11 november 2022: The angel

John Bjarne Grover

This article is written in the continuation of this study of some parallel texts, followed by comments of 2 november 2022, 3 november 2022 and 4 november 2022.

On 24 october 2022 I went to Venice and published on my internet page my collected works in 4 volumes, including a short study of some of the greek and hebrew parallel texts in volume 2.

Yesterday 10 november 2022 I published also the handwritten manuscripts to TEQ in volume 2. The Endmorgan Quartet is a collection of 16 poetry books written all and only on basis of inner poetic articulations - a log of such inner articulations through 11 years at the turn of the millenium. My own philosophy is that each and every of these inner poetic articulations is a great discovery: The poet takes one step from the limited subjective knowledge into a larger universal knowledge-space and in this step an inner articulation is released. Since the universal knowledge-space is 'great' and this forwards-step is a 'discovery' of the subjective mind, the articulation is a 'great discovery'. Such an inner articulation is probably conditioned (has its form) on basis of or relating to local spatio-temporal parametres which change rather quickly and that could be the reason why they leave only a very brief memory trace: I could remember them only for a couple of seconds and if I did not write them down immediately they would be gone and could not be retrieved by any means - probably because they occur on the border to a larger universal knowledge-space and this is unknown to the restricted knowledge of the poet. In the beginning this was a very strong phenomenon - a very brief acoustic exposure which was just enough for grabbing the pen for writing it down - but towards the end of the 11 years I could keep them in memory for some seconds by 'rehearsal' (inner repetition) - which is a way of lifting them over into another memory format - if they were not more than 4-5 words. It is likely that the basic format of these articulations is acoustic rather than primarily semantic.

The log (handwritten manuscripts) I published yesterday (10 november 2022) is the photographic scans of these immediate and hurried notations, such as they were written down in the moment of my experiencing of them. The log therefore constitutes a minimizing of the distance between the inner 'acoustic' source and the published text.

This means that when they are compared with the print = volume 2 which I published on the internet on 24 october 2022, there are four levels of 'text':

1) The inner poetic articulations
2) My immediate handwriting of these
3) The published printed version
4) The parallel Bible and Talmud greek and hebrew fragments

Since 2) and 3) are quite similar or nearly identical 'semantically' and 'graphically', one could guess that 1) and 4) are similar 'acoustically' or 'logically' in some sense or other of it, for example

1) the acoustic format
2) the graphic format
3) the semantic format
4) the logical format

This would be the reason why the parallel texts 4) are so surprisingly relevant to 3). This also tells why TEQ could be a step towards understanding the acoustic logic which is postulated in my PhD dissertation 'A waist of time' = vol.3.

Two days ago (the night to 9 november) I had an inner vision in the night: I saw a bedcover lifted aside and under it, between the shiningly white cover and the white sheet, I saw a brilliantly shining metal PAPER CLIP of sharp angles - of the type

Then a few hours later I got up in the morning and looked at my own volume 4, the work from 2018. I looked at page 1013 and compared the very bold theory expressed in those tables with the relevance for my own DDS part 3 poem #39 (or DDS III:39) on vol.4 page 430, and thought, well, this sort of 'scissored words' is not the sort of 'submorphemic signification' ('A waist of time' - vol.3) I normally have in mind, but maybe it is something nevertheless, then on vol.4 page 1014 the relevance for DDS part 3 poem #46 (or DDS III:46), then at some examples from the no less daring theory contained in vol.4 pages 1023-1132 = the 1823 observations I made in the event studies from Krumgata in Oslo in the spring 1995, some of them included in my novel 'The Dreamer' (vol.1). There is my theory of logical order that relates event structure to name structure in the yellow metre in a way which could seem relevant to these 1823 observations.

I then looked up some news and suddenly at 07:07 local venetian time I felt the ground shake under me and the padlock on my metal travel suitcase (stuffed under a white porcellain sink) rattled faintly against the metal. Clearly this acoustic sound of the padlock was the vision of the metallic-shining paper clip from the night's inner vision. It turned out that the shaking floor was caused by a Richter 5.6 earthquake (in the first reports only minutes later it was classified as Richter 6.1) just outside the coast of Pesaro & Urbino in central Italy, and I had to associate this with 'IUD'-idea of the paper clip. The quake (which was felt over great parts of Italy) was just outside https://www.ilmessaggero.it/italia/terremoto_centro_italia_fano-7041616.html the coastal district called 'Largo di Ancona' - hence my page lookups just before this happened - page 1013 = IOD, page 430 = ANCO-na and page 1014 = LARGO di. ('Lola di Azola'?) Hence 'Largo Argentina' from the comments I had published a few days earlier.

