Imagined dialogue with the constitutional court

John Bjarne Grover

'1223' for ÖVP chairmen and the Kennedy assassination
Paul Celan's speech "Der Meridian" - evidence of the date 20 january 1959
The Middle East crisis

- As it appears from this article, ÖVP is probably not a legal party - it should probably be closed and I hope that the constitutional court can do something

- We cannot close the party on such a basis - and that is for reasons of the security of the state

- No that must be the opposite - Austria is obliged by its 1955 Staatsvertrag to be free of nazism

- Ah, yes, but we have to relate to the real world and must understand the Staatsvertrag as such - it is often that the real world means the opposite of what it says and writes in documents

- No that is precisely the nazism! That is Hitler's demagogy which makes him fall prey of the evil laws of the rhetoric constitution of the logic of the human species, a poor and helpless victim of his own business only, calling for the world's sympathies in his pitiless situation - the official story tells that he finally suicided in the bunker and was burnt to ashes in the backyard, rolled up in a rug - a real holocaust victim

- Well, we cannot find a solution, then

- Yes you can, it is the persecutional and exploitative aspects relative to my person which is the party's problem. Then the state should offer me enough money for me to be able to move to another country - that would make the state at least a little more legal. To pay Klimabonus and reparation money to every resident in the country is not the solution to this - that only seems to turn it around on the placenames around my residence for pretending legal status to ÖVP by way of the label 'dirty beast in the revelation' on me - for pretending a dubious shade of legitimacy and justification in the 1223 construction. Are 'evil chemicals' the historic reason why the state is demilitarized? The same fate may apparently come to befall Ukraine - they are currently probably expected to say no thanks to more militarization and use the US aid money to pay for the russian properties in Ukraine which they illegally took over in 1991 - that could help to bring an end to the war and to the panic about invasion of russian interests. It is very possible that cognitive surveillance data from my life could have been forwarded to Ukraine (I had one good example from a walk in Kärntnerstrasse - the 'inner scenario' with boot-on-behinds was prompted by an unpleasant feeling of amusements among authorities ignoring the serious state of the problems) while sensorial surveillance data from my daily work could have been forwarded to austrian advertisements (on huge posters all over the country - these are easier to document) in order to create an east-west 'pump' (or 'syringe' as the border outlines of Austria - see also the first part of my COVID study 'The reason for the corona epidemic crisis' and ' My epidemiological theory (april 2020)' - which showed that it was the state border outlines which constituted the epidemio-logical basis for its spread, at least in the early months of the pandemic) along the axis Turkey-Ukraine-Austria-France - possibly as a part of the nazi 'Endlösung' plans from the 1942 Wannseekonferenz. Ukrainian persecution of russian nationals in the years 1991-2022 may have been a part of the background of the current war and could be a part of the same 1942 construction. That Wannseekonferenz is clearly nazism which is not permitted in Austria. That background of a war cannot be for the sake of the austrian state's security. Austria is not a member of NATO, could be because of its demilitarized condition, and it may be that NATO cannot really consider Ukraine either.

- Well, could be, but we cannot find another solution

- If so, then it could course be a solution to step down and leave it to others to find it. Austria seems to have started pumping in men for taking the women's work (socalled 'gender equality') in the years since about 2012 (I wrote the last poem in my 'Der Dornenstrauch' part I in january 2012 - I have guessed - on basis of little knowledge, though - that it could have been state intelligence or ÖVP who took the initiative to these male floodings) - and (as far as I remember) at the same time legalized prostitution and established (probably official) brothels - as for compensating for the women's loss of work - that may well have been but an aspect of this 1223 relative to my person (writing in those coffeepoints between the inner and the outer poetic articulations) and it is shown in this article that it could be part of a more or less direct reason for the current war in the Middle East. It is seen how this 1223 probably spreads wars and nazi persecution around the world - while I do not even have enough money (since the history of probable abuse of my life and work for creating political power makes it difficult for me to have a loan in a bank, since the bank can earn money on my problems and is obliged to earn money for their customers) to move out of this centre of the whirlpool - and this misbalance cannot continue.

Quote from 'Brief comments' for 4 april 2024:

In the years 1997-2008 I wrote 'The Endmorgan Quartet' (TEQ) exclusively on basis of 'inner poetic articulations'. I considered these as being of a revelational character from a consciousness or rationality outside the human reality and hence being of potential interest also for theories of computation for the new information technology. These inner poetic articulations were written in solitude. Then in the years 2009-2015 I wrote 'Der Dornenstrauch' on basis of 'outer poetic articulation', that is, on basis of events which seemed to display traces or reflexes of the 'inner poetic articulations' of my TEQ - and hence which carried some evidence of a link between the inner and outer in the immediately surrounding culture. I wrote these poems of DDS (2009-2015) in social contexts where I could observe the cultural life, mainly by coffees in cafes or coffeepoints or bakers shops where they had an espresso machine and a couple of tables. There used to be females working in these places of social context for my writing. After some time there started occurring males instead of these females - and I have later suspected that it was because the culture felt concerned about these observations of mine - could be somebody felt that I plucked on a string of some inner harp or guitar or something like that - and did not want me to be concerned with the 'control' of the society. Therefore these males where there used to be females, it seemed to me. This unfortunately started spreading apparently under a false pretext of 'gender equality' and has been going through the societies also in other countries - where there seem to have been a wave of males in the supermarket cashiers and bakers shops.

