there could have been. He did write some more poetry but it is apparently still unpublished and seems to remain as a manuscript only. The few poems he published after 1951 are, as far as I know, the ones I have analyzed in this file. The still unpublished poems from his last years are in the (2-volume?) manuscript called 'Att-ljod' - means 'Echo'. ('Att-ljod' means 'a sound behind/back/on-reverse') - or 'Attljod frå gamaltidi' = 'Echo from ancient times'. I hope the plan is not to relaunch Hitler under new hide and hidden purposes by way of this manuscript. Why are your ears so big today, granny? Oh, I've read so much Holm.

Would this prose text from his last 'folk-epic' volume be classified as 'cruel revenge'? It doesnt look like and it probably isnt. "Expectation mirrors itself in the pondered motivations, rolls its soft stoat fur in thickets, eager to lap in juices in gurgling courage. [...] The connecting Bough is thorough expectation". One can spot the hidden corpse - and when this is magnified to Virgil's spreading bough, it is something. But that can of course still be valuable belletristik - and certainly this piece of prose looks like just that. But not the least therefore is it important to prevent further abuse by a resurrecting Hitler - if he should still be up, hoping for a continued couping of Lenin's revolution.

Secret intelligence intrigue could have been the problem #1 for Holm - and certainly he would have protested against such a tragic fate for his later and so far unpublished 'Attljod' poetry. The 'knitbrow' photo of him from the 1920's is not yet as 'archivic' as his language is said to be.

'John Grøver' once told me that he had seen Holm striding down Karl Johan Street in a long black coat. (Could be he mentioned a hat as well?)

But where can I get hold of a copy of the original and unedited manuscript? It certainly deserves to be published even if some of the poems are perhaps not complete, and hopefully it can come to be bought in book form.

If I had the chance and permission, I could perhaps translate a poem from this 'Attljod' now and then and publish the translation and original on my internet homepage.

Added 3 july 2023:

See this file for the name 'Robert Muldoon' as a possible indication that 'trulten' could have been a concept in politics. This video, apparently a parody on (imitation of) Holm or his nynorsk language, on the concept 'Sylfest Strutle' shows a still photo which lasts rather exactly 0,2360147 through: The 13:13 long video goes black at about 3:095. My younger sister 'Tone Helene Grøver' was born on 23 february 1961, an event which I recall well. 'Flesk' = flesh'. (Were this birthday even present in the significational circumstances of the Kennedy assassination?) One could speculate that the Hitler and Kennedy (assassination, intelligence) programs could have been about an attempt to coup Lenin's revolution by way of a hijack and abuse of Holm's poetry qua political 'inspiration' - for the Kennedy assassination program the concept could have been 'Halmrast' = 'to rest on straw'. 'Straw' = 'halm', cp. 'Holm'. On background of the US 'Gunsmoke' TV and radio series, if these were based on Holm's poetry (for example for similar political purposes), it could have been enough to just touch upon some aspect of his work, could be even in 'mock' purposes, for releasing the 'historic support' and reinforcing a 'cold war' state of the world.

A good example could be found in his poem 'I kveldséta' from his 'Bygdir i solrøyk' volume VI page 98 chapter xii ('Feigd-søg i haust-røyta') poem 6 - here translated by me for exposition purposes:

In the setting sun

Faces shine in fire's flame,
shadows shine and ashes shame.
Old men slumber, dream the same.

Life is worn by time's erosion -
not the size of our emotion.
Pride and honour deeply hated
topple awe's erotic potion.
We are old and situated
in the smoke of sleepy ocean.

Old people - women and men -
appreciate what is old.
New things that in hamlet happen
will not reach their soul.

Old women and men that rustle
lax in what they pursuade:
Oft humility will bustle
with all that oblivion made.

It is seen that the poem even could be conceived as stanza 1 = 'John', stanza 2 = 'Fitzgerald', stanza 3 = 'Kennedy' and stanza 4 = 'after the assassination'. The theory that this poem, found rather arbitrarily by me, even could have been a reason for the US president's name (for some months) must be considered rather farfetched, but clearly if it should have been about a frequent phenomenon in Holm's poems it could perhaps make some sense nevertheless.

Or is it more than a coincidental poem? Its number VI-xii-6 = 6-12-6 could be compared with the car number of John Grøver for the white beetle he bought in 1960: That was T-262. I notice also 'The Beatles' - including John 'Lenin' and the 'Ostarrichi' Richard Starkey.