These paginations suggest that the story is the ANGEL Abraham in my volumes 1-2-3. Or even with his wife in vol.4?

See also TEQ #1343.

Quake report 1
Quake report 2
Quakes in the Adriatic Sea 9-11 november 2022

Now when I published the handwritten manuscripts to TEQ (vol.2), the unsolvable technical problems with the PDF format caused a displacement of the pages (in fact not unsimilar to the mystery object from Rekvika or the structure of my 'Stillhetens åndedrag' of vol.4 pages 952-959) so that for book 14 the very first handwritten entry happened to be just 'Largo Argentina' and the very last 'the store is out'. Indeed a comment on the pagination issue.

Now for the clue: In 2021 there were two sensational earthquakes in the news - the one on Iceland (Geldingadalur) not long after my return to Vienna and the one on La Palma on the Canary Islands. These seem today as relevant comments on these recent publications of mine: The volcano of Iceland (Geldingadalur) would correspond to the publication of my works in 4 volumes while the one on La Palma would be the handwritten manuscripts .

A norwegian expression which could have applied to the contents of my 'Poetic semiosis' (volume 3) is 'hummer & kanari', which means 'all sorts of more or less unrelated things'. In the present story, the 'hummer' = 'lobster' would be the 'Homer' of my blue book ('POLAKK English Bloggi' in volume 1) - when it can be used for dating texts like Homer's Odyssey also can - the dating of Homer's Odyssey with my PEB should be convincing for the parallelism theory. This lobster would be the icelandic volcano, while the Canary of the norwegian expression would be the Palma volcano.

But these suggestive associations have a deeper logic in the pagination issue, the ANGEL Abraham could be the real theme. As I stated earlier, there seems to be a strong isomorphism between vol.1 and vol.3 - the 'wings' of the angel - but this is an isomorphism which does not apply to the 'angel body' of vol.2. However, the present case is suggestive of the difference in the sense that the theme seems to be the distance 1823 km:

From the volcano of Reykjavik or REKVIKA there are 1823 kms NE to REKAVIK where the mystery object was found.

From the volcano of Palma, Canary Islands, there are 1823 km SE (that is 90 degrees angle, or a quarter of the circle) to Arawane, a small caravan stop in the middle of the western Sahara desert. In this remote place in the middle of the endless sand dunes (there seems to be hundreds of kilometres with such endless sand dunes in all directions around it) there was in the 19th century found a water source - it is not an oasis but only a well with a few houses around it - some caravanists dug a hole 60 paces deep (!) in the sand and there, voila, they found drinkable water! The question is then: How could they know about this water source? To dig 60 paces down into the ground (just to see if there should happen to be some water there) is quite a work. Clearly the answer must be that somebody had been carrying a divining rod which bent down where there would be water. A divining rod looks like an Y held in the two branching extremes with a flexible single foot that dips down where there is water underneath. There is no poem #1823 in my TEQ - but there is a pagination number 1823 - I look up my TEQ (vol.2) for the page #1823 - and there is the poem 'Syngrou Avenue' (which is the main street from Athens down to the water of the harbour):

TEQ #1689
TEQ book 16 poem #169     אמר רב ביבי הכא במת מוטל על המיצר עסקינן

Syngrou Avenue

It was in fact what was found in travelled books,
the claus of the last minister.
The man was drunk and telling stories
and I will

the substantial issue [is the same].
Earth is a sort of Vilnius: We love the place
    and dream of finding Eternal Youth/Life [there].
Why don't you come and [...] crazy things?

'Syn-grow avenue' could be this divining rod.

Here are the hebrew words (of the fragment from Talmud Eruvin to TEQ #1689) with links to the definitions from Jastrow's dictionary of talmudic hebrew - correlated with the lines of my poem:

אמר = Syngrou Avenue
רב = It was in fact what was found in travelled books
ביבי = the claus of the last minister
הכא = The man was drunk and telling stories
במת = and I will
מוטל = the substantial issue [is the same]
על = Earth is a sort of Vilnius: We love the place
המיצר = and dream of finding Eternal Youth/Life [there]
עסקינן = Why don't you come and [...] crazy things?

