The secret history?

John Bjarne Grover

I tell the outlines of a theory that can be hard to avoid but which rarely surfaces in public space - could be because it is constituted by mainly unsettled hypotheses chained the one after the other, and therefore cannot count as my opinion on the history.

It seems that I as PTRSIM PIK could have been constructed for a Stammbaum the construction of which began after the french revolution: The british monarchy got scared that the people could come to throw them out of power - ignoring their authority, dignity, godgiven inheritance rights etc - and therefore deviced the PTRSIM PIK program which could grant quasi 'divine feathers' to the royal majesty. In actual fact this would have been an attempt to uphold the old aristocracy based on hierarchic systems of loyalty.

It seems (I cannot find the source for this info piece again, so these views remain speculative also therefore) that the british feudalist-aristocratic system could have contained the element of 'fiefdom' which granted to a land owner the right to the wedding night with the bride when a couple who rented land married. In actual fact it is probable that it could have meant the right to a first sexual intercourse after the wedding ceremony (rather than 'onset of puberty') - for upholding a system of 'renting land' even in that quasi-spiritual sense of it. Were it even behind - so that it would not be the 'hymen' of modern Burgenland power - employed also in Hitler's cabinet - that were the issue but a more 'spiritual' variant? England still has a monarchic-democratic system with an upper and a lower house. If Hitler were an agent for England, it could have been for the purpose of 'containing Napoleon'.

I could guess that this principle also was planned to be invoked for the humbug-based transference of 'divine authority' from the PTRSIM PIK to the british royals.

Why should I, if I am such a PTRSIM PIK with meticulously constructed Stammbaum since Napoleon times, grow up in Norway? One naturally guesses that Norway could have been established as independent country in 1814 even for this specific reason. That could be the reason why it is called 'Norway' = 'Norge' and the citizenship being 'norwegian' = 'norsk' pronounced 'nos[h]k' which can be spelled 'vock' in greek and hence 'fuck' in english - for that fiefdom right to the first sexual intercourse.

In the worst case, the kingdom of Norway was established in 1814 for british plans of such 'vock' of the PTRSIM PIK. If Wittgenstein were such a PTRSIM PIK, the holocaust and WWII were perhaps the 'vock'.

This idea classifies under the category 'possible but not necessary theory'.

It is also possible that the britons had computed in advance that Napoleon on purpose and intentionally would come to lose the battle of Waterloo - if the truth of the history is that England did not break out of the catholic church but on the contrary were excommunicated as state church due to some inacceptable behaviour of Henry VIII. It is guessed that Rafael could have been murdered (again a theory from the inner 'radio' mainly) by a british agent working on order from Henry VIII (due to sheer envy, that could have been - if not even worse reasons of prey) and that they had to apologize for this in order to reach an annulment of the excommunication. Napoleon rose to this progress of history after even Mozart died prematurely. If this be the history, then it is possible that Norway was established in 1814 for the specific purpose of being the proof that Napoleon would come to lose in 1815. The Vatican recently 'refreshed' Michelangelo in the ceiling of the Sistine chapel - but how far are they willing to go for upholding the chance of reinclusion of England into the church or at least public opinion of decent moral thinking?

Some people could even speculate that this is the reason for the war in Ukraine - that Norway should apologize for the partaking in the british PTRSIM PIK program. Or should such a war against the 'Ukraine' be permitted? No - says the world very sensibly.

Could be Napoleon was the reason why my 2002 application for political asylum in France was not accepted?

There exists a theory that terror generally is this history - and hence that it is the british attempt to gain global control for their monarchic aspirations. Many people would probably agree that England should dismantle its feudalistic system of 'fiefdom fuck' - if that is their program - including the monarchic system. It seems that much terror is designed for mobbing me. It is probable that what makes monarchy different from a republic is the chance which the monarch has to control the secret intelligence and request terror - which in modern times means perhaps only that by this systematic threat the secret intelligence has the chance to make a copy of the royal and hence has a chance to obtain 'carte blanche' for their own policies and power games. Monarchic rights to power are generally associated with the inheritance by body.

My TEQ contains 12 occurrences of the word 'fuck' - a sort of 'zodiacal' distribution. If one studies the occurrences in their context, it is not probable that the word means this old british sense of it. Hopefully the word can be helped up on its feet again - after some unfortunate stories from unfortunate company in its times of youth - and function 14 is of course of importance for giving it a chance for an upturn in sensible semantics. But this function 14 is also the proof in the work that it has not been written under the control of secret intelligence interests - which could be of much importance for helping the word out of those circles.

A question of relevance is of course if postwar Austria has been designed for the purpose of the 'fuck' of the PTRSIM PIK.

COVID is likely to be precisely that this PTRSIM PIK still is struggling to get out of the lonely project of having to battle this 'fucking' program himself - that every day brings new challenges which I have to battle - and therefore the political task of informing the people is dumped on me and the politicians are invited to bite the hook of swapping roles with me - thereby they get a chance to feel comfortable in the new roles as 'poetic administrators'. It is the deplorable 'fucking' by daily terror around the world on basis of surveillance data of my personal interface that makes it necessary for me to do this - while of course it should have been administration who did that (and they probably also do, but not so visibly) for making it possible for me to concentrate on my poetic work. "He seems to have turned from poetry into his new field of interest in politics", could be the response among some administration. Is this the reason why Russia now is 'fucking' Ukraine (assuming, that would probably mean, some ukrainian link to England)?

It probably is all and only about finding a residence for me outside Austria.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 26 november 2022