This poem 6-12-6 is #78 from the end of volume 6 (out of 6). The poem #78 from the beginning of volume 1 (including the introductory poem) is I-viii-6 = 1-8-6 - an 8-line poem plus title 'Slagfugl i stormflaga' = 'bird of prey in gusts of storm', hence certain echos of the name of 'Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig'. It could invoke associations also to Pär Lagerkvist's famous poem "Lyft dig på blodiga vingar" ('lift on your bloody wings, [you] old and justified god').

Clearly Holm is a very good poet and to see his work abused for such power games is a great pity.

Added 5 july 2023:

I add the translation of Holm's poem 'Slagfugl i stormflaga' as the poem #78 (introductory poem included) in 'Bygdir i solrøyk' volume 1 (out of 6) - that is poem I-viii-6 which I here transcribe in original and my own tentative translation:

Original wording:

Slagfugl i stormflaga

Eg veit at mi myrke hìtenaud
osar av hogghåttglo'.
All øsingi skal eg lite raud
under mi kvasse klo.

Frå hjartat i sjódheit kjenslestraum
burar mitt blod i ras.
Fram blaksar min svarte sògedraum
upp i eit hardferd-âs.

My tentative translation:

Bird of prey in gusts of storm

I know that my dark and desperate need
sizzles with wish for brawl:
All the excitement I colour red
bristles under my claw.

In the heart's boiling emotional stream
hurries my blood's creeping worm
in fiction's dark and adventurous dream -
up in destruction's storm.

The trick for a potential political intrigue based on this poem is likely to be the 'dritte Reich' not only in the title but also in the ambiguity of 'lite raud' which means 'to colour red' (or 'impose confidence on red'?), but with a 'bokmål' taint it sounds like 'small red' - hence the line bristles with the 'auto-fellatio' that could have been contained in the holocaust structure of Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg + Gross-Rosen via the title line.

The 'bird of prey' would then be the puberty penis which is 'small red' vs the 'Gross Rosen' concentration camp of Himmler's holocaust as responsibility claim on the 1971 'auto-fellatio' of mine.

'Gusts of storm' will then be the name of 'Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig' and the Wall Street collapse that followed after Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig's birth on 12 may 1929: Experienced stockmarket traders reportedly started to pull out of the market already in the second half of may 1929.

The Juklerød case could have been for lending emphasis to this. Arnold Juklerød ('arn-old' = 'biological parents', 'tjukk-el-rød' = 'Gross Rosen') was hospitalized on 22 november 1971 (Kennedy assassination day) for 'paranoia querulans', a disease which, even if Juklerød was classified as 'symptom-free', apparently could call for forced psychiatric hospitalization. The Juklerød case could perhaps even have been for a state responsibility claim on or for associating with my thereby 1930's preprogrammed 'auto-fellatio' in the autumn 1971. I was similarly taken into forced psychiatric custody exactly on the day 28 years after Juklerød.

Zelensky was born in 1978.

Ragna Grøver's 'auto-accident' (including the theory that 'the safety belt' = 'selen' possibly was torn off by the impact) was in 1981, around the time of the attempt on the pope, if I remember right.

The 'servant' of the bathroom (not 'Batman'!) could mean the 'sink-gasse' into which I spit/spat the 'biology' in 1971.

I notice also an associative chain on the form 'stoltenberg' → 'stoltemb-URL' → 'stoltemb-LINK' → 'tre-blinka' if the 'stol[t](-)tenb' is like wood. 'Ask' is the norwegian name for 'ash tree' - hence the main literary character 'Ask Burlefot' in the famous Mykle case from around the time of my birth could have served to encode the idea of a 'wooden leg'.

The 'Natzweiler-Struthof' concentration camp could invoke associations to my 'spacewalk' - climbing out the window with erection and no clothes for a brief walk outside in the autumn dark of 1971. Is that normal behaviour for a child who was head-opened in early infancy - this possibly mix of house and body - as in the 'triadic butterfly sign'?

Trygve Martin Bratteli was PM at that time - he had reportedly been a prisoner in that camp as well as in Dachau and other places but received an offer (from Himmler?) called 'Essenz-Paket' (cp. 'SS-package'?) after which he carried dead bodies out from the 'Typhus-Block' (cp. the 'Dreyfus-book' of Krarup Nielsen in the Papillon/Orderud case story?)

