Brief comments
John Bjarne Grover
Brief comments for earlier months are given at the end of the page.
8 september 2023:
The letter from 'OTP Bank' of 4.13.2023 tells that "If you do not present the required documents to OTP Bank by 9.15.2023, and you have a payment account, pursuant to Section 13 (8), we are obliged to restrict the movement of funds on your payment account".
Subject of letter: Information on mandatory customer due diligence process.
This arguably looks not so well - as if they suspect me of being an 'affe' or something like that. I am not a copy - I am luckily still the same person as I have been since at least 1958.
The '915' looks like the date 15 september 2023 - in a week's time. The Nordea Bank which I have used since the 1990's had their telephone banking (for checking account balance etc) number prefix 915 since probably 2002 - could be earlier as well. I think I remember it from 2002 when I called from Paris to check the balance. Some years later I got the message that it had been changed into 232 - which looks more like the date 23.2.2002 when I suffered a stroke which paralyzed my left hand. It is my younger sister's birthday.
What is that "mandatory customer due diligence process"? There comes a diligence for a duel or something like that - wild western style? Are there plans of installing a copy of me and transport me to other fates that day?
Not Adolf Hitler, I hope, who could have planned to take my place? Intro to Eisenhower doctrine of 1957 could suggest some sort of 'shah daughter' birth by the event in late 1973 - visavis Apenes house - or what is the name between the lines there? But isnt it time to see the end to that hitlerish era?
A very bad 'solution' that would be. There have been somewhat zero progress in my career and I hope they do not have problems of integrity which make them feel the need for using an 'affe' if my career is to progress.
My published work must be available to the public and not under any circumstances be withdrawn. Of course there could be interests out for using an 'affe' who feels that my works are better withdrawn from public attention and reserved for the 'Klipra connection' or something like that. That is not right: My work must be available to the public.
Intellectual works are not only a commercial resource - in particular with the new internet publication they are much more of an intellectual resource for the global community. There should be new crediting possibilities developed for such work and there should be possibilities for ensuring a safe and published existence after the author has passed away and has no longer the control with it. For the time being this looks difficult, as far as I know.
The global community appears to owe me a lot of money for the abuse of my intellectual property - in particular in plagiarisms. It would have been a great loss for the world if I were to contact a lawyer for asking for help to tidy up in this - of course some other part of the society should do that on my behalf, without me asking for it - otherwise, if I should have seen too many advertisements and books that look like abuse of my intellectual property rights, for example in particular the copyright, if it is left to me to call for help to have it stopped I could perhaps succeed in taking a little of it, but not many days would then elapse before it is worse than ever albeit perhaps less visible for a while. Abuse of data from electronic surveillance is now so impossible to detect for a subject that the 'sharks' could have been running the abuse for years before it can be discovered - and then the subject can already be in a too bad condition to be able to do anything with it. My condition at the end of 2018 could be telling of just that. Is there such abuse going on for the time being - for example among big capitalist interests? There certainly could be - and those possibly do not want to pay but want me to pay instead - and then an 'affe' - for example on 9.15 - would be extremely unfortunate.
Some official institution must understand how important this is. Dont leave that to the citizenship! They could in principle be the worst of all.
It was in 2002 that I got my disability pension which later was turned (or rebaptized or redefined) into a 'benefit'. Do they feel that I had not deserved it ('he wasnt crazy at all') - and now plan to strike back for claiming the money or rather 'resources' back by way of an 'affe' and corresponding mistreatment? It is not therefore that Russia and Ukraine are paying so much - because they cannot support or participate in such plans?
Not a word to be heard anywhere. What sort of world is this really? It is hopefully never as bad as the thought can take it.
I should have had a political asylum in 2002. Then things could have looked quite different today.
I hope there are no plans for a third 'Dynasty' series. The PO Box was closed in early 2021 and the bank who later claimed to have sent me a letter tells that I had not answered it and therefore they closed a savings account. These closures were out of my control. PO Box, Bakn? Now even the bank office which I had used for some years have closed. Does it help?
Why isnt there anybody who tries to stop that 'Dynasty' - if it is based on abuse of data from my life and work? It had been running for decades before I got the chance to even consider this option - and then my existence was already so marginalized that the society could have suffered badly from this condition.
Is The Dynasty II - from 2017 - based on my 'DDS' - or maybe even only its cover? Then the world would be in a critical condition indeed if that should be the case and it is left to little me to stop that. But I have not seen any of those Dynasties and cannot have any opinion on it.
'TOP' - not 'OTP' - is the normal designation for 'flat', 'Wohnung'. But then of course 'Bnak' or 'Bakn' is not proper spelling either.
* * *
There has been some renewed attention to COVID in recent news - it seems that it has been on a steady retreat for a long time but now around week 26 there were the first signs of increased number of registered cases in Europe - this has been speeding up from about week 28 and it seems to be a trend in most countries.