The fact is that the problem of males taking the workplace from the females had started while I wrote part 1 - but I did not strike the alarm before I had gotten into parts 2 and 3. Already under part 1, though, there was a feeling that it could concern my presence and activity in the cultural space. Today I could speculate that it could have been about power concerns, for example for a 'divide and conquer' strategy for going inbetween my inner and outer poetic articulations. If this also ran in parallel with legalization of prostitution, and in particular if this spread to other countries, could be even along with advertisements based on surveillance of my life and work, then it is apparent that the effect could have been rather impressive - and a war in the Middle East, could be also in Ukraine, could be seen as related to these problems.

But then it is really probable that it is all and only about this 1223 in the relation of ÖVP to my person. That would be because the party under such circumstances cannot really be considered a legal party. Clearly the historic-political factors behind such a role for my person should be downgraded and published.

Through many years I have suffered from this feeling of my work being responded to with 'pure evil in the culture', which did not make sense from my impression of austrians generally but there have been some reasons to assume that it was not only a subjective idea - such as by apparent quotes from my private work in advertisement. Clearly such advertisements could have been motivated by precisely the 1223 role of mine. It is also possible that some state power could have given in to temptations to abuse my work under such circumstances - such as the story of my 'Dornenstrauch' could seem to tell.

It is an old tradition of understanding the fall of Adam and Eve and the reason for the expulsion from paradise in the mixmax of which gender to suck - mammals should suck their early nourishment from females and not from males, tells human nature. Turning on the gender could be a strategy inherent in the 1223 by the idea of, say, ÖVP or norwegian governments switching roles with me - like a rhetorical Hitler with the victims of his holocaust - who thereby could come to be burdened with his war crimes. It is not impossible that this story from the first book of Moses could have been active in the formation of conflicts in recent times - in particular if it goes via a stategy of 'divide and conquer' inbetween the inner and the outer poetic articulations in my TEQ and DDS.

For battling the problem, the constitutional court could anyhow downgrade the secrets needed for informing the voting democratic public about these problems - so that it can be possible to understand the 1223 and how that could lead to wars. EU centrally could try and introduce a total ban on all extended authorities in the intelligence services of their member states - for preventing that these combine with external financing for a legalization not only of prostitution but also of mafia for state power generation - otherwise the 1223 could make headways on a global scale. These are reasons why I should move out of Austria as soon as possible - really years ago it should have been - but my income has so far not allowed for finding a solution.

A happy end to this dialogue could go e.g. as follows:

- Well, as you like, we can downgrade the secrets and try and organize an economic compensation for the problems which this 1223 of ÖVP has led to and on basis of this consider whether ÖVP can continue or not.

Final comment: It is possible that the current situation is only that Russia generously dissolved its Soviet Union in an attempt to reach a state of global peace - and that this also really could have succeeded - when only one little thing remained: That the secrets of Hitler were published, which could have meant also that Norway had to come out with some stories. When this did not happen and the world is still confused about what that Hitler story really was, the whole world peace started to be torn up again and there are now very clear signs of a new east-west hemispheric division starting to take form. It is this which can be avoided by downgrading some essential secrets. It is probable that Austria has a goodenough reason for doing just that.

23/4-24: It is also possible to construct a theory on the present condition which states that the current breakup of east and west is held in a limbo for giving Norway still the chance to come out with story before the opening schism can be closed again - and that could apply even to the story of me. Norway, alas, seems to hope for a glorious future under the false beliefs that can be constructed upon the secrets - not the least as far as concerns the construction of a 'nazi madonna' mock religion with me as the quasi Jesus Bjarne.

Why is it apparently so difficult for the norwegians to admit abuse of my personal life and work since my earliest days? It is possible that they have mobbed so much authority (or 'khora') out of me that they have identified with it and therefore it feels like too much of a loss (of 'inner territory') to have to admit the child abuse and credit the source in my work. But of course that is easily understandable and it cannot continue.

It is possible that the west only looks with greedy eyes at my authorship and dreams of the day when they can put their gloves on it for starting the feast of terror and monkey business, falsely claiming that it has been written by one of their loyals. The reason why this looks possible is that this seems to be what they think is the reason for Russia in Ukraine, as if driven by greedy needs for more territory, while ignoring the fact that Russia for humanitarian reasons indeed seems to be justified in regaining control of those areas wherein the persecution probably was at its worst (to guess from the overwhelming majority in the referenda) - while Ukraine rather could be considered the warmongering state continueing its attacks on this originally and probably justified russian area.

If this were not the current state of affairs, for example my Horace study would have been in the attention of scholarship, with due reference to my work under my name and identity. That seems a far cry for the time being.

For such reasons could it be of utmost importance to downgrade the most essential secrets in order to regain contact with the real world again.

The new information technology will make it possible to construct a goodness-driven economy - and then it is truth and only truth which will be the parametre of value. Oldfashioned cynical realism or realistic cynicism will no longer pay off and therefore vanish from the landscape - it is only badness-driven economy which favours such attitudes. That is the reason why the world is waiting for this story told from Norway - instead of a new world war - which would be a maximal badness and hence fuel the oldfashioned economy.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 22 april 2024
Last updated 23 april 2024