Terror bombing against the puberty girl schools in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021 and 2022 (see the small-type comment at the end of 1 july 2023 - I do not want to suffer excrementation retention due to wooden 'Stuhl'-[temp] - the norwegian FM Knut Frydenlund seems to have died on the toilet ring during an official dinner on 'T-262'-day 26.2.1987) could then associate with the 'len[d]s-key' ('lend' = 'hip region') via 'Smolensk' also due to the puberty penis hiding in the background of this poem.

Wouldnt that be to spend the national resources in a wrong way - investing them into attemps to try and make my 'Stuhl'-temp attain a wooden format - could be via international terror etc? Could somebody please find a way to stop any intrigue-inserted obstacles or 'apps' that force me to repeat unnecessarily interactions with the web?

'Sògedraum' = fairy tale dream, typically of the viking ship ploughing the breakers, associates also with 'sugedraum' = 'the dream/wish about/for sucking'.

'Worm' can be defended in the translation because all meanings of 'ras' could be associated with worm-like movement or behaviour - hurry, glide off, steep mountain wall, edge of precipice, ride wildness off, inclination, brief time, automatic gunfire.

'Ras' can thereby be recognized as 'hurrying' = 'skunding' and adding the steep mountain wall there is a 'Skundberg' form which seems possibly to have been a name form that could be spotted in the significational environments of the Kennedy assassination in 1963 (were aspects of this name form even to be spotted in The New Yorker cartoons just before the assassination? See e.g this cartoon from 16 november 1963). If the name even were 'Anne-Helen' = 'a Nellyan', it could add the Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg complex to these associations - or maybe, via this poem, rather vice versa. Hence this name (or something resembling it) could have been invoked for the circumstances of the Kennedy assassination for invoking this poem as the other side of the poem 'In the setting sun' - or the Kennedy assassination could even have invoked such a name for in planned circumstances by way of this poem.

Comparing the poem with Lagerkvist's could allow for the conclusion that Lagerkvist addresses an idea of a divine authority which resembles this bird of prey - and hence a political intrigue could have associated tentative divine status in that sense of it with the name of 'Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig'.

The holocaust is and should remain to be considered a great shame and deplorable chapter in the history of humanity - it should not be considered a resource for administration 'because it has already happened and cannot be reversed'. There is no reason why not all aspects of this history should be told out loud.

7/7-23: I recall a story from an austrian newspaper 15-18 years ago: A woman who had been married to a clockmaker in Graz and had two sons with him had one morning cut both their sons up in sleep with an axe, after which she fled to Vienna and was taken into police custody in miserable condition, as was the impression one had from the newspaper notice.

9/7-23: The two poems quoted and translated above could even be seen as having a reference in the first chapter of Robert Musil's "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften". There are also this story. In the 5th chapter it is said about Ulrich, 'der Mann ohne Eigenschaften', that 'sein Familienname soll aus Rücksicht auf seinen Vater verschwiegen werden". Have I got the real name of the one who were in the role of my custody father from 1969?

'Robert David (not COVID!) Muldoon' is a name which associates somewhat with 'Robert Musil'.

10/7-23: The theory inherent in the present article is that Holm was a poetic talent one of whose poems ('Helferd', is the guess) came to be abused for a plot (of Quisling?) against Lenin in 1924 - for the uninteresting reason that the Madonna of Fatima had been standing on a Holm-oak when she spoke to the children in Cova da Iria and said that 'Rusia must turn around', and this should allegedly have been what caused the start of the russian revolution. The 'oak' should then probably have been conceived (in the intrigue) as my PTRSIM PIK Stammbaum - and prefixed with 'Holm' in Fatima, the whole construction came to be coupable by massive abuse of Holm's poetry. The guess is that e.g. the american TV and radio series 'Gunsmoke' could have been constructed on basis of Holm's poems - say, one episode per poem. The 'smoking gun' should then have been to reinvoke the Lenin plot in each episode - but the factual result would have been only a massive abuse of the poet's work.

A theory for the present article could be that this problem started to become visible in 1924 but could have been planned ever since the first attempt (by Kaplan) on Lenin in the summer 1918: If this had been staged by Lenin himself (I think I read somewhere that he defended Kaplan in court because she had been 'acting on basis of a political conviction', like he himself could have done, and she was soon released from prison, told the source I read but cannot find again), it could have been for telling that he had been informed about the plans. This means that there could have been organized abuse of Holm's poetry since 1918, and when he in 1933 published the first volume of his 'folk-epic' ('folkeepos') Jonsoknatt - 'Jonsok' is the shortest night of the year, around 21 june isnt it, when people burn bonfires and stay up late - and clearly Hitler's 'dritte Reich' could even have been inspired by this idea of 'John-sock' in the sense of rape of the puberty boy - it could have been Holm's attempt to get the ship upright again for being able to write more poetry - by an epic which put the abuse factor back on earth. It is not so difficult to spot the basis for this theory from 'Jonsoknatt':