What would the reason be?
I looked up my own 'Brief comments' for 27 june 2023 = week 26 when it seems that the turn could have taken place - and I find the following:
Nazism seems to be the same as Labour. There may be many people who feel a little surprised by this. I was puzzled by the story with the tragic turkish-syrian earthquakes that started on 6 february 2023 and lasted for a few days - more than 5000 earthquakes if one counts all the small ones, and dozens of large quakes, some of them extremely destructive. If these were manmade it must of course be called massive terror. See these brief comments for 9 may 2023 - the theory that at least some of the quakes could have encoded poems in my poetry book 'SNEEFT COEIL' - it means that if the quakes were manmade terror, it could have been about a massive persecution of my poetry - and that could mean precisely the same as Adolf Hitler's nazism. A few weeks before the massive series of quakes (illustration from this source) started on 6 february 2023, Jacinda Ardern, then PM of New Zealand, announced that she would resign no later than 7 february. (She had "not enough on the tank, it's that simple" was the reason, I think - while in the beginning of the announcement it could sound - by imaginative audition - as if CIA had asked for 'another tomb' - a 'program of copies'? - and she could not agree to that). Her Labour party soon elected the new leader Chris Hipkins, a name which arguably could invoke associations to this illustration of the earthquakes - and which could invoke ideas about the 'kins' to something - of course I could associate this idea with the theory of potential nazis in my family background - in which case the theory that the earthquakes encoded my poetry could be reinforced.
Then I looked up week 28:
This could even have been a logic behind the massive earthquakes ('Erd-BEB-en') of Turkey and Syria on 6 february 2023 (if they were manmade, and if that is possible) - and then the Beb-Order could have been conceived as coming from my SNEEFT COEIL poem 7 'Seele, du wartetest' which starts
7. Seele, du wartetest
Seele, du wartetest bei diesem Strand
der Wagen im Kreisverkehr.
Ein kleinäugig' Rennfahrer hielt bei dir an
und ließt dich hinüber das Meer.
The question is whether this RENN-fahrer is the reason for the RENNE in the turkish quakes - pre-announced perhaps even by the change of PM on New Zealand by Jacinda Ardern ('no later than 7 february') to Chris Hipkins.
Let me first state it clearly: I personally believe that if what Jacinda Ardern preannounced with the date ('no later than 7 february') for her resignation could later be taken to be a reference to the massive earthquakes of Turkey on 6 february, if that should be taken to mean a guesswork on this in advance it would not have been a responsibility claim from Ardern - if there should have been a link it would rather have been about the opposite. I should perhaps not have mentioned this potential association of 'Labour' and 'nazism' - even if it should apply to Hitler, there is no reason to see that as relevant for Ardern. I do not believe that Ardern is a nazi.
Jacinda Ardern is also specific in her apologies for the 'Dawn Raids': "On 14 June 2021, Ardern confirmed that the New Zealand Government would formally apologise for the Dawn Raids at the Auckland Town Hall on 26 June 2021. The Dawn Raids were a series of police raids which disproportionately targeted members of the Pasifika diaspora in New Zealand during the 1970s and early 1980s".
It is not impossible that certain political interests of Europe could have fantasized a link between this apology on 26 june 2021 and the resignation in early 2023. It could have been the same political interests who felt that the theme of the nature of the turkish earthquakes could have come to be a little too 'hot'. If the assassination of the ecuadorian presidential candidate Villavicencio on 9 august 2023 were a part of the initiatives of the same political interests (were there also links to 'Märzstrasse' or 'Meerstrasse'?), it is not impossible that this complex is a part of the puzzling rise in COVID cases - from about the end of june or mid of july.
Would the earthquakes of Turkey have been significant of an A-doll Fitler (illustration from this source)? Were the quakes manmade for telling this name - or for associating it with my poetry?
This political theme could of course have been a possible part of the reason why COVID turned and has been on the rise again for a few weeks. But there should not be a reason for whipping up conflict on this matter - clearly it is high time to understand that Hitler and his politics belong to a past era.
9 september 2023:
I published yesterday's comment about the earthquakes in Turkey on 6 february 2023 and the 'hot' theme therein whether they could have been manmade - at about UTC 19:08:07.
Some 3 hours later a strong earthquake 6.8 (initially 6.9) on Richter shook Morocco - at 22:11:00 UTC - 61 km WSW of Oukaïmedene. 'Okay med denne' = norwegian for 'okay with this one' - as if this should suffice to tell the point. It seems to tell that not only are manmade earthquakes possible - it can even be done anywhere and on a short time interval. But news apparently continue to ignore the facts - even if this worry could be a part of the reason for rising COVID numbers?