The poem can be read with each line a function of the previous in line with the hebrew, the 'book' being closed with the two halves running together, it had been drunk and telling stories, the will is by the death and then it goes into the earth, a narrow pass even with a board held by ropes - and the earth calls for the 'explorer of nature' in the last line where it is even 'moving automatically', according to Jastrow (עסקן) - indeed the story of precisely a divining rod - how it is a 'syn-grow avenue'.

It is also rather interesting to recognize the elements from the revelation of Knock 1879 (from this source) - when the Lamb (here a co-definition to אמר which normally means 'said') surrounded by just angels, as is the present story, on the altar ('במה = במת') - with the evangelist and the book's balance in מוטל, 'the same' shown in the two fingers, the Madonna showing the 'distance' (1823?) between her hands while looking up with a crown surrounding her head = עיל, על etc. (Is Josef heading for 'the great deep' as in the bottom of the left column of רב?)

Greek for 'harbour' is a word (λιμανι) they have borrowed from hebrew (לימן, למין). Such seafarers! I had read most of the greek parallel texts from the Bible a decade before I wrote TEQ but not the hebrew. How come even the hebrew is such an interesting parallel? Could be the divining rod from Athens down to the harbour tells it.

This is when even the pagination of volume 2 is something - but it is not isomorphic with the wings of vol.1 and 3.

The vision of the paper clip and the rattle of the padlock at the time of the shaking ground is a proof that this was a natural earthquake - it was not an artificial underearth bomb sent by 'rockpedo'.

13 november 2022: The idea of a systematic connection between the revelation of Knock on thursday 21 August 1879 and my 'The Endmorgan Quartet' published in handwritten manuscript form on thursday 10 november 2022 is quite interesting: The duration between the two dates is 52311 days which is 1718,63655 months which rounds well off to the 1719 poems of my TEQ. It would leave a little of the last poem which 'CANSAGNESAS', so to speak, in fact it would end on the 'w' of 'work this day', and the word 'work' could more precisely look, if read in greek, like 'nock'. This would be another version of the 'changes' of 'non-euclidean probability'. 'Ber' is norwegian ('norsk') for 'prays', like Josef of 'be[e]r with virgin'. If 'nock this day' is the lamb with the surrounding angels, the three last lines of poem 1719 could be the three main characters Josef, Mary and the evangelist. The element of 'norsk' or 'nock' language could be seen perhaps also in the white (!) metre of my two norwegian poetry books "Stillhetens åndedrag" ('silence's breathing') and 'Rosens triangel' - here a quote from this source (which I think I had not read before yesterday) about the character of Mary: "She wore white robes, fastened at the neck, and there was a golden crown upon her head, a crown that seemed high, the upper parts of it being alive with sparkling crosses; immediately beneath the crown, where it fitted her brow, was a rose. The atmosphere of the scene was one of stillness not incompatible with a gentle movement as the apparition seemed to advance and recede before their eyes".

What would 'non-euclidean probability' look like? It would be the omission of the postulate that the sum of probabilities has to be unity in both theoretic and empirical space. If the sum can differ from unity in these spaces, or, say, in the empirical space, there could still be an infinite variability for the identity (of the information flux measured in the entropies) like there can be infinite variability in the pronounciation (in the vocal cords) of printed words (in the book). One could, though, guess that there (as in the hebrew quadratic script) could be 22-23 fundamental principles regulating the identity when it is not based on the unity.

It must be emphasized that this example is not a proof of a PTRSIM PIK status (by the 2-finger-based + Bible symbolism of John the evangelist) of me in the environments of Grøvers of even Hitler in 'holy' roles - on the contrary, it is a strong proof of the opposite: There is no PTRSIM PIK or Hitler nonsense in the apparition of Knock - those PTRSIM PIK philosophies are deeply reactionary obstacles to sensible progress in theology, technology, culture and knowledge generally. The apparition of 1879 clearly can be interpreted as related to my poetic work in a sensible manner - but that is just when it proves that this has nothing to do with any such PTRSIM PIK humbug from any 'services'. All essential aspects of this PTRSIM PIK + Adolf Hitler + british monarchy story must be brought to public daylight - not the least for draining power out of the international secret intelligences and for preventing the development of new hitlerish political power and crises and mass psychoses on basis of this murky political mythos - that is very important and the politicians should not delay that information campaign any longer. But then they must tell the truth and not respect illegal secrecy stamps on information that is of vital importance for 'democracy' to function.


Jastrow, M.: Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature. London, New York 1903.

Talmud Erubin, the classic Vilna edition, El Hamekoroth, Jerusalem 1947/48.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 11 november 2022
Last updated 13 november 2022