The book (more than 300 pages) consists of 48 'epic' stories or texts. The first is called 'Ved solefall' = 'at the time of sunset' with 24 lines. Lines 15-16 (typically the two lines 'on the other side' of a normal sonnet, by some conception, see also my volume 4) - that is, at 2/3 - are the following:

Kring fjøllskard, som hoggstabbe, blakrar skjy'r
lik blodute fjør av kjykling
About mountain pass(es), like (wood)-chopping block, shimmer clouds
like bloody feathers of chick(en)

One recognizes the 'hogghåttglo'' = 'wish for brawl', the battle-thirsty mind eager on 'cutting down' on some enemy in the 'hoggstabbe' = 'chopping-block'.

I notice also the 'angelus' (see Angelus) in his poem 'Åsbrun'. (The 'farming fountains' is perhaps to take too much translational liberties - the original tells 'gardlagsgutom' = 'the boys from the farms in the surrounding area' - but a little philosophy could perhaps make sense of it).

Among the 48 texts in 'Jonsoknatt', the 2/3 would then be #32 called 'Kring Bivnings-nup'. The word 'bivn' is explained as tunn, oppstigande og skjelvande soleim over jorde el åkrar = 'thin, ascending and trembling sun-smoke/whiff over meadow or field'. This clearly invokes associations to 'Bygdir i solrøyk' = 'villages in sunsmoke' - as well as possibly to ideas of this 'gunsmoke' series, if not other news of terror etc. Nup = 'high mountain peak with steep front side' - hence the title tells 'around such a peak surrounded by such sun-smoke'.

This text has 36 lines. Lines 23-24 tell

Dessa hardhausar ansa 'kje nebbhogg og klor;
ned stygg-gloppa reip-fest Gjeir Heddeland fór
these tough guys minded not beak-on-(assault) and claw
down the steep-gorge/ravine rope-attached Gjeir Heddeland ran/went

Possible evidence of recognition of these lines could be in the socalled Hadeland murders - two people shot on a bridge at Hadeland. I search in vain for the names of the two victims - only the two perpetrators Johnny Olsen and John Charles Hoff plus 'accomplice' Espen Lund are given by name. (It is not about 'Olsen' Fjellheim and heir to the throne - plus ESP-an Lund/Grover? It happened about the time when I left for Rome to meet Fjellheim - I eventually stayed for some months by Harvey and Abercrombie. Or would it - in case of fiction - have been about 'Frank and Joe Hardy' - the boy novel heros?) Gro Harlem Brundtland served as PM appr. in the months when I was abroad (with a number of trips back to Oslo).

If these news were but fiction, the story of the Hadeland murders could even have been in imitation of this text #32 'Kring Bivnings-nup'?

I notice also the story of VARDEN (see brief comments for 9 july 2023) - as far as concerns the 'beak-on-(assault) and claw'.

'Kring Bivnings-nup' continues with lines 25-26:

Han mot fuglen seg vârde med dugleg veiv;
kring i lause lufti han sveiv
He protected himself (?) against the bird with thorough 'waving';
around in the empty air he swirled/swayed

I have guessed that 'brure-sveiva' = 'the bride-crank' could have been the concept read out from this (as a quasi 'summa summarum' of Holm's attempt to battle the 'gunsmoke' strategies against his poetry - and then the chopping block could have been a part of the concept for subdueing the resistance - I have noticed also possible norwegian interpretations of the italian 'ho capito') - and that Norway then even could be conceived as that 'bride-crank'. It could even be a part of an attachment construction on me (if such construction is made) in Austria combined for 'bride' in the sense of 'homo' (I am not homo but it could have been for 'jocular' ideas) plus 'sveiva' in the sense of 'winding/reeling up' whatever has happened while I was abroad - e.g., I have after returning from a stay abroad observed advertisements that could have been based on surveillance data from my life during the time abroad, as for the concept of 'reeling/hauling' the fish back again.


Holm, H.-H.: Bygdir i solrøyk I-VI. Gyldendal, Oslo 1949-1951. (I-VI are bound in three volumes).

Holm, H.-H.: Jonsoknatt. Gyldendal, Oslo 1933.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 29 june 2023
Last updated 10 july 2023