It means that it seems that somebody presses a button and there goes the quake - that is very tough terror, it means. Somebody would then be responsible, it means. One guesses that the international state level could accept terror to some limited extent if it be about a state who has difficulties with standing upright - but clearly not to any extent.
10 september 2023:
New article today - Holm and the nazis.
11 september 2023:
Addition to the article Emily Dickinson and my TEQ.
12 september 2023:
Addition to this article today - at the end - under 12 september 2023. I should of course have known more about these things before I write about them, but if there are reasons to see a connection it is not smart to wait untill it is too late.
Some initiative should be taken to publish all the major works of Holm on the internet - including 'Attljod'.
14 september 2023:
Yet another addition to this article today - at the end - under 14 september 2023.
18 september 2023:
Addition of 17 september 2023 (with following addition in small types the day after) in this file.
I should have confirmed an appointment by SMS - of course 20 mins earlier is fine - but it seems the connection is blocked and all telephone automata in the area are dysfunctional for this SMS which they normally can take.
They maybe want me to send an email instead - probably because that eMMMMMail greatly magnifies the effect of threat against the recipient by the assassination of Villavicencio in Ecuador some time ago - plus sewerage maintenence works apparently by STRA-(bag?) and Kanal-Technik in the street (= 'Strawberry Fields'?). This effect again could have been greatly magnified by the massive influx of refugees to Italy a few days ago. (Teatro Italia = The 'Attljod' Italia?) ('Sedges in evening red'?)
Looks like an intrigue resembling the one before christmas 2020 - when I should pay for the PO Box before 1 january 2021 and it was not possible to find any telephone number or email address or info on how to proceed - so I finally had to send the money in banknotes (in envelope) to the post office where I normally pay for it - but they later claimed that the letter with the money had not arrived (I had sent it around mid december from an outdoor postbox at the main railway station) and so the PO Box was closed and its contents returned to senders. The internet had been vacuum cleaned, it seemed, of all contact possibilities when I tried to find a solution before christmas and the only telephone number that led to Austrian Post gave access to a telephone answerer which went through a long menu of alternatives while the euro coins went through the telephone automaton not as quickly as a normal pulse but maybe not so much slower either - so it was just to give it up. It seems to be the same situation today. In 2021 it was possibly what led to the closure of my savings account in Erste Bank - at least I could not have it confirmed if they really had sent that letter or not. (Would that have been 'en rev bak øret'?) The coup in Burma (means 'PO Box?') followed one month later.
21 september 2023:
Are there plans of a third Dynasty TV soap - or something like that - could be for a programmatic idea of JFK relative to my person? 'Kvilehjem er ofte' of that sort of problem - 'de sikler på smekka/smekken'. But coffee? "Lampe du sa", "Villa vi cenc io". Could be the story is that perennial 'auto-fella-ti-o' of Vikebukt 1969. Were that Hitler in disguise? Were Himmler and Ribbentrop involved ('Fjellgata 72, Ålesund' on 'Sunnmøre')? Scandals of grandiose dimensions - around the 'young americans'? The program could be to make the germans laugh at their own linguistic identity - for running Hitler once again. What is so funny about german? Is it that Nibelungen? With its 'footage' before or after Petter Dass? Pdass Etter - to the servant of the 'pipel'? Or is it 'Martin Luder' that is the problem?
Sokylvia Prot? Colossus = NATO's headquarter on Kolsås?
Who wrote 'Historien om O' = 'i stor i en homo'?
In the 1980's I got problems with glass bits/shreds on the ground - which I now could speculate were being about 'og gulvet jeg språt' - for that 'glassbråt' (after 'The Dynasty' 1981 with intro video?). Hitler lived in Stumpergasse before he moved up to the intersection Felberstrasse/Beingasse. Isnt it time to unpack that very uninteresting 'mystery'?
Many questions, truth shrouded in 'secrets'.
If there are such plans, they should be stopped now - and a veritable dishwash of the entire Dynasty series should be made - if or in particular if it is essentially about a massive campaign against one single little person (me, it seems). Republicans should be able to do that.
Of course they need not publish those surveillance 'footages' of my 'autofellatio' in 1971 - if they must be shown in the court for a case against ABC, that need not be published - the art is to stop that 'national' abuse of the single person.
I bit a semmel from Anker - one of those outwards-spiralling ones which could bend your toot - and it broke at the root. Anker has been at the forefront of the bakers market in Vienna for maybe more than a century.
Time to start the tidying up - instead of continueing the same spiritual-cultural shipwreck. 'Padde flatt' is the only condition that does not start the machine?
Tomorrow it is ten years since I saw the helicopters at the Danube.
22 september 2023:
23 september 2023:
Remedy against partial misrepresentation
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© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 8 september 2023
Last updated 23 september 2023